Miroku's 5 Steps for a Perfect Date

By: kawaii-anime-lover

Step 1: Compliments

Miroku: Konnichiwa Gentlemen!!! Today  I'm here going to show you the 5 steps to asking a girl out, since I'm SO good with woman!

InuYasha, Shippo, and Kenshin: *sit and stare*

 Miroku: Okay, step one to getting a girl: First, give the lady mice compliments as in what she is wearing, her eyes, her hair, ETC….

InuYasha: *raises hand*

Miroku: Yes InuYasha?

InuYasha: Uh…yea…why am I here? I was told I was getting candy…not date lessons.

Miroku: Don't you want to ask Kagome out?

InuYasha: NANI!?!?!? Why would I want o ask that clueless wench out????

Miroku: Of course u want to ask her out...now sit down or no dinner!

InuYasha: What is for dinner?

Miroku: ramen…

InuYasha: *shuts up*

Miroku: OK,  back to the steps…*takes out tape*

*Sango walks in*

Miroku: I guess I'll show you guys in person how it is done.....well hello Sango, you are looking absolutely beautiful today, as always..

Sango: *stares blankly* uh…thanks…I think..

Miroku:….and may I say you did your hair very nice today….it smells good.

Sango: This is how I always do my hair.

Miroku: Uh….ya well I'm going to give you the compliment today instead of just always staring at it….

Sango: OOK..

Miroku: and your chest are is looks nice as always..

Sango: WHAT?!?!?!!?

InuYasha: He blew it…

Sango: Why you little perverted, stupid idiot! *slaps Miroku* HENTAI!!! *walks away*

Miroku: *gets up smiling* and that is how step one is done!

Kenshin: oro?

InuYasha & Shippo: *sit & stare with wide eyes*

End of step one…

Step 2: Manners

Miroku: Now, boys, listen and you shall hear *poses step 2*

InuYasha: Oh joy…

Miroku: *makes a mad face*

Kenshin: Just get on with it, you have already proven you know nothing about girls…

Miroku: *gets even more mad*……..* shakes anger off*….Ok….Step…two…is…MANNERS!!!

InuYasha: Yea…..from the king of manners who just got slapped..

*everyone, except Miroku, snickers*

Miroku: one word InuYasha….ramen..

InuYasha: oh…yea…sorry sir

Miroku: Ahem.....now. When on a dinner date, you need to use silverware properly. DO NOT eat with your hands....

And never order pizza!

Shippo: ?

Miroku: Ahem, yea moving right along....

Miroku: I have prepared a computer dummy that will rate you all on your table manners!

Miroku: Meet.....CyberDate 2000!


Miroku: Huh?!?!? V.V

Miroku: Okay then lover boy...you first....

IY: OK! *sits down....*

*computer date (cd) stands impatiently....*

Miroku: Rule #2! Pull out her chair....


*sits down....*

*computer date (cd) stands impatiently....*

Miroku: Rule #2! Pull out her chair....

IY: Oh...ok!

*pulls out chair and stares at butt as she sits down....*

Miroku: Glares....

cd: *slap*

IY: heh heh....

Miroku: Ok...now comes for the meal!

IY: I'll take a #5....the "You Will Not Look Cool In Front Of Your Date If You Order THis" meal.

Miroku: Ur a lost cause.....

Miroku: ok....now the date progresses....

Miroku: psst....remember step one....

IY: ok....

IY: Umm..you che-

Miroku: NO!


IY: oh....ok.....

heh heh

IY: Um...what a nice....cup you have???



IY: Ok...got it...no more compliments.

Shippo: *snore....

IY:hmm....here's the food!

*chows like a beast.....

CD: The date is over...

Cd rates you as.....

a 2 out of ten....

IY: WHAT??!?!?!?!?

I thought I did fine!

Stupid thing!

*pulls out Tetsaiga

Take this!

*readies sword

Miroku: No wait!

That was exppensive!

IY: *stops in midair....

IY: ok....

*sits down...

Miroku: Now we have a special guest...

for your dating etiquette, I'd like to introduce the best of the best!

Miroku: Me!

Miroku: *sits down.

*puts oon shadesMiroku: *pulls out chair

Miroku: So.....what'll it be.....

The hot guy across from you or the hot guy across from you???

CD: I find the #3: "Garbage can leavings" more appetizing

Miroku: huh?!?!?!?!

Miroku: well, um....

Cd: *can tell he's struggling...starts conversation

It's awful cold outside...

miroku: Yea....my blanket is thermal though... Cd:*SMAK! (even harder than IY)

Miroku: Uhhh....well....ur....lookin' nice! How about we ditch this cafe and I'll introduce you to the nude beach!

CD: The date is now over.

CD: Your boyfriend level is....

Miroku: sweatdrops

cd: a 0. You are conceited, hypersexual, and extremely corny. I have met rabid wolverines that have better tact.

Miroku: WHAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!

IY: Heh heh....who's the dating teacher????

Miroku: Shut up and give me that sword!

End of step two……

kawaii-anime-lover: That is all the steps right now….Miroku said he will give me steps 3+4 as soon as possible…till then…Ja'ne minna!!!(bye everyone)