Well, the reviews are in - and so are the results. There will be NO love interest for Elsa! I will have the oldest brother make an appearance, but that will be about it. A special thank-you to Xavier Fincher - your review influenced the decision the most. And now, a disclaimer:

I do not own Frozen or any of the charterers Disney created for that film. On that note, I do own the characters I create myself.

So, please enjoy my first fanfiction, and review to let me know what you think!

Southern Isles, 11:00 PM, about three months after the events of Frozen

"Hey Hans, wake up already! Dinnertime."

Prince Hans grudgingly opened his eyes. He was still in the cold, barren prison cell that had been his home for the past two-and-a-half months - and would be for the rest of his life. Unlocking the door, made of thick iron bars, that shut him off from the world stood his eldest brother, Lief, who was holding a tray holding a rather gray cut of meat and some overcooked vegetables. Hans grudgingly took the meal and sat down on a stone ledge, the only piece of "furniture" in the cell.

As Lief relocked the door, he said to the prisoner, "You know, you should consider yourself lucky after what happened in Arendelle. Our other eleven brothers and I, not to mention Father, seriously considered execution for you."

"That would have been better than living in this God-forsaken dungeon," Hans muttered as he began the meal.

To this, Lief replied, "A life sentence was the best choice for your punishment, little brother. You deserved to be servely punished. I mean, trying to murder the Queen? Why did you ever think of that?" Then, the older man noticed something - Hans had taken off his gloves. He quickly asked, "Hans, what are you doing? Put those gloves back on right now."

Hans rolled his eyes and said, "So? They'll just make this meal even more unappetizing than it already is. I haven't eaten with the gloves on since before you locked me up."

"And you'll start now," Leif said angrily. "Put the gloves on before I leave, or you will be in big trouble."

"More than I'm already in?" Hans asked with a teasing tone.

Now, Lief was very angry. "I am not kidding, Hans. Just because you're in a jail cell doesn't mean you can do what you like. Quite the opposite, in fact."

Now Hans, too, was angry. He rose from the ledge, spilling the food, and retorted, "Just because I'm in a jail cell doesn't mean you can try to control me. That's all you ever did to me!"

Leif was trying to calm down, hoping his brother would do the same. "I am your superior, Hans Westergaurd. You will listen to me. All I ask is that you put the gloves back on."

"Leave me alone!" Hans shouted, thrusting his arms toward the bars on the cell door. He didn't know why - the gesture was almost instinctive. However, to his surprise, a jet of fire streamed from his hands to the iron bars, melting them almost completely. Lief leaped back toward the side of the jail complex as the fire hit the stone wall and exploded. Wide-eyed, Hans stared at his hands - the very hands from which he had created flame - with a mixture of shock and surprise for a while, then lifted his gaze toward Lief. His brother was also wide-eyed, but the expression in them this time was fear.

A long silence. Then the first words out of Lief's mouth were, "Oh, no."

Next Chapter: Meanwhile, over in Arendelle...