Author's Note : An Explanation Long Overdue

[Read through to the end for contest information!]

First of all, I would like to formally apologize for this unannounced hiatus. I had originally intended to upload another chapter before the end of part one. Actually, I never even mentioned that this story would be uploaded in parts, did I? Let me explain.

The six chapters you just read were only part one of this story. The part's official title is, 'The Golden Wolf'. This part of the story was written to set the story on track. It was almost completely unplanned and unprepared for. Most chapters were partially written on my phone. To be honest, I did a shabby job with it. Now it's complete.

Part two will be coming out soon, though the date is still unconfirmed. I will most likely update again with an official release date. It's title and official summary will also be released sometime this month if things go as planned. Since you've been so patient with me, I can at least give you a basic summary as to what's going to be happening in part two:

With Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye on their way to catch up with Alphonse and the rest of Mustang's troop, Edward and Winry are still rendered useless down in Rush Valley. Nearly two weeks have passed since the two pairs went their separate ways and things seem to be getting worse. News of the Fullmetal Alchemist's disappearance has spread all across Amestris. There has been no sign of Enrico, leaving everyone on guard and unsure as to what will happen next.

Worst of all, they still have no idea as to what brought on Enrico's attack. That is, until a certain… being, reveals himself to the pair in Rush Valley. Can they take the word of this source as truth? Or will they have another enemy to deal with?

I hope you're just as excited as I am for the upcoming chapters! Now, as to what I've been doing the past few months. I wish I could say I've sacrificed time and energy to put all of my effort into this story. Unfortunately, that's not the truth. I've had much to deal with, as a matter of fact not much has changed. However, I can only leave you guys hanging for so long. I've finally begun to work on Chapter Seven.

The thing is, I'm actually going to be planning out part two before I put anything into action. I'm sorry to say it, but it might take a while. Although… if you're willing to stick with this story to the end, you'll be glad you did!

Now, before I sign off, I figure this wait might be a bit too boring for you. So I've decided to compose a writing contest. Chapter 7 starts off two weeks after everyone goes their separate ways. So what exactly happened during that time? There are three categories to this contest and you can have one entry in each.

Category One: Rush Valley

Ed and Winry are left alone in Rush Valley, making them useless when it comes to the battle against Enrico. What exactly do they do all this time? Sure, Winry has a job to do, but life has to be boring all the same. I'll leave that decision up to you! In the span of a simple one-shot (two-shots and three-shots are alright), you can go over the entire two weeks or choose to focus on a single moment during their time together.

Category Two: Cross Country

Roy and Riza are trekking up north in order to track down Al and co. But of course, King Bradley has them on probation at this time. His reasons for giving them 'leave' are unknown. Especially with Fullmetal missing, what obstacles do they encounter on this unapproved mission? Do they go into hiding? Or face the military straight up? Just as in category one, this choice is up to you! In the span of a simple one-shot (two-shots and three-shots are alright), you can go over the entire two weeks or choose to focus on a single moment during their time together.

Category Three: The North

While all of this has been going on down south, Al and the others are stuck up north with little clue as to what's going on. Especially when Edward's absence is officially announced by the military. What's their reaction to this? What have they been doing while all of this went down? The choice is still up to you! Unbelievable isn't it? In the span of a simple one-shot (two-shots and three-shots are alright), you can go over the entire two weeks, before that, or choose to focus on a single moment during their time together.


1. No M rated stories! (I'm looking at you hardcore shippers)

2. Please, please, try to remain true to the story. Everything I haven't officially mentioned is canon at this point in the show/manga. The story takes place sometime after episode 29. (This goes with shipping. You can ship parental ships and friendships but the key relationships around here are: Edwin and Royai. Also avoid making anything officially canon. Make it seem as if I can continue the story without any hindrances or changes.)

3. No stealing, hating, or any other offenses that are obviously wrong.

Rewards Per Category

1. First Place gets their story posted as a bonus chapter in the story itself!

2. Second Place gets their story posted in a separate story along with the other second place winners!

3. Third Place gets to choose the name of a city or side character in DotM!

4. Everyone who participates get's a special shoutout in the opening chapter of part two!

I'll choose one winner for each category. If I really enjoy it, your short story could become canon to Dog of the Military! No M rated stories please, and please submit your stories by private message. If you're on anon, you can gmail it to mkaliak2.

Thank you so much for listening to this. I love all you guys! You've been the best audience so far. I look forwards to experiencing the next saga of our story with you all!
