After Marth and Snake had finally recovered from the incident the three had set off to explore the city. Marth was quiet as he trailed behind the two. Zelda couldn't help but take a look at him every once in while but Snake kept going. He had remembered that Roy mentioned that they were all going to Fourside to perform and that seeing them might be a good idea. Zelda had remembered that and thought seeing Link might help her calm down a bit. Marth was rather passive of it.

He was helpless, that what Marth thought to himself. He couldn't hide himself, he couldn't do it. Like an idiot he was stabbed and he couldn't fight back. Has his ability sunken so low? He shuddered, it felt as cold as it did on the battlefield. Survive another day, he was happy to have made it this far.

Zelda and Snake had stopped, causing Marth to bump into Snake's back. Snake had paid no mind. They were in front of the Topalla Theater which made Snake laugh at the obvious reference. The three of them stepped inside. Apparently the billboard said that the Runaway Five was going to perform here right now.

Inside, there was a man standing behind the counter. Obviously they had to pay to get in but how much would it be? Probably not much but still. Snake had walked over to the counter and began talking to the man. As he did this Marth looked around the room. It was clean, spacious. He really didn't have much else to do so he figured that blanking out would be the best option.

What snapped him out of it was the money Snake had set down on the table. Where did he get that? Did he take his ATM card while he was sleeping?

"Here," Snake said. He stood right in front of Marth with a ticket in hand. Marth took it shakily. "Hey what's wrong? It's just a ticket."

"O-oh no, I was just wondering where you got the money from," Marth said. Odd, he sounds different. Did he get hit in the head or something?

"We used the ATM card to get some money for room service. Zelda and I were pretty hungry and we withdrew too much money so we kept some of it. Falcon said it was fine though since the money has to be shared between the team."

"O-oh alright," Marth said.

"Hey seriously, something wrong with you? Wouldn't you tell me to keep my hands off or something?"

"Snake!" Zelda reprimanded. "Anyway, let's head inside before their show ends. We'll need to talk to them."

"I know I know," Snake said. "Let's go already."

"Oh o- ahem- I mean, yes let's hurry. Hmph! Snake if you knew I didn't want you to touch my ATM card then why do it? Wow, you couldn't have been more incredibly rude than that! Not even asking my permission for it? Now that's what you call low," Marth said as he walked into the double doors.

"Now he wants to be pompous," Snake said.

"Snake, don't you think that was weird?" Zelda asked. "How Marth was acting just now?"

"Yeah I noticed but we have no time for that. Let's go and see them real quick and then get to Pork Roast."

Zelda nodded with a smile. Pork Roast, she couldn't get over the nickname.


The concert was nice. The three of them had sit in the back table watching the five of them perform. After the performance the three of them went up to the band and asked if they could talk in private which they of course allowed.

They had all walked into their little rest room in the back of the theater. Inside wasn't really much, simply enough a room with a couch, a table, and lockers. Seems typical for a deal as great as they exclaimed.

"This isn't much," Zelda said. "It's Topalla supposed to be treating you better than this?"

"It's because we've been duped," Red said.

"You can't be serious," Snake said.

Red had only replied with a nod, laying down on the couch. Roy had taken his seat on the couch, near Red's feet. He looked somewhat sad.

"How much? We should be able to pay it," Marth said.

"... A million," Link said.

There was silence. A million, that was a big deal even for a prince and princess like Marth and Zelda. ... Well, because of what happened to their kingdoms they really had no time to worry about money issues but still! How were they supposed to pay it off!?

"We need to talk to the manager," Marth said. "Where is his office?"

"Her office is outside of the stage, where the ticket seller is at. It's the room on the right," Pit said.

"Come on everybody, we need to talk to the manager," Marth said.

Marth had turned back to the door and Zelda and Snake followed behind him. He opened the door and the three of them left.

"Marth, I'm glad you're getting your personality back," Roy said. Everybody had looked at him. "What? Did I say something bad?"

"Remove the debt? Heh, they signed a contract and now they owe me a million dollars! It's their fault that they're in this situation!" the manager had yelled. "They're grown men and they can think for themselves!"

"They're thirteen year old looking kids!" Snake yelled.

"Get out before I call the police!" the manager had yelled.

With that the three of them got out of her office but not before Snake could get a word in edgewise. He slammed the door behind him in anger and walked toward the exit door. He opened it wide.

"Let's get out of here," Snake said. "Seriously, is she that stubborn?"

"Well there has to be some way to earn that money. Something in the game," Zelda said.

"Yes and we'll find it no matter what," Marth said. He had walked past Snake and stepped outside. Snake looked at Marth's back. He seemed to be showing some kind of joy which he never really seen on the young prince. It was actually nice to see, was he letting him go now?

"Marth really is acting different," Snake muttered.

"It's good isn't it," Zelda said. "I like it."

They were now inside the Monotoli Building, inside the elevator to be exact. It wasn't exactly a long walk from Topalla to Monotoli so they had some time to visit a place called Jackie's Cafe to eat before they went back to the Monotoli Building. There was a lot of gossip going on over there, from Monotoli conspiracies to the Runaway Five and Porky again. Zelda made note to go there later because the place seemed important.

The elevator made a ding sound, indicating that the elevator was at it's stop at floor 47. Once the metallic doors slid open the group had exited the elevator in search of Porky's room. It shouldn't be too hard to find considering that NPCs rooms aren't exactly made.

The first door they saw looked like solid gold with a plating that said 'Pokey Minch'. Nope, this was definitely not it.

They knocked on the door and it was opened by a large man in a black suit. Snake pondered this for a moment.

"You've got visitors Mr. Minch. Shall I let them in?" the man asked.

"Yes yes, let them in," he said.

The man had moved to the side ever so slightly, allowing the three of them entry. When they stepped inside it wasn't too much of a shock. There was gold everywhere, so much that it blinded them. There were a lots of unnecessary things that scattered the room but they tried not to let that phase them too much. What was important was talking to Porky to see if they could get any sort of information on him.

Speaking of Porky, his clothing seems to have changed. He no longer wears the blue overalls and the stained white shirt but no dons a black suit with red striped.

"Oh Pig's Butt... no no, Marth! Did you come to beg for some money?" Porky asked.

"N-no that's not it..." Marth said.

"Oh what's wrong?" Porky had then stood up on top of the couch he sat, so that he could be at Marth's height. "Has the mighty hero Marth fallen?"

"Of course not!" Marth yelled. It didn't seem to faze Porky too much. "Look, we needed to talk to you."


... What were they going to talk about? Oh no, he forgot! How could he forget what he wanted to say? Oh no, think. Think. What was it? Did they even discuss it? Marth didn't remember a discussion about it.

"Well..." he started. He looked to Zelda and Snake.

Snake scratched his head.

"Fine, I'll come out and say it," Snake said.

Porky had looked over to the side to see Snake.

"Oh, one of Marth's new 'friends'," Porky said.

"Yeah yeah, anyway we want to know this. Why did you send somebody to come and kill us?" Snake asked.

"What? Me? I would never," Porky said innocently.

"We know you did it!" Zelda yelled. "Out of everybody here you're the only one that has it out for us!"

"Hmph, how annoying can you get? Whatever, I don't have to take this after all I am the mayor's consult! You better leave now while you still can before I have my guards kick you out," Porky said.

With that, Zelda and Snake gave each other glances before heding off for the door. After looking at Porky for a few seconds more, Marth had followed them. Before leaving the room however Marth had turned back to Porky and looked at him once more.

"Please Porky," Marth said.

He sneered.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought we weren't friends Marth!" Porky had yelled.

He had shut the door behind him softly. He could have sworn he saw a tear fall down Porky's face.

"What now?" Snake asked.

"Maybe we should check the Department Store here. We can get new weapons and such there," Marth said.

"We will need new weapons," Zelda said. "But after that?"

"Hmm... Maybe we can go back to the desert. The worker said he'll repay us with the first thing they find. Maybe they'll find something valuable, like a diamond," Marth said.

"You're pretty optimistic about it," Snake said.

"Well then should I be pessimistic?" Marth asked coyly.

"No but- Oh it's closed."

They now stood in front of the department store. A sign had the words 'Temporarily closed... Gwaargh!' on it. Snake had sighed in annoyance.

"Shulk said it would be open," Zelda muttered.

Marth looked at her oddly.

"Shulk?" Marth asked.

She then remembered what Shulk told her.

"Oh no! It's nothing I assure you!" Zelda said.

"Yeah it isn't, Zelda's probably dreaming again about him. Let's go to the desert like you said," Snake said. Quickly, he grabbed Marth and ran. Zelda followed the two.

"Wait but Shulk!" Marth yelled. They weren't even at Shulk yet.

Zelda/Snake C Support

Zelda and Snake had taken a seat at Jackie's Cafe for a bite to eat. They decided to go here because why not? It's been a while since Zelda had been given the chance to relax and she did want to go to a cafe like she used to. She watched as the olden cars go by past the cafe, a passive look on her face.

"I'm back Zelda."

Zelda had looked up and saw Snake who pulled out a chair for himself.

"Sorry about that, I kept getting stares from people," Snake said.

"Maybe it's because of your camo," Zelda said.

She laughed.

"Maybe that's it," Snake said. "But who cares really? You're only going to see me once."

"Unless you're me," Zelda said.

"But enough of that. There's something on your mind isn't there princess?" Snake asked. "Tell me."

She sighed.

"Do you really want to listen to what I have to say?" Zelda asked. "It might bore you."

"Please, you have no idea what I had to do while at Foxhound. All those missions and the threat of being killed at any point. I should be lucky enough to listen to you."

"Hehe, okay then." Zelda said. "Well you see, I've been thinking about Shulk."

"Of course," Snake said.

"I thought you wanted to listen."

"I do I do. I already know it's about Shulk though."

"Well concerning Shulk. It's just that..."

"You don't think he'll feel the same way?"

"Well yes there's that but..."

"But what?"

"Well... it's just that..."


"I can't help but wonder about him but I also can't help but wonder about Marth."

"Marth? You in love with the snide prince?"

"Not like that. It's just... If you think about the way this way we do know each other, you, I and Shulk. Where does Marth fit into this?"

"Yeah I guess you're right. Shulk does like it when I'm with him, I've been noticing."

"I'm worried for Marth. Hopefully he won't feel left out."

"Left out? How? He's got us."

"But look at us! Every time Shulk comes Marth isn't there and every time it happens the two of us are the ones having to keep it a secret! We're already hiding something from him and that's not fair..."

"Well Shulk has his reasons."

"You're right..."

"... Look. You're worried about Marth I get it but listen, Shulk has his reasons for doing what he's doing. You just have to trust him on that. Don't go putting yourself down or anything because of something like this. Things like this happen and you can't do much about it," Snake said.

"Can't do much about it..."

"You're a kind princess but you're also a strong princess. There, feel better?"

"So this is your way of cheering me up?"

"Well it's not like I'm a professional or anything."

Zelda laughed.

"Ha ha, I'll take it then," Zelda said.

"Alright here's your food," the server had said as she set the food down on the table. "You're a nice girl, taking your father out after the war."


AN: Sorry about this being short but I hope you liked the chapter! Next is a dungeon chapter so I'll try writing it the best I can! I got five supports tied with one vote; Roy/Pit, Marth/Mewtwo, Zelda/Snake, Zelda/Captain Falcon, and Snake/Wii Fit Trainer so I picked one which would seem relevant to the chapter which was Zelda/Snake. A new poll is up on my profile page! Please vote for the next support!