"Um Dick are you sure I can crash here?" Wally asked hesitantly.

Aunt Iris was out on a reporter expo or some sort for three weeks, while Batman, Flash, Superman and other League members were also out on some deep space mission for three weeks. Being the smart person he was he decided that he was gonna crash with his very rich friend while their guardians were out of town. He had stayed at Mt. Justice for a week but watching Connor and M'gann make out was not his idea of fun. Not to say his parents weren't there but they didn't quite no how to handle a teenage superhero with a sped up metabolism. In fact they didn't know how to handle kids period so they were out of the question. According to Dick Alfred was on vacation for two weeks also which meant they had free reign over the mansion. Dick had said it was no trouble at all but staring at his friend in the doorway Wally thought that he'd suck it up and stay at Mt. Justice for the remaining two weeks.

"It's fine. The kids are just um rowdier without Alfred or Bruce present." Dick explained.

Wally raised an eyebrow, taking in his friend's appearance. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess, stains coated his what use to be expensive outfit and he had on mismatched socks.

"Seriously." Dick said dragging a hand down his face, "I don't mind."

With that being said be pulled Wally inside shutting the door behind him.

"Besides you can help me look after them."

"I don't even know their names or what they look like or who they are! I did not sign up for babysitting duty."

"Dude come on. I just need you to take them to the kitchen it's time for dinner and they ran away."

Wally sighed mumbling a curse, "Fine."

Dick cheered hugging him, "You are the bestest friend ever."

Wally grinned cockily, "don't I know it."

"Anyway, the baby is named Damien; the one who looks like me is Timothy. The one with the attitude is Jason. The girl who doesn't talk is Cassandra and the girl who doesn't stop talking is Stephanie."

"Gee that helps."

"Whatever now help me find them!"

"I will...right after I hit the kitchen!" Wally shouted ignoring Dick's enraged shout.

Wally ran into the kitchen ducking just in time to avoid having his head cut off by a butcher knife. He stared in shock at the knife wedged in the door.

"What the-" Wally cut off with a yelp ducking another thrown knife before suddenly dodging a flurry of knives thrown in his direction.

Where the heck where they coming from and was that a baby? He stopped staring in shock at the baby who was playing with a very sharp looking kitchen knife.

"You must be Damien. You're adorable." He cooed before dropping his grin and holding out his hand, "Now give me the knife and nobody gets hurt."

Damien looked at him before bringing the knife down on Wally's hand or at least he tried to.

Wally smirked swiping the knife from the baby and grinning at his dumbstruck expression.

"Flash!" Damien squealed holding his hands up, "Not 'truder!"

Wally grinned picking up Damien who crawled on him resting on top his head.

"Comfy? Anyway it's time for dinner-"

"No! No want cereal. Tt. Tired of cereal!"

Wally blinked pulling Damien down from his head and staring at him, "Wait, Dick's been feeding you guys cereal all this time for dinner?"

"And breakfast, and lunch." A voice said behind him.

Wally turned, to see a boy with big blue eyes and semi curly hair.

"Aww." Wally cooed pinching his cheeks, "You are too cute!"

"Since you said Dick and Damien's not attacking you I can assume you're not a threat."

"Course not Timmy!"

"How do you know my name?"

"Dick told me. Said the one that looked like a mini him was him, but I disagree Dickie bird was no where as cute as you when he was your age." Wally said with a wink causing Tim to blush and mumble.

"Its just Tim."

"Righto." Wally said plucking Damien from his head, "Unlike the mess you call a big brother I can cook. So what do you guys want to eat?"

"Sticks!" Damien shouted pulling a strand of red hair.

"Right." Wally said slowly placing Damien back on his head, "I don't think those are edible."

"He means spaghetti he can't say some words yet. Who are you?"

"Spaghetti I can make that." Wally said, handing Damien to Tim, "Hold him for a second I don't want him getting sick on me."

"Sick why would he-" Tim cut off watching Wally speed around the kitchen grabbing materials to make spaghetti.

"Oh. That's who you are. Kid Flash A.K.A. Wally West."

"Dude." Wally whined coming to a stop in front of him and plucking Damien from his hand, "He told you my identity so not cool."

"Bruce makes sure we know everyone's identities. How do you know theirs?"

"I took a bullet, okay a few bullets for him and he told me when I woke up two weeks later." He answered before setting Damien in a high chair, "Okay Damien, wow that sounds so boring like Wallace. I'm gonna call you Dami. Do you like that?"

The newly dubbed Dami clapped his hands blowing a raspberry, "Tt."

"I'll take that as a yes. Seeing as you have destructive tendencies you can help me break the spaghetti sticks and put them in this bowl." Wally said demonstrating for him.

Tim bit his lip, wondering if he should leave, Dick was still looking for them and he didn't want to get in trouble.

"Wanna help me cut tomatoes?" Wally asked.

Weighing his options it wasn't hard to pick a choice. He could go out into the foyer where Jason, Steph, and Cassi, were destroying furniture and causing chaos or he could stay here with Dick's slightly eccentric friend.

Wally was...interesting and he wasn't mean like Jason or Damien and didn't scare him like Cassi did and sometimes Steph. Wally was nice. Too lost in his own train of thoughts Tim didn't realize he had a cut himself until Wally shouted.

"Dick is gonna kill me! Are you hurt Timmy? Of course it hurts. Okay it's not that deep but it's bleeding a lot."

Tim blushed both at the nickname and at having somebody fuss over him. Alfred usually took care of his bruises and he didn't overreact like this.

Cassi walked into the kitchen freezing at the sight. Damien was in a high chair playing with dry spaghetti but relatively unharmed. Tim was perched on a counter as a redheaded boy ranted with a cutting knife and Tim was bleeding a lot from his hand. Obviously the redhead was trying to hurt her brothers. She didn't like them very much they were both big crybabies Tim more so than Damien but they were her brothers.

With that in mind Cassi pulled out a shuriken throwing it at the knife in his hand.

The boy let out a yelp, staring at her incredulously before turning to Tim.

"Do people in your family throw weapons as a greetings? Is it a bat thing or something?"

Cassi ignored him and let out a strangled gasp, hitting the knife had thrown her shuriken off course and now it was heading for Damien. She was so grounded. She watched in horror as the weapon embedded itself in the redhead's hand.

How did he? Oh.

"Thank god for super healing." He shrugged, pulling out the weapon from his hand.

Cassi watched his hand heal and bit her lip feeling embarrassed Dick wouldn't let some stranger into the house no matter how incompetent he may be. She had almost attacked a superhero but why was Tim bleeding?

"Cassandra right?"

She nodded shifting under his gaze he was just so open.

"Sheesh what a mouthful. I'm gonna call you Cassi. Timothy is Timmy, and Damien is Dami. I'm making spaghetti want some?"

She nodded again, eagerly this time. If she was forced to eat one more bowl of Lucky Charms she was gonna murder Dick in his sleep.

"Great. Take the bowl of dry spaghetti and put in this pot, be careful it's hot."

Before moving she pointed at Tim's hand.

"Oh that." He said pulling out a box of band-aids from nowhere. Well he was a speedster, "It's a shallow cut. Timmy's just not as good as handling weapons like you and Dami. Because of that he's my favorite."

Cassi wondered it she should be insulted last she check people didn't insult you with a smile on their face...well some people did but not a smile like Wally's.

She watched him bandage Tim's finger kissing it and rubbed at her chest feeling disturbed.

Wally had given Tim a new task play with Damien while he and Cassi worked on the spaghetti.

"So this is where everybody's been hiding out." A girl said.

"Stephanie." Wally said turning around.

"You can call me Steph."


"Hey Cassi whatcha doing? Ooh spaghetti I love spaghetti. Cereal starts to taste like poo after eating it everyday for a week."

"Dick is kinda hopeless without Alfred and Bruce." Wally chuckled.

"Wait a second. Tim who's the pretty boy?" Steph asked looking up at him with awed eyes

Wally made a noise giving her an affronted look. "Pretty! I am not pretty. I am dashingly handsome. What makes you think I'm pretty?"

"Well you have pretty red hair like lady and you're cooking dinner like us. No wait! You can be our mom!"

"What! In case you haven't noticed I'm a dude. You know what forget it. You can set the table, think of it as a punishment."

Steph frowned sticking out her tongue at him.

"Okay spaghetti is done. So is the sauce and meatballs."

The rest of the kids sat down at the table, while Wally helped Damien settle in his high chair.

"I don't know about you kids but I'm starving." Wally said.

"Sticks!" Damien shouted pounding his little fists on his tray.

Wally turned seeing a kid at the stove reaching for the food and promptly smacked his hand away.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Jason I'm guessing. You didn't help prepare so you don't get to eat. It's a rule at my Aunt Iris's house."

"We're not at your aunts house." Jason huffed stomping his foot.

"Now you can either help me pour some drinks or you can eat some Frosted Flakes." Wally grinned, ignoring his complaining.

Jason scowled grabbing a carton of juice from the fridge and began pouring them into cups as Wally distributed food.

Before they could eat, Jason held up a hand, "I'd like to make a toast to no more cereal!"

The rest of the siblings cheered Damien throwing his Sippy cup at the door hitting Dick dead on the face.

"Wally! I can't find the kids anywhere and you're suppose to be helping- Ow what the fuck?"

Wally gasped covering Damien's ears, "Not in front of the kids."

"Dude you've had them here this whole time? I was freaking out. I thought they had died or something!"

"Seriously Dickie." Jason snickered.

"Shut it you!"

"Well they're here and not eating cereal."

"I'll have you know that cereal holds a lot of nutritional value."

"Good than you won't mind eating cereal for dinner while we enjoy our homemade spaghetti."

"I could go for some spaghetti." Dick said piling a plate.

"Hey! How come he gets to eat without helping?" Jason pouted.

"He doesn't. He's washing all the dishes." Wally winked.

"Dude no fair!"

"It's totally fair we make the food you clean up. Or you could just eat cereal and wash that one bowl and spoon."

"Shut up." Dick muttered and glanced around.

"There isn't a seat for me?"

"I think they're all a little sore about the only eating cereal for the past week. If I had known I would've crashed here earlier."

Dick glared shoving Wally out of his seat.

"You're staying here. So we don't have to eat cereal anymore. There is a god!" Steph shouted.

"Ha-ha very funny." Dick glared.

Wally smirked sitting himself on Dick's lap purposely becoming dead weight.

"Dude get off! Fatass!"

"This is all muscle baby." Wally smirked lifting his shirt slightly and patting his stomach.

Dick sighed heavily leaning against the chair. This was gonna be a long two weeks and they had training tomorrow. If Wally didn't crush him with his weight and kill him first.