"Roy!" Wally shouted as soon as he opened the door to his apartment. "Look what I made!", and promptly shoved a piece of paper with his untidy scrawl underneath Roy's nose.

A few minutes earlier, Roy was attempting to somewhat clean up his apartment when he heard the tell-tale sign of a speedster at the door. Which is super-speed-knocking, and sounds like a severely ticked off and determined woodpecker is trying to get through your door to maul you. Wally only knocked in wood-pecker mode when he was really excited about something.

"Read it! It's for Dick, but I wanted to show you first! You're supposed to rap it!" he exclaimed, clearly excited and proud of what he had written. Rolling his eyes and shutting the door once Wally was inside, he sat at the kitchen table and began to read what was on the paper.

Yo yo yo
All youuu
Gotham baddies ain't got nothing on me
From my grades to my lines
You can't touch Richard G
I'm a Mathlete
So nerd is inferred
But forget what you heard I'm like James Bond the third
R-r-r-richard john grayson is my name
You can't compare to my wealth or my fame
I'm a pro at doing my ninja thang
I don't mess around with it, criminals know it was me
Cause they be bloody knocked out by Ooh, Richard G!

(Thank you Richard that enough)

I've been trained by batman everybody!

Roy looked up with inquiring eyes.

"Remember when you lost that bet and we made you watch Mean Girls!? Well this is like the Kevin G Rap, but Richard G! I'm gonna get Dick to rap it!" Wally was practically vibrating with excitement as he pulled up a video of the Mean Girls Kevin G Rap to show Roy.

The eldest redhead then started laughing. Because it was hilarious. Because it was ridiculous. Because it worked. Now all they had to do was get the little bird to rap it.


"No way." Dick crossed his arms and glared at the two redheads. "I am not singing that. I don't even rap, that's Wally's thing."

They were in his bedroom at Wayne Manor after a very sudden appearance at the front door. Alfred seemed reluctant to leave the 'Terrible Trio' alone, after the track record they had, but Dick was able to convince him that they would not destroy, blow up, set fire to, lose, or flood anything. He seemed bewildered himself by the impromptu visit from the two redheads he considered to be like brothers, but whatever; he just went with it.

Now he was obviously wishing Alfred had never opened the door. He was sitting on his bed with Wally beside him, and Roy was sitting in his desk chair backwards, with a leg on each side of the seat and his arms resting on the back of the chair. Glaring, he added, "You guys are jerks." Wally just laughed and Roy threw and arms up in an 'I'm completely innocent in this matter and don't know what you're talking about' manner.

Looking at the paper again, he asked, "How did you even come up with this?", to which Wally replied, "I was bored."

Unsurprisingly, after one hour of constant badgering and a threat to haunt him for the rest of his life if they came upon a premature death, Dick finally agreed.

As Wally got out his phone to record it, Dick told them, "After this, you will both definitely be dying premature deaths."


If you sing it to the tune to the Kevin G Rap, it's pretty fun...