Beautiful nightmare

Jang 1.

She didn't expect the air to be that normal..honestly she expected something spicy, exciting and strange, but the only thing that made it strange was the language. A normal, standard airport with people rushing to their flights or coming to back to their loved ones. Mostly dark haired people, not a single one with light hair or crazy colors.

The strange language with its squiggly, round letters beamed around her. Flights coming and going, public announcements and the weather for the day.

Maybe the outside was like they television said it would be? Loud and crazy. She shifted her large luggage and sighted. The airport was huge, being only one of 4 in Seul, the most commonly used by Europeans who came to visit South Korea. The flight was absolutely dreadful. Sixteen hours of pure torture, catching midflihgts and awful food. From Frankfurt to Belgrade, to Sofia and eventually Honk Kong to Seul.

They could have at least served something from Korea's cuisine! They got sandwiches. Sandwiches and coke. Woo, good job whatever flight company she choose.

Actually it was a pain in the but to find a flight to come down here. Japan? Sure. Australia. No problem. New Zealand? Jump in! South Korea? Nope.

Having a mental rant she finally reached the parking lot. A taxi would be reaally nice, if you could find one. Every car looked the same. Small license plates with hangul and number and no taxi sign. Great.

˝Uhm taxi?˝- She shouted unsure. A blonde, tall European girl lost in South Korea. She could already see the newspaper highlights tomorrow.

˝VISITOR? YES YES˝- someone shouted to her and she turned around happily. A middle aged man, that came to her chest was waving cheerfully.

˝Taxi?˝- she inquired again hopeful.

˝yes, yes!˝- The man practically bounced of his heels and she sighed. Yes! Finally something is starting out good. He took her luggage and smiled at her. She smiled back and didn't know to bow or not? The small booklet she had about South Korea didn't help with this situation. She stuck with smiling.

˝Can you take me here please?˝- She asked the driver while showing a print out of the hotel she was staying at. It was a randomly chosen on, middle quality hotel near the city center. She needed a place to shower and sleep nothing fancy really. If the deal turned out good well..she'd look into something better.

˝Oh yes! Nice hotel! Big rooms!˝- The driver ran his mouth randomly switching to korean as he praised the hotel, the city and overall South Korea. The language reminded her strangely of Hungarian, nothing alike Japanese as she knew it. She hoped knowing at least one asian language would help but it seemed it wasn't the case.

˝Here!˝- The driver pulled in front of the pale mint building. The window frames were colorful and bright, something that pulled her to take a room there, that and the price. South Korea wasn't that cheap.

˝Uhm here˝- She handed him bills of won. The driver had printer out a bill and it looked strange. The hangul alphabet. Maybe she should learn it?

˝Enjoy!˝- He waved once her luggage was out and drove off. Funny these Koreans. She turned to the hotel and prayed to god the hotel had wi-fi, she had to rant to her best friend about this.

What do you do after a nice,long exhausting flight and warm shower? You sleep in, almost sleep the day away and rush around the busy streets of Seul trying to find the damn firm that offered her the job in the first place.

Of course, cursing in her native language and running around wasn't helping her image. Finally she spotted the bright neon pink sign and ran in the lobby. It took a few moments to catch her breath. The attendants and employees looked at her like she was a savage beast. Too loud, to tall to everything.

˝Uhm excuse me, I have ...a meeting for the exchage...job..˝- She wheezed out and shut her eyes for a second to calm her breath.

˝Uh yes, yes third floor. Ask the secretary to let you in˝- A heavy accented english came to her ears. TO her it sounded like music! She bowed her head and grinned. The elevator was in the corner of her eyes and she walked to it, feeling better. The stares she got were mildly disturbing. True, she was higher then the most women here ( being average at home) but they sure have seen some blondes, haven't they? Bleach was common here! Must be the face, no slanted eyes. She almost snorted but the door at the third floor opened and she stepped out confidently. Time to get her job.

The door had a bell attached to it when she stepped inside. A small cafe near the firma she was interviewed. Four frikking hours, the only thing they didn't ask how many times she repaired her teeth or shaved. Ridicioulos.

She sat near the window and eyed the menu. Please let it be coffee! Suddenly a short waitress wearing cat ears came and grinned.

˝Uhm coffee please? With cream?˝- She stuttered tiredly. The girl stared at her for a few moments and she cursed inwardly, maybe she didn't understand english.

˝Ohhh!˝- Came the reply and she rushed over to the bar and exchanged hurried words with the barista. Sure enough an enormous mug filled with dark liquid and a white swirl was presented to her with a smile. An awkward bow later she brought the mug to her lips and stopped. Sugar. Did she put some in or? Her eyes scanned the table but didn't find any small packets or anything recognizable as sugar or artificial sweetener.

Her lip quivered and she almost started bawling her eyes out when a small container with with crystal was pushed under her nose.

˝Sugar!˝- the intelligent reply rose came from her. There was a chuckle and she lifted her eyes only to stare into a pair of chocolate, amused eyes. She stared and resisted the urge to let her tongue fall to the floor. He couldn't be..could he?! ˝Uhm thank you˝- blinking she forced herself to breathe.

˝You havta ask for it˝- His voice was deep and rumbled with the broken english.

˝Really? I thought you wanted to be more like the west? We give sugar to people when they order coffee, not hoard it greedily˝- She started to rant. He only laughed amused at her.

˝We try but we are slow˝

˝Like you?˝- and it just rolled of her tongue. She was horrified and clamped her mouth shut with her hand. Great, now he'll leave her to drink her giant coffee alone. He only blinked.

˝Yeah a okay?˝- Was his slow reply. That left her stunned. It took her a few moments to reply in which she let her eyes roam his body. He was taller than her, with a slim but well built body, a long coat, what appeared to be a blue shirt and some jeans. His hair was messy under a black beanie.

Best part – there was some small stubble showing through! He looked his age!

˝I'm overwhelmed. This country, the cultural difference is bigger than I thought and...the language sucks! Sorry I don't want to offend you but I don't understand shit! And I speak japanese!˝- her voice almost broke. It was coming down to her, the realisation of being so far away from home and alone, in a country no one knew her or cared.

He took off somewhere and she felt so bad. She probably scared him off with her stupid ranting. Feeling like an idiot she hugged her mug with booth hands and felt the warmth enter her finger. Clack. A plate was in front of her.

˝Mother says chocolate helps˝- and he was back, smiling at her. He brought her a chocolate fudge cake. ˝I'm Seung-hyun˝

˝I'm Aira, and you have cemented yourself to my rant right now!˝- She laughed to him and took the cake. The taste was absolutely delightful and warmed her tummy.

˝I saw you looking sad so...I wanted to help a pretty lady˝- Seung-hyun Choi charmed her. Yes, it was the K Pop idol and actor that waltzed to her table with some sugar. She hummed a song reminder her of one of her friend and grinned at him.

˝I bet you say that to all the girls..˝- Aria winked at him and laughed. He gave her only a smirk in response.

˝Maybe, wanna find out?˝

Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon, fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough

(1) Jang = chapter. I'm a cheesy asshole. Song is by Def Leppard.

I'm soo pissed at FF! Back when I started reading fiction there was a music genre to choose from and now? Nada.