Hi! It's Ariana! I'm updating today Chapter Five! This is actually the longest story I ever wrote on this site! Alright, enjoy!

Chapter Five

Bree's POV

I only had one word in my mind when I woke up that morning.


Maybe I had been too harsh with him? No, Bree! You must not give in! He needs to learn not to look in someone's cell phone! Look at me, arguing with myself.

Anyways, I changed my clothes using my capsule. I got to be honest here and say that it changes me into some pretty cute stuff! When I was getting out of the capsule, I heard the elevator coming down to the lab. The doors opened, and Chase came running out.

"Oh, well, look who it is? The one and only Chase Davenport! Everyone, let's all give a big round of applause!" I said sarcastically.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. Okay, well, now I want to talk to you about the reason I came down here," Chase replied.

"Fine. Since you don't know what it means to quit bothering me, I'll hear you out just this one time," I answered.

"Thank you! The reason I looked through your Notebook is because I wanted to know what you were texting to Ethan or whoever it was and to monitor if it was appropriate or not," Chase explained.

"So now you think I'm sending inappropriate texts to Ethan?" Bree asked.

"Yes, but not just Ethan. It could be someone else as well," Chase replied.

"Well, you don't have to look any longer. Ethan and I broke up. A long while ago," Bree sneered.

"Oh," Chase said awkwardly.

"Oh!" He said again, a little more excitedly.

"Why?" I asked.

Chase's POV

Why you ask, Bree? Well, it's because now I finally have a chance with you! Or, not. It depends on if you forgive me for the snooping around in your phone thing.

Bree's POV

"Oh, well, I mean, boo hoo! I'm so sorry!" Chase cried.

I couldn't really tell if he was acting or not, but I gave up on trying to figure it out and just rolled my eyes.

Today was Saturday, and I didn't want to ruin my day ignoring Chase all the time.

"Please tell me you forgive me?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, not really paying attention.

All of a sudden, Chase did something unexpected.

He hugged me. I was surprised, and Chase was just smiling happy.

I actually don't really know to forgive him or not, but I'm just going to choose the happier, more peaceful, option.

"Want to go swimming?" Chase asked.

"No," I said bluntly.

"Alrighty, then!"

Chase just shouted happily and ran into the elevator, going up to the floor where the spas and ten foot pools were.

As I played with my shoelaces, a question still remained in my mind.

Do I still have feelings for Chase?