Summary: Ally Dawson appears to be a typical high school girl. Do your homework. Get good grades. Look pretty. Have a best friend. Austin Moon appears to be typical high school guy. Do your homework. Get good grades. Play a sport. Have a best friend. But they both have something to hide. That is, until a school project entitles them to tell everything about themselves. No lies accepted.

Ally's POV

"Hey Trish!" I called as I ran down the hallway toward her. She turned away from whoever she was talking to to face me.

"Ally! What's up?" I ran up in front of her and bent over to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" The girl behind Trish asked. I waved my hand at her and nodded my head.

"I'll text you later Katie." Trish told the girl, Katie, and then waved to her. Katie turned away and ran down the hallway.

"Trish- Boom- New- Colorful- Money- Job-Great!" I made out between breaths. I felt Trish's hand on my back.

"Deep breaths Ally. In and out. In and out. In and out." She instructed, breathing in and out as she told me to. I took a few deep breaths with her and nodded my head.

"Okay. I'm good." I smiled and nodded again.

"Okay. Now what were you trying to tell me?"

"Sonic Boom got new guitars and they're bringing in a whole lot of money because they're so colorful and pretty. So, he needs more help at the store and I suggested you! You got a job! Isn't that great?" I screamed.

"Oh my gosh! Ally!" She grabbed my arms and I grabbed hers. We both squealed and started jumping in a circle.

"I know! You're welcome!" She wrapped me in a tight hug and I immediately hugged back.

"Ally! We get to work together!" I pulled away and gave her a cold glare.

"Unless you get fired in a few days."

"I promise I'll try my best." I try to keep my straight face while she gives me sad puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh! Okay!" I break into a huge smile and hug her again. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"Whoa ladies. What's with all the squealing?" I turn around to see Elliot walking up with Cassidy.

"Yea. I could hear you down the hall." Cassidy smirks.

"I got a job!" Trish screams. Elliot stands next to me and drapes his arm across my shoulder.

"So what's new exactly?" He asks and Trish visibly starts pouting.

"It's at Sonic Boom with me." I explain. His mouth forms an 'O' and I nod at him.

"When she gets fired can I work there?" Cassidy asks. Trish smacks her arm. "Ow! Sorry, but we all know it's going to happen eventually."

"True." I agree.

"Yup." Elliot shrugs.

"You guys are mean! I bet I could keep this job for at least a whole month!"

"You wanna bet?" Elliot steps forward, yanking me with him.

"Twenty bucks." She looks to me and then Cassidy. "Each."

"Fine." I shrug. "But when you lose, you owe each of us twenty."

"If!" She screams.

"Okay. It's a deal." Cassidy and Trish shake hands.

"It's on Trish." Elliot sticks his hand out and Trish shakes it firmly.

"Fine by me." She shakes my hand and backs away crossing her arms. "I could use a new pair of shoes."

"Ugh!" Trish throws her hands up in exasperation and walks down the hallway behind us. Cassidy, Elliot, and I all start laughing and she groans before she turns the corner.

"How long do you think it'll take her?" Elliot asks. I turn to my locker and twist in the combination.

"I give it a week. Tops." Cassidy suggests.

"Come on guys. Have some faith in Trish. I give her two weeks." I pull my Spanish and Math book out of my locker and slam it shut. "She's got some determination now." Cassidy shrugs and Elliot shakes his head.

"No way. She's way too lazy."

"I don't know. She may be lazy. But she's Trish. She won't willingly give up sixty bucks."

"Still don't think she can do it."

"Hey guys. I gotta go. My class is a few halls down and we only have a minute and a half." Cassidy speaks up.

"Okay. Good luck on your English presentation today." I hug her quickly.

"Thanks!" She turns and walks down the hallway, talking to some guy that's probably in her class. I think I've talked to him a few times, but he hangs out in the popular crowd, so we don't get the chance very often. He's not a jerk or anything, I just don't need to get to know him, you know? But, I'm not gonna lie, he is very attractive, with his golden blonde hair and his eyes are this really deep brown and...

"So Ally-cat, what's up?" Elliot slides his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I laugh and push him away, pushing my thoughts about Cassidy's friend away and refocusing on Elliot. Cassidy laughed at something and turned toward me, wiggling her eyebrows and winking at me. Was she watching me? Or talking about me? What were her and the boy talking about?

"I told you I hate that nickname." I laugh again and turn to walk to Spanish, away from Cassidy's line of sight. Elliot walks up next to me and grabs my hand, swinging it back and forth.

"But I need a nickname for my best friend." He whines.

"How about Ally?" I suggest. He groans and bumps his hip with mine.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah. I do."

"So what can I call you?"

"Ally until you think of a nickname that I don't hate." He smiles and shakes his head.

"Fair enough." We walk into Spanish and sit down in the front row, me by the window and Elliot next to me.

"Is Brooke here today?" I ask. She usually sits behind me, but her seat is empty and I didn't see her this morning.

"Maybe she's just running late."

"Maybe." I shrug and set my Spanish book on my desk. The teacher has bellwork up on the board and I always do it as soon as I get in the room. It's just conjugations. Easy peasy. I start on the work, writing everything down in my notebook while Elliot plays on his phone. Not everyone in my friend group is as serious about school as I am.

"Oh my gosh! Ally look!" Elliot nudges my shoulder and I look up. He points out the door into the hallway. I follow his finger to see Dallas, another one of our friends, making out with some girl in the hallway. It's nothing new. He's kind of a player.

"What? It's just Dallas." I shrug and look back at Elliot. He's staring at the couple and his eyes are literally popping out of his head.

"But look who Dallas is with." I look back.

"It's just some gi-" My mouth falls open before I can finish because the couple pulls apart to hug.

"Exactly." I gape at Elliot and he smirks.

"That's Brooke!" I whisper shout as she walks in the room.

"Hey guys!" She chirps.

"Hey Brooke." Elliot waves and she sits behind me.

"What's up?"

"Hey Brooke. Not much. Trish got a job at Sonic Boom."

"Do you have a backup ready?" She asks, her face completely serious.

"Ha! I told you!" Elliot screams and practically jumps out of his desk.

"No! I think she can last at least two weeks!" I whine at Elliot.

"Whatever." Brooke smiles, laughs, and shakes her head.

"You guys are mean." I slump in my seat and cross my arms.

"You know you believe it Ally." Elliot teases. I roll my eyes and the bell rings. Our teacher walks in the room followed by a few stragglers who ran in late.

"Okay class. Today we are learning about the imperfect conjugations."

"I know what we should do." Cassidy smiled. Her eyes gleamed and we all automatically shook our heads no.

We were all at my house. By we I meant our whole group, Cassidy, Brooke, Trish, Me, Dallas, Elliot, Travis, Anthony, Margaret, and Sarah. This rarely happens. It was Friday night and I suggested a sleepover. We all hang out until we want to sleep, then the girls stay here and the guys go next door to Elliot's house. It works really well.

But this time, we were all really bored. We already watched a movie, ate popcorn, told jokes, caught up with each other, play Just Dance 2014, made cookies, that were still cooking, and had staring contests. Yea. We were that bored. There isn't much else you can do at a hang out.

"Why not?" Cassidy whined.

"Because last time we did what you suggested Brooke went home crying, Margaret and Travis had to make out and then wouldn't talk to each other for a week, and Trish almost broke her arm." Dallas deadpanned.

"Okay, so maybe playing house like we were kids again wasn't a good idea." She shrugged and everyone else rolled their eyes. "But I was just going to suggest truth or dare."

"I'm actually okay with that." I answered.

"Sure, why not?" Elliot asked.

"Okay." Trish nodded her head.

"I'm game." Dallas teased.

"Why not?" Brooke shrugged.

"Sounds fun." Travis said.

"Wow. A good idea from Cassidy for once." Anthony smirked at her. She rolled her eyes.

"Let's play!" Sarah squealed.

"I don't know guys. This game could get ugly." Margaret shook her head.

"We already know everything about each other. What could go wrong?" Trish explained.

"Yeah. I'm sure it'll be fine." Travis tried to reassure her and threw and arm around her shoulder. They have been closer since that make out session.

"Okay. Let's play." She sighed.

"Yay! Cassidy wins." Cassidy cheered and clapped her hands. "So who's going first?"

"I will." Dallas shrugged. "Um. Sarah. Truth or Dare?"

"Easy. Truth." She answered.

"You're boring!" Anthony groaned. She elbowed him in the ribs.

"Okay. Out of all the guys in this group," He gestured around, "Who would you make out with?"


"What?!" Elliot shrieked. "Why him?"

"He's the hottest."

"It's true." Cassidy agreed with her and they high-fived.

"Who do you think is hottest Ally?" Elliot turned to me.

"It's not my turn to answer." I smiled innocently.

"Fine. Go Sarah." He sighed.

"Um. Let's see. Cassidy. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to run outside, down the street and back, in your bra."

"Do I get to wear pants?" Cassidy asked, which caused us all to burst out laughing.

"Yes. Just no shirt." Sarah clarified.

"Okay. I'll do it." She stood up and walked over to the door. We all stood up and followed as she lifted her shirt above her head revealing her black bra with bright pink polka-dots. She smirked at us and bolted out the door. We all ran onto the front lawn to watch her, gathering in the cool night air. The moon shone above our heads and the stars twinkled in the dark. There was a slight breeze, blowing the trees and causing a small rustling sound to fill the silence of the night.

Cassidy ran down to the corner and stopped, turning around and waving at us. We all waved back and started laughing. I can't believe she actually went through with this. I would've said no and accepted the shame of eating a spoonful of mayo and ketchup mixed together, sprinkled with cinnamon and pepper. It would have been better.

She ran out of view to the right and we all looked around at each other shrugging.

"Where'd she go?" Brooke asked.

"I don't know. Should we go check on her?" Elliot spoke up behind me. I shrugged.

"Maybe." I suggested.

"I'll go get her." Dallas offered and started jogging down the street. The wind picked up and the temperature dropped almost instantly, causing a shiver to run down my spine. Elliot noticed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me up against him, and resting his chin on my shoulder.

We sat there and waited for another five minutes before two figures ran back toward the street. The whole group let out a sigh of relief and turned to walk back into my house. Elliot kept one hand around my waist as we walked in. I saw Trish wink at me and then her and Sarah started giggling.

What even?

We all sat back down in the living room, filing onto the couches because we left the door open and it made the wooden floors freezing. Trish sat on the end, followed by Sarah, Brooke, Margaret, Travis, Anthony, an empty spot, me, and then Elliot on the other end. It helped when you had a wraparound couch that sat in the corner of your living room, taking up two walls. Cassidy and Dallas walked in laughing. Dallas sat down next to me and Anthony while Cassidy put her shirt back on. She walked over and noticed there were no open seats.

"Okay, everyone squish." She whined.

"There's no more roo-" I was cut off as Elliot wrapped his arm around my hip and pulled my onto his lap. He removed his hand and patted the seat where I was for Cassidy to sit down, which she gladly accepted. He rested his hand on my thigh while he leaned back against the couch to see everyone else. Trish smirked at me and winked again.

That sent her, Brooke, Sarah, and Margaret into a fit of giggles.

What was I missing?

"So Cassidy, who's up?" Dallas spoke up.

"Um, Ally. Truth or dare?" I snapped out of my train of thought about what Trish and Sarah could be whispering about on the other side of the couch to stare at Cassidy.

"What?" I asked. She laughed and patted my knee.

"Truth or dare dear?"

"I'm going to go with truth." I answered. I was never really one for the dares, especially if we were starting the night of with stripping in the freezing cold. It was January for God's sake! Even if we did live in Miami, it got cold!

"Fine." She pouted. "Who do you like?"

"That's so generic." I flat lined.

"Well sorry if you gave me a boring topic." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Okay. Okay. Whatever." Who did I like? I mean, there were some cute guys in some of my classes, but not any that made me nervous or blush or anything.

"Well?" Cassidy urged me.

"Nobody I guess." She gasped and Trish's hand rose to her mouth.

"Liar!" Sarah screamed.

"No. I really don't."

"How could you not like anyone?" Cassidy asked. Well, there are plenty of attractive guys at Marino, but I don't think I like any.

"I don't know. Who do you like?"

"Well, there's this guy in my English class. We don't talk much outside of class, but he's really hot and kind of smart."

"What's his name?" Margaret spoke up.

"Austin." I felt my cheeks heat up. That name sounds familiar. I think that was the guy Cassidy was talking to.

"Like Austin Johnson? Ew. He's gross." Trish faked puked and I bit my tongue to stop my giggle.

"No. Austin Moon you oaf." Cassidy snapped. Yea. That's the one. With his dreamy eyes and those muscles that could honestly kill.

"Oh! He's cute!" Sarah chirped. More like a Greek God.

"Why don't we all just share who we like?" Elliot suggested, looking up at me. Wait. What's going on again? Oh yea, truth or dare.

"Sure." Anthony agreed.

"Let's start with Trish." I smirked. She scoffed at me and frowned.

"Fine. I like this kid Trent. He hangs out with Austin I think."

"Yea. I think I know him." Cassidy tapped her chin. "He's cute. Nice."

"I like SAM FRANK! He's gorgeous!" Sarah screamed. She sighed and stared of into space, going into daydream mode.

"He's in my Chemistry class. I could talk to him for you." I suggest.

"Really?" She screams and runs over to me to give me a huge hug. I laugh and almost fall of Elliot's lap until he wraps his arms around my waist to steady me. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Anytime." I laugh again and she sits back down.

"Um, well..." Brooke trails off.

"We already know who Brooke likes." Elliot teases. I can't even see his face from this angle and I know he's smirking.

"Who?" Travis asks.

"Dallas." Now I smirk as Dallas and Brooke go beet red.

"How did you know?" Dallas asked.

"We saw you making out right outside Spanish this morning." Elliot teases him again.

"Aww! You guys are adorable." Cassidy starts fangirlling and runs over to Brooke to talk. They both sit on the ground and make hilarious hand gestures. They've been best friends since first grade, so when they get like this, we let them have their moment.

"So Margaret?" I ask, changing the subject so Dallas can finally breathe again.

"Um. I like Brad Hill. He's this really quiet kid in my History class."

"That's cool. Maybe you can bring him to hang out with us one time." I nod and gesture around the group as everyone nods with me.

"Maybe I will." She smiles and relaxes back, taking out her phone to text someone.

"I like Kira Starr. She's the hottest girl in this school." Travis smirks and high fives Anthony.

"I like Chelsea Mayor. She has flawless skin and is super smart." Anthony swoons. I again stifle a giggle and can see almost the rest of the group is to.

"We know Dallas. We know Ally likes nobody." Trish lists of the rests of us.

"I really don't!" I sigh exasperated.

"Sure. So how about you Elliot?" Trish asks, wriggling her eyebrows. He clears his throat and I slid off his lap to where Cassidy was sitting while she's still on the ground with Brooke.

"Um." He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. That's his tell for when he's nervous. When he lies, he plays with his sleeve or the hem of his shirt. When he's scared, he moves his feet a lot. When he's nervous, he rubs the back of his neck.

"Why are you nervous? None of us are going to judge you." I ensure to him.

"It's, uh, it's someone in this room." He looks down at his hands and I look around at all the girls. I wonder who Elliot likes. And why is he so afraid to tell us. We've had crushes within the group before. It didn't make anything awkward. If anything, it brought us closer. We tease each other about it and then laugh and get to know the person.

So what's the big deal?

"Trish?" I ask.

"No." He shakes his head.


"No." His voice gets quieter.


"No." His voice cracks slightly.


"No." I can barely hear him. There are only me and Brooke left. Oh. It's probably Brooke and now that she and Dallas are going out, he doesn't want to start anything. It makes perfect sense.

"Brooke?" I bring my voice down to a whisper so only he can hear it. He doesn't answer and I pull away to look at him. The room falls silent and all eyes are on us.

He shakes his head.

Realization hits. He likes me. He likes me. My best friend since we were three years old likes me. My neighbor since fourth grade when his parents were looking for a smaller house and we begged for months because the people next door to me moved out. The guy who knows more about me than anyone else in the world. He knows all my secrets. All my stories. Every lie I've ever told, he knows the truth.

And he likes me.

"I, uh, I need some fresh air." I mutter and stand up to walk onto the porch. Everyone starts comforting Elliot once I step outside. I sit on the porch swing and pull my arms around myself. This changes things. I don't like him back. How can I let him be as close to me? Of course I still want him to be my best friend. I still want him to know all my secrets and be there when I need to cry or when I'm sick. I want him to be that shoulder I can lean on when I can't make it on my own. But I don't want him to be anything more. I don't want to take that chance and lose what we have. It's not worth it when I know I don't like him back.

So what do I do? I can't let him lean all over me like he used to. I was sitting on his lap for Pete's sake! He can't hold my hand anymore or wrap his arm around my waist. And I can't let him.

I need a distraction. Something to take up my time so he's not as close to me as he is now. So that I can give him some space to get over whatever he's feeling and bring things back to normal.

But I don't want to lose him. So I have to do this carefully. Delicately almost. Like balancing a piece of glass on a stick. You can't let it break.

"Ally?" I look up and see Anthony standing in front of me. I let out a sigh of relief and he sits down next to me. I close my eyes and let out another sigh.

"How bad is he?" I whisper.

"He's pretty upset, but he can't say he didn't see this coming."

"I feel awful. I mean, he's still my best friend. He always will be." I open my eyes and shift to face Anthony. "But I just don't like him like that."

"Are you sure?" He raises his eyebrows and I look at my lap.

"I don't know. Maybe."


"I don't know Anthony!" I threw my arms in the air and jumped to my feet.


"I just... I need to think about it. I've never thought of Elliot that way before."

"Maybe you should tell him that." I stopped pacing and looked at Anthony. He made eye contact nodded and stood up. "He deserves at least that." He squeezed my shoulder and walked back inside.

"Ugh! That didn't help me!" I screamed at the door. I sat back down on the bench and leaned over, resting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands.

Maybe I did like Elliot. I was so comfortable around him. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. We were closer than anyone I've ever met. Everyone assumed we were dating until we told them otherwise. So, what would be the difference?




There would be a big difference. I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship. There's too much at risk. I would have to prove to him that I think it's all worth it, when I don't think it is.

And we would kiss.

What if I agreed to this and we kissed and I didn't feel anything. That would ruin everything.

But it's Elliot. He's the sweetest guy I've ever met. He's gorgeous and tall and muscular. He knows how to be a gentleman and how to make me smile. I feel so safe with him and when we hang out, the world seems to disappear.

But does that mean I like him?

"Ally?" I look up and see Elliot in the doorway, leaning his head out, but still covering his body like he's afraid to be in plain sight.

"Elliot. I can explain." I stand up and grab his hand, pulling him outside while he closes the door behind him.

"Ally. I get it."

"No. Elliot. Let me talk." He nods slowly and we both sit on the bench. I don't let go of his hand. "I love you because you're my best friend. But, I don't know if you're more than that. I've never actually thought about you that way before so I can't even consider it right now. But I don't want things to change between us, so can things just go back to the way they were before and we forget this happened while I think about?"

"You aren't really forgetting if you're thinking about it." Elliot smirked at me and a smile crept onto my cheeks. I lightly shoved his arm and we both started laughing.

That was when I knew things would still be okay between us.

"Ally!" Trish called my name and I started laughing.

"Not me again!"

We were playing this game that my group made up. We make a pile of notecards with a bunch of insane scenarios on them. Some of them are like...

Get caught making out in the janitor's closet at school.


Buy a cat on the internet.

Then we randomly draw a card out of the middle and read it out loud. Everybody in the group has a whiteboard. Or a piece of paper and a pencil. Depending on whose house we're at. You write a name of someone in the group that's most likely to be stuck in that situation. Then we go around the group and each share who we picked and why.

Sometimes, to make it more interesting we play a charades version were you write crazy actions or something on the notecards and pick who would be most likely to be caught doing that like...

Singing with their hairbrush.


Running into a famous person and knocking them over.

Then, whoever has the most 'votes' has to act out that action in the middle of the group.

It's always hilarious.

At the moment we were playing the original version and the notecard in the middle read...

Get chewed up gum stuck in their hair.

Six people had gone already.

Dallas picked Brooke because they tease each other all the time now. We all found out about them dating on Friday at the sleepover at my house and now it's Sunday and we're all at Anthony's house.

Brooke obviously picked Dallas. We've been through eighth rounds and they've only picked each other. Honestly, it's obnoxious, but none of us want to say anything and start a fight in the group. That only leads to chaos.

Margaret said me and explained it that I had the longest hair, which isn't even true because Trish's hair is longer, but it doesn't really matter.

Cassidy said me because she can see me studying until three in the morning and falling asleep without warning while chewing gum and then waking up with it in my hair. It actually makes sense though, so I can't argue against her.

Anthony said Trish because she has really thick curly hair and she's really clumsy, so it would fall out of her mouth and while she went to grab it, it would get tangled in her curls and get stuck. She pouted for a little, but got over it.

Then there was Trish and that's where we are now.

"Yes! It's totally you!" She smiles and sets her whiteboard down in front of her crosses her arms.

"How is it me?" I raise my eyebrows and glance around the group for support. Everyone is staring at Trish for her answer.

"Because I can see you at school drooling over some guy while twirling your hair..." She twirls her hair and pretends to chew gum for emphasis. "And then you would drop the gum in your hair because you would be so into this guy that you wouldn't even know what's going on."

"That would never happen." I cross my arms and smile at her because she's Trish and even when she's annoying, I can't be mad at her.

"Yea it would. It happened Friday morning." Cassidy piped up.

"What! With who?" I stuttered slightly and stared wide-eyed at Cassidy.

"I saw you eyeing Austin. Don't lie to me."


"Ally. Don't even lie to me. I'll know."

"I know you will." I rolled my eyes. Cassidy has this telepathic power that makes it impossible to lie to her. She always finds out. "Okay. So I think he's attractive, but I don't like him and even if I did, I wouldn't do anything about it because you like him." I shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I don't even like him anymore."

"Cassidy. You said you liked him TWO DAYS AGO." Trish scoffed. "How are you over him?"

"I met this guy at the mall yesterday." Cassidy shrugged.

"Oh my God, you're delirious." I roll my eyes at her and laugh.

"You can have him." Cassidy winks at me and I roll my eyes again.

"I don't want him." I laugh. Elliot smiles to my right and I feel the urge to roll my eyes again. But this is Elliot. I'm just being stupid. I shove his shoulder lightly and laugh. "I've got everybody I need here in this circle."

"Whatever." Cassidy smiles and everyone turns to Anthony to reveal his whiteboard.

"Today in class you will pick partner for your new beginning of the year project!" Mr. Thompson enthusiastically waved his arms around at his desk. "I'll be handing out the papers now. When you get your paper you may pick your partner." He started walking down the first row of desks, placing a sheet on each one. "For the first half of your project, you and your partner will make a video about your life at Marino high as juniors. It should include your memories of the year so far: who your friends were, who your enemies were, and any major events that happened, and so on." He started walking back up the second row. "You will include your hopes and dreams for your senior year. But, the only catch is, they have to be hopes and dreams that you and your partner share. So if only one of you want to, say, go to prom, then you can't include it in the video. To go along with the video, each of you will create a checklist. These will be completely separate. The list will be typed, colored, and laminated. It will be a list of everything you want to do senior year. I know some of you won't even use it when senior year comes around because I won't be your teacher and I won't be able to make you, but you will still make it for this class now. The project is not due until the day before finals, so you all have four weeks." He started walking down the third row where I was seated. I waited patiently while he handed the paper to the girls in front of me.

"Ally." I heard Trish whisper yell beside me.

"What?" I whisper back.

"You wanna be my partner?"

"Of course. The only other people I can tolerate in this class are Brooke and Dallas and we all know that they're working together." I chuckle and Mr. Thompson places a rubric on my desk. "Thank you." I smile. He nods and I turn back to Trish.


"Hey. Did he ever explain the second half of the project?"

"Um... No not yet."

"Huh?" I pick up the rubric and read it over as he comes back up the last row where Trish is, but it only goes over the first half that he already explained. Mr. Thompson returned to the front of the room and sat on his desk, facing toward the class.

"Now. For the second half of the project. In two weeks, the first half of your project will be due. That is the regular partner video. But when you finish that, I will pick another pair of partners to match with you. That group will watch each other's video and split into two new partnerships. With your new partner, you will learn about what they want for their senior year and how they spent their junior year. You each will make separate videos about what that person taught you and how they effected your choices for senior year. Then, you will type up a new checklist and I will grade you on the amount of change it made from the first one."

"Are we presenting the videos to the class?" Some girl in the back of the room raised her hand and started talking before Mr. Thompson even called on her.

"No. The only people to watch the first video will be me and the partners I pair you with. The only people that will see your second video will be your new partner and me. So, any other questions?"

Trish raised her hand.

"Are you picking our original partners?"

"No. I just pick the group match up. You pick your original partners. With that said, go find your partners now." He clapped his hands and sat back down at his desk, finding something on his computer instantly interesting.

"So Trish. My house after school today?" I ask.

"Sounds great. Can I just ride home with you? Cassidy drove me to school today."

"Well, Elliot drove me, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind driving you."

"So what's up with you and Elliot?" Trish asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing. Honestly, everything is back to the way it used to be. You know, before truth or dare."

"So back to hopeless flirting and inappropriate touching as the best friends you are?"

"No Trish. Back to Ally and Elliot. The way we belong."

Hey. So, I don't want to do author notes at the end on this story like I did with my last one, so this will be the one and only author note at the end of the story. I will however, do shout outs at the beginning and all author notes will be there. I will also answer any questions you guys have for me.

Today is Sunday, so I think I'm going to stick with this and post a chapter every Sunday. I may be a little late, or a little early, but Sunday is the goal. This will be a longer story. Austin and Ally will obviously end up together (duh), but I'm going to work up to it. It will take a while. Be patient.

I have a wattpad. I am currently writing a story called Crumpled and Torn. My account is RaeRae11o7. You should check me out.

Please review what you think and tell me if I should continue. The chapter's will alternate point of view's and I might throw in a few surprise POV chapters.

Got any questions for me? Ask in your review! I'll answer them all.

Love Ya'll!