Katniss sits in her chair, her leg bouncing with nerves. Today is the final day of classes before exams and that meant she has to give her presentation on Modern American Photography. Katniss knows she is prepared but she also knows it will be immensely difficult to focus on her facts when the sight of Peeta sitting across the room is staring back at her. The class hasn't began yet but her palms are already damp with sweat. She is a senior. She has given presentations before, presentations she was less prepared for, even. Why, she wonders, is she so nervous for this one? It can't be because she isn't very bright when it came to analyzing art, it is simply because she wants to impress Peeta…Professor Mellark she corrected mentally.

Suddenly as if he could hear her heartbeat as loudly as she could, Peeta entered the room, eyes locked to Katniss'. That one brief moment of eye contact brought back a flood of memories for Katniss from just the week before.

Peeta didn't bother turning on any lights as they made their way through his condo. Weaving their ways through the hallways Katniss giggled and struggled not to spill the beer from Peeta's overly stocked fridge she had grasped in her hand. "You better not be taking me to your murder room." Katniss said in between giggles.

"Now why would you say such a thing?" Peeta asked and stopped so quickly that Katniss ran right into his back.

"Let's chalk it up to how many horror movies I've seen." She quipped and soon they were off again. Once they finally got where they were going, Katniss could feel the cool linoleum tile beneath her feet. "See," she said, "this is your murder room, right?" Her cheeks hurt from the smile stretching across her face.

"No this is the bathroom," Peeta said with a frustrated edge to his voice. Katniss took her cue to not bring up any more murder rooms. Still in the dark Katniss felt Peeta take the beer from her hand and place in on the vanity. He dropped her hand and the next thing Katniss heard was the whoosh sound of the shower turning on. Soon her eyes began to adjust to the darkness and through the black she could see Peeta's shadow bend over before her. Katniss assumed that he removed his boxer briefs that had remained from their little romp in the living room just moments ago.

Luckily for his need to be mysterious, Peeta had maneuvered his bathroom in the dark plenty of times before. Knowing every corner and edge Peeta reached for Katniss before leading her into the running shower. Water crashed onto Peeta's skin, warm droplets pitter-pattered down his solid muscular back.

"Watch your step," Peeta said as his words stirred Katniss. The warm rush of water startled Katniss at first but she soon grew used to the temperature.

Standing under the water Peeta reached to pull Katniss against his skin. Their lips crashed into each other in a fit of passion. The heat of the water combined with the anticipation and deprivation of sight from the darkness caused Katniss to charge toward her orgasm.

"I want you Peeta. Now," Katniss moaned against his lips. With her words she felt Peeta's erection stiffen against her stomach.

"Turn around," he commanded and she eagerly complied. His hand snaked its way around to Katniss' front and placed it on the center of her abdomen while the other hand positioned his cock at her entrance. As he slid into her, stretching her, Peeta rubbed purposefully at her clit. Her moans rang out above the noise of the water falling against their skin. Just before Katniss could gasp out more of her pleasure, she felt her orgasm rattle within her.

"Oh my God, Peeta. I'm coming!" Katniss moaned.

"Fuck!" Peeta grunted.

Katniss is abruptly snapped out of her daydreaming when one of her classmates began her presentation. She sits in wait for what seems like hours as her fellow classmates drone on about their respective topics. While one was muttering something about the aesthetics of a random sculpture Katniss felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Discreetly she pulled her phone out and read the message she received.

Pay attention. The teacher may notice you're thinking about him. And how it feels when he touches you ;) - P

Feeling her face completely engulf with embarrassment Katniss turns to look over her shoulder at Peeta in the back of the room. Once she catches his eye he shoots her a quick wink and she can feel herself getting wet right there.

It's crazy how quickly and subtly Peeta can turn Katniss on. Trying to calm herself down Katniss takes several deep breaths. Suddenly it is her turn to present.

She makes her way to the front of the room, plugs her flash drive into the projecting computer and begins.

"To wrap up the semester I decided to dive further into Modern American Photography." She said trying to hide the nervous inflection in her voice.

The small group of art majors begins to snicker and whisper to each other as Katniss soldiers on with her presentation. She flips through slides and pictures of different photographs explaining the differences between each artist's view and inspiration. It isn't until toward the end does she notice what exactly the art majors are saying. They grow increasingly louder as if they want her to hear the nasty things they are saying about her.

"What does she think she's doing?" "She's not kidding anyone." "Yeah she's probably sleeping with him just so she can pass." Yeah, what a slut."

"What the fuck did you just say?" Katniss shouts.

"You heard me, slut," says the willowy blonde with thick dark rimmed glasses.

"Hey! Watch your language Glimmer." Peeta scolds. "In fact, you can leave. I will not tolerate that kind of gossip or attitude in my class."

Katniss can't believe it. Is that what her classmates think of her? Actually, is that what is happening? Is she passing simply because she is sleeping with Peeta…Professor Mellark? She shoots Peeta a worried look as she announces, "I'm done," quickly grabs her book bag and storms out of the lecture hall.

Before she can even make it out of the building Katniss' phone buzzes with an incoming text. She pulls the phone from its place in her pocket and reads another text from Peeta.

Meet me in my office. 10 minutes. -P

Not wanting to stir trouble in his class Peeta settles the crowd. Standing from his seat in the back he announces, "We will pick up on the presentations during the exam period. See you next Wednesday. Now everyone get out of my class."

Fuming angry, Katniss storms to the building where Peeta's office is housed and upon arrival notices that Peeta hasn't caught up with her yet. She paces in front of the office door, back and forth. How dare those hipster art majors call her a slut. She is a strong independent woman and what she chooses to do in her private life is private. And what the fuck? How did they know about Peeta? Did someone see them after class that one day? Did they see her and Peeta leave the bar together? What gives? Trying to calm herself down she sighs and leans up against the nearby wall. Slumping to the floor she whispers to herself, "No one has proof that anything has happened. It's all just speculation." The political science/Pre-Law student in her kicked in and began analyzing the facts behind everything.

Out of nowhere, Peeta's legs appear in Katniss' line of vision. She peers up, taking her time to take in every inch of his form, meeting Peeta's eyes.

"Glimmer is a dick." Katniss says between gritted teeth. "And what the fuck kind of name is Glimmer?"

Peeta chuckles as he shakes his head and holds out a hand to assist Katniss off the ground. His lifts her from her place on the floor and keeps his hold on her hand as he reaches for his keys in his pocket. Reaching to unlock the door Peeta stops just as he slips the key into the lock. Just when Katniss begins to wonder what Peeta is up to he spins her around so her back is against the wooden door and she now stands between a thick piece of wood and the door. Hearing her heartbeat in her ears, Katniss glances at Peeta up and down taking special note of his erection poking out of his dress pants.

"What are you doing, Professor Mellark?" she asks with a coy smile creeping across her lips. She places her hand on Peeta's chest and slowly, tantalizingly slides it down the buttons of his shirt gliding past his belt buckle of his slacks to give a quick teasing squeeze to his enlarged cock. Swiftly Peeta reached behind her and unlocks the door, giving way to the entrance to his tiny office. Katniss stumbles backwards as she falls into the small room. Giggling at the sight of Katniss struggling to mind her feet, Peeta grabs her hips to steady her and slowly paces her back until her ass rests against the edge of his wooden desk. Without leaving his spot in front of Katniss, Peeta kicks the door shut behind him. As soon as the latch clicks shut he is there, taking Katniss' face in his strong hands and kissing her passionately.

Peeta breaks the kiss just for a moment, leaving Katniss breathless. In that moment the two share a look of such longing and desire that they both know what's coming next. Katniss reaches behind her onto the desk and knocks every paper, every textbook, every folder to the ground. Grasping her at her hips, Peeta lifts Katniss onto the desk and spreads her legs wide open leaving space for him to rest in between. Katniss paws at the collar of Peeta's shirt, fumbling with the buttons all before getting so frustrated that she simply rips the shirt clean off his chiseled body. In return, Peeta strips Katniss of her sweater exposing her bare skin and lace-covered breasts. He releases a groan from low in his throat as he leans in to Katniss' neck and places fevered, open-mouth kiss along her neck and down her collarbone. Throwing her head back and bracing herself against Peeta's desk, Katniss whimpers out a quiet, "God, I want you so bad, Peeta."

Fumbling with Katniss' jeans button Peeta managed to somehow remove them from her lean legs with only a few frustrated groans. As she reaches down to remove Peeta's own pants, he swats her away, saying, "Not yet, Miss Everdeen." He then drops to his knees in front of her. She let out a mix between a moan and a gasp as his nose grazed her clit through her panties.

"Oh you like that, huh?" He cooed.

Katniss could only reply with a languid "Mmmm."

Tantalizingly, Peeta removed Katniss' panties, reveling in the way her pupils seemed to set ablaze with each movement of his hands down her legs. Chills climb up Katniss' back as she waits in anticipation for the feeling of Peeta's talented lips on her center. And when Peeta's lips finally meet Katniss, she nearly jumps from her spot on the desk. Circling her clit with his tongue slowly, never making a sudden move, Peeta brought Katniss to her edge and just when she thought she was about to come, he stopped his movements abruptly and whispered once more, "Not yet, Miss Everdeen."

"I want to come Peeta," Katniss begs. "Please," she whimpers.

"Not yet, Miss Everdeen," is all Peeta says as he winks up at her.

Peeta returns his tongue to Katniss' clit but this time gently slides two fingers inside her and the pressure brings Katniss so close to coming again. Peeta pumps his fingers in and out of her as his tongue moves over her clit with ease. Katniss feels her orgasm speeding towards its peak, her walls clenching around Peeta's fingers, and just as she's about to come, Peeta pulls his fingers from her folds and lifts his mouth from her clit yet again. He's teasing her and much to her own surprise, Katniss loves it. However much she loves the teasing, though, Katniss can't take it anymore. With one swift movement of her right foot, she kicks Peeta away and he crashes into the floor.

"Enough of this 'Not yet, Miss Everdeen' business. I want you to fuck me, right here on your desk." Katniss commands, as Peeta stands and begins removing his trousers. Katniss, feeling empowered by her current state of arousal, grabs Peeta by the sides of his neck and pulls him into her for another passionate, however a little sloppy, kiss. Finally Peeta's trousers hit the ground and as he steps out of them, Katniss drags him closer again to his desk. Instead of hopping back up to her place on top of the desk, Katniss turns around so her rear is facing Peeta. A little astonished and very much turned on by the move, Peeta immediately grasps Katniss' hips and brings her ass right against his trembling, rock hard cock.

Katniss lets out a little sigh of satisfaction at the feeling of Peeta's dick rubbing against the flesh of her ass. In that moment, to Katniss, time seems to stop and all she can think about is how it's going to feel when Peeta finally takes her from behind. Then, breaking her from her trance, Peeta very suddenly leans in to Katniss' ear and whispers, "You're beautiful from this angle," and slams his cock into Katniss. Arching her back and crying out in pleasure, Katniss welcomes the pain of Peeta stretching her walls with his pulsing cock.

Rapidly Peeta gains speed with his thrusts, the smack of their flesh and the occasional grunt or moan escaping Peeta's lips are the only sounds that fill the small office. With no regard to what's or who is outside the room, Katniss wails out, "Fuck me, Peeta."

"Shhh. We are still in my office, remember." Peeta hushes Katniss.

"Sorry, but you're so good at fucking me. I want the world to know," Katniss toys with Peeta as he continuously slams into her.

"Well you better let them know soon because I'm gonna come." Peeta whispers through gritted teeth. And as soon as he says he's about to come, Katniss' walls clench around his cock and her orgasm rips through her body and her cries cut through the air in the office. Peeta tries to silence her but he's too engulfed in his own orgasm that he cannot focus on anything but spilling into Katniss.

Peeta slumps over Katniss' shoulder as he tries to regain himself. Panting and trying to catch her breath Katniss turns her head and plants a little kiss on Peeta's nose as he rests against her. The two stay like this for several minutes before untangling themselves. It's only when there's a knock on the door do that the two begin to move. The noise makes Katniss' heart jump.

"Just a minute." Peeta shouts.

The two shuffle to redress themselves, fumbling over each other. Peeta nearly falls as he tries to slide his trousers back up his legs and motions Katniss to hide away from the door as he walks to answer it.

Peeta opens the door and behind it is ws Glimmer. "Professor Mellark, I just wanted to say sorry for my behavior during class today. I never meant to disrespect you, but you have to admit Katniss was very out of her element up their discussing photography, and poorly for that matter." Glimmer declares so proudly.

"Well, Glimmer, I have to disagree with you about Miss Everdeen, and it is not your place to decide whether or not she was presenting poorly. That is my duty as your teacher. And if I catch you acting like that in my class ever again, I will fail you. Don't test me on it. Now I must be going; I have papers to grade. If you need to discuss class-related items with me further you can make an appointment during my office hours." Peeta says as he shuts his office door in Glimmer's face.

"Are you freaking serious?" Katniss whispers. "You can't do that, you're a teacher."

"I can do whatever I want. If she pisses me off, I can fail her." Peeta chuckles.

"My hero." Katniss coos as she saunters over to Peeta and wraps her arms around his waist.

"I have a question for you." Peeta begins nervously.

"Aright…" Katniss hesitates.

"Well, now that the semester is over, and after the exam period next week you won't be my student anymore… I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner. Like a proper date or something." Peeta trails off and slides his hand to scratch the back of his neck.

Katniss considers for a beat but ultimately the idea of Peeta taking her out on an actual date is something she's been dreaming of these past few weeks.

"We won't get in trouble or anything?" Katniss asks.

"Well if you were still going to be a student at the university after this semester it would be a big no-no, but since you are graduating, I don't see why anyone would say anything." Peeta reasons. "So is that a yes?" He asks hopefully.

A moment passes before Katniss replies, "Of course it's a yes!"

Relieved, Peeta lets out a long sigh and grins from ear to ear. "Well until you graduate let's have dinner at my condo. I'll cook for you. How does that sound, Miss. Everdeen?"

"Only if you cook only wearing an apron." Katniss says with a wink and pulls him in for one last kiss before leaving his office.

An hour passes and just as Peeta was about to leave his office for the day he notices something out of the corner of his eye laying across his desk. As he got closer he could make out the lacy material that once was slung around Katniss' hips earlier.

"So that's how it's gonna be." Peeta chuckles as he swipes up the panties and shoves them into his pocket as he closes his office for the day.