Ok, while I'm in the mood for silly plot lines, this is an alternate universe where Katniss is not an idiot. Either that, or it is the first time a living sponsor gift has been sent to the arena. I'm a fan of the latter.

"Ready to do it?", Katniss says, pulling on her pack.

"Do what?", says Rue.

"Today we take out the Careers' food", Katniss states.

"Really? How?", Rue asks, bouncing up and down in excitement.

Katniss begins to respond, but before she can finish that sentence, the sound of trumpets echoes out across the arena. Rue and Katniss look at each other, surprised by this sudden turn of events. The trumpets only ever sound in the games when there is a victor, which there obviously isn't, or when there is an announcement.

Rue and Katniss stand there in silence, listening for the voice of Claudius Templesmith, but it never comes. Instead, they hear a flapping sound behind them. They both turn just in time to see a tall, muscular man fly down out of the sky and land on a rock on the bank of the flowing creek, his perfectly combed hair and flashy cape waving in the wind. He has his hands on his hips, accenting his well-toned upper body. More curiously, he is wearing what looks like a combination of tights and boots. As he lands, he looks valiantly off into the distance, as if unaware of the two girls standing there gaping at this sudden, strange appearance.

Katniss is the first to come to her senses. "Umm.. can I help you?", she ventures cautiously.

When she says this, the man in the cape turns her way and flashes a charming smile. In a smooth, deep voice, he booms out, "Why hello there young ones! I am the wonderful, the great, the magnificent... Captain Obvious!" He thrusts his arms toward the sky to accentuate this fact. He pauses in this stance for a brief moment, then points to the letters C.O. written on his tightly fitted top. "The C and the O stand for 'Captain' and 'Obvious', in case you couldn't tell."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious", Katniss blandly responds. She looks over to Rue, who is still dumbfounded, and then back to the strange man, then back to Rue, not entirely sure if the effects of the tracker jacker venom had completely worn off yet.

Captain Obvious reads this reaction and steps down off of the rock and onto shore. "I heard that you require my assistance, young ones!" He pauses, then adds, "Are you or are you not Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire?"

Katniss nods, though she is still somewhat stunned by this bizarre turn of events.

Captain Obvious responds jovially, "Excellent! Then I have come to the right place!" Then he looks over toward Rue and explains, "You know that she's not actually on fire, right?"

Rue looks over at Katniss, who meets her stare and they share a look that means something along the lines of "who is this weirdo and what is he doing here?"

Captain Obvious either doesn't see this or pretends not to notice it as he continues with his banter. "I heard you are formulating a plan to relieve the Careers of their duties in the arena. May I hear of this bold plan of which you speak?"

Katniss looks back at him and shrugs. What harm could it do? "Well Rue here was going to start a couple of fires with green wood to make excess smoke. When the careers run out here distracted, I was going to go and blow up the excess supplies, along with a part of my ear, while little Rue here gets herself caught in a net trap, then stabbed. We don't actually succeed in killing any careers, but the supplies are gone, so that's kind of a success. Oh, and later, I'll take a knife to the face." She looks up, thinking for a second, then nods with finality. "But, yea, that's about the gist of it. "

Captain Obvious, who has listened intently to every word, takes this moment to face-palm. He holds the pose for a moment, then looks back up. He points an accusing gloved finger toward Katniss and says, "You're not very smart, are you?"

This throws Katniss, and anger begins to well up inside her. As if this strange, random man knows the first thing about her. Before Katniss can begin her rant, however, Captain Obvious hold up his hand. "Now, there, sweetie, let's take a look at this 'plan' of yours." At the term 'plan', he uses his index and middle finger to make air quotes. He sighs and begins, "First of all, why would anyone build a fire, made from green wood no less, during this afternoon heat after having survived such cold nights? It kind of screams trap to me, and it likely will to them too. Wouldn't it make more sense to light the distracting fire at night, especially since you have those night vision glasses?"

Katniss opens her mouth to argue, but then realizes that he has a point.

Captain Obvious takes this opportunity to continue. "Furthermore, both you and your little friend Rue here know who of the careers are left and what weapons they use. You both are fully aware that Clove is the only tribute with a ranged weapon. Why would you face them from the ground when you would have an advantage from the trees?"

Katniss shrugged. She didn't really have an answer to that.

Captain Obvious takes this as a sign to finish his explanation. "It seems to me that you could take out the entire career pack tonight by lighting a fire, climbing a tree, and waiting for them to come to you. If you can hit a skunk from 50 feet away with those dark sight glasses, hitting a few careers right below you will be nothing. You will have the first shot for free, because they don't think they have anything or anyone to fear. Aim for Clove, the only one with ranged weapons. After this, they will be looking for you. Set up your next shot while little Rue here jumps from tree to tree and distracts them. While they're looking for where the sound came from, hit the other one wearing dark sight glasses. Boom, two down, one to go. So now you have one blind career with a melee weapon just sitting under your tree, or running away if he's smart, for one more easy kill", nodding as he finishes, as if this is the clearly the only way to go about this.

Katniss finds that although she finds this man annoying, she is nodding and agreeing with every word.

He smiles at this and looks between the two of them, then finishes, "That way, you don't lose any arrows, the careers are all down, you can still hear, and you still have the supplies from the cornucopia to pick from. Also, your little friend here doesn't get stabbed, so there's that too", he motions toward Rue.

He smiles at them, while Katniss goes over this in her head.

After a dramatic pause, Captain Obvious steps back and declares, "Well, it looks my work here is done! So long young ones!" He crouches down, then jumps and flies off into the sky. The trumpets sound again, and he is gone.