A/N: Please read Green is the New Black first.

Emma had been awake and in the hospital for almost 3 days now and she was absolutely sick of it. People came parading through, all of them asking in their own way, "Do you remember me?"

'No asshole I don't remember you.' That's what she wanted to say to them but they all looked at her with sympathy in their eyes.

She couldn't take it anymore and she was ready to go back home to Boston.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dr. Whale asked as he came into her hospital room and saw her getting out of bed.

"Home." Emma said as she looked around her room. "Where are my clothes?"

"They smelled so we burned them." He told her, "Get back in bed. You are in no condition to leave."

"I'm perfectly fine." She argued.

"Physically you're fine." He told her, "Mentally you aren't."

"Hey!" She protested.

"You suffered a brain injury that left you with amnesia." He told her, "You need to be monitored."

She glared at him and he glared right back. She slowly got back into bed.

"Good. Now how are you feeling?" He asked her.

"Like a hostage." Emma grumbled.

After Whale examined Emma he left her room and went out front to jot down some notes.

Mary Margaret, Henry and David came in and went over to him.

"I understand you want to talk to her but she doesn't know who you are. She doesn't know anything about who any of us truly are." He told them, "You can't just surprise her with the fact that you're her parents and fairy tale characters."

While the doctor continued to talk to them Henry slipped away and headed for Emma's room.

He opened the door and went inside. "Hi."

"Uh hi?" Emma said looking at him.

He stood there smiling at her.

"Are you lost?" Emma asked looking for her call button.


"Look kid ..." Emma started to say.

"I'm your son." He said to her.

"What?" Emma asked surprised.

"You were going to say you don't know who I am so I'm telling you." He told her, "I'm your son."

Emma stared at him not knowing what she should say.

"You gave me away when I was a baby." He told her. "And three years ago on your birthday I found you."

Emma wished to God what he was saying would ring some kind of bell because she'd hate to tell this kid that she wasn't his mom. She wasn't anyone's mom.

Henry sat down in the chair next to her bed.

"It's okay that you don't remember right now." He told her smiling, "Because I'm going to help you."

"What do you suggest we do?" Mary Margaret asked Whale.

"With the way your family is prone to head injuries and memory loss?" he looked at David then back to her, "Invest in helmets."

David snorted and Mary Margaret shot him a look.

"What?" He asked, "It's funny."

"It's not funny." Mary Margaret told him then looked back at Whale.

"Look, all I can tell you is to give Emma time. She may be like David and she'll gradually start to remember things." Whale told her.

"And if she's not like David?" She asked.

"Some of her memories may never come back." He told her.

Regina sat in her house staring out the window. She was doing her best not to think about Emma but somehow her thoughts always went to her. She looked at her apple tree and smiled when she thought of the time Emma went after it with a chainsaw. At the time she could have killed Emma but now it was something she could smile about because she just thought of how fired up the both of them got and how damn sexy Emma looked in her white tank top.

She wanted to go to the hospital and sit with Emma, talk with her and make her remember but she didn't know what to say. They hadn't liked each other when they first met and she had done a lot of things in the last few years that hurt Emma.

So instead of doing what she wanted she did what she thought was best and that was leave Emma alone.

"So you came all the way to Boston by yourself and somehow convinced me to just come home with you?" Emma asked.

"It was more complicated than that. All you thought you were doing was giving me a ride home and after a little more convincing you stayed." Henry told her.

"Where are your parents?" She asked him.

"It's just me and my mom. She's the mayor." He told her, "You guys are kind of friends now."

"Kind of?" Emma asked, "We weren't before?"

Henry laughed, "No. You guys hated each other a lot."

"Why?" Emma asked.

It wasn't like Henry could tell her because she's the Evil Queen who tried destroying your parents happiness and that's why you were separated from them.

"Because of me." Henry told her, "She thought you were going to take me from her."

"Well she doesn't have to worry about that." Emma told him.

"I know." Henry said smiling.

Mary Margaret looked around, "Where's Henry?"

Whale and David looked around as well. All three of them headed for Emma's room and went in.

"Uh are we having a party?" Emma asked when they all came in at once.

Mary Margaret went over to Henry and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay. I told her who I am." Henry said to Mary Margaret. "She doesn't remember me but she will."

"I know the doctor." Emma said, "Well I don't know him know him but who are you guys?" She asked of David and Mary Margaret.

David and Mary Margaret looked at each other.

"I'm Henry's teacher and David is my husband." Mary Margaret told her.

"What's a school teacher and her husband doing busting into my room?" Emma asked them.

"Well we're … we are looking after Henry." David told her.

"Where's his mother?" Emma asked.

"She's very busy with her mayoral duties." David told her.

"Uh huh. I see." Emma said squinting her eyes at him.

"I think we all need to let Emma get some rest for now." Whale said as he started to usher the 3 of them out of the room.

"I'll see you later." Henry said to Emma with a smile.

"Yeah okay kid." Emma said as he went out the door.

Emma sat in her bed and tried really hard to remember what Henry had told her. She thought about herself in her apartment all alone and tried to visualize Henry showing up at her door. She closed her eyes and tried but nothing popped into her head.

"Could it have been the curse that she was exposed to that took only the last 3 years of her memories away?" David asked Whale.

"It could be a combination of the head injuries she suffered and the curse." Whale told him, "I just don't have a way of knowing."

Regina went into town and straight to Mr. Gold's shop.

"And what can I do for you Regina?" He asked her.

"Make a potion that brings Emma's memories back." She demanded.

He smiled, "It must be really important to you if you're coming to me and asking a favor."

"I'm not asking for a favor. I'm telling you what to do." Regina said to him.

"Well that's not how I work." Gold told her, "And even if it was, I wouldn't be able to do it for you."

Regina scoffed, "Is the Dark One unable to mix up a small memory recall potion?"

"Mocking me won't get your hands on that potion Regina." He said to her. "The kind of potion you're asking for isn't like the one used on Henry or Emma before. It's more complicated than putting together a few ingredients."

"Can you do it or not?" Regina asked getting impatient.

"Of course. It's just going to take me some time." Gold told her.

"Do it." She said as she headed for the front door.

"It's going to cost you." He called after her.

"It always does." She said as she walked out the door.

The problem with small towns was news travelled fast and news of where Regina and Emma had been and what had happened had gotten around. Regina was in a way thankful for that because she really didn't want to have to tell the story anymore.

After she left Gold's shop she got into her car and drove. She somehow ended up parked in front of the hospital. She gripped the steering wheel tight fighting the urge to go in. She sighed and rested her forehead on the steering wheel.

A tap on the passenger window startled her. She looked up and saw Henry smiling at her. She unlocked the door and he got in.

"Are you here by yourself?" Regina asked looking around.

"No, Mary Margaret and David are here." He told her and pointed to David's truck where they were standing and waiting for him.

"Are you going in to see Emma?" He asked her.

She looked at the hospital then back at him, "I don't know."

"I thought maybe if I told her that I was her son and how we met that maybe she would remember but…" He said shaking his head.

"You should go talk to her. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Henry said.

"What do I say?" She asked hoping he could help her.

"Just talk to her." He said then looked over at David. He opened the car door and got out.

She watched as he got into David's truck and they drove away.

She got out of her car and slowly walked into the hospital. She hesitated outside of Emma's room before opening the door a little and poking her head in.

"You can come in if you want. Everyone else has." Emma said as she sat in her bed.

Regina walked into the room and the door shut behind her.

Emma looked at Regina, "Hey, I remember you."

Regina smiled at her.

"You were here when I woke up right?"

Regina's smile vanished, "Yes that was me."

"I kind of freaked out a little huh?" Emma asked.

"Yeah just a little." Regina said with a small smile.

"Why were you here?" Emma asked.

"Henry asked me to stay with you." Regina lied.

"You know Henry?"

"He's my son."

"You're the mayor?" Emma asked, "I'm surprised you had time to come stay with someone you don't know."

"I do know you Emma." Regina told her as she stood by the foot of her bed.

"That's right. Henry said we're kind of friends." Emma said with a small laugh.

Regina wanted to tell her that they were more than that but she knew she couldn't.

"So what brings you here?" Emma asked.

"I just came by to see how you were doing." Regina told her.

Emma waved to the chair next to her bed and Regina went over and sat down.

They sat in awkward silence.

Regina sat with her hands in her lap, she desperately wanted to hold Emma's hand.

"You wouldn't believe the stream of people that have come in here." Emma told her, "The first couple of days I was awake no one was allowed in here but now, it's just been non-stop."

"It must be nice having people come in to check on you." Regina said to her. She wondered how many people would have come to see her if she was the one lying in this bed instead of Emma.

"It would be if I could remember them." Emma said and let out a sigh.

Regina reached for Emma's hand but pulled back and Emma gave her a curious look.

"Your memories will come back." Regina told her.

"You sound more confident than Dr. Whale." Emma told her.

"Doctors don't know everything." Regina said as she stood up.

"You leaving?" Emma asked.

"I probably should." Regina told her.

"Will you come back?" Emma asked, "I mean, if you aren't busy."

A small smiled appeared on Regina's lips, "Of course."

Later that evening after more people came in to visit her and another short visit with Henry, Emma fell asleep.

Emma was back in her apartment in Boston. She leaned forward on her kitchen counter a small cupcake before her. A single candle burned in it. She closed her eyes and made a silent wish and as she blew out the candle there was a knock at her door.

Emma went to the door and swung it open. There in the middle of her hallway stood a big tree. She reached out to it and plucked a bright red apple from one of the branches.

Emma woke with a jolt. She looked around and realized she was still in her hospital bed.

"What the hell?" Emma asked herself.