'2 weeks… It's been two weeks.' Donnie thought to himself as he looked at his calendar. '2 weeks since I made the retro mutagen and cured Mr O'Neil.' Donnie smiled as swang his chair side to side. 'But…' Donnie sat up and frowned. 'Now I need to make more from Master Splinter' Donnie banged his head on the desk. 'I'm going to need more mutagen.'
"Hey Donnie!" Leo walked into the lab. "Patrol." Leo pointed behind him.
"Oh sure." Donnie got up and began walking to Leo.
"Um Donnie you feeling ok?" Leo asked.
"Yeah. Why?" Donnie asked.
"Because." Leo walked over to Donnie's desk and grabbed his Bo staff that was leaning on it. "You just seem out of it." Leo said handing Donnie his Bo staff.
"Nar I'm just a bit tired." Donnie told him as they walked on to meet their brothers.
"Ok just make sure you're ok to fight if we need to." Leo said worrying.
"Leo I'll be fine." Donnie smiled.
"You guys ready to ROCK!" Mikey yelled throwing his hands in the air and stuck out his tongue.
Leo face palmed. Raph rolled his eyes and Donnie just stared.
"We're just going on patrol Mikey." Leo said in a plan tone.
"Yeah I know." Mikey said leading the way out. "I just having some fun."
"Yeah well you fun is our not fun." Raph said.
Mikey frowned and poked his tongue at Raph ending in him being chased down the sewer.
"Things never change." Leo smiled as he watch.
'Yeah.' Donnie thought. 'Things never change.'
"Are you sure?" Raph asked as he and the others followed Donnie through the docks.
"Yes my mutagen tracker is picking up a reading from over there." Donnie pointed in-between two shipping containers at a canister of mutagen.
"Ok guys here the pla-
"A PLAN!" Raph snapped. "Leo we're just picking up the mutagen and go!"
"Raph this could be a trap, remember what happened before!" Leo yelled.
Donnie sighed and rolled his eyes as he began walking towards the Mutagen. "Yeah guys it's a trap." Donnie said sarcastically as he picked up the mutagen.
"Donnie!?" Leo turned to Donnie.
"What? Leo we don't have time to keep being careful. I need more mutagen to make a retro Mu-
"Retro Mutagen." Snake weed said as he can into view from behind the shipping container.
"You were saying." Leo jumped in front of Donnie, holding his Katana out at Snake weed.
"Give me the retro mutagen." Spider bites also came into view.
"RAW!" Razar jumped on the top of one of the shipping containers and Fish face on the other.
"Um guys." Mikey and Raph watched as Donnie and Leo backed slowly to them. "Are the mutants teaming up against us?" Mikey asked.
"They want the retro mutagen." Donnie said quietly to himself.
"We don't have any!" Raph yelled at the mutants.
"Yes but the purple one knows how to make it." Stockmen said as he came from behind the turtle as swoop past grabbing Donnie.
"AHHH!" Donnie yelled as he was carried away.
"DONNIE!" Leo ran after Stockman.
"The retro Mutagen will be ours!" Razar yelled jumping in front of Leo. "Try to stop us."
"The mutant is wrong."
"What the? Where the shell did the Krang come from?" Raph asked as the Kraang came up from behind.
"The formula known as retro mutagen will be Kraang's." A Kraang said as it began firing.
"Leo what's the plan?" Mikey asked as he dodged the Kraang lasers as well as the other mutant's attacks.
"We run!" Leo said.
"I'm not running." Raph said as he fought Fishface.
"Raph Donnie's in trouble! Turtles first remember?" Leo said as he flipped on to the top of the shipping container and held up a smoke bomb.
Raph sighed. "Ok Let's go!"
Leo smiled and threw down the smoke bomb. Raph jumped up to Leo and turned back to see a purple smoke filling the area.
"Mikey!" Leo yelled as he could just make out his little brother in the smoke. "Up here."
Mikey looked up and ran forward but tripped on a Kraang gun. "Ooo." He smiled picking it up then joined his brothers.
"LET ME GO!" Donnie kicked at Stockman but had no success at getting free. He had already dropped his Bo staff and was slowly losing his energy and almost the contents of his stomach.
"You will create a retro mutagen." Stockman buzzed. "You will return me to my genius self."
Donnie sighed as he gave up fighting. "I want to." Donnie said. "But I don't have enough Mutagen to-
Stockman suddenly dived down.
"AHHHHH!" Donnie closed his eyes as the rush hit him. "I'm going to be sick."
Stockman flew into a warehouse and dropped Donnie into a cage.
"Ow!" Donnie yelped when he landed on his shell. "Thanks for the soft landing." He said standing up and rubbing his shell. "Whoa." Donnie looked at the giant canister of mutagen.
"You will make the retro mutagen NOW!" Stockman yelled.
"I can't not yet the Mutagen needs to be-
!BANG! The Door burst open
"Kraang capture the turtle knows as Donatello." The Kraang charged towards Stockman.
Donnie watched as Stockman fled leaving him. "Great." Donnie sighed.
"Kraang Set up the teleportation device." Kraang ordered Kraang.
"Teleportation?" Donnie backed up to the end of the cage. 'I have to get out.' Donnie examined the cage, the top wasn't covered but it was too high for Donnie to jump out. The bars were too slippery for him to climb and half way up the bars were covered in spikes. As for the bottom Cold hard concrete. Donnie sighed and sat down trying to think of a way to escape.
"I see him." Leo said peeking through a window.
"Where?" Mikey pushed Leo aside so he could see. "Aw look at him. He looks like a puppy stuck at the pound."
Raph groaned and hit Mikey. "That's Donnie you dope!"
"Shh Raph." Leo hushed. "I have a plan. See the rafters." Leo pointed to the rafters above the cage.
"Yeah what about them?" Mikey asked.
"We're going to use them the get Donnie out of that cage." Leo said.
"We use Mikey's chain, if we throw it over the rafter and into the cage we can lift Donnie out. Raph you and Mikey will have to do it, I'll keep the Kraang Distracted." Leo finished.
"Ok sounds like plan." Raph smiled as he pulled out his Sais.
"Kraang that is the incorrect coordinates, Kraang let Kra-
"Release my brother Kraang!" Leo ordered pointing his sword at the Krang.
'LEO?! What's he doing?' Donnie thought to himself as he watched.
"Kraang it is the turtle known as Leonardo." The Kraang turned to Leo.
"Kraang the turtle known as Leonardo is of unimportances to the Kraang." The Kraang began firing.
"Dude Leo's going to get fried." Mikey laughed as he and Raph dropped down in front of the cage.
"Guys!" Donnie ran to the front of the cage.
"You seem happy to see us." Raph teased.
"Get me out of here!" Donnie demanded.
"Well yeah that's the idea." Mikey threw his Chain over the rafter and it fell into the cage.
Donnie smiled and grabbed it.
"Ok I hope you've been on a diet Donnie." Raph said as he and Mikey began to pull Donnie up.
Leo jumped about dodging the Kraang fire. "Kraang the turtle know as Donatello is escaping." A Kraang said turning to the others.
"Oh no Guys look out!" Donnie cried at the Kraang fired at them. The laser hit the chain and broke it. Donnie quickly put his foot on one of the bars and pushed himself upwards so he was able to grab the rafter. He climbed up so he was sitting above the battle. "Ow." Donnie looked at his foot as it bleed from the Spikes.
"Guys where's Donnie?" Leo asked as Raph and Mikey joined him.
"He's up there." Mikey pointed to Donnie.
Leo sighed the idea was to get him out, not leave him stuck!"
"Well we're sorry but it was your job to distract the Kraang!" Raph yelled at Leo.
'Don't fight now.' Donnie sighed as he listened to the two go at each other. Two Kraang looked up at Donnie then fired at each end of the rafter. "No!" Donnie cried as the he heard the rafter begin to crack.
"Guys…" Mikey backed up.
"You never listen to me!"
"Well your orders are stupid!"
"GUYS!" the rafter broke and began to fall bring the roof down with it.
Raph and Leo looked up. "SHELL!" They both yelled and grabbed Mikey before running to the exit.
"AHHHHHHHH!" Donnie screamed as he fell. 'I going to die.' He thought just before going shell.
"DONNIE!" Leo, Raph and Mikey watched as the rafter crashed into the ground and then the roof.
"Quickly we have to find him!" Leo said running into what was left of the warehouse.
They began to search for they brother but soon blue and red lights could be seen and sirens echoed through the city.
"Leo." Mikey cried. "The cops are coming."
Leo looked up and sighed. "We… We have to go." He said grabbing Mikey's hand. "Raph." Leo turned to his brother who was throwing stuff in a frantic rush to find his brother.
"I'm not leaving him!" Raph yelled.
"Raph we'll come back!" Leo yelled. "Please when the cost is clear, we won't leave him." Leo said holding out his hand to Raph
Raph stopped and looked at the mess in front of him. "I'm sorry Don." He said turning his back and grabbed Leo's hand.