Konnichiwa everyone! Don't worry..I'm not going to stop writing this story..it's just that..well I misplaced the paper I wrote Step 5 on. I KNOW I left it in the office , where I always leave my stories. But I came back from school to type it up..and it was not here! FREAKY! Just kidding. I just know I misplaced it somewhere. I'm going to search for it..until I find it this story will be delayed.

Some of you are probably saying...well, why not write it down again. I would write a driiferent Step 5. But I liked the first one I wrote..so I'm going to search my house till I do...if it takes TOO long, where it gets to the point that I have to make another one, then I will. But trust me...it may be funny, but not as good as the first one I made, ALL of my friends cracked up when they read the first one I made, so pray I find it.

Anyway..there is good side to this. I'm making another story along the way. I haven't given it a title yet, but it is REALLY funny, and will have some humor in it. I'll send you more news later!

Ja'ne Kawaii-anime-lover