It was Halloween. Mrs Hudson was preparing the candy happily, dressed as a witch.

Sherlock was working on the pumpkins trying to make them look perfect.

John watched him closely. "Amazing!" He said in awe as Sherlock finished with the last one. "Jesus.. I would totally carve your pumpkin."

"Compliments, as usual." The detective smirked. "Ah no worries, I carved it myself along with all the other ones."

"You really did a great job on the pumpkins. You deserve the credit." John told him. "Right.. Why would I think that you didn't carve it yourself.. No one did that to you before."

"Actually my father did." Sherlock said innocently. "I wasn't born with the skill."

They both went quiet for a moment as John decided to ignore the disturbing images then decided to break the silence and go for more lines. "Hey Sherlock.. Do you like trick-or-treating? Cause I'll give you this Hallow-weiner."

"Last minute costume?" Sherlock rubbed his chin. "Unexpected.. But I believe I can save the day."

"What..?" John said confused.

"I know someone.. He can get us a costume.." Sherlock explained. "I helped him on a case once."

"Ah.." John shook his head. "My real costume is at home in a box under my bed." He tried.

Sherlock's eyes started shining as he heard that and John mentally crossed his fingers. "Your soldier outfit!" Sherlock clapped. "Good thinking John!"

"What!" John yelled before composing himself. "Right."

"Go put it on.. I'll get a costume from the man I told you about.. Meet you in about forty five minutes." He said rushing to put his coat on.

"Sure.." John said and went to shower mumbling angrily about a stupid consulting detective.

The water calmed him for a bit. He wrapped a towel around his waist and went upstairs to his bedroom. He pulled out a dusty box and revealed his uniform. He didn't dare to look at it since he returned from Afghanistan. He bet the detective saw it since he k new exactly what was under John's bed. His heart clenched for a moment as his finger traced his medals, remembering all the things he done to get them. "The things I do for you Sherlock.. I swear to God.." With a sigh he dropped his towel and started dressing.

Sherlock returned to the flat with a bag and slipped into his own bedroom to change.

John came downstairs after checking himself in the mirror multiple times.

"Amazing!" Sherlock was the one with the compliments this time. "Hello.. Forty five minutes exactly.. We're right on the schedule."

"Thanks.. But please, let's not use any schedule and only have fun." John tried to resist a blush and eyed the detective closely. "You look amazing as well.." He licked his lips. "If I were a zombie, I'd eat you first.."

"But you're a soldier." Sherlock replied. "You'll have to prepare the costume and makeup way earlier if you decide to go as a zombie." He told John. "Next year maybe."

"I hope that I won't have to wait for that long." John whined.

"What choice do you have?" Sherlock told him. "Halloween comes once a year, unless you are going to attend costume parties.. You still won't be able to eat me because I won't be attending these silly events.." The detective kept talking. "Unless it is to investigate something.." Sherlock smirked. "I see exactly why you said that! Why you want to eat me.."

"Thank God you understood." John let out a breath. "I was trying to tell you all this time.. But you never understood."

"Of course I understood.. I understood since I was a kid." Sherlock grinned. "But thanks for the compliments anyway."

"Childhood?" John tilted his head. "We didn't know each other back then.." He said confused. "Sherlock Holmes, what did you understand exactly? Tell me so I can know if we're on the same page.."

"I knew I was the brain since I was a kid." Sherlock explained. "Then you came and started pointing out how I do great with my science of deduction.. And now you said that you'd eat me if you were a zombie because zombies eat brains and I have the best one!" He said with pride. "But if we went to a costume party for a case, you wouldn't want to eat my brain because no one else would be able to solve it."

John's jaw dropped.

"I really get you John Watson.." Sherlock told him. "Now come on, I didn't dress as a pirate so we could chat in our living room.. Let's scare London.. Bonus points if we can find the real monsters.. Killers."

"I am glad you get me.." John rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure.. Sounds like fun." He moved after the detective.

They finished their journey and they were returning home late from the police station.

Sherlock managed to tell that a man was covered in real blood and it wasn't a costume, so he and John had to chase him and drag him to the police.

"At least you had fun." Sherlock told the grinning detective as they walked toward Baker Street. "After that chase you deserve a ride on my broomstick."

"You don't have one." Sherlock pointed out.

John had to remind himself that he shouldn't feel insulted since Sherlock didn't understand him properly. "You never know what I'll turn into, at midnight!" He teased.

"A sleeping soldier." Sherlock told him. "What a hard guess."

John glared at him. "You don't let anything be hard."

"Nothing is hard." Sherlock ensured him. "Human brains like the too easy things.."

"How about another hard guess." John suggested smirking. "Try to find out why they call me PumpkinHead."

"Your head is big." Sherlock replied wiping away the smirk from John's face.

"This head?" John pointed at his.

"Last time I checked, you only had one." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Shut up and walk." John said giving up on that night.