Disclaimer: Does it look like I'm rich and living in a giant mansion with servants waiting on me 24/7? I don't own any characters of Final Fantasy VII! Or ANY thing as a matter a fact, besides of course this story line, so stop pesterin' me. I'm getting sick yet I'm writing this wonderful…fic…of…art. Yeah. Okay, it doesn't matter that you didn't understand that because I did. So…go on and read.

Vale: Having the flu sucks. But I get to skip a couple of school days!

Arnvid: which you're going to have to make-up…

Vale: Shut up. You're not HELPING!

Arnvid: we're at war, remember? I'm not supposed to help you.

Vale: …that's no excuse!

Arnvid: Yes it is!

Vale: Stop arguing with me! Before you make me lose my inspiration and I have to throw you to my pet dragon, Heidi, to regain it!

Arnvid: …*clears throat*

Vale: Yeah that's what I thought. Anyway! To all those reading ^^; for those of you who haven't read my other works Arnvid is my muse. Occasionally me fellow authors on this penname will make appearances (for your sake let's hope it's not often that that happens) This is an A/U. Since I couldn't think of a story that's Aeris/Sephiroth while making it in the game. Well…I can but I don't feel like it right now.

Arnvid: *misc. note* The title probably has nothing to do with the fic.

Vale: It does have something to do with the fic! …er…it…um. Cuz…you see. YEAH! ^^; so maybe it doesn't…it sounds cool, lol.

Flight of the Angels
Chapter One
Just for a Couple of Laughs
Vale (Saturn Angels)

"Hi, I'm Aeris Gainsborough and I'm twenty-two years old. I'm trying to apply for this position because I believe that I have the qualities in a worker you're looking for." The girl, Aeris, sighed in frustration as she continued to watch the scenery as she flew above it in an airplane. "That's not right. How about…" she cleared her throat and made her voice sound extra high-pitched and perky, "Hi! My name's Aeris Gainsborough! I'm twenty-two! I'd like to work here because." She paused slightly shaking her head not even bothering to finish that sentence, "how about…" she cleared her throat once more and deepened it attempting a poor James Bond imitation, "My name's Gainsborough. Aeris Gainsborough."

"Well, Aeris," a sultry voice interrupted her giggling fit and she turned to look at who had spoken, "I'd like to suggest something."

She looked at the man who was speaking- he had silver hair which made her mistake him for being an old man though once she saw his face; smooth pale skin, a defining chin, and green eyes which gleamed with a false light; she knew he was anything but. She had no idea that such unearthly beauty still existed…that and a two-inch lift where his bangs went up two inches then cascading down almost touching his face yet not quite reaching it, "what's your suggestion?" she asked excitedly.

"Well you could always…" he paused dramatically as if trying to think of something, then continued bluntly, "shut up."

He smirked slightly as he noticed her perturbed expression, "You! You!" before she could think of anything to add to the one word she had managed to sputter, the PA bleeped and one of the flight attendant's voices could be heard over the intercom,

'Hello! And thank you for flying Highwind…' she paused and slowly continued as if unsure of something, 'Airlines…we hope you'll…choose…to fly with us…again soon. Um, we'll be landing in…around fifteen minutes. Cid! Cid what are you doing! You're supposed to stay in your seat!'

The passengers all stared towards the front of the plane, those with aisle seats leaning to the right or left to try and see what was going on.

'Damnit. %&#(!&. Listen up people, this is gonna be your $*&@#@^ last flight. We've *$(@$*@ veered off coarse and should be flyin' over…the $#*@&^$ Bermuda Triangle. So, I hope you enjoyed the damn &*^@$*^ flight, don't panic. Death is only the beginning of the end!' He left the intercom on so everyone on board could hear his hysterical, maniacal laughter.

The passengers were silent for a complete thirty seconds before the plane hit extreme turbulence and seemed to be struggling to stay in the sky, screaming and trying to unfasten their seatbelts.

Aeris began to frantically pull at her seat cushion trying to get the floating device situated correctly. She looked over her right shoulder to see what the man she was speaking to earlier was doing. And to her extreme confusion, added to fear and annoyance and wishful thinking, he was sitting looking completely calm, stoic, and prepared for what was going to happen as if it were nothing at all.

Through the intense noise of screaming and loud sobbing they could clearly hear the intercom come back on, once again it was a flight attendant speaking,

'Ladies and gentleman I am so sorry for the inconvenience this has caused all of you!'

Sudden random shouts of, 'You're sorry!? I have a child I need to visit!' etc.

Miraculously the flight attendant's voice broke through the clamor of yelling,

'We are not even close to the Bermuda Triangle! The pilot just wanted to have a few laughs, and believe me it won't happen again! Don't worry, you won't have to kill him. I'll do it myself!!'

Everyone seemed to calm down a bit, some seemed relieved, others were angry, others were crying, others were breathing unevenly, some people were crying, some people were rushing to the bathroom, and others were extremely livid because they had wet their pants. The silver-haired guy seemed to be the only one who had remained calm throughout the whole ordeal.

There were some loud banging sounds and some yelling and shouting from the cockpit. And then the pilot was thrown out into the aisle; the people stared at him thirsting for his blood. The pilot cleared his throat and looked around at the crowd of people appraisingly as he bit on his cigar lightly. At the mad looks he was receiving from everyone he sweatdropped, "It was just for a couple of laughs…"

This didn't help calm down any of the passengers and he cleared his throat, "A few giggles?"

Nothing, just angry looks.

"Some light chuckling?"

A group of passengers left their seats and approached him as if cornering their prey.

He cleared his throat, "Peanuts anyone?" he asked before the passengers all lunged themselves at him and he ran banging on the door to the cockpit.

Because all of the passengers had suddenly jumped onto one end of the plane, minus of course those who remained seated or in the bathroom, the plane was jolted downwards and forwards and then there was turbulence. And a lot of it.

'I'd like to ask that all passengers remain seated! I repeat, all passengers remain seated! Please fasten your seatbelts. We are going through some rough turbulence but we should land in Midgar Airport soon…'

Once everyone thought the worst of the turbulence was over they searched for the pilot, who unknowing to them, had snuck back into the cockpit of the plane. An old couple seated two rows in front of Aeris held the paper bags, which were rightfully named 'barf bags', so tightly to themselves that their knuckles turned white. Aeris gave a sigh of relief and turned to the silver-haired man once more, "I never caught your name…?"

He looked at her for a while deciding if she was worthy enough to know his name, "…Sephiroth-" but before he could give a last name the plane gave a quick jolt downwards which made 99.9% of all passengers feel their lunches rise up in their throats, and out of the 99.9% who felt nauseous 97% leaned over, grabbed their barf bags, and threw up.

~Fifteen Minutes later~

The plane miraculously landed safely and Aeris as well as many other passengers stood to get their bags out of the compartment above their seats. As Aeris was walking out an extremely disheveled-looking flight attendant stood to dismiss them saying, 'It was great having you…with us.' She looked like she didn't have a very high tolerance.

"I'm never flying with this airline again!" these words were said by practically all the passengers as they exited the plane.


To be continued…

Vale: Alright. Right now I have absolutely NO clue as to what the next chapter will be about. Please give me ideas! Please, please I need ideas! And reviews! ^_^ I hope you liked this.

Arnvid: Don't be stupid Vale, of course no one liked it.

Vale: Shut up Arnvid. ;_; they like it. Don't you? If you don't then…erm…lie to me. Lol

Review would be much appreciated! Shout-out list in the next chapter ^_~