Hello dear readers! I have started a new story! I hope that I get as much positive feedback for this fanfic as I have with my other story, A Regular Adventure (if any of you guys are Regular Show fans then you should check it out)!

Now, first things first, if I owned How To Train Your Dragon, that would be the first sign of the world ending, so keep an eye out for news that I own it, and then you can panic.

Second, I am entering this fanfic as a character myself, so yeah, be prepared. I will have the same nickname as I do in the G.M.A.D., which is Phoenix (I should really think of other names).

Third, I absolutely adore Hiccstrid, but I'm not really going to add much romance (like, almost at all) in this fanfic, but there will still be some!

Hiccup smiled as he left his house with Toothless behind him. It had been about a month since the battle with the Red Death and as he looked upon the village, he still could barely believe what he was seeing. The whole village was at peace with the dragons (except for Mildew, but no one really counts him anyway) and almost everyone had their own dragon. They were everywhere, on roofs, running along the paths, and, of course, in the sky.

Hiccup could see Astrid (Hiccstrid forever!) on her Nadder called Stormfly, Snotlout on his Monstrous Nightmare called Hookfang, Fishlegs on his Gronckle called Meatlug, and the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut on their Zippleback heads, Barf and Belch respectively, riding through the sky.

He grinned and was about to join them when they spotted him and flew over. "Hey Hiccup." Astrid greeted him as Stormfly touched down first, because she was the fastest besides Toothless.

"Hi Astrid." Hiccup grinned at her. The others touching down at that moment.

"Hi Hiccup!" Fishlegs called as he stumbled off of Meatlug.

"Hey Astrid! Why'd you go babe, I know that you can't get enough of this." Snotlout bragged as he struck a bodybuilder pose, and then got punched in the face by Astrid. "Oh, hey Hiccup." He groaned from the ground.

"Hey," The twins said in unison, "Are we gonna destroy something today?" they cackled gleefully, and the others stepped back from them in alarm. They head butted and fell down, and the others relaxed again.

"No, I thought that we could have a day off," Hiccup started, and everyone else looked either confused, disappointed or indifferent (in Snotlout's case). "We've all been working so hard to bond with our dragons and to trust each other so I thought that we could have a break."

"I suppose that's fair enough." Astrid stated, and Fishlegs nodded in agreement while the twins moaned.

"Hello son." Everyone jumped a little as Stoick came up behind them with Gobber and Spitelout in tow.

Hiccup was the first to recover, "Oh, hi Dad." He greeted as Stoick placed a hand on his shoulder. The others all said various greetings.

"What are you doing today?" Stoick asked.

Hiccup was about to reply when suddenly a glowing, white light appeared under all their feet (including the dragons). They fell into it and vanished into thin air.

When they reappeared they were all dizzy and disorientated, but they were aware enough to know that they were on the ground, and they all stood up.

"Hello!" A cheery voice greeted them, and they looked all around to see that they were in a large room that had light purple walls and a midnight blue ceiling (dotted with fake stars). There was some furniture like cushioned armchairs, a table, couches, and that sort of thing. There were also a few doors around the place. They all (somehow) saw the person the mysterious voice belonged to at the same time. It was a girl.

She had long, golden hair with copper streaks (that was in a braid similar to older Astrid's), lavender coloured eyes, a few freckles across her face and pale skin. She was wearing a sky-blue t-shirt that had the words '2 Cool 4 School' written on it, under a purple hoodie that had a white love-heart shaped peace sign on it. She had black track-suit pants that had fake jewels on the bottom and a strange animal at the top of the right leg of the pants (it is a phoenix). She was also wearing runners with lavender on the outside… sides? And silver on the inside sides (I'm just gonna say insides and outsides if I refer to them again). The outsides (oh look, I did refer to them again) also had a golden lightning bolt and they had white soles and laces. She was sitting on a couch, or maybe lying upside down on a couch would be more accurate, because her back was on the arm of the couch, and she was looking at them all upside down (I'll give you a hint, that's me! XD).

"Erm… hi." Hiccup said a little awkwardly. "Who are you, exactly?" The others nodded in agreement.

She pouted as she turned over so that she was looking at them the right way up and crossed her arms. "Oh you're no fun!" She puffed, but then quickly brightened, "Yet!" Everyone (including the dragons) all felt a shiver go down their spines as she added that last part.

"Okay, I'm PhoenixWillowsRox88, but you can just call me Phoenix." She grinned as she got up from her (rather comfy looking) couch and shook hands with Hiccup, who was in front of the group. "I know who you all are, of course. I mean, I'm the one that brought you all here." She started ranting off to herself, but she snapped back to reality when Snotlout spoke.

"Hey babe, why don't we go for a romantic flight on Hookfang?" Snotlout asked as he checked her out, and she looked revolted.

"Bleck!" She pretended to barf. "Why would I go on a date with you?"

"Because you can't get enough of this!" Snotlout stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and gestured to himself. The next moment, he was on the ground with an egg-sized lump on his head as Phoenix held a frying pan (Go Punzie!) in her hand that had come out of nowhere. It had a Snotlout shaped mark on it, and she threw it away, and it disappeared into nothingness before everyone's eyes.

They all watched as the absolutely seething girl before them turned back into the cheerful, friendly girl that they had first met. "Sorry about that everyone besides Snotlout." She apologised.

"Did you say that you brought us here?" Stoick cautiously asked the girl. She nodded and he continued, "Why?"

"Well, do you guys remember how Stoick asked Hiccup what he was doing today?" Everyone nodded. "Well I have decided to change all of your plans, so you'd better hope that you didn't have anything important on today."

"What are we going to do now?" Fishlegs asked her.

"I decided that we are going to play Truth or Dare!" Phoenix announced proudly.

"Why are we playing Truth or Dare?" Ruffnut asked, and Phoenix looked shocked.

"Because I want us to, of course!" She looked at Ruffnut weirdly as everyone else looked at her weirdly.

"How did you bring us 'ere, lassie?" Gobber asked, and Phoenix rubbed her temple.

"I have author powers! Duh!" She looked at them in exasperation. "Anyway, first you are all going to have to watch something that people in my time call a movie. It's a bunch of moving pictures. This movie is called 'How To Train Your Dragon'."

She clicked her fingers and suddenly they all saw HTTYD in less than five minutes. "Wow." Was all that most of them could say after seeing what Hiccup went through.

"You actually ate that fish?!" Snotlout asked Hiccup incredulously.

"Well, yeah." Hiccup said and looked at Toothless, who showed him his signature gummy smile.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, would you like to see my dragon?" Phoenix asked, and they all looked at her surprised.

"You have a dragon?" Hiccup asked.

She looked at him as if he were crazy, "Of course I do!"

Phoenix whistled, and out of nowhere a lithe, black shape whizzed past everyone and jumped on her. It started licking her face and she giggled as everyone stared at them in amazement. "Okay, okay, I love you too Violetstorm!" She said it as well as she could with a big, black dragon on top of her. The dragon got off her with a smug look as Phoenix stood up and saw everyone's faces.

"What?" She asked, and they all pointed at her dragon.

"I thought Toothless was the last Night Fury left?" Fishlegs said in confusion while Hiccup was exclaiming in excitement that 'he knew that there was another Night Fury!'

"Nope. Violetstorm is the only other Night Fury in the world." Phoenix stated proudly. Her Night Fury, Violetstorm, was a little smaller and more slender than Toothless, and instead of having acidic green eyes, she had intense eyes the colour of jacarandas*. She also had all of her tail intact.

"Well anyways, we're getting off topic. What you said about that fish made me remember something Snotlout." Phoenix said as she took out a little notebook.

"The way that we're gonna play is that I am going to ask one of you a truth, or make you do a dare. It all depends on what my notebook says. If I ask you a truth, then you have to tell the truth, and if you are dared to do something, then you have to do it. If you don't answer truthfully or do the dare, then I will either force you to with my author powers, or I will make up another truth or dare for you to do, and trust me, you don't want that." She said seriously, as she stared at them all in turn.

"So when will we start?" Spitelout questioned nervously.

"Right now, so Hiccup, I have my own dare for you." Phoenix said sweetly.

"What is it?" Hiccup asked.

"You remember how Toothless made you eat that raw fish?" At Hiccup's nod she continued, "Well you are now going to do that in reverse!"

Everyone was silent for a moment as they tried to figure out what she meant by that. "So… is Hiccup going to have to barf up a fish for Toothless to eat?" Astrid asked, cocking her head to the side.

Phoenix nodded. Hiccup looked confused however, "But I thought only dragons could do that?"

Phoenix nodded again, "Exactly, that's why I'm going to turn you into a dragon and Toothless into a human."

More silence *crickets chirp in the background*. "What?" Tuffnut finally asked.

Before anyone else could say anything else, however, Phoenix clicked twice, and now sitting where Toothless once stood was a human. He had short, messy black hair, acidic green eyes and he wore a long-sleeved black shirt and long black pants. Phoenix walked over to him and she helped him shakily get onto his feet. "How are you Toothless?" She asked kindly.

"I-I'm good, I g-guess." Toothless said, a little shaken up and unused to his new body.

Everyone now looked to where Hiccup used to be and saw a dragon that was black as the night. He had forest-green eyes and was swishing his tail around, as if experimenting. He then unfurled his wings and flapped them a few times. He also retracted his teeth and then brought them out again. "How are you Hiccup?" Phoenix asked him, and he roared and growled a bit.

"I see. Just so that everyone knows, I can understand and speak any language, so don't ask how I can understand him, it gets annoying. Anyway, the dare still needs to be completed. Hiccup needs to eat a raw fish and regurgitate it for Toothless." Phoenix said, and made a fish appear out of nowhere and tried to make Hiccup to eat it.

He looked at her with puppy dog eyes (which was very adorable, now that he was a Night Fury ;)). Everyone else cooed and 'aww'ed (or huffed in annoyance in Snotlout's case) but she looked at him unamused, and he made his eyes as big as he possibly could and even sat on his hind paws in a begging position (Puss in Boots, lol). On the inside she was all sappy and starry-eyed over his adorableness (Stop! Or the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself will kill you with its adorableness! X3) but she didn't lose her cool exterior. "Eat it. Now." Phoenix commanded him, and he gave up the look.

He snapped it up and swallowed it whole (teeth out), just like Toothless had done. His eyes rolled back into his head and he looked like he was going to throw up, which he kinda was. Half of the fish then slid out of his mouth and everyone stared at it. "What are you waiting for Toothless, eat some." Phoenix demanded.

Toothless gingerly picked it up with his hands and took a hesitant bite. Everyone could see that he almost vomited in the process of swallowing it, but he somehow managed it. "Gross! That is disgusting! How could you eat that Hiccup?!" Hiccup just shrugged, and Phoenix clicked twice which returned them both to normal.

Toothless looked a bit better now that he had a stomach designed for digesting raw fish, but Hiccup turned green and ran off into another room. "Oh no! That's my bedroom!" Phoenix cried out before she ran after him. Everyone stood there awkwardly as they heard the sounds of retching coming from the room that Hiccup and Phoenix had run into.

They both came back out of the room a few minutes later, Hiccup looking green and peaky, Phoenix looking traumatised and dishevelled. They heard her keep muttering about 'so much puke…' and 'all gone… thank God for author powers…' as she walked over to the couch that she had first been on, and collapse onto it with an arm over her eyes.

A few minutes later, after Hiccup had finally started looking better, everyone had stopped shuffling their feet awkwardly, and after non-stop mumbling from Phoenix, she leapt up and announced, "Okay, after that little…" she struggled to find the right word for her bedroom being splattered in puke, "Incident," she settled on, "I have decided to give you all a tour of my Lair of Fanfiction – which I just call my Fanfiction Lair, because it's shorter and sounds better – so that nothing like that happens again." With that she jumped off the couch, doing a front flip (like a boss!) and landing in front of the group. She climbed onto Violetstorm's back and led the group around.

She showed them her bedroom (which was luckily puke-free and smelled strongly like citrus), the bathroom/toilet (and she made sure that they all definitely knew where that was), the kitchen (which she locked with a skeleton key - a key that opens all locks - tied around her neck with a piece of string as soon as Fishlegs and the twins started drooling), the guest bedrooms, and finally, the dining room. She led them back to the lounge room (which was where they had started off) and as they were walking Stoick noticed a door with about six locks on it (three of which were actually locked, so even if someone was trying to pick the locks, three would always be locked) and a sign that said 'OUT OF BOUNDS' on it in big, capital letters.

"What's behind that door?" Stoick asked as everyone stopped and stared at the door.

Phoenix looked at the door as well, "Oh, that's my study, no one is allowed to go in there except me."

"Why not?" Gobber asked.

"Because that is my very personal room where I have a lot private things!" Phoenix said, and you could easily hear the irritation in her voice.

"Awwwww," Snotlout whined as he stared at the door because now he really wanted to see what was behind the door (as I'm sure some of you would as well, seeing as it is a mysterious room with lots of private things).

"Come on, let's get back to the main room." Phoenix commanded, and everyone followed her, some (like Snotlout and the twins) grumbling about wanting to see what was in the mysterious room.

And that's it for the first chapter! What do you guys think?

I would really appreciate it if you guys could send me some truth or dare ideas for anyone in this fic, including Phoenix (I would love for her to have to do some dares, or even answer some truths), just... nothing too inappropriate. If enough people would like me to add anyone else from the Big Four (in case you don't know, the Big Four is HTTYD, Rise of the Guardians, Tangled, and Brave), heck, I may even add the characters from Frozen if you guys want me to. Also, I will answer your reviews personally in the chapters that come out after you review.

So you can remember, the characters that I summoned are; Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Stormfly, Snotlout, Hookfang, Fishlegs, Meatlug, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Barf and Belch, Stoick, Gobber, and Spitelout (this is before Stoick gets Thornado).

*Jacarandas are a type of flower that is this really pretty purple-blue colour, which I just found out is called lavender-blue.

So yeah, just to recap, I don't own HTTYD (or Regular Show :( ), send me some truth or dare ideas for the characters, I will answer your reviews in my next chapter, request characters from the other movies that I mentioned if you want, and please, if any of you would like to request a oneshot for me, I'll try my hardest to meet your standards.

Hiccup: Please R&R!

Phoenix: Hey! That's my line! *sees audience* Yeah, what he said, and come back soon!

PhoenixWillowsRox88, signing out!