ML54: Hey Guys, how's it hanging? Just got around to finishing this chapter between some coursework I have due at the end of the month, so don't expect much over the next two weeks.

Froakie: Or three months.

ML54: Do you want to go to the naughty corner?

Froakie: ...No, there are Joltiks in there.

ML54: Good. I don't own Pokemon...Oh and one more thing, I'd like to ask that everyone please stop reviewing my MLP stories to tell me to update my Pokemon ones. Even if you're telling me you're not trying to be rude, it certainly comes across that way. And just because I update a MLP horror story, doesn't mean I'd be in the right frame of mind to update a light-hearted, RomCom Pokemon story. They're kinda on opposite ends of the spectrum. Sorry for the rant and enjoy the story. :D

Setting a Date

"...and then, after me and Snivy got done cleaning ourselves up, we left the Tunnel of Love, where we met everyone else who were apparently looking for us. Weird, right?" Oshawott said to the blushing Froakie and an embarressed Pikachu behind him, holding a paw over his eyes.

"Oshawott! He only wanted to know how you and Snivy got together! He didn't need that many details!" Pikachu stressed, punching the Unovian Pokemon on the shoulder. "Heck, I didn't need that many details!"

Oshawott grinned, sheepishly, rubbing his shoulder. "Hehe, sorry guys. I just get carried sometimes," He replied looking down at Froakie. "But, yeah, that about sums up mine and Snivy's love life. So, why did you want to know?"

Froakie, after being introduced to Oshawott, was told that he'd be able able to answer any questions the frog may have about what might happen at his time in P.I.C.H.U. Though, he didn't really need to know anything, to be honest. Froakie had seen his fair share of tough battles and was pretty jaded to the whole hospital thing.

But, after catching two scents off of the otter, he deduced that he had a mate and had asked how they got together in the hopes that he could relate somewhat and find a way to capture Fennekin's attention...

...Though it didn't really help that much.

While it is true that both he and Oshawott were both in P.I.C.H.U. and they had both saved the ones they loved from horrible fates, their personalities were polar opposites and the situations were quite different. Considering that Snivy was already in love with Oshawott, so the otter didn't have to try so hard. Fennekin, conversely, probably didn't share his feelings so he had to find a way to win her affections.

Pikachu noticed Froakie's down look and smiled, sympathetically. "This is about Fennekin, isn't it?"

His eyes snapped open as he and Oshawott turned to him. One in shock, the other in interest. You could probably guess who portrayed which emotion.

"H-how...did you know...about that?!" Froakie asked, timidly. Pikachu grinned.

"Oh come on, you expect me not to notice this expression on your face whenever she's around?!" Pikachu answered, before he put on a fake, infatuated goofy smile, his head swaying back and fourth in an exaggerated manner. Oshawott stifled a chuckle while Froakie just sunk down in his covers in embarrassment.

Oshawott noticed and patted Froakie's arm, gently. "Hey don't worry about, dude, Pikachu's not much better," Pikachu was about to argue, before Oshawott stopped him. "Or should we remind ourselves just how I got into P.I.C.H.U.?"

Pikachu snapped his jaw shut and rubbed the back of his head, sheepishly, while Froakie looked on confused. "W-well. Yeah, okay, fine. You got me there."

"Yes I do," Oshawott grinned, before he spotted something and grinned wider. "Speaking of, how are you and Buneary? Doing well?"

Pikachu blinked and the suddenly change of topic and nodded. "Yeah, we're fine."

"Just fine?" The otter smirked, pointing to Pikachu's neck. "Cause that love bite suggests you're doing more then fine, Casanova."

Pikachu flinched and covered the offending mark with his paw while Froakie chuckled. "So...That's what...that was!"

"You know, I think I hear Ash calling! See you later, guys!" Pikachu yelped, getting on all fours and rushing out the room, stumbling a few times on the way, the Water-Types chuckling lightly at his expense.

"Ah man, I missed that lovable ball of yellow!" Oshawott grinned, before turning to Froakie. "So, what's this I hear about you and Fennekin?"

Froakie turned and decided that confiding in a fellow team-mate might help. He already had in Chespin earlier, true, but maybe someone who had a mate might understand his plight a little better. "Well...I have...a major...crush on her...and..."

After Froakie had finished sharing what had happened earlier between him and the fire-fox, including what had landed him here in P.I.C.H.U. in the first place, Oshawott had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Well, unfortunately you can't seek her out, but I'm sure she'll come to you eventually. I mean, she's probably talked about it too, and the other girls must have consoled her a little," He noticed Froakie's look and put on a sympathetic smile. "Hey now, it's probably nothing too serious. I mean, with all the emotions running through her at the same time, she must've been near a breakdown at that point. I know I would've run off crying if anything like that happened to me."

"So...Do you think...I have...a chance?" Froakie asked, hopefully. Chespin's earlier words helped him before, but having a second opinion never hurt anybody.

"Well, I don't know. Sorry, but I don't really know this Fennekin girl, so I couldn't even pretend to know what she's thinking," Oshawott replied, rubbing his head sheepishly. He noticed Froakie looking upset again and tried to come up with a better answer. "Do you think you have a chance?"

"What?" Froakie asked, confused. Oshawott just smiled, a determined expression on his face.

"That's always the first step to trying to win someone's heart. You have to have confidence in yourself! There's no point in asking if others think you have what it takes if you don't think you do. So, do you think you have a chance?"

Froakie blinked, thinking the otter's words over. In a way, he was right. If he doesn't believe in himself, how the heck was he supposed to win her over?!

It was like a battle, in a way, if he doesn't believe in himself he'll be doomed to fail and he doesn't want to fail! He doesn't want to lose his chance at developing a relationship with the beautiful, fun, smart and just adorable Fire-Type!

So he put on his most determined face and held up his good fist. "Yes! Yes I do!"

Oshawott smiled, before noticing a familiar face pop in the door. "Good, because she's coming in to talk to you, good luck!"

"WHAT?!" Froakie yelled out, though almost immediately regretted it as his throat constricted in protest and he grabbed it to rub soothingly.

Oshawott passed Fennekin, giving her and encouraging smile, before he heard a familiar sound and his smile had a little more fondness.

Fennekin watched him leave, a little confused, but shook it off and jumped up to the bed beside Froakie, grabbing a water bottle off of the table next to him, nudging him with her nose to get his attention.

He turned to her and his breath hitched in his throat. She had chosen to take a seat just in front of the window, so she had blocked the sun so her outline was glowing, outlining her flawless, glossy fur and her eyes reflected the light of the lamp above him.

She just glistened like an angel.

Froakie suddenly took a deep breath after realising that he hadn't taken one in a while and, gratefully, took the water bottle from her, taking several deep drinks.

Fennekin, herself, was grateful for it's distraction, rubbing one of her forelegs with the other, lowering her gaze with a heavy blush. "C'mon Fennekin! You're here to ask him out, aren't you?!" A voice that sounds like Eevee's asked her.

"Give me a second! I'm working on it!" She told herself, before she groaned, audibly, causing Froakie to look over, concerned.

"Are you...okay...Fennekin?" She looked up and shook her head of the thoughts, deciding to ignore the other voice in her head for now.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." There was a pause as the two just stared at each-other, awkwardly, unsure of the other's thought or feelings.

"C'mon Froakie, grow a pair! She kissed you and has been acting strangely around you all day! Do you need a flashing, neon light to tell you that she's into you!" Froakie heard a voice, not unlike Chespin's, in his head. Though it did push him enough to ask.

"Hey Fenny?" Fennekin blinked at her nickname, looking Froakie in the eye. It caused him to pause a little, before shaking out of it and putting on the most determined look he could muster. "I'll be...good to a few...days. So did you...want to go...on a date...with me?"

"YES!" Fennekin yelled, almost a little too excitedly, before she blushed and shook her head, noticing Froakie's large goofy smile and feeling her own, relieved one spread on her's. "I mean, yeah, sounds like fun."

"Snivy! Please calm down!" Professor Oak said, while Rotom tried to keep the grass snake from wrecking the lab looking for Oshawott's Pokéball.

"Snivy?! Vee Vee, Snivy?! (Where is he?! Did he get lost again, please say he's okay?!)" She kept saying to herself, her vines picking up Oak's desk, causing Emolga to fall off of it and land on the ground in a heap.


"Snivy, please listen to Professor Oak!" Tracy also said, turning away from his video call to Ash, before turning back to the trainer. "I'm really sorry about this Ash, but if we don't get Oshawott back I think Snivy might just ruin all of the Professor's research on Rotom and his forms."

Ash sighed, grinning sheepishly. "Yeah, I really should've seen this coming. She and Oshawott were almost inseparable in Unova."

"Tell me about it, you rarely find one without the other here," Tracy sighed, before noticing Oshawott pop onto Ash's lap. "Oh thank goodness, Oshawott, you need to come back immediately!"

Oshawott smiled at Snivy, uprooting cabinets, which were originally bolted to the ground, in search for him. It made sense, really, he had gotten into a lot of trouble wandering off in the past. So Snivy was always a little paranoid when she couldn't see what he was up to.

At times it could be annoying, sure, but it was nice to know she always had his back if things got too hairy for him. He did cringe, however, when Rotom was smacked away with one of said cabinets. "Osha, Osha Oshawott. (Yeah, I should probably head back.)"

Ash looked down at him and have him a big hug. "It was good to see you buddy, even if it was only a little while. I'll let everyone know why you couldn't stay longer, okay?"

Oshawott nodded, smiling gratefully at his trainer before being returned to his Pokéball and placed on the Poke-Transporter, being delivered to Tracy. "Thanks Ash, I'm really sorry about this."

Ash just waved it off. "It's fine, Tracy, don't worry about it. See you later!" He finished, switching the phone off.

Tracy sighed in relief, releasing Oshawott from his Pokéball. "Osha, Osha! (Hey Snivy, I'm back!)"

Snivy turned, dropped everything she was holding, several Pokéballs to be exact, and almost slammed into Oshawott, wrapping her arms around him. "Snivy Sni?! (Where the Hell have you been?!)"

"Oshawott Osha Osha. (One of Ash's new Pokemon got hurt and he wanted me to cheer him up.)" He explained, rubbing her back soothingly. "Oshawott? (You okay?)"

"...Vee. (...Yeah)" She muttered, grinning and pulling him towards the door. "Snivy Snivy, Sni? (But you owe me a walk in the woods, remember?)"

Oshawott grinned at her, deviously, pulling away from the hug but keeping hold of her hand. "Oshawott! (That I do!)"

As they left, Rotom turned to Emolga. "Rotom, Rotom? (Their gonna do it, aren't they?)"

Emolga rolled her eyes, before making herself comfortable on Professor Oak's desk again. "Emolga? (Do Tranquil fly?)"

ML54: Please review, consructive critism is always nice! And keep on keepin' on my friends! :D