Hello and welcome to my massive rewrite of my previous story! To those who are just reading this for the first time, I'm going to warn you not to go and try reading it. I'm going to keep it up on fanfiction as a reminder of how bad I was before, but it was really bad. I had terrible plot development, bad characterization and a lot of things not consistent with canon (my Tobirama vs Minato comparison with the Hiraishin, for instance.) This story will be massively different, I promise you. I'm going to keep this story on a weekly update (unlike my last one) and actually have a clear plot development in mind when I write the new chapters as to avoid the massive wall I reached early on with my previous story.

In terms of this story, the plot is very much the same as canon before the story begins. Naruto was hated, Naruto was treated like dirt, Naruto had a shitty academy experience, etc. He starts off in the forest with the Scroll of Sealing. However, this story differs in that Naruto inherited the natural genius of his father and is much smarter than he is in canon. It always irked me when he was written to be such a moron with two smart parents. You'd think his natural IQ would be pretty high and he'd have found solutions to his earlier problems in life (not being able to go to the library, not being able to buy stuff, etc.) So this is the result of what I envisioned should happen.

For the purpose of this story, I will be using my own system of years. The year system will be simple. Year one will be the year after Konohagakure no Sato was founded, and by extension, the shinobi system as it is in the current era. Year one and on will be labeled "Kotoshi Sōritsu no Ato" (KSA), or "after the founding year". Anything prior to this will be labeled "Kotoshi Sōritsu no Mae" (KSM), or "before the founding year". The year Konoha was founded will be "Sōritsu-toshi" or "the founding year".

Characterization Changes

Uzumaki Naruto - Much smarter, much more determined, has a lot of common sense. Still a loud-mouth before my story takes place, but this immediately changes. For those curious regarding my prior story, Asura and Indra will be involved later on down the road. Just not immediately... It was kind of overkill that Naruto had all that insane power by the chūnin exam arc.

Uchiha Sasuke - He's still a brooding avenger but he isn't a Clan Pride whore like he is written to be in so many stories. There will be no bashing in this tale.

Haruno Sakura - Still a fan-girl in the beginning, but opens up and changes early on. Useless characters are bad. Useless characters who had a purpose early on are even worse.

Gender/Age Bending

Yuki Haku - Female and fifteen.

Nii Yugito - Thirteen years old when she is introduced.

Terumī Mei - Twenty-one years old upon introduction.


The main paring will be, of course, Yugito and Naruto. I am unsure as to what the other pairings will be, and am also unsure as to whether or not this will be a harem. That is entirely up to you. There may be some lemons, hence the rating.

As for Sasuke, I have plans for him. Don't you worry. It's going to be a unique pairing that I don't see a lot of. I promise.

There will be some AU-ish additions, such as naming the parents of Minato and Kushina, explaining their lineage, etc.

Below is a list of all the customized jutsu, taijutsu, ninjutsu, nintaijutsu, fūinjutsu, characters etc. that I will use in the story. This will be updated constantly as I add in new things, but what I have written below are one-hundred percent guaranteed to be used at some point in the story. I do not claim any of these customized additions as my own, as my ideas may have unintentionally spawned from reading previous stories that I have read. Additionally, some of these may be used in stories that I have not read and, as such, do not know of their existence.

Taijutsu Styles

Raijinken – Thunder God's Fist: A style that focuses primarily on its user being both quick and fluid. There is not a wasted movement when the user is a master of the technique. Drawing heavily from the Hyūga Jūken, the technique focuses primarily on open-hand jabs and palm strikes. The difference between the Jūken and the Raijinken is how rigid the user is. The Jūken is rigid and stationary, the Raijinken is fluid and mobile. At its most basic levels, the user of the style will use highly concentrated chakra control in order to release small bursts of electricity to attack the target's nervous system. At its most advanced level, the user can place Hiraishin markers on the target to act as catalysts for finishing sequences. Hyūga Neji is rather annoyed when he discovers the technique's creation. Users – Uzumaki Naruto, Namikaze Minato (Primitive Form)

Chi Mūndansu – Blood Moon Dance: A style highly favored by advanced Iryō-nin, the style focuses on being fluid and precise. The technique was first developed by Uzumaki Kushina after discovering the more potent applications of incredible chakra control. Senju Tsunade approved of the technique but never bothered to learn it. The technique focuses primarily on using incredibly controlled bursts of chakra in patient and fluid strikes to leave a foe severely crippled. Unlike the Gōken, which emphasizes intense dedication to the art of taijutsu, the Chi Mūndansu does not require intense physical training, rather focusing on moving the body in a fluid dance and enhancing each blow with chakra. Users – Uzumaki Kushina, Haruno Sakura

Ryū no Jōshō – Rising Dragon: Also known as the "Interceptor Style", this style is highly favored by the Uchiha clan. This taijutsu style revolves around incredible strength and a powerful defense. While it is not required that the user is ambidextrous, the most successful masters of the style are capable of acting with both hands. The style focuses on turning the opponent's strikes against them and crushing their defense when the user finally gains the advantage. The style is not fast, but each and every hit is brutal. A fully matured Sharingan allows whomever uses the technique to be incredibly accurate and deadly with every strike, being able to predict every movement their opponent makes. The technique also has some unique variations that incorporate the use of Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu to burn their opponent when they get in close. Masters of the style are capable of using the Ryūka no Jutsu with one hand performing the hand seal sequence. Users – Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Obito

Hebi no Dansu – Dance of the Snake: Orochimaru's preferred style of fighting. The user of this technique is incredibly fluid and defensive, turning their opponent's own offense into their downfall. The style is incredibly defensive and utilizes quick reactions to attack vital pressure points with open-palm jabs at viper-like speeds. While the style itself offers little-to-no offensive pressure, the defensive aspect of the style leaves very opportunity for the opponent to land a solid hit. Users – Orochimaru


Fūton no Yoroi – Wind Release Armor: The user channels wind chakra to form a protective shell around them. If done successfully, the user creates a small pocket of air around them, greatly reducing the air resistance on their body and allowing the user to move at very high speeds and attack with a great deal of force. The creation of the technique came from Uzumaki Naruto after reading a brief account of the Third Great Shinobi War, leading him to discover the Raiton no Yoroi. At its most basic level the shell of wind will deflect smaller projectiles, such as Senbon Needles, and grant the user a small amount of offensive power. At its most advanced levels the user will be able to ignore most jutsu and greatly increase their offensive capability, even creating a buzz-saw effect behind every blow for increased offensive damage. Rank – S, Users – Uzumaki Naruto.

Kekkei Genkai

Kin Kaminari - Gold Lightning: While not a combination of elements or a special dōjutsu, Kin Kaminari is a marvel in of itself. The user's chakra affinity is so hyper-charged with electric energy that the natural energy around the lightning's path becomes magnetized and drawn to it, condensing it into a much stronger bolt of lightning and giving it the gold tint. The lightning generated by this kekkei genkai is faster, stronger and costs less chakra to manipulate than standard chakra-created lightning. It is not nearly as powerful as natural lightning, but it is certainly in between it and chakra-based lightning in terms of raw power. Users - Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto

Sekigan - Red Eye: While not an original creation, this is the unnamed dōjutsu that Ranmaru uses. I figured I'd name it.

Original Characters

Quick Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Naruto: Shippuden or any Naruto based lore. They are all the property of one Masashi Kishimoto.