Jang 23.

Padme groaned. Her phone was buzzing loudly, waking her her cat and everyone in the neighbourhood. Who the hell called at 4 in the morning? She wanted to turn over and continue her dreams but the bloody phone didn't stop. One clawed hand reached under the bed and pulled the hellish device. She squinted at the screen. Ehhh? She was still dreaming clearly.

The screen had Aria's name on it.


Aria was a few hours ahead of her.

˝Wha?˝- She tried saying and mumbled the rest.

˝Yeah,yeah I know it's late there, bummer, tell me what you did to make young Seungri crazy? Was the sex that good? He KEEPS PESTERING ME WITH EMAILS! Argh!˝- Aria raged from the other side. Padme heard only half of it.

˝A?˝- Padme heard a long sigh and then something click. Was that a lighter? ˝Didn't you stop smoking?˝

˝Hmmm?˝- She definitely heard a longer exhale, just like blowing smoke out.

˝So who got you back into it?˝

˝Seung-hyun, apparently he smokes oh BTW he's amazing in bed but we kinda broke up˝- Aria said alarmingly fast and then there was a crash. Some Korean nonsense.

˝YOU FUCKED?! WHEN!?˝- That was definitely Jihoon's voice. Poor babe, Aria is evil.

˝I told you already! Geez, anywaysss how do I get rid of the little fucker?˝

˝Just tell Jihoon to go eat or sth..˝

˝Not him! Seungri!˝

˝I'm halfaslweep.˝

˝Yeah and you notice me smoking, well then?˝- Aria was impatient. Something was up.

˝You want me there that bad ha?˝

˝Am I that see through?˝

˝Like foil..aluminuuum foooilll..˝- Padme sang. The other end snickered.

˝Get your butt on a plane ASAP. He's annoying.˝

˝Yeah, yeah, in a week, holidays and shit. I'll text ya˝

˝G'night love!˝- She heard Aria yell before she hung up and tossed the cellphone to the other end of the room. Damn asshole, calling late and shit.

Chung Cha shuffled through the busy streets holding two large baskets. It was almost Haloween and she was preparing a party with Aria, just some friends a few Kpop idols aka their idiots and such. She smiled at the change. Since that wild European stepped in her life it turned upside down. Her colleagues in the office seemed to respect her more, she had a boyfriend (although younger but hey young meat tastes better, right?) and friends, friends who were famous. A grin was plastered on her face thinking about the cookies she wanted to bake with Aria. According to the blonde they were to make extra ghoulish and creepy sweets.

Taking a sharp left turn to the last shop, she was missing cherry liquor and sodas, she walked into a tree. Or was that a person? It was soft and hard at the same time. Automatically she bowed down

˝I'm sorry!˝- A small laugh reached her ears. She got up and blushed a deep red. Seung-hyun was standing in front of her, shades on and smirking. She remembered the crush she had on him back when they started as a band. Such a handsome gentleman...

˝It's okay, you're Aria's friend yeah?˝

˝Ah yes, Chung Cha, sunbae˝- she bowed again to introduce herself. Why did Aria reject him again?

˝How is she?˝- Something lingered in his voice and Chung Cha smiled.

˝She's good, we've had a lot of work lately, the end of the year is near and everyone wants stats, reports and such˝

˝Oh, why so festive then? Halloween is tomorrow...˝

˝Preparing a party with Aria-noona! We'll be baking and uhmm˝- She smacked herself mentally. Was she supposed to tell him this? Maybe Aria will be mad at her...they were going to invite Block B only..

˝Oh, well it was nice meeting you again, hope you have a nice day˝- He bowed to her and smirked, walking away calmly. Chung Cha stared at him with a dreamy expression and then her eyes widened. What did he mean with that?

˝Any luck hyung?˝- Seungri was impatient as always. He had the hyungs work for him, find ways and nicks how to get Padme over. Sure, she didn't have a job like Aria but he would think of something.

˝Maybe˝- Seung-hyun answered. He opened his book and started reading like nothing mattered. Seungri pouted and turned to GD. The smaller man giggled.

˝Spill hyung, we want to know˝

˝Oh we'll be crashing a party, nothing interesting˝- He grinned before they jumped on him ˝Call the others, I want us in full form˝


˝Yeah I told you already three times! Stop pestering woman!˝- Jiho groaned and pulled the cap over his face. Aria laughed and sat back in her chair more comfortably. She got used to their late drinking. Whenever they were both home, relaxing and talking together or just gossiping about the idiots at work brought them closer again. Jiho didn't pry about Jihoon (probably because he annoyed him instead of her) but that didn't mean Aria didn't take the opportunity to ask him about Padme.

˝So you're basically telling me you're over here?˝


˝What if she came here for a few days?˝

˝What id she did?˝

˝She'll be tomorrow at the party˝

˝Okay, WHAT?!˝

˝Unfinished buissnes with a certain Panda and well you...˝

˝W'ere finished Aria, just let it be, okay? I'm not giving you shit about twotiming Jihoon and TOP aren't I?˝

˝Because I ended my crap, you didn't, you're pretending you have˝

˝Well I want to˝

˝Say it to her face then, okay? Things are finally calming down˝

˝Mhmm just your phone buzzing all the time˝

Aria rolled her eyes and her phone buzzed, once, twice, three times. She wanted to call the company and have his number band but then he'd find a way to come to her apartment and that wasn't on the menu. ˝Fine, I want it to stop as soon as possible.˝

˝How are you and Jihoon?˝- Jiho said suddenly. He grinned at her shocked expression. He just said he wouldn't pry! That little jerk!

˝Oi dumpling!˝


˝We're fine, I don't know what we is but yeah...˝

˝Like old times? Constant texting and fluff?˝- Jiho made gagging noises. How mature.

˝Not really, we call each other and text, not much though, we have jobs Jiho, not unlike someone *cough,cough*˝- Aria faked coughing and smiled sweetly. Jiho pouted.


The evening of the party came. Aria pulled her costume out and grinned at Chung Cha, the good fairy, how predictable. She on the other hand wanted to surprise Jihoon with a sexy devil costume. The cookies were done, bloody finger sausages and cheese bloody cotton swabs and bloody punch. The whole apartment was decorated ind spider webs, plastic skeletons, spiders, witch hats and other trinkets. There was a big bowl filled with apples, apple bobbing and a cauldron with liquid nitrogen, steaming like a witches brew. Everything was ready for the party.

Aria jumped when the bell rang on her door. She fixed her horns, grabbed her trident and opened the door. Block b, complete with costumes, pirates, a vampire and a troll entered holding booze and sweets. She greeted them each with a hug and gave a small peck on Jihoon's cheek. He grinned back at her with his plastic fangs on.

˝Hey don't forget about us!˝- Chung Cha said pulling Jae-Hwa in. He was dressed as a surfer, Hawaiian shirt splattered with blood and a chewed on surfer board.

˝Sharks, nasty little things! Hi there noona!˝- He tackled Aria in a bone breaking hug. The blonde laughed.

˝Now that everyone's here I could ask of her to come out already, our little ˝- Padme stepped out wearing a long coat and a skin suit underneath, purple and pink mixed with her head bang. A few cards stuck from her clawed fingers.

˝Lady Gambit, at your service˝- She bowed and grinned at the boys. Squeals filled the apartment as they surronuned her and hugged. Jiho smiled behind them and ruffled her hair.

˝Back so soon?˝- he teased. There was a glimmer in his eyes.

˝I know you can't live without me˝- She retorted back. A familiar tune came from the stereo. Padme grinned. ˝What? I like their songs...some of them eheheh˝- Everyone's dancing and having a good time. It was a bit strange, the guys never listened to their own voices outside the studio. But as long as people have a good time, no probs!

"Oi sprout, gimme dat!" Aria yelled as she grabbed the ladle to pour some more punch in her cup. Taeil was stupefied! Did these Europeans always act like insane barbarians?! He glared at her. His troll costume fit perfectly. With his small posture only he would go for a troll. Aria decided not to comment on that, poor baby Taeil.

˝So, you having fun?˝- Jihoon buzzed by her ear. He grinned and let punch drip on his chin simulating blood.

˝Oh Count I haven't seen you!˝- Aria threw her arms around his neck and laughed. She noticed how he looked at her the whole time. The leather dress was working wonders on the shy boy.

˝Someone's at the door!˝- Ukwon came to her breathless. His pirate costume was extremely detailed, from the fake parrot on his shoulder to the plastic cutlass.

˝Huh? I'm not expecting more people...˝- Aria said and went for the door. She opened and stared. All five of BigBang stared back at her. Seung-hyun smirked and GD came first giving her a hug.

˝What? Forgot about me already?˝- He pouted. His face was painted green and there were screws glued to his temples, talk about a Frankenstein. Seung-hyun was dressed as the Phantom of the opera. The standard black suit plus a white half mask. How imaginative. She rolled her eyes mentally and gave him a hug. Daesung and Taeyang eyed her cautiously, they were dressed as Batman and Robin from the older days. Spandex and panties. Now that was a sight! Seungri glared at her. His costume was a panda.

˝Well...˝-Aria started and the boys just walked in calmly. Ooookay. This won't work.

˝Hey Padme˝- She already heard Seungri speak to her best friend and sighed. This will end ugly. Aria grabbed a bloody finger sausage and squeezed between Chung Cha and Jihoon on the couch.

Padme glared at him. Seungri returned the glare. The whole gang stopped dancing and drinking and observed the two.

˝Will you come live in Korea with me?˝- He said suddenly. Padme eyed him and then turned to Aria as if to say is he for real?

˝Uhm no, my life is back home˝- She said matter of flatly.

˝But why!? You can have me here!˝- Seungri pleaded.

˝So?˝- Her tone was flat. Aria watched from the couch still nibbling on the sausage. Jihoon's arm was around her shoulders keeping her close.

˝Do you want him more?˝- Seungri's finger pointed at Jiho.

˝He's my friend. I don't want nobody. I wanted to have a great time and I had it. That's it. Stop making a fuss over nothing.˝- Padme turned and went to the bar. She wanted to make herself a new cuba libre. The tension was still palpable in the room. Jihoon stood up and flashed his black cape.

˝So, Aria's contract was prolonged for another TWO YEARS!˝- Cheers and clapping ˝So that means she has to endure me another two years yaaay˝- Jihoon did a victory dance. Everyone laughed at his silliness.

˝Oh is that official Count?˝- Aria teased. Jihoon scooped her up from the couch.

˝MINE˝- He yelled in her ear and hugged her. Aria laughed with the gang.

˝So I guess I'll be leaving...˝- Seungri added but most didn't hear him. He felt ashamed and alone. A glass was in front of him. Long, purple and black nails on a feminine hand. He lifted his eyes.

˝Grow a pair, you had them last time I checked˝- Padme winked and offered the drink. She did feel a bit bad but she had spoken the truth.

˝LET'S PARRTYYY!˝- Seung-hyun said grabbing a champagne bottle. He shook it and sprayed around making the girls shriek and the boys curse. Aria grinned at him and pulled Jihoon for a dance. Skeleton and the Egyptian dance soon took over the drama finally.