Hello readers,

This story will be based off alchemists19's IS Naruto' Freedom story for mostly on the design and battles because really I don't know a whole lot of the mechanics of IS's but will put in my original stuff when I can.

A fair warning as always characters in this story will be heavily ooc and relationships will be rushed.

Pairings: Ichigo x Maya x Chifuyu X Charlotte x Tatenashi maybe a few more so let me know also the girls can be from IS or bleach.

Ichika x Houki?. Uncertain whether I want him in the story can edit story so he won't be in it, so let me know should I add him or not?

Disclaimers: I don't own Bleach, Infinite Startos or any other anime/manga/game or their contents such as Characters, plot, and ect. Also I don't own alchemist19's story but with his permission am using his ideas.

X Chapter 1 X

IS, Infinate Stratos, A machine that changed the world. They were first developed for space exploration. Designed by Tabane Shinonono, they possess technology and combat capabilities far more advanced than any other weapon system, thus threatening to destabilize the world. So, the world created the Alaska Treaty to solve that problem. All existing IS technology was distributed evenly around the world and even became a much watched sport. The most surprising thing about IS was that it could only be piloted by women.

It has been a few years since that fateful day. We come to a large building that is surrounded by wide fields that could be used for testing. At the front gate of the complex is a sign that reads Shiba Industries. This was a IS Development Company. They are known for their contribution to the programming of the PIC, Passive Inertia Control. At this time, we come to a room filled with people in suits sitting around a table with a man standing by the window looking outside.

The man standing by the window stands a tall, muscular man with spiky black hair and brown eyes. He has thin facial hair around his mouth and on his cheeks, the man is wearing your typical business suit. This man is Isshin Shiba the current head of Shiba Industries. Isshin was the head one of the leading developing compainies for IS's. Isshin had come up with many different designs for IS's despite not being able to pilot one. Isshin turns to face his board

"Gentlemen I'm glad to inform you all our products are quite operational and are ready to be put into mass production shortly."

"That's good to know Shiba-san, hopefully Shiba Industries will soon be one of the most advanced IS developers around." A random board member spoke.

"Is it true that your son helped with the designs?" The board member continued. Isshin nodded his head.

"Yes he's already quite the prodigy when it comes to IS's. He's already come up with several designs we have put into production or modified slightly before doing so, no doubt someday he will surpass my own designs." Isshin spoke with a proud look on his face. Heads throughout the room nodded as they all knew Ichigo was a genius went it came to IS's.

"Well that concludes today's meeting. Meeting adjourned gentlemen." Concluded Isshin as the room began to empty. The door slid open as Masaki Shiba, Isshin's wife walked in.

Masaki is a woman of average height. She had fair skin and long, light, wavy brown hair down to her back, which she usually had tied in a knot in the back and bangs down to her chin in the front. She typically wore plain dresses that hugged her figure. Her brown eyes gaze at her husband as she smiles while walking over to him.

Masaki while not an inventor or tinkerer of IS's she was one of the most skilled IS pilot the world has ever seen, she even got a nick name as people dubbed her the 'quincy' for her undisputed skills with long range weaponry, though she usually just goes with a bow and arrow equipment when piloting an IS.

"Business all done honey?" She asks Isshin who nods while enveloping his wife in a hug as he kisses her.

"Yeah just finished, nothing special besides going over some of our productions we're working on, you know the usual." Masaki grins at her husband's laid back personality.

"Seeing as you've wrapped up your business for the day shall we go pick up Ichigo?"

"Sounds like a plan to me, come on love I believe Ichigo's currently with Kisuke working on some projects in the lab." And with that off they went to find their son.

X Scene break X

In the labs there are documents scattered all over the place with various tools and parts lying around the room. Here we currently find one man and a boy working on random IS design's either creating or modifying coming up with ways of improving things. The man is currently teaching the child about the workings of an IS. The man's name is Kisuke Urahara.

Kisuke is a tall, lean-built man with light skin and gray eyes. His hair is messy and light-blond almost pale, with strands framing the sides of the face and hanging between his eyes, and he has chin stubble. He wears a dark coat, which sports a white diamond pattern along its bottom half, with a dark green shirt and pants underneath. Urahara carries a fan, which he occasionally uses to hide his face.

Beside Kusuke listening to him as he explains more about IS's to an 8 year old white haired boy. The young child is non-other than Ichigo Shiba the son of Isshin and Masaki Shiba, older brother to Karin and Yuzu Shiba his little sisters who are currently at a day care. Ichigo was a rather happy-go kind of kid, you'd almost always find him with a smile on his face. Ichigo had somewhat inherited his father's laid-back personality as he was never usually seen upset or angry and always kept his cool.

Ichigo was quite the unique child. He had snow white hair and crimson red eyes, an odd mixture seeing as neither of his parent's held these traits. Ichigo always wanting to learn about IS's and ways of creating, improving or just understanding how they worked. He learned all he knew from various people such as his father or Kisuke who was as some would put it a 'mad scientist'. Sure Ichigo would admit Kisuke had a few screws less here and there but was over al a good guy, despite his odd characteristics and crazy experiments he would perform.

"So Ichigo my boy are you sure you wouldn't rather be hanging out with your girlfriend right bow rather than hanging about with some crazy scientist such as me?" Ichigo's face went red at that comment about girlfriend.

Ichigo knew full well who Kisuke was referring to, Chifuyu Orimura. It was his friend that he had made a couple years back while he was playing with his sisters at a playground in the park Ichigo came across her brother Ichika Orimura who was the same age as Ichigo and they became friends. Later down the road of life he met Chifuyu, Chifuyu was rather cold at first, always keeping her distance from people never letting anyone get too close to her.

Ichigo wasn't even sure what drove him to get closer to her he just felt like he had too. It took quite some time but eventually he was able to see that her cold personality was just to protect herself from getting hurt and to keep strong as Ichika had explained to him how their parents parent's had died a while back leaving it up to Chifuyu to take care of both of them.

After hearing that Ichigo understood why she acted the way she did and increased his efforts to get to know her. As time progressed Ichika had become his best friend while Chifuyu had somewhat become his love interest (He's only 8 right now) though he didn't quite understand his own feelings just yet, he figured he would in time. Though Ichigo hadn't known them for very long he had met Tabane Shinonono the creater of IS's, Tabane was what Ichigo would describe as a hyper-active bunny on coffee. The whole time he ever saw her she seemed to have trouble just keeping still without annoying either Houki Shinonono her little sister or as she called her 'Houki-chan' or Chifuyu her best friend as she calls her 'Chi-chan'.

Ichigo had to admit her was quite the character; he found her to be rather fun to be around and had a pretty good relationship with her as she would always call him 'Berry-kun' because of his name. Ichigo found that rather annoying but understood there was no point even trying to change her mind once it was made up, it was just impossible to do. Ichigo also had learned a whole bunch of thing about IS's from her, Tabane found his interest on the matter quite cute, she was rather surprised when he actually understood what she was teaching him and he had quite the thirst for knowledge too.

Ichigo found Ichika to a rather good kid, true he wasn't exactly amazing or stood out from the crowd much but Ichigo knew he was an honest worker and had good princeples and beliefs. But Ichigo had to admit he was quite dense, honestly how can anyone be as dense as him? Even Ichigo could tell Houki had a thing for Ichika. Kid was as dense a frigging rock and a little on the slow and dumb side. Ichika wasn't stupid by any means but just didn't seem too interested in learning things, then again he wasn't like Ichigo and was only as old as him but didn't have genius's for parents all around him.

"Shut up hat n' clogs it isn't like that! Sure she's my friend and she's 12, I'm only 8. I think it's a little too early to be thinking like that old man." Came Ichigo's reply. Kisuke simply shrugged his shoulder.

"Whatever you say Ichigo." Then they continued on working on various projects. After fiddling around with some things Kisuke went over to Ichigo who had his back turned working or something as Kisuke Injected him with some syringe, injecting something into Ichigo.

"Ow! What the hell hat n' clogs!" Ichigo rubbed the spot Kisuke had injected the syringe into.

"Hmmm? Oh nothing special just wanted to see whether or not It would change your hair colour to brown. Just a simple experiment" Kisuke smoothly lied to Ichigo who simply glared at him.

"Well did it even work?"

"Nope. Your hairs still as White as ever."

"Any side effects I should know of?"

"Meh not really."

"So you basically just stabbed me with a syringe for kicks?" Ichigo asked while forming a fist with his right hand.

"So it would seem my young apprentice. Oh well all's well that ends well no-"Kisuke was interrupted with Ichigo's fist meeting his face as he flew across the room comically.

"And you wonder why people call you crazy ya old coot!" Ichigo huffed, Ichigo didn't really mind whether or not his hair changed colour, sure he liked it as it was but wouldn't be bothered ff it did change. Either way he went back to what he was doing before Kisuke disturbed him. Kisuke sprang back to life waving his fan in front of his face as he chuckled.

Under the surface Kisuke was rather glad Ichigo hadn't pursued his actions just now, while he wasn't entirely lying just now after all a possinle side effect was change of hair colour the real point of what he did was to see if he could possibly change Ichigo's DNA a bit allowing him to pilot an IS. He didn't tell Ichigo because he wasn't entirely sure it would work and didn't want to get his hopes up.

The duo continued their work for what seemed to be hours until the lab door opened showing Ichigo's parents.

"Hey there son. Working hard as always I presume?" Isshin asked while ruffling Ichigo's hair up a little. Ichigo just smiled and nodded his head. Masaki was just smiling at the father son interaction.

"You know it Dad. Oh Dad come take a look at this." Isshin raised his eyebrow at his son.

"Oh yeah? What have ya got squirt?" Ichigo proceeded to open up a file on the computer that seemed to be a design for something.

"It's still in its early developing stages and is far from being done but I've started to make my own original IS suit." Ichigo replied bring up the blueprint on the screen. Isshin whistled in approval at what he was seeing.

"Well that's really something you got there my boy. Definitely a lot of potential there, well have you decided on a name for it yet?" Ichigo tilted his head in thought while placing a hand on his chin.

"Hmmmmm well I was going to name it Freedom but then I thought of something better."

"That so? Well what did you end up choosing?" Ichigo smiled brightly as he turned to face his father.

"I call it Zangetsu." Isshin looked impressed, it was a good name as it suited it quite well. As Isshin was about to reply the room shook.

"What just happened!?" Masaki turned to her husband as Isshin narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out. Kisuke take Ichigo to the vault ok?" Kisuke nodded and quickly moved to place Ichigo in the vault behind them. Isshin started typing into the console. "We're being attacked by unknown IS pilots.

"Isshin I'm going to get the Zaku IS." Masaki got close to Isshin and kissed him for a few seconds. "Stay safe." She whispered as she went off to get an IS. Isshin moved to the console and starting typing, trying to make sure whoever was attacking them wouldn't get anything from them.

"Kisuke go make sure the projects are safe, I'll handle things here go!" And with that Kisuke went off to secure their projects. Ichigo was still inside of the vault.

"Let me out!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, while banging on the door. He looked around and then noticed the view screen that displayed the outside the vault. The vault could only be opened from the outside, so the screen was installed in case someone ever got locked in. They would be able to see who was outside and use the intercom system to get help.

His eyes widened as he looked at the scene before him. His father was standing in front of the main computer console and the pilot of the IS was out of her machine, pointing a gun at him. Ichigo activated the intercom to hear what was going on.

"Move!" The pilot said with authority, but Isshin didn't move.

"No." he stated, "I won't let you take the designs we worked so hard to create."

"That's a shame that it isn't your call." She stated. Isshin charged and she fired. She missed while his shot hit her in the face. She stumbled back, but he continued his attack. He punched her in the stomach making her double over then kneed her in the face. The pilot was dazed; She didn't expect him to have some combat training, but before she could think of anything else, she again, was punched in the face. Minato watched as she fell to the ground, unconscious, from the assault.

He sighed and dropped his guard down. Ichigo cheered as his father walked towards the vault. Ichigo saw another IS fly in and head towards Isshin. Ichigo tried to find the button to activate the two way intercom but couldn't find it. Ichigo started to hack the controls to get the door open.

"Dad look out!" he screamed, but no one heard him. Soon the sound of a gun was heard and Isshin fell to the ground, blood spilling out of his shoulder. The second pilot walked over to his bleeding form and looked down at him.

"Y..you…." he said as he turned to look at her. She looked down at him with a blank look on her face. Ichigo got the door open and quickly rushed over to where the fallen IS pilot laid nearby the vault entrance, picking up the gun she dropped and aimed it towards the pilot hovering above his father's body.

Ichigo was shaking, his breathing was heavy, sweat rolled off him in waves. He'd never even held a weapon in his hands before this. Sure he designed stuff but he never actually used them. The enemy pilot noticed Ichigo and was about to shoot Isshin but then turned her attention to Ichigo.

"You really going to use that kid?" Questioned the pilot with a monotone voice. Ichigo wasn't sure what to do, he simply kept it aimed at the pilot. The pilot just sighed before rushing Ichigo, knocking the gun out of his hands and threw Ichigo against the wall.

"Just stay down kid." She looked down at him for a few more moments to make sure he was out cold, before heading over towards the computers. She quickly uploaded the blueprints and picked up the knocked out IS pilot on the ground. She walked out of the lab not looking back.

Masaki was tired. She had fought with the other IS's and defated most of them but the numbers were drained her. A strike from behind resulted in the Zaku losing all power. She watched as they flew towards the lab. Coming out of the Zaku, she had just enough time to watch the three IS fly off into the night. She put her Zaku in standby mode and ran towards the lab. She walked in and looked around. A broken lifter was seen laying, in a heap, on the floor. Burn marks were strewn all over the walls. She walked towards the inner lab and looked inside. A glance at the floor revealed a pool of red.

"No! Please no!" she said, and followed the blood. She looked down and saw Isshin laying there in his own blood, She knelt down next to him and held him checking for a pulse she sighed in relief when she found one. She looked around for her son, and then looked at his unconscious form in the corner of the room. She set her husband down and stood up and moved over to Ichigo. She assumed the worst but was relieved when she saw the body move. She moved quickly over to her son and pulled him into her arms.

Ichigo felt someone pull him towards them and opened his eyes and saw his mother. He looked at her and saw her tears as she held him close. Ichigo made himself a promise in that moment. He'd get strong, strong enough to protect his family.

X 8 Years later X

Ever since that day Ichigo threw himself into getting stronger, he was a prodigy in learning to fight as he was with an IS. He learned how to wield a sword from a family friend. Dante Sparda, Dante commenting that he could actually him a solid run for their money and that was saying something Dante was practically a legend at wielding a sword. Dante also taught Ichigo how to use other forms or weapons such as guns, knives, staffs and so forth.

8 years have done wonders for Ichigo. Ichigo's most distinguishing feature is his spiky snow white hair (After Xcution arc hair style), He is a fairly tall, lean-built young man, he has become noticeably more muscular thanks to all his training Ichigo had gotten quite the body, and girls would drool at seeing him shirtless. Isshin survived the gunshot and recovered in a few months. They still don't know who attacked them and stole some of their work but they were still searching.

Many things happened in 8 years, for one Chifuyu and Ichika had moved homes after Chifuyu participated in an IS tournament, of which she had to forfeit after Ichika got kidnapped she threw the match to go save him. Before Chifuyu and Ichika had moved Ichigo had gotten much closer to Chifuyu. She had been acting rather weird around him before she left she'd always be blushing and acting shy around him as well as being kinder to him. Ichigo had thought maybe she liked him but him being too young at the time thought there was no way she'd be interested in him.

If only he knew.

Ichigo hadn't seen Chifuyu for about 4 years now, sure they would still talk over the phone and stuff but they hadn't met face to face. He really missed her, he promised himself the next time he saw her he would make some kind of move to show his feelings.

Now we find Masaki heading for the Ichigo's lab. "Honestly what is that boy doing," Masaki said as she entered the lab area. It has been eight year since the attack on the complex and it seemed everything had gone back to normal. Masaki looked for her son because he was late for school once again. Ever since that night, he had thrown himself into learning everything about IS, and how to protect one's self. His goal was to one day to fight with an IS so nothing like what had happened eight years ago, would happen again.

He was currently working on the new design he had come up a year ago. He had worked on it constantly, but didn't allow anyone else to see the designs. She walked deeper into the lab, heard a loud crash, and saw a small blur ran by her.

Ichigo ran past and saw his mom out of the corner of his eyes, "Hi mom," he said, as he ran past. He turned a corner and saw his little sister Yuzu in her hands was a pair of designs Ichigo was working on.

"Come on now, Yuzu," Ichigo said sweetly, "I need those designs, so just set them down and no one gets hurt." Yuzu looked at her brother and snickered.

"Gotta catch me first Onii-chan."And with that said and done she turned, and ran.

"Damnmit Yuzu," Ichigo said, and ran after her. Masaki watched in amusement as Ichigo chased Yuzu around the lab. A few minutes later Yuzu stood by Masaki's feet, looking up at her. Her eyes saying, "pick me up."

Masaki smiled and picked up her daughter, stroking her hair. Ichigo came walking in and stood in front of her, panting.

"Good, you caught her," he said with relief. He went to reach for the design, only to have his hand smacked away by one of Yuzu's hands. "Hey!"

"She has the right idea." Masaki said looking at her son. "You need to get out of the lab and socialize."

"But I do socialize enough." He replied

"Calling part makers doesn't count," Masaki giggled, "also just so you know young man, you're late for school. Again"

Ichigo looked at his watched and his eyes bugged, "Aw damn!" he said and ran back to his lab, grabbed his backpack and ran towards the Door. "See ya later mom!"

Masaki sighed and shook her head. She headed into the main lab and looked at the researchers, they were working on a new mass production model IS, called the Strike. The main point was to have it able to change equipment mid-flight similar to the Raphel Revive.

X Time Skip X

After another day at school Ichigo was speeding down the road towards home. He was riding black and red motorcycle. He was glad to be headed home. He wasn't a big fan of school; It wasn't that he hated it or was bad at it he was actually doing pretty well at school, it's just that his real passion for learning was about IS's.

So, he was headed home to work on his personal IS design. He planned to reveal it when the others revealed the Strike, he had made some serious changes to his old design but first he had some fine-tuning to do. He pulled into the complex and flashed his access card. He parked his bike, and headed towards his lab.

He entered the lab and went towards his work area. He punched in the code and headed inside. As he set his bag down, the main light came on. It was the IS he designed; It was called Zangetsu, it was based on the Strike basic frame, but with his own design. Its legs and arms were slimmer than most IS, allowing for more movement in blocking and attacking. Attached to the hips and shoulders were two blaster cannons. The thrusters were blue and black, and opened like wings. It was equipped with a blaster rifle, a double-sided beam saber, and a shield. Many IS didn't use a physical shield due to the energy shields it was equipped with.

"Almost there my friend" he said with a smile. Yuzu walked into the room. Ichigo looked at her and sighed, "You really need to stop, and you're just as bad as Mom."

Yuzu looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "I'll stop bothering you once you get yourself a girlfriend."

"I will date after I finish, happy?" Yuzu looked at him for a moment before nodding. Ichigo shook his head and sighed, setting to work. He was trying to improve the thruster output so he could get it to go faster. He started his computer and smiled as the system booted up.

"Well, time to get to work." he said with a smile, and started to type becoming so absorbed in his work he failed to notice the time, and soon the day was almost done. Isshin walked in and set down a bowl of BBQ pork, the aroma of the food pulling him from his work. He turned and walked over to his father with a smile.

"Dinner time already?" he said with surprise. "Sheesh totally lost track of time." Isshin chuckled.

"You don't say my boy." Ichigo started to consume his food. After finishing he placed the bowl to the side.

Isshin looked at him and pulled him to his feet. "Time to train son." Ichigo grinned. He followed his father through the training building stopping in front of the gun locker. He pulled out his key and pulled out a 9mm. pistol, M-16 assault rifle, SR-45 sniper rifle, and finally, a Sega shotgun. His father set his targets and he proceeded to shoot each one with the different guns.

His accuracy was superb and he could hit a target that was about a mile out. His training with Dante really showed. Soon Ichigo finished with the range and headed towards the main training room. Isshin stood on the other side with a wooden bokken in hand.

"Well let's see how much you learned over the years" He said. Ichigo nodded. He pulled a wooden blade from the weapon rack and stood to face his father. His feet were spread shoulder width apart, his hand held the staff with about a foot between them. One end of the staff was pointed at Isshin and Ichigo smiled.

"Whenever you're ready ya old fart." He said, and Isshin charged. He brought the bokken down at his head and Ichigo blocked with the middle of his bokken. He pushed his father back and stepped in front of him while slashing horizontally; Isshin blocked but was pushed back a little by his strength.

Isshin went to charge Ichigo and swung his bokken in a side on attack; Ichigo jumped on top of his father's bokken and flipped, landed and took out Isshin's legs. He quickly turned and held the bokken to his neck.

"My win father," He said with a smile, while Isshin grinned at his son.

"You've gotten strong Ichigo. I'm proud of you my son." He said as Ichigo helped him off the ground. They headed towards the main lab and Ichigo went to his room to change. As he exited his room he felt the building shake. Ichigo ran back into the lab area and headed towards the main entrance, only for Masaki to come and stop him.

"Go to the vault!" she order.

"What? Why?" he asked, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was.

"It's happening again." Masaki said, making his eyes go wide.

"Mom you need…" he started, but Masaki pushed him towards the vault.

"Mom!" he started to say, but she wouldn't have it.

"Don't argue with me on this, your sisters are already at home." She said and pushed him inside.

"Mom I ca-"

"Just stay!" she said, "I am not risking losing you."

Ichigo just gritted his teeth nodded. She watched as the Vault door closed. Ichigo turned to the vault screen and looked around. He saw Zangetsu sitting there in front of him. He wanted to give it to his mother, but she wouldn't listen to him. He walked in front of the creation.

"Danmit! What was the point of all the training!" He yelled as he sat, down on the ground, in front of the IS. " I built you but there's no one around that can use you."

He looked up at Zangetsu and put his hand onto it, suddenly he felt a shock and his head was filled with information. Soon a bright light filled the room.

X Outside X

Masaki was engaged in combat against 3 enemy pilots. She was still using the Zaku so she was at a disadvantage. The Zaku was an early IS Generation-2 while the enemy was flying new, Generation-3 machines. She was firing at one of the IS but was hit from behind by a blast. She fell to the ground as her shields fell below a hundred.

"Just surrender!" One of the pilots said, taking aim at her.

She waited for the enemy to blast her, but nothing came. She watched as the enemy IS looked towards the lab as an explosion filled the air. The sounds of thrusters filled the air and suddenly, six lasers sped towards the three enemy IS. As they scattered, one was hit by a large blur and pushed towards the ground. The new IS turned and fired four blasters at the grounded IS, knocking it out of the fight.

The other two IS came out of the shock, and quickly attacked the new enemy. The black and blue IS activated it thrusters, making it looks like wings. It flew forward at full speed and pulled out a double-sided beam saber. The two enemies IS fired at the charging IS, only to be met with a shield blocking their shots. The pilot of the new IS forced their shield into one of the enemies IS and slammed the blade into the other.

As the enemies flew back, it gave Masaki enough time to recharge her shields and enter the fight. She flew towards the enemy IS that was hit with the shield, and brought her axe out. Before the pilot could get its bearings, Masaki slammed her axe into its shield, knocking them down lower and lower 'til the IS stopped moving. She turned to look at the two battling IS and saw the enemy IS fall to the ground.

Masaki smiled and opened a channel with the black and blue IS. "Thanks for the help." She said.

"It was nothing." The pilot said.

The voice shocked her, "Ichigo is that you?"

The IS turned and she saw her son looking at her with a smile, "Yeah mom it's me."

She looked at her son with shock, he was piloting an IS, but one she had never seen. "Ichigo what is that?"

Ichigo just smiled, "This….this is Zangetsu."

X Time Skip X

Ichigo was currently sitting in front of his family and Kisuke turned to Ichigo's parents and said, "I am happy to announce that the government is sending your son to the IS academy."

Ichigo looked at him with confusion clearly on his face, "Huh?"

"The government is sending you to the IS academy." Kisuke said again, as Ichigo just stared at him in shock. "You didn't honestl think that they'd just leave the second male that can pilot an IS to just sit there and do nothing."

"Whoa there second? Who was first?" Kisuke just ignored him.

Isshin just sighed and shook her head. "When's the test?"

"Today actually." Kisuke replied. They were led by one of the to a large stadium in the back. They stopped in the locker room so Ichigo could change into his IS suit. It was black and fitted his form. If any girls his age would have seen him like that they would have drooled over his toned upper body. As he finished changing, he went to the IS launching area. He entered and saw Zangetsu, just waiting for him. Isshin stood by its side, giving him a smile.

"You'll do fine son, just give it your all." He said, and smiled.

"Right." He said and activated Zangetsu. He stood tall and ready to launch. He watched as the launch bay doors opened and he flew out. He floated onto the field and looked for his opponent, he saw no one and sighed. "Uh hello?"

He then heard the sound of thruster fill the air and saw a Raphel Revive fly out towards him. He watched as the pilot came closer and blushed when she came into view. She was beautiful, with short green hair, and glasses that held bright green eyes. Ichigo had trouble to stop staring at her. She flew towards him and stopped a few feet in front of him.

"Um hello." she said with a smile which made Ichigo slightly blush. She had to admit she had never seen anyone quite as handsome as Ichigo.

"Hey." He said attempting to hide his blush. The girl noticed his blush and blushed as well. Then a voice started talking through their channels "Alright, the test will be starting soon" the voice said, Ichigo could tell it was female and sounded so familiar to him. "This test is being administered by Maya Yamada, her opponent, Ichigo Shiba. Give it your all, both of you."

The voice cut out and the Maya stared at her opponent. She smiled. "Good luck." she said with a slight blush on her face. Ichigo nodded and went into battle stance.

He saw Maya level a gun at him. Ichigo dodged the incoming barrage of shots. He lifted his rifle and returned fire. Maya dodged the shots, changed her weapon to two machine guns and begun firing at him.

He dodged to the side and flared his wings, allowing him to move faster. He flew up towards her, firing his rifle. Maya stood her ground and kept up her attack only to have him charge at her, knocking her back. She was surprised by the tactic but her eyes widened when she saw two shoulders and hip blaster levelled at her. He winked at her than fired.

She didn't get any time to dodge and was hit full on by the attack. Her shield dropping low, she looked at where Ichigo should have been and saw that he was nowhere to be seen.

"Huh?!" Maya said and tried to back up, but Ichigo came crashing from behind her with a beam saber at dealt the blow that lowered he shields to zero. "Dang it." She said in defeated tone. Beaten by a rookie, that took a bit at her pride.

Ichigo smiled and deactivate his IS and walked over to Maya offering her his hand. "Well I gotta admit you really made me work for it. If you hadn't underestimated me you probably would have won that."

Maya took his hand and he pulled him up. "Thank you, but I still lost." She sighed rather cutely, "But I'll win next time for sure."

"Looking forward to it pretty lady." Ichigo said as he took her hand and kissed it. "For someone as stunning as you my lady, anything you want." Ichigo said with a big smile leaving Maya stuttering while looking anywhere but his crimson eyes.

Maya was blushing like a tomato and was about to reply, when Ichigo spotted a beautiful woman with black hair and an amazing figure walked towards them. "Quit flirting would you Berry-kun."

"Chifuyu!" Ichigo was instantly holding her close as she blushed from his actions but made no attempt to get out of her position.

"I missed you so much." He whispered into her ear as she fidgeted slightly.

"Missed you too Ichigo." She replied while letting herself enjoy the moment.

Then Ichigo did something that shocked everyone present. He moved back from the hug and leaned forward as he brought his lips to hers, capturing them in a kiss.

Chifuyu was currently having a slight meltdown at the moment. It was one thing to meet her crush again after so long, but it was another matter entirely kissing him. After a few seconds Chifuyu simple went with it and melted into the kiss as she kissed back.

Isshin was grinning like a madman, Kisuke was giggling behind his fan as Isshin handed him $20. Masaki was saying something about finally getting some grandchildren. Maya was utterly surprised, She had never seen Chifuyu display such emotions the entire time she knew her. Yes she knew she just hid herself behind her cold personality but she was kissing Ichigo back! Maya felt a slight pain in her chest watching them.

The duo eventually needed air and they separated while still in each other's arms as they gazed into one another's eyes. "Well I see someone's enjoying themselves." Giggled Isshin as Ichigo and Chifuyu separated from their embrace blushing.

"Oh by the way Ichigo you know how you're the next head of Shiba Industries?" Ichigo nodded his head.

"Yeah sure I do, where are you going with this goat face?" Isshin and Kisuke began giggling like madmen.

"Well you see my son because you are the next head and one of the only two men in the world that can pilot an IS you are allowed to have a harem!" Isshin pronounced as Masaki hit him over his head.

"Don't you go turning my baby into some casanova." She scolded him, then turned to Ichigo. "Though what he says is right Ichigo you are permitted to have multiple women at the same time.

Masaki then went on to explain how they Government thinks that maybe Ichigo's sons will be able to operate IS's too. "So the Government is actually backing this idea up?" Ichigo double checked. Masaki nodded her head "Well that's gonna be weird."

Chifuyu and Maya upon hearing this were having a range of emotions run through them, a bit of anger but that went away knowing Ichigo wasn't even aware of this till now, happiness, hope and longing.

Chifuyu walked up to Ichigo and before Ichigo could say anything she pulled him in for a heated kiss, she slipped her tongue into his mouth as it was slightly open from shock. Ichigo quicklu put his arms around her as he brought her close to him, she moaned when he started fighting back with his tongue. They pull away after a few moments.

"Just so we're clear on something." She paused and leaned into his ear. "I'm the head woman understood as she grabbed his package slightly, Ichigo moaned slightly as he nodded his head. "Good boy." Giving Ichigo a quick kiss she walked off.

Ichigo was left dumbstruck after that. 'Well maybe this whole harem thing won't be so bad after all.' Maya was blushing while walking over to Ichigo.

"Uh hey Maya is there someth-!" Ichigo was interrupted as Maya kissed him. Maya was in heaven as she kissed Ichigo, a man she hardly knew and she gave him her first kiss. But she had heard of him when Chifuyu would talk to her about him, at some point she must have developed a crush on the white haired boy.

Maya pulled back from the kiss and looked Ichigo in the eyes. "I hope you don't mind but I...I.I like you too! I'll see you at school!" She said as she quickly left the stadium. Leaving a dazed Ichigo behind her.

Ichigo moved a hand to his lips and smiled. "Sweet."

X End of Chapter 1 X

Now as mentioned most of the battle scenes will almost be entirely based of alchemists19's story because I suck at doing battles.

I might give Ichika a harem, depends, who should I give him? Let me know but charlotte, Tatenashi (and probably her sister or maybe just one of them don't know yet) and maya are obviously out and Chifuyu as well. Also remember let me know whether or not you guys want Ichika in the story should he be replaced if so who with?

Sorry about the rush towards the end but I got tired and just wanted chapter 1 done with already.

As always please leave a comment or pm me with ideas and so forth and no flaming please because I will just ignore those anyway.

Leaving comments really motivates writers.