Hello my beautiful fans, Jaykid1 here with chapter 9. I was glad to note everyone enjoyed the updated chapters.


Tamagat: Why does he need a spaceship?

Shelbysamgirl: It might be closer than you think.

Xhanti . m70: I actually plan for Wally to have his Rebirth suit. And if it helps Kara will be using the Power Girl suit from Injustice 2. I actually plan on using Hyperion for someone else much later on in Justice League. I do require a new name for Solana for when she returns to the field, any ideas would be appreciated.

Here it is everyone, Darkseids invasion... well, his first invasion I should say. Strap yourselves in.

Here we go.



Clark smiled as well and shook his hand. Suddenly both looked over to Orion who had his head bowed over by one of the destroyed tanks. His helmet was off and Aaron saw he had red hair and slightly pointed ears. Superman went to talk to him while Aaron continued to help with the clean up.

When all the fires were out and most of the debris was cleared, Aaron looked over and saw Orion leave. Approaching Superman he spoke. "Where's he going?"

"Back to New Genesis to report on Darkseid." Clark replied as he held up his hand that has some kind of blinking device in it. "He gave me this to contact him if we need his help."

Aaron nodded and was about to speak again when there was suddenly a large explosion out in the middle of the ocean. Looking over, they saw a massive pillar of flames stretching into the clouds. "Orion was right. It's not over."

"You might want to press that button now." Aaron said.


After the explosion at the power plant, Sentinel, Superman and Detective Turpin retreated toward Star Labs to see Professor Hamilton to see if he had found anything out about the explosion.

"We've been monitoring the hot zone by satellite. The explosion created a meltdown in the power plants central reactor." Hamilton explained to the men as he showed them a simulation on what was happening on a computer screen. "It's burning straight through the sub-strata now; and it will get hotter and hotter until it burns through the Earths core."

"What then?" Superman asked.

"Theoretically it will cause an explosion in the Earths core, though not a big enough explosion that would wipe out the planet, but shit will still hit the fan if left unchecked." Aaron answered before Hamilton.

Superman raised a brow. "How do you...?"

"It's similar to what happened on Argonia..." Aaron said before Superman could finish. "Only the planet didn't survive." He finished with a frown knowing it was his own father that destroyed the Argonian home world.

"What Sentinel says is true. While the explosion won't cause the planet to explode, it will cause more burn holes to appear around the planet." Hamilton said. "I've never seen anything like it."

Superman narrowed his eyes. "Yes you have. We all have, on Apokolips."

"Might I suggest you call Orion." Sentinel said looking to Superman.

"I was just thinking that." Superman said as he pulled the communicator Orion gave him. Examining it for a moment, he pushed the only button on the communicator. No sooner as he pushed the button did the communicator short circuit.

"What happened?" Turpin asked.

Superman examined the communicator with his x-ray vision and saw the wiring was frayed. "Fryed, must've been the explosion." He said as he crushed the communicator. "We're on our own."

"Not necessarily." Aaron spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Professor Hamilton asked.

"There are several Superheros in the world and I just happen to know a few." Sentinel said as he headed for the door before turning to Superman. "See what you can do to stall things. I'll be back shortly with the Calvary." He said as he flew off through the door.


Wally West was taking a brisk walk through Central City; of course a speedster taking a brisk walk to a normal person was akin to seeing a red blur racing through the city. Wally was patrolling the city like he normally would after work. He was moving so fast that everything around him was basically frozen. Knowing he was going fast enough that no one could see him, he didn't bother changing into The Flash. It was times like these that he allowed his mind to wonder. Wally was just thinking about what he wanted for dinner when suddenly he found his path blocked.

"Wally!" Aaron called as he suddenly appeared in front his brother. Wally skidded to a halt and came to a complete stop.

"Aaron, what are you doing here?" Wally asked, pleasantly surprised to see his brother. "We haven't had a conversation at super speed in years." He said as while both men weren't moving, the world around them was still frozen.(1)

"I wish I could say this was a social call but shit may be about to hit the fan and I rather cover my bases. Get dressed, we're headed to Bludhaven to grab Dick. I'll explain on the way." Aaron said as he took off with Wally following below.

As they moved, white lightning suddenly lit up around Wally as he manipulated the speed force around him to form his suit. As the Flash, Wally suit was a mix of his old Kid Flash suit as well as his uncle Barry's to pay homage to his superhero roots as well as honor the man who got him started. Wally's suit from the neck down was similar to Barry's with the only difference being silver-white highlights instead of the gold ones Barry wore. Wally's mask was similar to his Kid Flash mask as it cover all but his eyes, nose, mouth and hair.

Now as the Flash, both he and Sentinel headed for Bludhaven to retrieve the final member of their old crew.


Dick Grayson, in his Superhero persona was perched on top of a building over looking the city of Bludhaven. As Nightwing, Dick was dressed in an all black body suit made from the same light, sturdy and flexible material as both the previous and the current Sentinel. On his chest spreading to his shoulders, was a blue bird symbol, the same symbol of his families circus act, the Flying Graysons. The suit also had tech built into it consisting of collapsible wings and rockets in the bottom of his boots. On his face hiding his identity was a high tech domino mask that had a tiny computer built in.

Bludhaven was unusually quiet considering it was like Gotham's mean little sister when it came to crime and it had Dick on edge. Maybe Aaron and Wally were right, he probably should leave Bludhaven before he wound up as paranoid as a certain bat.

Suddenly his masked beeped as it picked up two high speed incoming objects headed toward him. Before he could gain his bearings, Wally was suddenly standing in front of him while Aaron was just landing.

"What are you guys doing here? What's going on?" Dick asked, brow raised. While it wasn't unusual for his brothers to randomly show up to check on him, it was unusual for them both to come suited up looking ready for a fight.

"I need you in Metropolis, somethings about to go down and I may need some assistance." Aaron said while Wally nodded along.

Now Dick's other brow raised to join its brother. Aaron asking for help was such a rare occurrence that you really couldn't say no when he asked. Lifting his arm, a HUD computer screen suddenly appeared from his wrist. Punching in a few keys, they waited a couple moments before a plane flew over head or at least it sounded like a plane. Looking up, the three saw a sleek black pod like vehicle with sharp angles and rounded sides(2). The pod was actually a gift from Solana to Dick when he turned 18. The vehicle was designed after the space pod that brought the then pregnant Solana to Earth where she gave birth to Aaron moments after landing. Dick had since christened it the Night-Jet. The pod was capable of both space and underwater travel as well as being able to travel up to Mach 5 speed.

Clicking his heels, Dicks boots lit up as he shot up to his jet thru the opening in the bottom before it shut tight and suddenly shot off toward Metropolis.

"Show off." Wally muttered before he took off.

Despite the situation, Aaron chuckled before he took off too.


Though he wasn't completely sure, Aaron was correct in his assumption that Kara had gone to California to see his mother. It just wasn't for a lunch date like he thought. Kara was lying down on an operating table inside Solana's lab stripped to her undergarments, having her body scanned while Solana was sitting at a monitor looking at the results. When the scanner finally cut off, Kara sat up and got off the table. Grabbing a nearby robe, she put it on as she walked to the monitor Solana was sitting at.

"Anything?" Kara asked looking at the monitor with a bio outline of her body.

Solana tapped a few keys and the outline focused on her abdomen. While Kara wasn't sure what she was looking for, Solana apparently did. "Well Kara, according to this, you aren't pregnant." Solana said.

Kara nodded slowly, not sure how to feel. Strangely she felt equal parts relieved and disappointed. She'd admit, Kara found the idea of being a mother appealing, especially when she thought of Aaron fathering her children. However, Kara also felt she wasn't quite ready. On top of that came a bunch of other worries. What kind of world would they be bringing their children into? What kind of terrors would they face? Would they face the same loneliness that both she and Aaron had faced being among the last of their respective races? Would it be worse?

Their children would be neither Kryptonian nor Argonian. They'd be a completely new race never before seen in the universe. This brought even more concerns. Would they be more like the Kryptonians or Argonians? What powers would they have, if they got any at all? What if the differences in her and Aaron's biologies cancelled each other out and left the children vulnerable? So many thoughts and fears that hadn't occurred to Kara before until this moment when it was almost a possibility.

Kara was snatched from her thoughts when a voice rang out in her head. 'Ease your thoughts child.' She heard. Looking down, she saw Solana looking up at her with her eyes slightly glowing. "Your thoughts were so loud it was nearly impossible not to hear them."

"Sorry." Kara said as she took a deep breath. "Well if I'm not pregnant, what is wrong with me?"

Solana shrugged as she turned back to the monitor. "According to this, nothing. Your in perfect health."

Kara shook her head. "That makes no sense, these drowsy spells have to be coming from somewhere." Kara said.

Solana put her hand on her chin in contemplation before she tapped a few more keys on the keyboard. "Well it could have something to do with the energy in your system from when Aaron marked you. That's about when they started right?"

Kara thought back. She had started getting the drowsy spells about a week after she and Aaron were 'married'. Granted they hit much harder back then but had slowly been hitting less and less. "Yes that's about right."

Solana nodded. "I have a theory that your own healing factor may have been trying to purge the unfamiliar energy from your body. But due to the adaptable nature of our energy, it's making it harder. The energy should have stabilized in your system fairly soon after entering you but due to your healing factor, it's causing the process to take longer. I'd say give it a few more weeks and everything should be back to normal." Solana said.

Kara nodded. "Okay."

Solana stood then and placed her hand on Kara's shoulder, getting the younger girl to look up at her. "As for your other fears. Don't worry so much. Your children wouldn't be the only ones to be half-Argonian. There have been many half-breeds recorded in our history. And more importantly, any fool dumb enough to try and harm your children will have at least 6 trained heroes to get through to get to them. 4 of which are super-powered aliens. I think they'll be safe." Solana said with a smile.

Kara smiled at her before a beeping in her ear went off. Pushing the communicator she spoke. "Hey hun."

"Kara, need you back in Metropolis. A lot of troubles coming and we need all hands on deck." Aaron said over the com.

Kara and Solana, who could hear the conversation, both widened their eyes. "Got it I'll meet you there." She said as she cut the line. Looking up to Solana, she watched her mother-in-law zip out of the room at super speed before she came back in her old Sentinel outfit.

"I''m ready, lets kick some ass." She said as she adjusted her domino mask.

Kara smirked before she sped out of the room and reappeared as Supergirl. "Lets go." She said as the two heroines flew toward Metropolis.


In his tower in Salem, Kent Nelson sat in his study meditating when his wife entered carrying a communicator. "Aaron called."

"Did he." Kent said without opening his eyes.

"He needs your help. He says something is coming." Inza said, waiting for her husband to act.

"I'm aware, I've sensed a disturbance. But I'm also aware that of the other heroes mobilizing. He won't need me."

"If he didn't need you, he wouldn't have called." Inza shot back.

Kent finally opened his eyes. "I've removed myself from the battlefield for a reason Inza. The boy will one day realize what I have come to know. That no matter what we do, no matter how many times we stamp out evil, it will always slither back." He said.

Inza stared at him for a few moments before she turned to leave. "I recall you telling Aaron that shortly before he became the Sentinel. Remind me what it was he said to you in response." She said as she left the study.

Kent watched her go before his gaze moved to a pedestal holding the Helmet of Fate before he closed his eyes again. "It doesn't matter how many times evil slithers back, as long as there is good ready to stamp it out again." He said, repeating what his nephew said to him. Snapping his eyes open, they now held a hardened resolve as he stood and approached his helmet.


Superman hadn't realized how right Aaron was until he got here, shit was hitting the fan. As soon as Aaron left to find some other heroes to help with the coming invasion, Clark left to try and stop the burn holes from forming. He was almost out of Metropolis when a boomtube opened and a armored man with a horned helmet and axe he would later know to be called Steppenwolf came out of it and attacked him.

Disarming the invader was easy enough but it was when he summoned the Para-demons that problems started. While more of a nuisance than anything else, the Para-demons, whos fangs and claws could pierce his skin, did take his attention away from Steppenwolf, a costly error as the man was able to fire some kind of high voltage net at him that succeeded in disabling him and knocking him from the sky and into a large fountain, which is where he was now.

The impact with the fountain put a big enough hole in it that the water drained from it. Superman struggled through the pain but managed to break the net on him. He walked forward a few steps before he fell to the ground, spasming in pain, his healing factor working in overtime to get the excess electricity out of his system and try and get him back on his feet. Unfortunately, Steppenwolf wasn't going to give him the chance as he flew in close followed by the Para-demons.

"And now... the Kill!" Steppenwolf called as he signaled for the Para-demons to attack, Superman, the city and its inhabitants.

Lois, who had been front and center during the initial attack and was now helping Superman to his feet, could only watch in horror as some of the Para-demons were nearly on them when suddenly they were being shot out of the sky by a strange pod-like jet. Many of the Para-demons circled around to attack the jet but some were sucked into a red tornado that appeared from no where while the rest were pulled into a golden Ankh that appeared in the sky. If that wasn't enough, two blurs, one red and the other blue, were picking off the remaining Para-demons.

"W-What is the meaning of this?!" Steppenwolf exclaimed outraged. So focused on his subordinates, he didn't see the black blur speeding toward him until it was too late. Pain had exploded on his face as something had punched him off his glider and sent him careening into the ground.

Sentinel was floating were Steppenwolf once was. He was eyeing the invader warily. When Steppenwolf didn't move, Sentinel flew down toward Lois and Superman. Once he touched down, he helped Superman stand. "You okay?"

Superman nodded. "I will be." He said as he looked around at the other hero's that were touching down. He recognized Flash as he sped in, followed by Supergirl and a woman he didn't immediately recognize but quickly realized it was the same woman he'd seen fighting Kalibak some time ago. Suddenly the black jet flew over and out the bottom dropped Nightwing. An Ankh appeared nearby and out of it, Dr. Fate appeared and touched down close by. "When you said you were getting the Calvary, you weren't kidding."

"Oh I never joke about the Calvary." Sentinel said as he stabilized Superman.

As the heroes regrouped, Steppenwolf rose to his feet and took out his mother box. "Time for plan B." He muttered as he pushed a button. Suddenly a few Boomtube opened and swarms of Para-demons flew out. "Para-demons, kill them all." Steppenwolf bellowed.

The heroes saw them all coming and all but Superman and Sentinel jumped into action. Sentinel turned to Superman. "Go, stop the burn holes. we'll hold the line here." He said before he flew off ready to fight.

Superman watched them all before turning to Lois. "Find somewhere safe." He said as he flew off toward where the first burn hole started.


1. I witnessed Superman do this with Barry Allen Flash in the Injustice comics. Sentinel is just as fast as Superman and Supergirl, but not as fast as Flash.

2. The Bat-mobile from Batman Beyond.


Sorry this came so late but here it is. Chapter 9 is here.

I hope you all enjoy it.

So I need some help. I have an idea for another Super hero story. I just need to figure out if I want to put it in the Young Justice world, the Arrowverse or the MCU(focused more on the Defenders than the Avengers). For more information pm me.

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