I found this on my old memory stick! I think it's about a year and a half old ... so it's not as good as my normal stuff since my writing style has changed significantly since then. But I'll upload it anyway to see if you guys like it.

It's an original story, and the ending is written but it's constantly being tampered with since I can't decide on a happy, sad or neutral ending.

It ties in (kinda) to the Yugioh Storyline, and it's Blindshipping with side Tender, Bronze and Puppyshipping (or whatever JonoxSeth is, revertshipping?!). There are minor OCs but otherwise there are only Yugioh characters.

This is a prologue, but chapter one will be up right away to give you more of a taste.

A very long time ago, close to one hundred years or more, the Princess to Egypt sat on a seat in her rooms and played a beautiful song with her flute. She could play very well and often people would stop what they were doing just to listen. She put her soul into her music and it pleased everyone to hear it.

One day, while she was playing in the gardens, a young man who tended to the horses in the royal stables come to find the source of her music. When he found the Princess he was very humble when he spoke to her, and wasn't flattering or over dramatic towards her. The Princess was charmed by his humble honesty. While other men had thrown themselves at her feet, and rained flattery on her like sunlight, whilst boasting about themselves at first opportunity; this man merely told her the simple truth.

The Princess fell in love with him and began to play love songs and music to charm his feelings. Unknown to the humble man, the Princess wasn't as lovely as she appeared. She was easily overcome with jealousy and rage, and would work up a fury if things didn't go her way. With how slow this man was responding to her affections cracks began to appear in her perfect façade. But she swallowed her frustrations with thoughts of his adoring smiles and kind words, and continued to woo him with her songs.

The young man liked the Princess very much, but his heart was unmoved.

One afternoon the Princess woke from a light slumber to hear music playing, she got up and went to find the source of the music, the sound of a flute more beautiful than even she could play. After wandering the gardens she spotted the musician.

She found a servant girl playing by the river in the arms of her lover.

The Princess watched, amazed at such love. The music that washed around them spun gold threads through their image. Clearly the servant loved this man dearly, and the man loved her back as he hummed along with her tunes – perfectly memorised.

Then she got a look at the lover's face, it was the young man from the stables!

The Princess was consumed with jealousy. The servant was playing was for him!

At the end he told her that she was the most beautiful player in his eyes.

The Princess watched them kiss then decided to split them up, the Princess was used to getting what she wanted and she wanted his heart and undying devotion. She devised a plan to cut out the centre point of their relationship.

The Princess persuaded her Father, the Pharaoh, to issue a decree that only those who could read and write, those higher on the hierarchy with the exception of Priestesses and Priests, could play music; this made sure that the servant girl was banned from her music. She could no longer express her love to him through her songs, unlike the Princess who basked in her rival's silence.

The Princess was smug, sure that the young man would leave her now that her talent was silent. But, to her fury, the young man continued to love the servant girl, he loved her for her simple prettiness and kindness, the Princess was beaten and she grew bitter and mean.

The pair married very close to the Princess's own arranged marriage and coronation.

Since that day no music has been allowed to sound by a commoner's hand. Years past and the law remained. Selfish nobles liked the extra power it gave them over the common folk. The law was amended a little more, only those who could read and write within a temple could play music when it was discovered that music lessons were being held for temple helpers who were no more than street urchins. Guards and spies were around to keep that law the same and punishment was to lose a hand or part of the person that played the instrument, death in extreme cases, so that they'd never again play.

In the present day that law still held and most children never learnt music over the tapping of a homemade drum.

But that was about to change…

... as many things in my stories do ...

Okay! So here is the set up, then next chapter will be the introduction to Yugi and Atem's story. Hopefully you'll all like a lot.

Quite a lot of chapters coming up, how soon is depending on respnose from you guys.

This ended up coming to you because STTD is being very slowly edited and re-edited (perfectionists can't be rushed! We get Maaad.) and also because I was emptying alllll of my memory sticks in time for Uni at the end of this month. Not sure how often updates will be once I've started University.

Probably slower ... but we'll see.