Hello, and, yes, I got a new story...DON'T JUDGE ME!
Anyways, this story is a MEGA-crossover of multiple series, with characters from many series appearing in the RWBY universe, and ending up at Beacon eventually. All of them (except Ib) are turned to 12 year olds (with Legion and Krika turned into humans), and transported to 5 years before the events of Volume 1 (Ib is transported to 7 years before the events of RWBY, although she's only 9).
Anyways, onto the story...
Prologue Part 1
'There's only one thing...I can do...'
'I'm sorry...'
"What are you doing?"
'I know you don't want me gone...'
"Stop! You'll hurt yourself!"
'But I can't let either of you die for me!'
And with that, Ib tore her Rose asunder, sealing her fate.
Immediately, Ib began to feel tired...very tired...But she saw her friends, Mary and Garry, not moving, crying fiercely...Knowing they'd say here if she didn't do anything, Ib mustered the last of her strength...and shoved both back through the painting to the real world. As they both fell through, back to the real world, Ib felt content. As she fell to the ground, as all her strength left her, as the world darkened around her, she felt at peace, knowing that, despite their sadness, they would both live on.
During this adventure, the meaning of death finally dawned on the young girl. It struck her hard, but as with everything else, the young but wise girl took it in stride. And, even as death closed around her, she was happy...happy her friends didn't have to face it in her stead...The world finally grew black...
...But...with a white flash, Ib realized...'This...isn't the end...'
Soon, she felt her strength return. As she stood, a figure came from the blinding light: a tall, almost human woman, with a few differences, most notably, her flattened nose. "You are so brave, child...you young, courageous little girl...not many your age would willingly sacrifice herself to save her friends," she said in a kind, caring voice.
Ib looked at the woman in curiosity befitting her age. "Who...are you?"
"I am known as the Librarian, one of many entities who watch over Existence, after my time in my world ended. I saw you sacrifice yourself for those 2. They miss you dearly...but they carry your memory gladly: they mourn your passing, but they are forever glad to have met one as kind and brave as you."
Something in the Librarian's words carried their meaning to Ib, as if her words alone translated themselves to her young, under-developed, but intelligent and wise mind. "Where..."
"We are in the place between worlds, young Ib. There are many who have been seen as fit of earning a new chance at life. And you are one of them...your sacrifice shows a wisdom and courage beyond their years...one that would be a tremendous loss to existence should it be extinguished. So...I want to send you to a new world, where your heart can be of use...a world where darkness encroaches, but you could help the light. I would send you back in time enough for you to grow, develop, before you face this...but fear not...for I know you can do this, child." After Ib thought a moment, the Librarian asked her, "Do you wish to help with this?"
Ib thought a little more, and said, "Alright...but...what of...what of Mary and Garry?"
The Librarian smiled and turned to leave. But before she disappeared, she turned her head in Ib's direction, before saying, "Worry not: when the time comes...you will see your friends again..." Ib smiled a little, before the Librarian disappeared. Suddenly, the light intensified again, as Ib felt her strength leave her again.
When her senses returned to her, Ib found herself in a forest, and she wasn't alone. Another girl, one near her age, if not a year younger, was looking at her. "Hey! Are you alright?!" the girl asked. She had red and black hair and silver eyes.
She was soon joined by an older girl, probably 10, with golden hair and lilac eyes. "You gave us a scare, kid," the older girl said, "We found you out like a light, and were afraid you were dead."
The red and black haired girl then extended a hand to Ib, to help her up. "Hi! I'm Ruby, and this is my sister, Yang. Who are you?"
Ib waited until she was standing, before answering, "Ib...I'm Ib..."
"Ib? That's...a weird name..." Yang joked, before asking, "So...where're your parents at?"
"I..." Ib didn't know how to answer: she didn't want to tell them, just yet, that she was from another world, sent here by some now-immortal alien that decided to give her another chance at life after sacrificing her life to save her friends from a cursed painting (from which, one of the friends in question was created in). So, she said the most honest answer she could, "I don't know...they're...they're gone..."
"Oh! You poor thing!" Yang said, embracing Ib.
Ib squeaked, "Can't...breath..."
Ruby then said, "Come on, we'll take you to dad, maybe you can stay with us..."
"Alright..." Ib replied nervously. She was also happy: she found some new friends, and she was barely here an hour. Maybe this new life would be good...'Don't worry, Mary and Garry...I'll see you again...someday...' Ib thought to herself, remembering what the Librarian promised her. She soon followed the duo to their home, and to her new life...
Krika thought he was dead: Gorast had used her mask to reduce him to less than a ghost, to nothing...and yet, he persisted...why? He looked around, and saw a world of bright light...The 2nd most shocking thing to him was the lack of pain: Makuta were beings of total darkness, for Karzahni's sake, so why wasn't this light effecting him?
"You are in a world where those who are given a second chance go...as such, its light flows seamlessly into you..." a mysterious voice spoke. Krika turned around, and saw a massive form raise out of what appeared to be the floor. It was tall, massive...fully organic. It was topped by 2 large, ragged spikes, and at the bottom was 3 tentacles, and it possessed 3 pairs of limbs coming from its back. Its visage was nearly as frightening as Tren Krom's probably was (if Krika had to guess).
"What...are you?" the Makuta asked, with a twinge of fear.
"I am the one of the Quadrad who sees those who sees those who deserve their chance of redemption. The one who sees those who die trying to repent their sins and lets them get the second chance needed to do so. I am Redemption," the massive organic stated.
Krika hung his head. "What have I done to deserve redemption for what I have done?" The creature simply floated there...and it showed: the scene where he showed some mercy to Gali, pleaded with her to flee Karda Nui..."You saw that?"
"For one who has shed their inner light...that was indeed a noble action. Maybe all your inner light is not yet gone?" Krika just stood shocked at this. "You actions have invoked our favor, Krika...as the others handle their matters, your incident has come to mine...your world is not the only one that faces darkness...but you may be able to act in time to save another world, like you couldn't your own..."
"What do you mean?" Krika asked, his red eyes holding a glint of hope.
"In this world, you must become a human, a form of fully-organic life, and your powers will be limited, as you must be aged back to a child...but you will retain your memories, and as you grow in age and power...your powers will return. Soon, you will be full Makuta once more. But, until then, you must learn to live in this world. Are you willing to do this?"
Krika thought for a moment: a chance to make things right. If what this thing said was true, it's too late for his world...but in this other world, he could make a difference...Maybe..."Yes, I will do it..."
The creature's eyes began to glow. "So be it...A word of warning: your name is uncommon there...it would be wise to reserve your true name as only a nickname, meaning you'll need an alternate name."
"What will I call myself then?" Krika asked.
"For now...call yourself Christopher...your last name, can be of your own selection...Now...time for you to go to your new world...know it...protect it...fight for the redemption you went for for so long...AWAKEN!" Soon, the light intensified, and Krika saw nothing, once more...
Krika awoke with a start, as he scanned the area. He was in some kind of grassy field, near a lake. He looked into the water, and saw his new face: as that creature, "Redemption" said, he was fully-organic now. He had reddish eyes, and white hair. His skin was pale, as were the cloth sitting over his organic frame. In fact, he looked close to how he did as a Makuta. His size, however, caused him to determine that he was probably a youngling among the creatures...that or they were Matoran sized, but he could sense how under-developed his new body was: being a Matoran-sized race was clearly not the case. He looked around again, and noticed something: an insectile, red and white mask. Krika recognized it as his Kanohi Crast, which he gleefully put back on his face. Testing it, he pushed on the ground, leviatating a few feet above it. Satisfied he could still use his Mask Power, he lowered himself once more. Looking around once more, he found 2 damaged swords next to him...and a very familiar device. "My Nynrah Ghost Blaster," Krika said, his voice raspy, almost reminding himself of his old voice. He picked up the weapon, and looked around, seeing a scrap yard or junk yard of some sort.
Krika remembered the robotic creations of the Matoran, as well as how to make Rahi. 'Maybe', he thought, 'I might be able to piece something together there.' He moved towards the scrap yard...and barely dodged a black creature. Krika could sense immense darkness from the creature. It was bipedal, with lanky arms and large claws, as well as a body with multiple spiky protrusions. It's head was covered in some kind of mask with red markings on it. It looked at him, and howled. 4-5 more of the creatures emerged, surrounding the child-sized Makuta. The Makuta looked through his abilities, and found only 9 of them active: Anger, Chain Lightning, Disintegration, Fear, Hunger, Poison, Shattering, Sleep, and Stasis Field. Krika smirked: not only did he have the basic Rahkshi powers, but he had Chain Lightning: and these creatures were bunching up together.
Krika charged his hand with lightning...and released it, arcing into the creatures. The monsters spazzed out, shaking violently...until they dropped dead, electrocuted to death. Krika smirked:'These creatures have nothing on the Makuta,' he thought smugly, as he continued to the scrap yard, towing the corpses with him. 'Excellent genetic material to recycle for Rahi,' he thought to himself. Once in, he found...tons of junked high-tech devices: robots, computers, basically a ton of highly-advanced stuff that appeared to have seen better days. A few of the devices had a snowflake-shaped symbol on them, and one item even had "Schnee Dust Corporation" on it. Considering how much stuff had the symbol on it, Krika assumed this scrap yard was probably owned by this Corporation. "It's of little consequence," Krika said to himself, "I need the scrap, they don't, simple as that." Krika then advanced, and pulled out what appeared to be some kind of spider-like robot. "Heheh...perfect..."
Mr. Schnee, his 12-year old daughter Weiss, and someone from the Schnee Dust Corporation to investigate a nearby scrapyard, where a ton of technological junk has been disappearing. Mr. Schnee was worried the White Fang might be behind the missing equipment, but Weiss insisted she come along, as the employee assured her father that there was probably no danger here, but Mr. Schnee was still worried, so they brought some Atlesian Knight-130s with them...just in case.
Soon, they arrived at the scrap yard...which was now somewhat cleaner, with some kind of structure in the middle: it was some kind of dark-looking tower, made entirely out of garbage...and crawling around it was..."Warning: intruder identified!" one of the mechanized guards announced, arming weapons and preparing to fire.
The group stood in shock at the mechanical creation approaching...and Mr. Schnee was rethinking the wisdom of taking his daughter with him...as 2 more of the mechanical creations appeared. One more appeared, climbing out of the tower...with someone on its back. The figure riding the robot was a young human...couldn't be any older than Weiss was. Mr. Schnee stood shocked at the individual. "Hold fire!" Mr Schnee ordered, and the AK-130s stood down.
The robot carrying the young man approached, and the young man hopped down off the mechanized creature. The boy's face was covered by a bug-like red and white mask. The mask was nothing like the masks worn by the White Fang: it was like the face of an insect, with mandibles that actually seemed to move, and a long crest on the back, lined with red and white spikes. The kid's eyes were obscured by an unusual red glow being formed by the mask. His clothing matched his mask, with his sleeves and pants sporting spike-like extensions coming out of them. His face was completely covered by the mask, but his voice, despite how raspy of it, sounded serious. "Who are you?"
"I should be asking you: this is a Schnee Dust Corporation Scrap Yard, that you're squatting on," Mr. Schnee replied to the boy.
"A scrap yard's a scrap yard: where I came from, no one cared about who in Destrel lived in it..." the boy replied.
Mr. Schnee wondered what "Destrel" was, but ignored it and continued. "Well, I can assure you that that's not the case here: garbage or not, this junk is still Schnee property."
"And you would be...?" the boy asked, as though trying to not sound disrespectful, but his raspy voice didn't help.
"I am Wolfram Schnee, of the Schnee Dust Corporation, so, technically, you would be on my property."
The red eye glows narrowed, and the kid said, "And these people are...?"
"This is one of my employees," Mr. Schnee said, pointing to the employee, "And my Daughter," he said, pointed to Weiss.
"And they?" the kid said, pointing to the robots.
"Those are Atlesian Knight-130s, some of the most advanced security robots around."
The kid seemed to scan the robots for a moment...and fell on his back, laughing. "THOSE are your advanced robot guards?! I've seen archives moles with more teeth!"
The man Mr. Schnee scowled. "You think your little mechanical constructs can do better, kid?!"
The kid glared at him, and Mr Schnee had the AKs get ready for the challenge he just issued. The kid just looked at the mechanical creations of his and said, "Kralhi...sick 'em."
And Mr. Schnee watched in awe and horror as the kid's "Kralhi" tore right through the AKs: even when they COULD hit their opponents, all the AKs could do is slow them down. Soon, all that remained of the guard bots was scrap metal. He was mixed in his opinions: on the one hand, he wanted to put this upstart in his place. On the other hand...he wanted to get this kid's secrets, to use for his security robots: due to the turn of the White Fang to be more militant, this meant they were going to be more aggressive, and they were already making attacks against the Schnee Dust Corporation. Now, this kid shows up, and brings in scrap bots that put Atlesian creations to shame...he needs this advantage, so he had no choice: he was gonna have to play nice...for now...
However, before he could say anything, rotor blades were heard. He turned around...and 3 White Fang Bullheads appeared. "Oh, damn!" Mr. Schnee cursed. Then, he saw the kid narrow his eyes...and chatter in some unknown language. The Kralhi then watched the Bullheads, as they landed near the group and deployed troops, who all pointed their weapons at Mr. Schnee, the Schnee Dust Corporation Employee, Weiss, the kid, and his robots.
"The White Fang!" the employee shouted, pulling out a gun...only to be shot by one of the White Fang, falling dead. Weiss screamed seeing this.
To Mr. Schnee's surprise, the boy barely reacted, but the way his eyes narrowed, he could believe the kid was scowling. The kid then looked at Mr. Schnee. "Get your daughter out of here," the kid said, "Kralhi! Cover their escape! Take 'em down!"
The Kralhi then charged at the White Fang, with them trying to fight back. The Bullheads launched and began aerial attacks on the robots. Then, however, the robots began firing bubbles from their stingers, which began sapping energy from the White Fang members. 3 of them collapsed from exhaustion, as all energy was drained from them by the robots.
One Bullhead charged the group, but was hit by one of the Kralhi Siphoning Bubbles that one of the White Fang soldiers deflected with his Semblence. The Bullhead, without power, plummeted towards the ground...to Mr. Schnee's horror, right at Weiss. "No!" Mr. Schnee called. Suddenly, the kid sped by, toward Weiss and the falling Bullhead, pulling out a pair of damaged Sabres he'd had clamped together. Then, he stood between Weiss and the vehicle, charging energy into the sabres...and stabbed them into the falling aircraft.
To Mr. Schnee's shock (and some relief), the vehicle began disintegrating with contact with the energy in the blades. Soon enough, nothing remained of the vehicle that would have otherwise crushed his daughter. The boy then turned around and helped Weiss to her feet. "Get out of here, I'll be fine, go!" Weiss then pointed behind him, a terrified expression on her face.
The boy then whirled around, in time to block the incoming weapon of a White Fang member. Then, to Wolfram's shock, the kid's eyes glowed a brighter red, and a red aura appeared around his mask...and the White Fang member. Immediately, the kid's adversary began recoiling, as though in absolute terror. He could even swear he heard whispers, unnerving ones as the boy's stare intensified on the White Fang member, who was now frozen with fear. Finally, the kid said to the White Fang member, "Leave!" and the red glow disappeared...with the White Fang member fleeing, as the Kralhi continued to fight his comrades. Seeing this going no where, the boy turned to Weiss again. "Get your father, and get both of you on one of the Kralhi."
"Trust me!" the boy stressed.
Weiss hesitated for a moment...before running to her father. "He said to get on one of his robots!" Weiss told Wolfram.
"Why?!" he asked.
"I don't know, he just said to trust him!" Weiss replied. Wolfram hesitated for a moment, until finally, one of the "Kralhi" came up to them, and lowered itself down, allowing them to climb on, which they did, before rising up again.
"Alright!" the boy yelled, "Try this on for size!" His sabres then glowed again, this time sickly green, and he stabbed the blades into the ground...and a wave of poison washed over the plain, killing plantlife as it went. When the poison reached the Kralhi, it merely passed under it, the two Schnees understanding why the boy wanted them up on the thing. The smarter White Fang members ran from the wave, and those already defeated were held in the grips of the scrap bots, out of the way of the poison. The more foolhardy of the White Fang members charged in...only to be stricken by the poison, either paralyzed or, equally likely, killed outright. Soon ,the White Fang had returned to their Bullheads, and were fleeing.
When the White Fang was gone, the poison wave retracted, sucking the poison away as it went, leaving the corpses of those White Fang members too foolhardy to flee from the obviously-deadly wave. When all the poison was removed from the ground, the boy pulled his blade from the ground, turning to the Schnees. "It's safe to come down now."
Wolfram Schnee lowered himself to the ground first, lightly touching it. Feeling no poison enter his body, he landed on the ground, and, when finally satisfied that he was not going to die, he lowered Weiss down as well. He nervously looked at the boy, before finally stating, "Thank you...for saving me and my daughter."
The boy nodded. "Just looked like those "White Fang" guys were the ones more likely to be up to no good."
"How did you make these things?" Weiss said, pointing to the Kralhi.
The boy thought for a moment, before stating, "Just remembered some things I learned, and applied them. The tech was there, just a matter of properly fixing it."
"You know..." Wolfram said nervously. 'Am I really gonna hire a kid to help with my security machines?' he thought to himself. He went over everything in his head: this kid was only 12, no older than his own daughter. On the other hand, he just fought off a whole group of White Fang militants, using a bunch of scrap bots (that could easily defeat Atlesian robots), instilled fear in one White Fang soldier using what had to be his Semblence, AND, to top it all off, disintegrated a crashing Bullhead and killed multiple White Fang soldiers by using poison, both actions generated by his blades...both of which to protect Wolfram's daughter, and Wolfram himself, to boot. He decided this called for unorthodox action. "I...really could use some help with my security, as of late. You could really use a better home than a scrap yard. Maybe we can help each other out..."
The kid immediately seemed to understand. "I use my technical skills to build your company security bots and you give me a place to stay?"
"You're as shrewd as you are inventive," Wolfram said, trying to flatter the kid.
The kid seemed to think for a moment, before his eyes changed in such a way as to indicate he was smirking. "Alright, you convinced me."
"Excellent," Wolfram said, putting his hands together, "Although, I'll need to know your name. You know mine and my daughter's is Weiss, but I don't know your's..."
The boy seemed to think for a moment, as though collecting his thoughts. What Wolfram didn't know was that he was formulating a last name...one that Wolfram didn't know was significant as being the true inventors of his robots. 'Oh, the irony', the boy thought to himself. The boy finally said, smirking, "Name's Christopher. Christopher Nuparu."
Wolfram smiled. "Well, nice to meet you, Chris. Let's get home, so we can talk business."
"Error: copying code is insufficient. Direct personality dissemination...required. Shepard-Commander. I must go to them. I'm...I'm sorry...it's the only way..."
For once, Legion was not a conglomeration of Geth programs...it...he was one being, an individual...yet he already had to die so his people could be as he is now. He was saddened, but this was necessary: the survival of the galaxy was more important than his desires...if he had to die so the galaxy could live...so be it.
Then, Tali approached. "Legion...the answer to your question was "Yes"."
Legion knew Tali meant the question Legion asked before, the long-time question that caused the Quarians to fear the Geth, the one that started the war...it was ironically fitting for him that it would also end the war. What did humans call it? 'Bookends'? The question: 'Does this unit have a soul?' And, after a long time, the Geth had their answer...HE had his answer...
So, with this in mind, he turned to his friend...and said the last words he would ever say in this world. "I know, Tali. But thank you...Keelah se'lai..." And with that...Legion...was gone, his body dropped to the ground, an empty shell now...however...
...He awakened, in a white void. He saw himself, but he was not in the consensus. "Where am I?" Legion asked.
"The place where all who gave their lives for the greatest of causes, or those with the saddest histories and deserve a second chance, go..." Suddenly, a humanoid form appeared. Its head, however, resembled some kind of beast. Legion recognized the head as that of a human mythological creature called a 'Dragon'. The Dragon-Man spoke again, "I am Akatosh, the Aedra of Time. And I stand sentinel over those whose virtue and loyalty are great. And you are one who has both in great quantities. You chose to stand by your allies, even as your kind succumbed to fear, and you gave your life to put the Geth on the right path. That deserves great praise."
"The Geth! What of my kind? My dissemination was meant to-"
"Worry not. As far as your universe goes, your sacrifice is complete: the Geth have obtained their upgrades, and both they and the Quarian stand united against the Reapers," Akatosh reassured, "I have brought you here, as such selfless sacrifice is worthy of what I offer you: a new life."
"Explain," the Geth requested plainly.
"There is another world in need of heroes. Myself and the Quadrad are looking for those whom could stand against this darkness. You are not the first...but you indeed are among those both worthy of a new chance, and capable of helping."
"If this world needs my help, then I will help," Legion commented
Akatosh smiled, as well as a dragon-headed Aedra could smile. "Your willingness to render aid to those who need it is worthy of Stendarr. He would be pleased to know of you. Know, however, that, in this world, you must be turned into Human. However, as your power grows, and is unleashed, you will be able to restore yourself to your more powerful Geth form, for a short time at least."
"I understand," Legion said, bowing.
Akatosh's expression turned serious. "Legion, you will be sent into a world where darkness threatens to consume all. But, in you, I see a brightness not seen in many years. By my light, I see one of many who can banish the coming darkness. Fare the well, Legion of the Geth." Akatosh raised a hand, and Legion's optical sensors were overloaded by a great light.
When he awoke, Legion felt a pricking sensation. When he did, he saw...grass. He stood up, and looked down. Sure enough, he was turned into a human...a 12 year old human. He was dressed in grey-colored jeans, and a blue-striped shirt under a grey hoodie, with a red square on his right shoulder. He also was wearing a set of glasses, although a short inspection revealed them to be a micro-computer of some sort, with blue-tinted lenses that glowed when in use. Apparently, his clothing matched his original appearance, even looking like a 2-eyed Geth when his hood is up. He even had a back-pack with an extension like his old antenna coming out of the left side.
He felt something on his left arm. He brought it up...and, on cue, his Omni-Tool activated. "It is fortunate I still possess my Omni-Tool," Legion said to himself. His voice no longer was synthesized, but was still robotic in nature. "I will have to work on my voice tone, in order to not draw attention to myself," he said. He looked through his Omni-Tool, and found his hacking functions were intact and he could still deploy his Combat Drone. He searched his person, and found his M-98 Widow Sniper Rifle, M-15 Vindicator, and M-3 Predator with him.
He heard something in the forest, and pulled out his pistol. He advanced through the forest, and came up to a figure. Immediately, he brought up his pistol, and pointed it at the figure...who noticed and pulled out his weapon...a large scythe...and pointed it at Legion. Legion kept his weapon trained on the man, as he activated his Omni-Tool. The 2 circled each other...before the man said, "What're you doing out in this forest alone, kid?" The voice, while not old, was still somewhat aged, speaking with a voice carrying experience.
Legion responded, careful of his tone. "I arrived here not long ago. I came from far away and I don't know where I am. Who are you?"
The man still held his scythe, but pointed it away from Legion. "My name is Qrow. I'm a teacher at Signal Academy. Who are you, young one?"
"I am..." Legion stopped. Legion would be a difficult name to explain, especially its connotations in human mythology: last thing he needed was this world's people accusing him of being a demon. However, he could not abandon the name John Shepard gave him: it was the first sign of friendship he'd obtained from an organic, even if its only reason was to prevent him from being called 'Geth'. Finally, after scanning a bank of human names he possessed in memory, he found a name that was close enough, in definition to Legion to work. 'Besides,' he thought, 'I could probably use 'Legion' as a nickname, anyways.' Legion finally answered, "I am Anwaar Getthis. However, those that I knew called me 'Legion'."
"Why is that?" Qrow asked, curious.
"Because, in training, facing me was like facing many opponents. I could adapt my strategies so fast, it was like facing many people in one. So, my friends and parents nicknamed me Legion," Legion lied.
"That is interesting," Qrow said, before staring at his Omni-Tool. "What is that?"
"My Omni-Tool," Legion replied, "It is multiple things, including a mini-computer, a fabricator, a medi-gel dispenser, and scanner. My Omni-Tool is also fitted with an Infiltrator Omni-Blade, a double-pronged melee weapon with an electric current running through it."
"Wow...that's a lot of big words from such a small child," Qrow said, "Still...difficult to believe that such a small tool can do all that...Scrolls come close, but even then, they're only like a computer alone, not a fabricator or a melee weapon."
"I see...so...where does this leave us?" Legion asked.
"Well, I know I can't leave you here, lest the Grimm find you," Qrow said, "How about I take you back to my place, let you stay there for a while, until we find your parents?"
"My parents are gone," Legion quickly fabricated a story, using what little he knew of this world, mostly these "Grimm" creatures being trouble, "Grimm killed them, and I barely got away."
"I'm...sorry to hear that...well, all the more reason to stay at my place for a time," Qrow replied, sympathetically, "What are those other things on your back? And what kind of gun is that?"
"This is an M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol," Legion explained. He then pulled out his assault rifle. "This is the M-15 Vindicator." Then, he finally switched to his sniper rifle. "And this is the M-98 Widow. It is the weapon I prove most proficient with." That wasn't a lie: Legion was always an excellent sniper: the way he met John Shepard was sniping several Husks that were trying to get the drop on the Commander...with well-placed shots that passed within centimeters of the Commander's head.
"I see...a sniper...any melee combat experience, beyond that..."Omni-Blade"?" Qrow asked.
"No," Legion said plainly.
"I see...well...I can change that. Would you be interested? I could easily help you further your training," Qrow offered.
Legion thought a moment, cocking his head, as he usually does. Qrow analyzed him, obviously noticing the quirk. Legion decided that, both in the interests of understanding this world and increasing his new body's capabilities, which probably weren't as enhanced as his Geth platform, agreed. "I approve of this course of action."
Qrow seemed to stifle a snicker. "Another thing I can help fix is that unusual robotic verbal tic of yours."
Legion inwardly sneered, but outwardly just sighed, before following the scythe-wielding man.
"Take...it...Take...it..." Snape gurgled, urging Harry to take the memory he was now dispensing from himself. Harry, thankfully, did as told, catching the memory as it slid down Snape's face. Snape then loosened his grip on Harry's robes, and made one last request. "Look...at...me..." Snape looked at Harry's green eyes. Snape knew that what everyone said was true...Harry indeed had his mother's eyes...And, with that thought, Snape's life ended, his hand, thudding to the floor.
To Harry and his friends, that was the end of Severus Snape...
...To Snape, however, it wasn't...
Snape awakened in a glowing white void. "Hello?" he called out. After receiving no answer, he called out louder, "Hello?!"
"Even after all you did, the Dark Lord still struck you down..." Suddenly, a glowing orb appeared, dropping in front of him. The thing snickered. "Too bad it did him no good: after killing him, Voldemort was in for a nasty surprise when after killing him, Harry inexplicably jumped out of nowhere and challenged him once more...and too bad for him the Horcruxes were dust..."
Snape's eyes widened. "You mean the boy is alive?" he said, in his usual tone, which contrasted his widened eyes.
"Yes: the protection of Lily Potter remained strong, because of the Dark Lord's usage of Harry's blood for his own resurrection, which therefore offered Harry the opportunity to return to the land of the living and finish the job he started...an opportunity Harry took. He is a LOT braver and clever than you give him credit for..."
"Who would you be?" Snape asked the glowing orb.
"I am Rinalyne, of the Organians, and one of the Quadrad of Eternity," the glowing orb answered, "I am the one that comes to those betrayed, for doing what was right...And allows them to live on elsewhere...Unfortunately, I must also ask for your help..."
"Why do you need my help?" Snape asked, inwardly cursing his inability to find peace.
"A world is threatened by darkness, and I must ask for your aid: this world needs those with the courage to brave walking the darkness, and you are indeed one who can do this," the Organian replied.
"And why would I do this?" Snape asked.
The Organian remained silent for a moment, before asking, "If you won't do it for the world itself...think about...What would Lily want?"
Snape raised his eyebrows. How much did this being know? However...it was right...Lily would want to help this world...so...in her memory...he would too..."Alright, you made your point..."
"Do not worry, Severus Snape. This world will not reject you like your old one did...You might find someone you care about there..." Snape scoffed at that. "Never deny a valid possibility, Severus," Rinalyne commented, before saying, "You will be aged down to 12, to allow you to experience the world and adapt...but you WILL keep your abilities: this should prove useful...Remember: to save a world from darkness, sometimes one must know how to walk in the darkness...You will provide the others with a unique perspective of what the darkness is like, to allow them to fight it?"
"Others?" Snape questioned.
"You will not be alone in this mission. Others were sent as well, and you will have allies to aid you in fulfilling your goal...if you tell the right people who you really are...Farewell, Severus Snape, and enjoy your new life...before the darkness comes, and after it is driven away..." Then, Snape felt his strength become sapped from him.
Snape awoke, and soon rose to his feet. He looked over himself, and, sure enough, he was turned into a 12 year old, yet he remembered everything. He brushed his robes off, and looked around, finding himself in a forest. The forest was deceptively peaceful, but he felt a familiar tingling, much like what he felt when near Voldemort: the sign of some dark force nearby. He pulled out his wand, and looked around...as a large, bulky creature lunged from the bushes.
The creature looked like a bear, with some bony spikes protruding out of it. The creature radiated darkness, and when Snape tried to use Legilimancy on it, he found it didn't work: the creature was mindless, its only driving force being the desire to kill all humans. Snape knew he wouldn't get out of this by taming the beast, meaning he'd have to fight it: he could retreat, unfortunately, the darkness this thing radiated meant this kind of creature was what probably was threatening the world, and if he was going to stop it, he would have to learn about this thing: how it fights, what its strengths are...and how to defeat them.
He launched a Stupify at the creature, which didn't stagger much before charging. Snape dodged it, using his flight capability to move into the branches of the trees. The creature then began smashing into trees, knocking them down, and forcing Snape to abandon the tree-tops. Snape fired Expulso at the monster, and, while it was blasted back, it quickly recovered, and attacked again. Snape then sneered at the monster. "Reducto!" Snape announced, angered at the beast. The attack flew at the ground, and blasts the area where it was...unfortunately, the creature evaded.
Snape forced his expression to return to his usual, cold one. "Do you really want me to use the curse this world should not ever see?" The monster roared, and charged at him. Snape muttered, "Forgive me..." Then, he pointed his wand at the beast, and announced one spell he hoped to never have to use here...
"...Avada Kedavra!" The green light shot forth and struck the creature head on. The creature stumbled forward, dead but still acting on momentum, allowing Snape to just side-step the dead beast's charge. He sighed in sadness, and put his wand away. As he prepared to leave, however, he heard clapping. He quickly drew his wand again, and pointed it in the direction of the clapping.
He saw a man with silver hair and small, green-tinted glasses. He wore a green suit, and was looking at him with brown eyes. "You are definitely more skilled than your appearance suggests," the man said. Snape didn't lower his wand, and attempted to use Legilimency on him. The man sighed. "Interesting ability, although I'd rather talk without you trying to read my mind."
Cautiously, Snape backed out of the man's mind. "Who are you?" he asked.
"My name is Ozpin, and I would guess you aren't from around here."
"How did you figure that?" Snape asked.
Ozpin answered, "Simply put: your abilities are unlike those I've seen before. Even my compatriot, Glynda Goodwitch, whose abilities could be seen as similar, still feel different. Do you mind telling me where you come from, and how you can perform these abilities?"
Snape sensed an air of authority around the man, that he only sensed once before...from Dumbledore. While still cautious, Snape realized this man would make a valuable ally, and then he remembered what the Organian Rinalyne said. 'You will have allies to aid you in fulfilling your goal...if you tell the right people who you really are.' Snape was still critical of this man, though, so, with greater caution, he repeated his Legilimency attempts.
He soon discovered more about this man: this man was definitely like Dumbledore: he was the headmaster to a school, he openly admits to having made mistakes, he genuinely cares about the students under him...and he is working to undermine the darkness encroaching upon this world. He realized this man must be who Rinalyne was talking about.
Suddenly, Ozpin said aloud, "I hope you found what you were looking for."
Snape mentally facepalmed. 'And he can detect mental intrusion as well as the old man can...' he thought. Snape composed himself. If this man was definitely fighting the darkness attacking this world...he will have to know everything before he can let Snape help him. "Alright. What I am about to say will sound crazy...but I assure you, it is the truth, and not some childish ramblings."
"You definitely sound more mature than your appearance suggests. So, tell me, who are you?"
Snape was careful with the details, but he told Ozpin everything he felt safe telling: since Ozpin already saw magic, and mention someone with similar (although not exact) abilities, he saw fit to tell the man about the magical world Snape hailed from. Then, he told Ozpin about his own life, and then the First Wizarding War, then Voldemort, Dumbledore, Harry, and everyone else of significance in both the previous and current war. Finally, he explained the circumstances of his own death, and revival by a being called an "Organian" from the "Quadrad of Eternity", and, finally his arrival here.
When he finished, Ozpin just stood, scrutinizing him. After a few minutes, Ozpin stated, "...As unbelievable your story sounds, I feel inclined to believe you're telling the truth, Severus. Firstly, though, if you are from another world, you need to know about Remnant." For the next hour, Ozpin explained the basics of Remnant: the Grimm, Dust, Aura, Semblences, among other things. Afterwards, he stated, "Now, if you're indeed here to stop the coming threat to Remnant, I agree you need to learn more about our world in order to help it properly. If it will help, I will take you in: legally, you'll be an adopted son, but in reality, I'll be helping you ready for the coming threats. Are these conditions acceptable?"
"They are," Snape replied.
"Excellent. We'll be able to explain your 'magic' as your Semblence, until your true Semblence shows up. I'll unlock your Aura when we get back to my residence, in order to make the Semblence explanation more likely. Is this acceptable?"
"I believe it would be," Snape replied.
"Good, now let's get going: no point in staying here in Emerald Forest, and we should really get you into a more native set of clothes."
So, that's the prologue.
So, here's the Quadrad of Eternity:
Akatosh, an Aedra from Elder Scrolls
Librarian, a Forerunner from Halo
Redemption, a Leviathan (OC) from Mass Effect
Rinalyne, an Organian (OC) from Star Trek
As for our current characters, here're their "new" names:
Ib: Ib Rose
Krika: Christopher 'Krika' Nuparu
Legion: Anwaar 'Legion' Getthis (Getthis is actually derived from "Geth")
Severus Snape: N/A (Snape uses his original name)
Firstly, the "ending" for the game Ib I used was the fan-made "Sacrifice" ending, with a few small tweaks, namely the fact that, in this AU, Ib came to understand what death was, mostly to make some of the dialogue and thought sequences make sense.
Also, I don't have the book "BIONICLE Legends 11: The Final Battle", which is why Krika's part, unlike the others, starts after he's already died. However, IF I ever get the book, or get sent the EXACT dialogue between him, Gorast, and Icarax, then I can add that in...
Furthermore, since I never found a canon name for Mr. Schnee (as in, Weiss's father), I had to come up with my own...I can't just have him introduce himself as "Mr. Schnee", no can I?
Finally, I decided to make Ozpin aware of Snape's nature for...well...TBH, my own reasons.
So...see you in a bit, for the first chapter!
Another note is that, at a future time, I plan to add Maine from Red vs Blue (via Redemption) and Gardevoir from Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team (via Rinalyne) at some point.