Hello! One of the reviews for the first chapter asked for a sequel and I just couldn't get the idea of it off my mind so here it is.

WARNINGS! Blood, yaoi, gore.

I do not own Tokyo Ghoul.

Only the sound of heavy breathing could be heard.

"T-Tsukiyama!" A voice cries out, cutting through the air like a knife. Breathless chuckles follows the cry as well as the slapping of skin. A lamp illuminates two withering figures that lay across a kind size bed.

"My my Kaneki, don't you just look appetizing." Says Tsukiyama, his hands gripping Kaneki's hips in a death grip.

"Shut up…" Tsukiyama just smiled down at his lover before rocking his hips forward, shoving his member in Kaneki's hole. A mew left Kaneki's lips as he was pounded into. Their relationship had been going on for quite some time now, but Kaneki wanted to take it to another level of intimacy. He wanted to give Tsukiyama something that only he could give. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head and with a grin, he gripped his lover's hands.

"Shuu." Tsukiyama stopped, looking up at his lover with wide eyes. Never had he heard his first name uttered from Kaneki's lips.

"I want you to do something for me." Slowly, so as not to startle Tsukiyama, Kaneki grabbed his hand and placed it on his stomach.

"I want you to look at me, at my insides." The room filled with tension as Tsukiyama just stared at his lover, Kaneki growing less and less sure of his decision the longer Shuu didn't reply.

"You know what, forget about it. It was a stupid ide-"

"Can I really?" Asked Tsukiyama in a hushed voice, his eyes darkened with lust at the idea. Kaneki shivered at the look in his lover's eyes before he nodded he head, showing him that he was completely serious and at his mercy. Pulling out of Kaneki, Tsukiyama rushed to the kitchen to kitchen, grabbing his favorite filleting knife. He hurried back into the bed, nearly pausing when he saw that Kaneki was slowly jerking himself off. He climbed back onto the bed, pushing Kaneki's hands away and pressing the tip of the knife right at the base of Kaneki's ribs. With just a little bit of pressure, he was able to open Kaneki's body.

Tsukiyama took in a sharp breath, breathing in the scent of his lover's blood. He looked down in awe of what he saw.

Kaneki was…beautiful. That wasn't even the right word to describe what he was seeing. Organs were pumping away doing their job, completely unaware of the fact that they had an observer. He, Tsukiyama was looking at the most intimate parts of his lover. Overwhelmed by the sight and amount of trust that Kaneki was putting in him, Tsukiyama pulled away from his lover's body.

"Is the sight that revolting?" Asked Kaneki after Tsukiyama pulled away, a frown marring his face. With a shake of his head, he leaned closer to Kaneki, letting their lips brush together.

"It's not revolting; it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." Kaneki flushed at the praise. They sat there, basking in the private moment between them. Tsukiyama's hand slipped into Kaneki, stroking his liver. With his other hand, Tsukiyama positioned his member at Kaneki's entrance, pushing in.

A cry of pleasure left Kaneki's mouth.

With his hand still petting his lover's liver and the other hand gripping his hip, Tsukiyama started a slow but steady rhythm.


"Call me Shuu." Tsukiyama commanded, squeezing Kaneki's stomach to get his point across.

"Shuu!" With a manic looking grin, Tsukiyama continued to pump himself into Kaneki, relishing in the sounds of his half screams and the blood squishing in-between his fingers. All too soon, Tsukiyama could feel his release coming up. He removed his hand from inside Kaneki and started stroking him, the blood slicking up the movement.

"Shuu! I'm going to cum!" Kaneki raised his arms, encircling Tsukiyama's shoulders.

"Love you!" Whimpered Kaneki before his body tightened up like a bow, creamy white cum spurting from his member. Tsukiyama groaned as Kaneki walls squeezed him, pulling his release from him. Tsukiyama continued to pulse inside Kaneki, his cum overflowing from Kaneki's hole and spilling out onto the sheets beneath them.

Time seemed to stand still as they caught their breath. Tsukiyama watched as Kaneki's body healed itself, leaving only a scar to act like evidence of what had happened. Tsukiyama knew Kaneki could heal it completely but that fact that he wanted a scar of the event proved that he enjoyed it just as much as Tsukiyama had.

"Shuu…" Whispered Kaneki. Without a word, Tsukiyama crawled into his lovers arms, inhaling his scent.

"Thank you Kaneki." With a smile, Kaneki closed his eyes.

"You're welcome."

Thank you for reading and as always please review!