This is my first attempt at these characters and this show in general, I only actually started watching it about two weeks ago!
Please bare with the slow beginning, it picks up after the season finale, but I didn't what to go too in depth about it all so this first chapter and at least half of the next is just quickly skimming the cliffhangers.
Any criticism and feedback is greatly appreciated.

I own nothing!

The first time he attempted to make it to Mt Weather, he got just over a mile into his trek before the blackness over took, the second time it was just under half a mile and by the fifth it was barely a 100 metres, eventually he simply let the darkness in, slumping against a tree and passing out.

Just before nightfall, he woke to see a little girl, no more than 8 or 9, standing over him, her eyes wide at realising he was alive but her face was quickly covered in curiosity.

"Are you here to hurt us?" She asked, keeping herself a safe distance away as terror laced her words.

He simple shock his head in response, his throat dry from the smoke he had inhaled and the pain from his injuries threating to draw him back into the darkness

"What's your name?" the young girl questioned.

"Bell-Bellamy." He choked out, attempting to smile at the girl.

"Have some of this." She said rushing forward, offering him her water at the sound of his voice, her previous fears disappearing.

"Thanks," he told her, after taking a long drink, relishing the cold feeling of the water running down his throat. "What's your name?"

"Emily," she responded, taking her water back as she watched him with interest.

"Where's your family, Emily?" he asked, concerned for her answer, hoping they hadn't been killed in the mass grave he had left.

"I'm not sure, we set up camp and I wondered a bit too far." She said looking around. "I'm not used to such dense forests, all the trees look the same."

"So you're not from around here?" He questioned, wondering just how many people were still on earth.

"No, we are farmers. We come here just before winter to trade, this is my first time coming." Her answer surprising him, he couldn't help but wonder what sort of things they farmed, what food they had and if that meant they had animals like sheep and cows.

"Where are you from?" He asked the girl, wanting to know as much as possible but not wanting to frighten her.

"Past the mountains, where it's a lot more open." Emily told him, looking at the trees surrounding them before looking him over quizzically. "You don't look like the stories I've heard about the people who live around here."

"I'm not from around here either." He told her, which made her visibly relax.

"Where are you from?" she questioned, her inquisitive nature reminding him so much of his sister.

"The sky." He said, looking up at the darkening sky above them. The first stars were starting to appear and he still felt weird not only how much further away they seemed, but also at not always being able to see them.

"Ohh, you're a part of the group that came down from the space ship." She said quietly, backing away slightly. "I've heard a lot of stories about your people."

"It's okay, we won't hurt you." Bellamy told her sincerely, not wanting to make enemies with another group of grounders.

"Where are the rest of you?" Her question made him freeze, he hated that he hadn't been able to stop the men in suits from taking his people, from taking Clarke. All he had managed to do from his hidden spot was watch as they took them all, it had taken his dizzy state a while to focus on the writing on their back but was shocked when he realised the people were from Mt Weather, that they must have been the mountain men Octavia had told him about.

"The mountain men took them, I'm going after them." He said matter-of-factly, Emily gasping at his statement.

"They aren't safe there." She stated, fear for his friends flashing across her face.

"That's why I'm going to get them." He told her as he used the tree behind him to stand. "How about we find your family?"

"Really? You'll help me?" Her face lit up at her new friends offer to help.

"It's dangerous out here, I'm not going to leave you to fend for yourself.'' Bellamy couldn't help but give her a small smile, her likeness to his sister outweighing the pain he was in.

"Thank-you!" She said, rushing forward to hug him, which made him flinch as she inadvertently touched a few of his wounds.

"Do you remember anything about where they had camped?" He asked, listening carefully to everything she could tell him about her camp. "I think I know where they are."

"Do you think they will be mad at me?" She asked worriedly.

"I think they will just be glad to see you." He told her, shutting his eyes and leaning against the tree for a moment to ready himself before they went in search of her family.

"I hope so." She whispered, looking at him with a concerned look. "Can you walk?"

"Yeah," he said, picking up a strong stick to use as a walking stick to help keep him upright. "Ready?"

"Will we make it back before dark?" Emily asked, nodding at his question and beginning to walk along with him.

"I'm not sure," he answered, looking up at the fading sunlight. "Depends on how fast we go."

"Don't rush yourself, I think it would be better if we had to walk in the dark a bit than if we went fast and your injuries got worse." She told him, her practicableness amusing him.

"Smart thinking." He said, smirking at the serious look on her face.

"What happened to you?" She asked, helping him step over a fallen log.

"I got caught in a blast." He stated, giving the short story.

"Violence is never a good thing." She said solemnly.

"You're a wise kid." Bellamy told her, looking down. He couldn't help but wonder how different things would have been if the war with the grounders had never occurred. One thing he was sure of was that Clarke wouldn't have been in a situation where she had to decide to save Finn and him or everyone else, a choice he knew would hunt her.

"Everyone says that you and your people are violent." She stated quietly.

"We have done some terrible things, I've done some terrible things." He said, ashamed at how they had started their second shot at earth. "But we have only defended ourselves, we didn't know anyone still lived on earth and never set out to start a war."

"Why did you come back to earth?" she asked after a pause, needing time to think over what he had told her.

"We didn't have a choice." Bellamy answered, looking at the girl at his side.

"What do you mean?" Emily questioned, her mind ticking over with a million questions for her strange new friend, every answer she was getting causing so many more questions.

"The place we were living in was running out of air, they couldn't fix it in time with so many people so they sent some of us down here to see if it was liveable." He told her, not wanting to tell her too much considering she was lucky to be 12.

"And they didn't give you a choice? They just forced you to?" She asked, shocked at what his people had done.

"I was the only one who chose to, everyone else was sent against their will." Well, he thought, except for Well's but that would just cause more questions.

"Why did you?" she inquired, her head cocked to one side as she tried to work it out herself.

"I couldn't let my sister come down alone." He said, stopping to have a rest against a tree.

"You have a sister?" Emily asked, a bright smile across her face.

"Octavia." He stated, starting to walk once more.

Bellamy spent the most part of an hour answering all of Emily's questions about his sister, the young girl seemed enthralled by the stories and thinking about his sister kept his mind off his pain. It was well and truly dark when they saw the first sign of her camp, a small light from the camp fire off in the distance and he had had to stop her from just running straight to it. As he walked into edge of the camp, he started to grow concerned about how they would react to his presence, he hadn't had the best of first meetings with any of the grounders and was in no state to fight back.

"Emily?!" A tall brunette woman yelled, rushing to them, collecting the girl in a hug as she moved toward the woman. She looked at him over the girls head, a mixture of fear and relief covering her face. "Who are you?"

"It's okay mum," Emily said, escaping the embrace to stand next to her friend. "This is Bellamy, he helped me."

"Thank-you." Emily's mother told Bellamy, still keeping a distance as did the other members of the group who had formed around them.

"Bellamy is one of the sky people," Emily said, causing the group to gasp and whisper amongst themselves.

"I'm not here to hurt you," He started, causing everybody to freeze and look at him, "I just wanted to make sure Emily got home safely. I will leave you to yourselves."

"Nonsense," Emily's mother stated, as he begun to retreat. "You are clearly injured, let us clean you up."

"This way." Emily told him, dragging him to their tent.

"I'm Mary, by the way." The older woman said to him as he sat on the blanket he was instructed to and took off his jacket and shirt to allow her access to his wounds.

"And the leader of our group." Emily told him proudly.

"Were are the rest of your people?" Mary asked, setting to work at cleaning his various wounds and burns.

"The mountain men took them. I was on my way after them when I came across Emily." He answered, laying down on the blanket as the dizziness the movement of walking had kept at bay.

"Thank-you for looking after her, we had people searching for her but had to call them off when it started to get dark as we don't know the forest and would have lost more people. I feared the worst." She told him, the fear at almost losing her daughter creeping into her voice.

"I'm sorry." Emily said quietly, as she set to work washing Bellamy's blood and soot covered t-shirt in a small tub she had gotten.

"All that matters is that she's safe." He responded, winching as the cold liquid touched one of his larger burns.

"Are you hungry?" Mary asked, looking at both Bellamy and her daughter.

"I don't think I could eat." He answered, watching as Emily nodded and quickly went to get herself some food, having had missed lunch.

"Your wounds are pretty bad, but I think you will heal." Mary said, glancing at his leg. "But I will get our healer to deal with your leg, as it's far worse than anything I have dealt with."

"But I'm fine other than that?" He questioned, having long decided to start his journey again in the morning.

"You will live, but I wouldn't use the word fine to describe you, I will be back." She said getting up to get the healer.

Bellamy shut his eyes as he let the warmth inside the tent filter through his body, giving him a chance to relax for just a moment. His burns were stinging, but it was less now that the water had dried and the dirt removed and his various wounds felt numb as they were no longer being reopened every second by his walking. Keeping his eyes shut, he begun to feel a sense of stability, as the dizziness started to fade and he stopped feeling like he was constantly swaying.

"Everybody's talking about you." A gruff voice altered Bellamy to a man entering the tent. "I'm Henry."

"Bellamy." He stated, looking the older man over as he moved to sit next to him.

"Mary said you had a bad wound." Henry said, looking over the array of cuts and burns and cursing at the sight.

"It's not too bad." Bellamy responded, slowly sitting up to pull up his pants enough to show him the large cut on his calf. It had been sliced by a grounders knife and slightly burnt in the explosion.

"The burn stopped the bleeding, probably saved your life." Henry told him as he cleaned it and put some paste that he presumed was some sort of antiseptic cream on it. "I would usually stitch a wound like this, but I think that will make it worse."

"How long will it take to heal?" Bellamy asked as Henry wrapped a cloth-like bandage around the wound.

"Weeks, at least." Henry informed him, moving on to put the paste on his other injuries. "And that is if it heals without any issues."

"When can I walk on it?" Bellamy questioned, even though he didn't plan on sticking to his instructions.

"You should stay off it for at least a week, and even then, just small walks." Henry said, giving him a cup of water. "You're all done, I'll be back to check on you in the morning."

"Thanks." Bellamy told him genuinely, watching the older man leave as he laid back down on the blanket.

"Are you going to be okay?" Emily asked, rushing through the flaps of the tent.

"Sure am." He said, watching the young girls eyes travel over all his wounds, her smile dropping as she saw just how badly injured he was.

"Henry likes you." Mary told him as she entered the tent.

"He's a good doctor." Bellamy said, trying not to let his mind wander to his group's doctor, to his co-leader, to how guilty she must be feeling, if she was alive, that is.

"I know you must be worried about your people, but we will plan what to do tomorrow, right now you need to rest." Mary told him, laying a blanket over him and setting to work at getting Emily ready for bed as well.

The next morning, Bellamy woke late, he could feel it was later than he would have like by the heat of the sun. His mind immediately went to figuring out how he was going to continue his mission to Mt Weather, to his people but his plans were cut short when the young girl sitting in the corner worked out he was awake.

"Bellamy!" Emily exclaimed excitedly, rushing to his side. "Do you want a drink? How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"

"Some water would be nice." He said, smiling at her rambling questions.

He spent the next hour having Henry fuss over his injuries, Mary making him eat and Emily helping him out of the tent to their fire. They sat around the fire, listening to Emily point out everything in their makeshift camp. Much to Bellamy's surprise, there was bags of grains and other produce, horses tied nearby and even a handful of young cows and chickens. When Emily went to collect them all some lunch, he brought up going after his friends, something both Henry and Mary were against and told him about their connection to the mountain men, that they were on their way to trade with them.

"We will demand they release your friends if they still wish to trade with us." Mary stated, as if it was the oblivious answer.

"I couldn't ask you to put your people in that much danger." Bellamy said forcefully, hating how much they had already done for him.

"It's no danger to us, they have to choice but to trade with us if they need grains." Henry countered.

"They could just kill you." Bellamy told them, trying to get his point across.

"They know they will need more next year." Henry stated, knowing all too well how much people relied upon the supplies they would bring.

"It's too much." He said, shocked at these peoples kindness

"You saved my daughter, this is just our way of thanking you." Mary responded forcefully, leaving no room for discussion. "Plus, it would be nice to have your people as allies, we have much to learn off you."

"We will be for ever in your debit." He told her gratefully. "I am coming though, as you still need back-up."

"No. Your injuries still need to heal, you would just slow us down." Mary stated, he knew she was right but couldn't just sit on the sidelines.

"But-" Bellamy tried to reason.

"But nothing, if you wish to help, it would mean a lot of you could teach some of our people how to protect themselves. We have never had the need for warriors, but I fear each year we come into the forests, they get more and more unsafe." Mary cut in, effectively deciding the outcome once more.

"Fine, but send them to site of the rest of the ship, its safest there." He conceded, he had remembered watching pieces of the ark crash into the forest no too far away the night after the explosion and figured that that was his people's best chance at survival.

"Okay." Mary agreed.

The party going to see the mountain men had left after lunch, having already lost a day in search of Emily and had wanted to try to catch up for lost time, especially as they wanted to be back in their village well before the middle and harshest time of winter. Bellamy had learned that they were about a 4 day journey from Mt Weather and that the village was a week's journey in the opposite direction. Henry, Emily and a few others had stayed behind to look after the camp, which apparently was where they always stayed when they came into the forest to trade, only going off in smaller groups to each particular village. They had been adamant that once Mary and her group returned, that he would go back to their village to recover fully before returning to his people, something he didn't want to do but he realised it was his best hope at not only a full recovery but at being strong enough to survive the journey.

Most of the first few days in the camp, Bellamy spent either in the tent or around the fire. He was only allowed to move about with a stick, under clear instructions not to put weight on his bad leg and only if he really had to move. He was surprised at how much warmth the tents kept in and at the soft and warmness of the blankets that he had learnt from Emily were woollen. Within the tent, he would never have guessed it was winter and part of him was excited to see what their village would be like.

Clarke came into his mind more than Octavia, which had surprised him at first but then he had decided it was because after everything, he trusted that Lincoln wouldn't let anything happen to his sister, but Clarke had no one protecting her. He hated that she would not know he was alive until months after the explosion, but he didn't want her to know he was alive, only for him not to make it back. She might feel guilty now, and he had made Henry promise to find her on their trade next winter and tell her, tell them all that he had survived, if he did in fact die somewhere between now and returning to his people, but he didn't want her to wonder everyday if he was coming back, if he blamed her. She had told him not long ago that she needed him, that she couldn't do it alone but whether she thought he was dead or alive, he still couldn't be by her side, not until he was healed.

The demand to release the prisoners had come at a shock to the mountain men, at first they hadn't known how to react and refused but quickly came around when they realised the farmers were serious. They might not have liked it, but they understood that they needed a truce with the farmers over the need to keep the sky people.

Mary smiled as she watched the prisoners come out one by one, their faces shocked at being let go and their body's ready for a fight. She watched a determined blonde make her way over to the where she stood with the mountain men's leader, clearly wanting to understand what was going on and feared that her people would be killed if they left.

"You and your people are free to leave, Clarke." The man told her, his face angry at being manipulated.

"Why? Why are you just letting us go?" she asked, looking between the two people, adrenaline pumping quickly throughout her veins as tried to work out whether they were really being released or if it was a trap.

"I guess you're just lucky to have such good friends." He said, glaring at Mary.

"Who are you?" Clarke asked her, the question coming as a surprise to the man.

"You don't know each other? Why would their release be in your demands?" he raged.

"We have a mutual friend, Clarke and we hope to remain allies with your people." Mary told her with a smile, before handing her a map with an X where they had worked out the last of the Ark had fallen too. "You will find the remainder of your ship here."

"Thank-you, for all of this" Clarke said, presuming that she was referring to Lincoln. "So we really can leave? You won't try to stop us?"

"We will not harm your people for leaving, nor will we come after you." The man promised.

"Thank-you." She told Mary one last time before rushing to her group and instructing them to co-ordinate and leave. Mary couldn't help but be impressed at the young girl's ability to lead the group of teenagers, she felt bad for how quickly the rest of the people on the ground had judged them too quickly and made them suffer for their bad judgements.

The trek to the last of the survivors from the ship was long and strenuous. Even though the mountain men had told her they weren't coming after them, Clarke couldn't help but feel the need to get as far away from them as quickly as possible. All of the group was starting to feel the lack of sleep and food, not only from the long walk they had done today but also from the week they spent locked up, with minimal food and water and fear stopping them from sleeping.

"Okay, let's camp here for the night." She told them all, trying and failing to keep the exhaustion from her voice as she instructed everyone into groups and gave them each jobs.

"Do you think there's a chance they are still alive?" Raven asked, stepping in line with Clarke as she moved around to check on any injuries. She hadn't been given a job as Clarke was still unsure how well they had treated her.

"You saw what it looked like out there, I don't know how anyone could have survived that." She told her after a pause, the guilt at shutting the door having been the main thing keeping her awake since it occurred.

Hope you enjoyed it!
I'm still not entirely sure how well I managed to stay in character, but am working on that.

tumblr: adangerousbond