These are just another bunch of one-shots that I wanted to write. Hopefully I can get them down. I don't own HTTYD or ROTG, that's DreamWorks (who seriously need to team up with Disney- that'll be the ultimate movie!)

Apologies if the characters are a bit OC-ish, I'm still getting the hang of them!

Set from shortly before the first HTTYD film and hopefully up to the second one, but not entirely compliant to ROTG, so sorry about that!

When Hiccup first heard of Jack Frost, it was from trader Johan; one of those interesting tales from another town to explain winter. As far as he was concerned, the goddess Skadi was in control of winter, not some Frost guy.

But that soon changed.

Hiccup was sharpening a sword- the first of many- in the workshop when frost started to gather on the blade. He dropped it in surprise, issuing a series of complaints from the waiting Vikings. He hastily corrected himself, calling "Butter-fingers" over his shoulder. The customers continued to grumble, but said nothing more. What else did they expect from a hiccup?

It happened again later that night. Hiccup had spent all day trying to figure out why the sword had frosted over in the heated workshop and why that one alone. At first he thought it was Skadi, but why would a goddess pay attention to him? He wasn't anything special.

At first, he didn't notice, passing it off for a bit of dust. Then there was another one and then a flurry of them- snowflakes.

In his room.

He sat up cautiously, snowflakes peppering his hair and dusting his blanket.

"I heard you didn't believe in me." Looking up, he saw a boy slightly older than him sitting on the ceiling.

The white-haired boy raised his hand as Hiccup opened his mouth to yell, shushing him gently. He was barefoot, carrying a wooden staff with a crooked end and dressed in a simple, dark brown shirt, almost like Hiccup's. His ice-blue eyes shone cheekily and, with a flick of the staff, the snow stopped. "I won't hurt you, don't worry." He dropped effortlessly, landing on the end of the bed and balancing there casually. "But I take it you believe in me because you can see and hear me."


"Jack Frost." He held his hand out, grinning broadly. "And you're Hiccup."


"I know things."

"I can see and hear you?"

"Oh." Jack hopped down and sat cross-legged at the foot of Hiccup's bed. Then he went on to tell Hiccup that he was immortal, could control snow and ice and that he could fly, yet he couldn't be seen or heard by anyone unless they believed in him. "So, here I am paying you a special visit." He beamed, like everything was crystal clear now. "Aren't you lucky?"

"Am I?" Jack's smile faltered slightly.

"You think I'm mad, don't you?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Brilliant." Jack's smile returned and he jumped up, grabbing Hiccup by the wrist and hauling him toward the window. Hiccup resisted, but Jack was stronger.

He grabbed Hiccup, wrapping his arm securely under his arms and then he was off. Hiccup yelled then, the ground getting further and further away. Snow and ice streamed from the crooked staff and spiralled down, floating out in all directions to coat Berk.

Jack stopped abruptly and laughed. "Calm down." He prompted kindly.

"You- you- you-!"


"Snow- ground- fly- oh gods…"

"You're not breathing." Hiccup inhaled sharply, the cold air stinging his lungs. From up here, the village looked like a toy set. Snow continued to lace through the air and thicken the layer already upon Berk. "See." Jack smiled warmly. "I wasn't lying."

"OK, OK, I believe you, now put me down." Jack's smile turned sly and he dropped like a stone.

Hiccup didn't have a breath left to scream.

Once back in his room, with two feet safely on the floor, Hiccup stared at Jack. "I'm not mad, am I?"

"No." Jack assured. "You just believe."

"But- but… I thought you… you-"

"Were someone else's way of explaining winter." Jack finished. "I suppose I am, but I'm not as important as your snow goddess, Salmon."


"Ah, man, I was so off. I'll get that right eventually." He made a face and then laughed. "Any questions?"

"Wh-?" Hiccup spluttered. "What kind of question is that?!"

"A questioning one." Jack regarded him momentarily. "So… any questions?"

"Why… why did you… how… what… when…?"

"You know what, I'll come back tomorrow. We'll talk then when you're not reeling from my awesome."


"Night, Hiccup." And then he was gone, floating up and out the window. Hiccup scrambled after him, but by the time he reached the window, Jack was gone. All that was left was the four feet of snow he would have to wade through tomorrow.

What do we think? Anything I can do that you guys want or to correct characters? Let me know! :D