"What?" Emma reached for her.

"No Regina, I did this to me, I've been practicing some of my magic and I know how to switch locations."

"Emma… Why would you do that!" Regina's eyes went crazy she was angry.

"Do you even realize what you've done? You could have died Emma! I thought…"

Regina's face turned distraught.

"I thought I killed you, turned my despair and switched us. I just thought I wanted to live."

"Regina I promise you, I used my magic. It's my fault. You didn't do this. It's ok. Is that why you were so upset?" Emma reached for her hand.

Regina sighed and nodded.

"Well I didn't die. You didn't die. I got to say I was sorry, and at least you spoke to me again." She smiled.

"Emma you're an idiot." She smiled.

Henry walked back in with the cups.

"Hey … is mom a little better Emma?"

"Ya kid she was just really freaked out."

"Henry, I'm sorry I scared you…" Regina fumbled.

"It's alright mom. That must have been terrifying to see." He sat down with his tea too.

"What happened?"

Regina looked guilty, it should have been her. Emma spoke up.

"I saw your mom and followed her because I wanted to try to talk to her, she didn't she the car coming… I did."

Henry looked from one mother to the other confused.

"But if mom was the one in front of the car… how were u hurt."

Emma took a deep breath.

"I kinda switched with her."

Henry's mouth dropped open. "Woah."

Emma laughed.

"Yeah woah is right huh? I must really like her or something."

Regina's face flushed pink, remembering the kiss.

"Wait are you serious?" Henry looked at Emma.

"Cuase I mean if you are into My Mom I guess that would be ok, I mean you can get married in NY now…"

"Henry! No one is getting married. Honestly. Emma does not like me."

Emma looked back at her and smiled.

"Actually I kinda do."

Henry laughed.

Regina just sipped her tea.

"I am not talking to either of you right now."

Henry and Emma both looked at each other and started reaching their fingers out like they were going to poke Regina.

"Stop it."

Their hands shrank back and they pointed at each other.

"his/her fault!"

There was a creek on the stairs. Regina groaned she didn't want to see the charmings right now, though it did make her happy that they were concerned about her and not just their daughter. They must really be a real family now.

"Ill go run interference!" Henry ran off to the stairwell to his grandparents off at the pass.

Regina relaxed.

"So did you like the kiss?" Emma asked eyeing Regina over her tea.

"The what, dear?" Regina looked over and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not into women dear." She smiled.

"You sure? Because you seemed to like that kiss. I mean if you don't remember we could try again…"

Regina laughed.

"Ah, you are quite the flirt."

Then after a moment.

"I'm scared." Then a looked over at Emma's quizzical face.

"I liked the kiss." She took another sip of tea.

Emma moved her cup to the table took Regina's and moved hers to the table as well.

Regina's eyes drifted to Emma's lips then back up. Then bit her lip when she realized she had been caught.

"This is crazy." She said almost at a whisper.

Emma reached out and stroked her cheek with the pad of her thumb.


Regina sighed and lunged forward and crashed her lips into Emma's.