The roar of explosion flashed my vision and shook the marble ground and cracked it, the walls made of quartz slammed down like molten plastic holding a boulder. The pillars of stone started to slant and even crumble under the weight of the ceiling, the roof tore apart and crashed into the ground; I had to dive, tuck, and roll away from the debris before it could squash me into a bloody mix of pancakes. I sighed in relief and rushed towards the stairs so I may get out of the temple, I needed to get out of the place.

The piece of relic I held was a cylinder riddled with Unknowns, I would have to decode this later.

My jeans were ripped and coated in dust, my smoked grey long sleeve was splattered in dirt and the occasional rip and blood. My boots were dusty and felt heavy on my feet, the hat I donned was a bowler hat that would have to be repaired at the tailor first thing I do; right after I sell this to the highest bidder. So I can make the thousands, sometimes near half a million, so I can feed myself and the community.

Yeah I am the Robin Hood of my small town, so what? I put food in people's mouths, besides the fact I love the adventure.

I felt my throat tighten and ache, the clouds of dust filled my throat. I reached to my holster and pulled out a pokeball, looking at the sticker I placed on it and took out Kiru and tossed it a few feet ahead of me, the pokeball opened up and out came a giant white sprouted out and flew out into the air. The pokeball returned to me by a string.

"Kiru!" I called out my Pokemon, "Use fly and get us the heck out of Dodge Junction!"

"Pidgeot!" My Pokemon flapped her majestic wings upwards and dove straight for me, I noticed a ledge splitting apart, a distance I can't jump without holding the ledge, that would be dropping the precious artifact in my arms. The adrenaline fueled my veins as the ledge was getting closer and closer, until I finally jumped. It suddenly went further as reality hit me, I closed my eyes and roared as hard as I can.





I landed on the soft feathery back of my Pokemon, I felt myself ascent and now jugging up and down. I opened my eyes and noticed I was over the ledge. I looked behind me and saw an opening in the temple and I tapped Kiru. She saw it too and took off for it, I held on her neck as I packed the cylinder in my bag. I felt my hat fly off of my head and I swore; earning a look of scorn from the motherly avian Pokemon.

After muttering an apology, I felt the rush of fresh air hit me in the lungs. I sputtered up the dust and I looked at the new moon and smiled coyly.

"Couldn't kill me yet?" I taunted the black sky.

I counted my team of Pokemon,







I felt rumbling as the cylinder started to rumble and the unknowns started to fill my mouth and nasal cavities. My hand was forced to return Kiru and let me fall.

That was the last thing I remembered, before splashing into what feels like a sea. I felt and sunk like a rock, I didn't even have time or way to get a deep breath. So I am here sinking to the bottom of the ocean: I guess I am going to die here. At the bottom of the ocean.

The water started to heat up, a unknown feeling since I have been tried to be drowned before, an alien feeling to cold water at the middle of the night.I notice the feeling in my legs went numb as I started to gag for air; blood, mucus, and hot water. My external breath of air bubbled up to the surface.

I started to notice the colors started to grey up, my vision was fuzzing up. The blotches of black took oveur my eyes. My ears were ringing with the tolls of bells and clicking, I smirked once realizing the irony of the situation.

I breathed in, filling my lungs with water, blood arose from my mouth as I hit the sandy floor. Staring at the surface far away up, my blood pressure felt tight and I closed my eyes.

"Oh god.."

I mumbled before leaning to the left and vomited seawater, my body expelling. Any and every seawater in my body, I am officially never drinking water again. Sorry body, no more water cells, Capich?

I coughed and shook my head. I took one look at me, and for a moment my brain did not recognize anything out of the ordinary. I had grey with black pawpads, a white fluff kept itself anaconda style on my neck.

I am a Eevee...

But what kind? That question pondered my brain before I frowned, a shiny. I figures that out since grey isnt a color condoned with grey or any cool colors with out being exceptionally rare. Because of that, after watching some... Horrendous acts happen in the Pokemon daycare, I noticed that Pokemon didn't react well to shinies. The question is why?

I had no time to ponder over that before my stomach snarled furiously, demanding substance. My throat felt dehydrated and pleaded for any source of fluid, I had to find a fresh water soon, because there is no bloody way I am drinking my own piss.

I stood up and shook off the sand, my grey fur looked dull because I was drifting on water. I am a man, I have to make a new plan too. It didn't take me long to come up with the most brilliant plan that could rob a bank.




Avoid getting caught by humans at all cost!

I mapped up the burning hot sky, from my three years of exploring I know I have to head northwest. Statistically speaking that's were you would usually find a forest with a lake, lake means pokemon and pokemon means food...

Eevees are Omnivorous, so of I have to pop a Magikarp I will. I was starting to head west before noticing shouts coming from behind me. I looked back and there was a Apom bounding his way towards me.

He looked pissed.

"Stop! Tresspasser!"

I froze up, looking to the left there was a sign of Private Property. This entire beach is owned? Well waking up with possibly a concussion could make a Eevee unaware of the situation, or private fucking property.

Kiru would peck my eyes out if she heard me say that, speaking of pokemon; my poke balls are gone... Great just what I needed, not knowing how to protect my self... What? I am a bloody explorer! You expect me to have dual pistols and a Brest size larger than my head?

I sat in my hind legs and held my paws up, for all I know this guy could be a guard and the last thing I want is to be arrested and hauled off to jail. So there I stood, both forelegs in the air waiting for the monkey pokemon to run up to me.

"What do you think your doing?!" He shrieked in my face, I toned his scream out by resisting the urge to force myself to learn shadow ball and use it on him. I smiled lightly and replied.

"Passing through,"

"What are you, on drugs? Your getting blood all in my sand!"

"Well I can't see that, colorblind." I lied,

"Your still dripping blood all over the place! Get out!" He lashed his tail and I took off running in the northwest direction. I snorted in laughter all the way, I kept dashing until I felt like I was going to collapse. I shook my head in surprise when I was in a market place.

I noticed a fountain with a Samurwott raising a shell sword, I walked towards it and splashed my head in the water. I didn't give a rock if if was clean or not; I started to lap up the water hastily. Quenching my thirst, took the liberty to clean dried blood off of me.

I shook off the water and I managed to snag some coins from the fountain, so I had a little money to survive on berries or gummis, I could take my poison of choice. To be honest a applepie sounded delicious right about now.

I made my way through the market, only twenty coins on me so I can't spend willy nilly. I found a place where they sell food for cheap, five coins for a slice of pie, and a berry & gummi smoothy. Not bad, I sipped my Pecha berry smoothy as I spyed that I was getting looks of hatred and resentment from nearly everyone here.

Remember when I said Shinies aren't well liked? Here is your example, and I don't like it. Feeling my pelt prickle with uneasyment when a Mankey looked at me sideways, I had to get out of here. I finished my pie, but not my smoothy. I downed it quickly and exitedthe cafeteria, I sped walk briskly when a certain pokemon followed me.

The Mankey suddenly donned a blue hat and took out a whistle and a barbed baton.I stopped right in place when he blue the whistle and I raised my still crummy with pie paws in the air. This is bullshit.

"You are wanted for association with assult on a officer!" The Mankey blew his whistle right in my ear, "How do plead?"

"Bullshit!' I outcried, "I have just arrived here!"

"No more lies," the officer swung the club, but I ducked, turned and kicked dust in his face for my getaway. I sprinted away, all I hear is the roar of a public making a new enemy, and sirens Blairing from a crank mechanism.

All of a sudden I stopped and noticed a pack of stairs before being clubbed over the head with a baton. I felt painstakingly agonizing blouse to the shoulders, back, hind legs and neck. I was lucky I pretended to be knocked out when I heard the Mankey snort.

"Justice served."

"He's convulsing! Convulsing, Miayo!"

"We need to shock him, Java!"