AN: Soo… I've been away from the fanfiction game for a while. I decided that I should come back to practice my writing and what better way to do that and expand my vocabulary than challenge myself with a word of the day drabble. Now I won't be writing a new drabble every day, I guarantee that, but I will try to write often with a new word from my word of the day app.
Today's word is: tantamount – adj – equivalent in value, significance, or effect.
"What are you doing?"
"Merlin, what does it look like I'm doing?"
"Well you can't be doing what I think you're doing…"
"Why is that?"
"Because it looks like you're reading…"
Arthur rolled his eyes and turned in his chair to glare at Merlin.
"What is wrong with me reading?" he asked threateningly.
"You reading is tantamount to Gwaine being sober," Merlin stated obliviously.
"That's a big word for you, Merlin. Are you implying that I can't read?" Arthur asked.
"No, only that it's unlike you to find the patience to sit and actually do it…"
"Shut up."
AN: Hope you enjoyed the drabble!
God bless!
Edit: I've now set up this drabbles so that almost any of them can be picked up as prompts, unless they are already connected or similar to one of my other fics, which I will mention in the drabble itself. Please just let me know if you want to take one on and give my SN in the story if published. If you do publish it I will also put your screenname in said drabble. Thank you!