Yep, technology hates me. This is a really long chapter and my second time trying to upload it. Anyways I hope everyone enjoys.

Zoey ran through the streets. She was sure that back at TCRI the portal had been destroyed. She had to find Scarlett and tell her what happened.

Mr. O'Neil was right behind her.

Then, they stopped.

In the sky, Zoey saw a huge, circular space ship.

What exactly had happened back at TCRI.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say, ahhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!" Mikey Yelled.

"What the heck is that thing!?" Asked Leo.

"It's the end of the world!" Yelled Raph.

Donnie said "Actually it's just the end of mankind's rein since the world will be-"

"Really?" I asked "You're really doing that now?!"

"Well excuse me!" Yelled Donnie "But it's how I deal with stress!"

"Well maybe it doesn't have weapons!" Said Raph "Does it look like it has weapons?"

The ship shot at us.

"Does that answer your question?" I yelled.

Meanwhile, Splinter was talking to Shredder.

"You took everything that I love! And you still hunt me down!" Said Splinter "So be it, I fight you now, to end this!" And thier battle began.

The ship was shooting even more.

Donnie and Mikey clashed and fell to a rooftop.

"Donnie!" I yelled "Mikey!"

Raph and Leo hovered near me.

"What now?" Asked Raph.

We just focused on avoiding bullets.

Eventually, we too clashed and fell to the earth. And into a dumpster.

A man ran past us, holding up a sign saying. 'The End Is Near' in sloppy writing.

"Heh." I said sarcastically "You're right about that."

I climbed out the dumpster. Raph and Leo followed.

Donnie ran to us. "Are you guys alright?"

"We've been better." Said Raph.

I saw Zoey run to us uncle!?

"Zoey!" I said.

"Scarlett!" Yelled Zoey.

Zoey stopped in front of us to catch her breath. "What's going on?" She asked. "I thought you guys destroyed the portal!"

"We did." I said "But that came through first." I pointed to the ship.

"Guys!" Zoey said. "The Kraang got April!"

"What!?" Yelled Donnie "I thought you two stayed in the lair!"

"Yeah..." Said Zoey "We kind of...broke the rule..."

"What about Splinter?" Asked Leo "I'm sure once he figured out you two were gone, he left the lair too!"

"On the bright side." Said Zoey "I have Mr. O'Neil here." She pointed to my uncle.

"Uncle Kirby?" I asked.

"Scarlett." He said and hugged me. "You need to leave New York now."

"I can't." I said "Even if I did, the invasion would still be taking over the world!"

"What do we do?" Asked Zoey.

I looked up.

"We're gonna have to break into that thing. April's in danger. Once we get her back, we would at least slow down the process of the invasion." I said.

"Right." Said Donnie

"Let's go." Said Raph. He grabbed his jet pack.

April woke up to find herself strapped up.

A gigantic pink Kraang was staring at her.

"April O'Neal." Said the Kraang.

April then remembered what had happened.

She struggled to break away, but she couldn't.

"Kraang has waited a long time." Said the alien.

"Where am I?" Asked April. "What's going on?"

"I am Kraang, but you can call me Kraang." Said the gigantic alien. "Kraang needs this planet for Kraang to live on."

"Um..." Said April "That sounds great, but we're kind of already using it. So you came all this way for nothing, bummer."

"No." Said the alien. "Kraang came all this way for you. April O'Neal."

"Oh really?" Asked April.

"As if I have anything to offer you."

"Your natural energy is uniquely attuned to this universe." Said the alien. "Once Kraang gains your energy and your ability, this world will belong to Kraang."

"And how are you going to do that exactly?" Asked April nervously.

Some wires popped up with a device on each one used especially for extracting energy.

And as they came closer, April couldn't help but regret leaving the lair and disobeying Donnie.

Then, her mind went to Donnie.

She remembered him. The way he smiled and spoke to her. His compassion and friendliness. She remembered what happened when he had turned into a baby.

And for a second, April found herself kind of falling for him. Her heart was creating the forbidden feelings and she could not go back.

Their friendship would never be the same.

And as the wires lit up, they came closer to April. And she regretted everything that had happened leading up to this point.

And with a final scream, everything went black.

Splinter and Shredder were still fighting, but now the room was on fire.

Things were happening beyond thier comprehension outside, but they were only focused on thier hatred for one another.

It was amazing that the two had once been almost like brothers.

While they fought, they would mock each other. Yelling about how the other 'stole' the beautiful Tang Shein from each other.

The moment came when Splinter nearly killed Shredder, but Shredder was a fast thinker and protected himself.

It was a fight to the death now.

They didn't care if both thier lives were lost.

Outside, everything was in chaos.

The Kraang were capturing all humans they saw now, sending pods down to retrieve them.

"We need to get on one of those pods." Said Leo

"But how?" Asked Donnie. "There are eight Kraang droids between us and there."

"How many did you say there were?" Asked Raph

"Eight." I answered

"We could create a diversion." Said Leo.

"Or we could dress up like Kraang droids." Said Mikey

"Or." Said Donnie "I could override thier security cod-"

Raph grunted, he was already on the pod. All eight Kraang droids eliminated.

"Or..." Said Leo "That...might work..."

"Come on." I said and Ran to the pod.

Uncle Kirby was told to go to the lair, the last safe spot we could think of.

Zoey, Donnie, Mikey, and Leo also ran to the pod.

We were on our way soon to Dave April.

Splinter and Shredder continued fighting.

"You've always had nothing but your hatred!" Yelled Splinter.

"That's where you're wrong!" Said Shredder. "You took something from me, so I took something from you, your daughter!"

His last words echoed in Splinter ' s mind.

All this time, Splinter believed his daughter Miwa was long gone.

"No." He muttered. "It can't be."

Everyone was in the pod.

We entered the Drome and saw people in front of us in pods screaming.

"Alright," said Leo "We're gonna get out in One, Teo, Three." Raph opened up the pod.

But, we started floating.

"Woah!" I exclaimed "Zero gravity!"

"I think the Kraang forgot to pay thier gravity bill!" Said Mikey.

He was sucked into a tunnel and reappeared behind us.

Mikey groaned.

"The Kraang generated Anti gravitons." Said Donnie.

"Is there any way for you to generate Anti, anti gravitons?" Asked Leo

"You mean gravitons?" Asked Donnie "no."

Mikey groaned again. "Guys, I'm gonna throw up. Or down, or sideways, but I'm majorly gonna throw."

Another pod bumped against Mikey from behind.

Mikey clung to the pod.

"We still have a job to do." Said Leo "So let's go."

We grabbed onto the pod.

The pod was sucked into a tunnel.

"Dudes! The Kraang should totally make this into a carnival ride!" Said Mikey. Clearly no longer nauseous.

"I think they're more interested In destroying the earth." Said Leo.

"Eh, they can do both." Said Mikey.

We heard a scream.

"It's April!" Said Donnie.

"Can you say that any louder?" Asked Raph sarcastically "I don't think the whole Techno Drome heard you."

Raph turned to see a lot of Kraang staring at us.

"Never mind." He sighed "They did."

We all got our weapons. And I wondered how my arrows were gonna work in zero gravity.

April was being extracted of her energy. It was painful.

In front of her, Kraang laughed evily.

April was using her last minutes to remember her life.

She remembered playing with Scarlett as a kid.

She remembered Auntie Agatha.

She remembered her dad.

She remembered Zoey.

She remembered the turtles.

And then, she remembered Donnie. She felt as if she'd miss him most of all.

Again, her feelings for him swelled up inside. She was well aware that he liked her. Now, it seemed she would never tell him what she thought.

Her mind wavered back to when she and Donnie first met.

He was saving her from the Kraang.

The memories piled up. She started to remember more and more things.

And then, she came to a conclusion.

'I think I like Donnie.' She thought.

And then, her memories of a good friendship with Donnie, turned into memories of all the times she was starting to fall for him. All this time she had loved him, she just never fully realized until now.

And now, it was too late.

She yearned to see him again. To hug him. To talk to him. To see his smile. Hear his voice. Hear his laugh.

But, it was too late. She was growing weaker by the second.

Goodbye Donnie.

Goodbye everyone.

Huge fights climaxed everywhere.

We fought the Kraang while there was no gravity.

Shredder and Splinter fought below.

And somewhere in the ship, April was fighting her fate.

Fighting with zero gravity was even funner than it proved to be.

We still heard April's screams.

Raph thought he heard it from below.

He ripped a peice of the floor off. Or was it the ceiling?

We climbed through.

We saw April being drained of her energy and Kraang in front of her.

"Soon, it will be the end of all humankind!" Laughed Kraang.

"Not if we have anything to do about it." Said Leo.

"The turtles?!" Said Kraang shocked.

"Raph, quick!" Said Leo.

Gravity worked now and Raph jumped to Kraang. He stood on Kraang ' s face and twisted.

Kraang lost his concentration and groaned.

April was lowered to the ground. Her eyes were lifeless. Donnie helped April and removed the straps. April lifelessly started limping to the ground.

Donnie grabbed April.

April started gaining consciousness.

She saw Donnie.

Her heart beat like it never had before.

I saw the way she looked at him.

"Donnie.." She said softly. "You're my hero."

Donnie chuckled nervously.

April blushed.

"We need to get out of here." Said Leo.

April clung to Donnie's back sleepily.

We started climbing up wires to leave the chamber.

At that moment, Kraang revealed his full form. He was actually a part of a gigantic Kraang droid.

I felt uneasy.

Splinter and Shredder continued thier fight.

Splinter knocked off Shredder ' s helmet, revealing Shredder ' s face. Half burned and one blood red eye.

This was Splinter ' s moment. He jumped to finish Shredder.

And then, Karai jumped in and protected her father.

Upon seeing Karai, Splinter realized her face looked similar.

"Miwa?" He asked.

Karai kicked Splinter away.

"Father." She said, tending to Shredder ' s wounds.

"Karai." Said Shredder "That rat is Hamato Yoshi."

"Miwa." Muttered Splinter.

"My name is Karai!" Yelled Karai coldly. "Father told me what you did to my mother, and now I'm gonna return the favor!" She lunged at Splinter with her sword.

Shredder laughed.

Splinter could not do this, he could not fight against his daughter.

"No." He said and jumped out of harm's way.

"Why won't you fight!?" Yelled Karai "Coward!"

Splinter just turned and left.

If only Karai knew the truth.

We ran out of the chamber.

The Techno Drome heaved violently every now and then.

"Leo, I have a question!" Yelled Mikey.

"What?" Asked Leo

"Did we defeat that big Kraang back there?"

"Yes Mikey."

"Then why is it following us!?"

It was true, the Kraang was following us in its gigantic suit.

"Ah!" I exclaimed. The Kraang followed us.

We looked ahead.

"There's one last escape pod over there!" Yelled Donnie.

The chamber we were now in was a chamber made entirely of white platforms and gaps between them.

The gaps between could been as deep as the ocean.

We tried hard to not fall in the gaps between.

Mikey nearly fell into one, but Leo helped him.

We were almost to the pod.

I felt a claw jerk me backwards.

I screamed.

"Scarlett!" Zoey screamed.

Kraang laughed.

"Hold on Scarlett! I'm coming!" Yelled Raph and he started running back.

Kraang lifted me off the ground, just out of Raph's reach.

I was terrified.

"Let go of her!" Yelled another voice.

I looked to the side. From a gap, came Zac. He held up a Katana and sliced the arm off that I was on.

I screamed as I started falling.

"Woah!" Said Zac. He grabbed me.

"Get away!" I said, I shoved him away.

But it was too late, we were already falling to infinity.

"Scarlett!" I heard everyone yell.

In the darkness, I felt Zac ' s cold arms. I tried to break free from his hold.

"Let go!" I said.

"No." He said "I'm gonna break your fall for you."

"What?" I asked "Why would you do that?"

"They used me!" He said. "I was among some of the most intelligent Kraangs, I could even speak normally, but even though they said they would let me do whatever I pleased, even making me this body, they were using me! I want to die!"

"What?" I asked. I stopped struggling.

"Scarlett O'Neil." Said Zac. "I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you."

"How do I know you're not lying?" I asked unsure.

"You don't." Said Zac "But why would anyone about to die lie to death in the face?"

He had a point.

We kept falling.

"What now?" I asked. "Even if you break my fall, we're both gonna die."

"I'm sorry." Said Zac.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"We've been tricking you the whole time." Said Zac. "I taught the Kraang how to masters of illusion and we've used it against you a few times. Like when you were first attacked, you saw the Foot ninjas, but they were really Kraang droids. I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be." I said "Without you, I'd never meet the turtles."

"Heh." Zac chuckled softly. "You really like those guys don't you?"

"Yeah." I said "They're like family."

"Oh." Said Zac "I wouldn't know how that feels, I never had a real family that loved me."

"Oh." I said.

We were both silent.

"I need to confess something else." Said Zac.

"What?" I asked.

"Your parents." Said Zac. "The Kraang made them split up a long time ago."

"What!?" I said.

"I'm not sure whether they killed your parents or not, that's all I know." Said Zac truthfully. "I'm very sorry."

I cried silently.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help you." Said Zac.

I was surprised. This Zac was different from the one I've always hated. I turned to face him.

"It's okay." I said

"Hey Scarlett." Said Zac "I'm going to die."

At the rate we were falling, I knew it was true.

"Yeah, you're gonna die." I said "We both are."

"I want to do something before I die." Said Zac.

"What's that?" I asked.

Zac put his hands by my ears.

My heart skipped a beat.

Zac pulled me close to him. I closed my eyes and braced myself.

But, at the last moment, all Zac did was kiss my forehead.

"Huh?" I asked when it was over.

"I love you Scarlett." Said Zac.

And then, before I could answer, our fall ended and Zac shattered to pieces.

At first I was silent.

"Zac?" I asked "Zac! Zac!" I yelled.

Zac didn't say a word.

I would never forget his dying words to me.

And though I knew I knew that he had once been my enemy, I cried and showed pity for him.

He wasn't all that bad in the end.

We could have become friends if he hadn't died.

"Scarlett?" Asked a voice. I looked up.

I was in the chamber I had fallen out of. Zoey was running to me.

"Zoey." I said..

I ran to Zoey and hugged her.

I started crying.

"What's wrong?" Zoey asked.

"Zac ' s dead!" I wailed.

"How is that a bad thing?" Asked Donnie.

I cried harder. I had never seen a person physically die in front of me.

The gigantic Kraang was still coming for us.

The escape pod opened up.

Everyone climbed inside.

Leo stayed outside.

"You're all going to die here!" Said Kraang.

Leo was thinking hard.

I knew he was going to sacrifice himself right about now.

After seeing Zac die, I could not afford any more lives to be lost.

"Leo!" I yelled and climbed out the pod.

Leo turned. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I want you to leave in the escape pod!" I said.

"What!?" Everyone said.

"Yeah." I said "I want you guys to all leave. Now."

"No, you go." Said Leo.

"No." I said, I grabbed his arm.

Leo stared at me.

"I'm not going to let you die." I said "Everyone needs you! You're the leader! If you die, who knows what will happen!?" I shook my head. "I'd rather stay here and die as long as I know you're around to protect everyone."

Leo stared at me.

"Don't." Raph yelled.

I turned.

"Guys." I said "Don't worry, I'm ready. I'm ready to die."

"Don't say that!" Zoey yelled.

I ignored them.

"I love you all." I said "I hope you can find happiness without me."

I pushed Leo into the escape pod.

"No!" I heard Everyone scream from inside.

The pod took off.

"Scarlett!" I heard Raph scream.

And now, here I was, all alone.

Kraang laughed behind me.

"You're pathetic." He said.

"No I'm not!" I yelled.

I shot arrows at him. I jumped. I dodged.

Tears of anger fell from my face.

And then, finally, I had brought him down.

He lay on the floor.

"This ship is going to blow up." He said "You're going to die."

"I don't care!" I screamed.

And with one final arrow, he spoke no more. He wasn't dead completely, but he was injured.

I fell to my knees after what I'd done.

"Guys." I muttered. I was weak from my fight.

My bracelet ' s chain broke.

A symbol of my life about to end.

I just grabbed the chain.

And I held the key close to my heart.

I lay there for quite some time.

I knew the ship was going to blow up any second now.

I just remembered all I had done.

I told myself my story up to this point.

And now, here I lay.

Here I am, telling no one in particular my whole story up to this point.

And it's funny.

A small part of me wonders if I've finally become a sister for the turtles. I hoped they wouldn't mind me thinking so.

I am remembering all those moments I shared with them.

I miss them.

I miss everyone.

Why are tears falling now?

Wait, I know.

I just don't want it to end like this.

I don't want to die.

I'm not ready, I was, but now I'm just not ready.

"Please." I say. "I don't want to die."

But from afar, I can hear a countdown. It is truly the sound of my last seconds.

'But wait.' I thought. 'This story isn't over. If I'm still here, maybe there's a way to save myself even now.'

I looked around the chamber.

Kraang still did not speak.

I looked at his old droid body, that now wouldn't move.

Maybe I could take a hollow peice of it. Maybe I could use it as a pod.

I started to quickly remove tech from the droid.

I worked quickly, I didn't have much to work with. And then, I did it. I made something that I hoped could break my fall from this height.

I walked to an opening. I could see pods escaping the Techno Drome.

I was going to join them.

I smiled. Tears fell.

I was going to survive.

And then, the ship exploded.

Zoey cried.

Everyone in the escape pod mourned Scarlett.

No one spoke.

The only sound was Zoey ' s soft crying.

April was now fully conscious. She also mourned for Scarlett and stayed silent. She hugged Donnie tightly.

She couldn't belive her cousin was...dead.

"She was a hero." April said at last.

Zoey cried harder.

"She was a nice person." Said Leo "Always thinking of others."

"She did beat me in video games a lot." Said Mikey "But she was fun."

"She could create lots of things." Said Donnie. "She could cook, she could sing, draw, decorate, she was even good at science."

"And math." April laughed.

"She was my friend." Said Zoey "She was always so positive, she never gave up on me. Even though she's lost so much, she's also gained so much. She lost parents, but she gained friends."

"Not just that." Said Raph "She gained a family."

Now, everyone was teary eyed.

"I won't forgive her." Said Raph, he pounder the glass on the pod. "I'll never forgive her for staying behind."

The escape pod landed in the ocean, not far from the coast of New York.

They all see people from pods nearby land and then having the people smile.

They smiled also.

"She would've liked this." Said Raph.

"Yeah." Said Leo. "She was really all about happiness wasn't she?"

Everyone was still slightly sad.

Zoey had stopped crying.

"She would have wanted us to be happy too." She said and wiped away her tears.

"Right." Said Mikey.

"No doubt." Said Donnie.

"Yeah." Said Leo.

"Good point." Said Raph.

"We won't be sad." Said Zoey "We'll be happy. She's in a better place now. We'll go to shore and celebrate Scarlett for the person she was. Let's go on this happy day."

Everyone smiled, but tears still fell.

They started to paddle to shore.

And that's when I saw them.

I was floating on top of a peice of wood. My pod didn't work exactly the way I wanted.

But, I heard every word the others said.

They started paddling away.

"Wait!" I yelled.

They turned.

"Scarlett?" Asked Raph.

I swam up to them. "The one and only." I smiled.

"Scarlett!" Said Mikey. He helped me out of the water and into the pod.

I was hugged by everyone.

"Guys." I said and cried.

Now, we were truly happy.

No matter what, after this, we'd always be together.


Everyone was happy and celebrated.

I smiled.

We had done it, we saved the world and stopped an alien invasion.

But to me, the best thing of all was being able to make it back to the lair, alive and safe.

I saw Zoey smile and then leave the lair.

I wondered where she was going.

I followed Zoey, she climbed out of the sewer and into the alley.

I followed silently behind her.

I stayed in the shadows of the alley, unseen.

Zoey sighed.

I could see her breath in the air, it was nearly winter.

I thought I saw her lips move, but I did not hear her speak.

She pulled a remote control out. It was the same one I had found her with when I first met her.

"Zoey?" I asked, stepping into the light. "What're you doing?"

Zoey turned, a bit surprised, but smiled upon seeing me.

"Scarlett." Zoey smiled.

She held up her TV remote, a button flashed on it. It flashed on and off, as if it was trying to say something.

"What's that?" I asked.

Zoey sighed. "I should've told you sooner." She said.

"Told me what?" I asked in confusion.

Zoey hesitated to answer. "I'm not...exactly...from here."

I listened carefully.

"And by, not from here, I actually mean, I'm not from this world." Said Zoey. "You see, I come from another world, another dimension you might say."

I nodded. I didn't say anything, but payed close attention to what Zoey said.

"The truth is that this button." She said and pointed to the 'ok' button on the remote. "This button lights up when a new dimension is in danger and needs to be saved."

"What are the dimensions in danger of?" I asked.

"That's another story." Said Zoey. She wouldn't reveal all her secrets so soon. "You see, I can then make a portal to that dimension and spend as much time there as I want without wasting time in the one I come from."

Zoey hesitated a bit more. Explaining it all was hard for her. "I've, you see, I've spent lots of time here, with occasional visits to my world. And, after seeing what you did today, I feel like I need to go back to my world and fix a mess I made."

"A mess?" I asked.

"Yeah." Said Zoey, she sighed and turned around. "I got into a fight with someone I really cared about."

"Your best friend." I guessed.

Zoey turned. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

So I was right.

"No." I said "It's okay. I just need to get used to sharing friends with another person."

We both laughed a bit.

"I...I want to go back." Zoey said

I stared at her.

I didn't quite understand the full concept of this, but I think I understood.

"This dimension is safe now." Zoey said "And I want to spend some time in mine if it's okay with you."

I gave it a thought.

I could've said no. I could've begged Zoey to stay.

But I wanted Zoey to venture out in the world, and not necessarily this one.

I nodded.

"You can go." I said, voice choking.

Zoey nodded and started crying a bit. "Thanks." She cried.

She walked to the middle of the alley.

"So is this goodbye?" I asked her. Tears, fell from my eyes.

"No." Said Zoey "This isn't goodbye, just 'until next time.' Because I'm sure I'll see you again, Scarlett."

I smiled and cried.

"Don't forget me." I said.

Zoey opened up a portal, with her remote, and before jumping in said, "I won't."

And, she jumped through the portal. It closed behind her.

For a second, I was in a daze. I wondered what had happened and replayed the event in my mind.

I wondered if Zoey was a hallucination. But I quickly told myself it could not be true.

The night was cold and I slid back into the sewer.

It's strange.

Somehow, as I walked through the sewer tunnels, as I walked to the lair, and I heard the turtles and everyone else celebrating, I felt something warm grow deep within me. And even on a cold night like tonight, it kept me warm.

A memory played in my mind as I walked down the tunnel.

"Mom." I cried and walked into my mother's room.

"What's wrong Scarlett?" She asked and hugged me.

"I heard a scary story today." I said "And now, I can't sleep, when I try, I see a monster that tries eating me."

I cried harder.

"There, there, Scarlett." My mom coaxed me. "Don't you know, there's a star in your heart?"

"What?" I asked.

"Yes." My mother said. "A star. Everyone has one in thier hearts. You see, dark and light always stand hand in hand, and if you even show a bit of fear, the dark will try to consume you."

I stared up at my mother in awe.

"Scarlett." She said "In order to keep the darkness from defeating you, you must always keep that star in your chest, burning brightly at all times."

"Why?" I asked

"Because." My mother said. "That is your most important charge."

I remember the mix of confusion and awe I had after that, but nevertheless, I now knew what this feeling was.

And I was sure I wasn't the only one feeling it.

I walked to the den, everyone invited me to join them in thier celebration.

This warmth I felt inside me, was proof of that star I kept.

It was proof that the star was shining.

In order to realize our dreams, to protect those precious to us, in order to keep fighting, I hoped this star would continue shining and giving strength. 'O star, inside my chest.

The end. Even I got a bit teary eyed making this. Anyways please review and I hope everyone asks for a sequel. If I do make a sequel, I'll include season 2 episodes and characters too! I hope you enjoyed meeting TMNT. I want to thank everyone who helped make this story a reality and anyone who was a part of this project. And, here's a final goodbye for all the people who have read and reviewed.


Zoey fell through the portal and landed in a hallway. She saw strange writing on the wall, and at first thought she was in another country, but further examination proved that she was merely in the foreign languages hallway.

If it was the same time as she had first left this place, Zoey knew just where she needed to go.

She ran out the hall and into another set of classrooms. She ran up stairs, occasionally passing people.

She would never forget Scarlett and all the things they did together, but she wanted to mend her friendship with a friend from this world.

This world very similar to the one the reader lives in.

A place called reality.

Zoey opened the door to an old classroom, her friend whom she had not seen in so long was across the room, and looked out a window.

She turned and saw Zoey.

"Hi...Zoey." She said awkwardly and smiled.

Zoey couldn't help but running to hug her friend. She had missed her.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Asked the girl.

"Nothing." Zoey said and cried silently. She wiped away her tears and looked at her friend.

She and Scarlett were very alike. It was almost like actually being with Scarlett.

With Scarlett, she felt the same way.

"I'm sorry." Said Zoey "For everything."

The girl looked at Zoey and smiled.

"It's okay." She said "It was a stupid thing to fight about."

Zoey smiled.

"You forgive me?" She asked.

"Of course." Answered the other girl.

She held Zoey ' s hand and they walked out of the room together.

They smiled like the bestest of friends. And planned the things they would do that weekend.

Cherry trees she'd thier Cherry Blossom Petals.

And the two friends walked into the sunset.

And Zoey greatly missed Scarlett. But she smiled.

She knew she would see Scarlett again. It would only be a matter of time.