A female figure ran through the forest as a male figure chased her. The female figure was laughing as well as the male figure. The male figure had only had a pair of pajama pants and his skin was green. He had no shirt but that didn't stop him, he watched as the female figure disappeared into the forest. His green eyes searched everywhere for the female figure but he couldn't see her.
He then heard a laugh to his left and saw the girl. She had blonde hair and she was wearing a white dress the skirt went to her knees. You could see her shoulders and she had a white bow in her hair. She waved at the green boy and laughed. She turned around and ran away. The boy smiled and chased after her, he finally caught her and tackled her she laughed and so did he.
He looked her deep in the eyes he loved how her eyes were they were blue and beautiful. He then felt a hand on his face. He closed his eyes and let a tear escape, "Terra I'm sorry that I couldn't save you" The hand slowly went to his mouth and she hushed the boy "Beast boy its ok I'm in a better place. You need to move on" Beast boy stared at Terra and smiled.
Terra returned a smile she then looked to her left and smiled even bigger. "Someone is looking for you. Go that way and remember I will always be with you" Beast boy smiled he stared to the left and heard his name being called. He glanced down and saw that Terra was gone. Beast boy felt a tear escape and hit the floor. He got up and ran toward where his name was being called. When he got there he saw another girl wearing the exact same thing Terra was wearing but it was Blue and so was the bow.
The female figure stared at Beast boy and smiled "You coming" Beast boy smiled at who it was she had pale skin but he loved how it was he loved her purple hair and her purple eyes they always put a smile on his face. The female figure started to laugh and ran away from Beast boy. "RAVEN WAIT UP" Beast boy chased the dark angel. He ran after her and after 10 minutes he caught her and was in the same situation he was on top of her and smiling.
Raven put her hand on his face and stroked his cheek; Beast boy smiled and closed his eyes trying to saver this moment. He then felt hot breath against his cheek. He felt soft lips kiss his cheek and his smile grew even bigger. He then felt hot breath next to his ear. "It's time to wake up Garfield"
Beast boy shivered when she said his real name before everything went black he heard something that made his heart jump and want to be with the dark beau even more. "I Love you"
Beast boy shot up from his bed sweating bullets he looked around his room and only saw the dirty mess he used to have was gone and his room actually smelled nice like a lavender scent that he picked up from the dark beauty down the hall from his room. He was still getting used to his clean room even though it's been a whole year since he cleaned it up.
He walked over to the bathroom and took a hot shower. He loved how the water his back and gave him a warming sensation. It felt as if Raven kissed him again. The dream he had made him smile he touched were Raven had kissed him. Even though it was only a dream it felt real but he knew that would never happen between them. Ever since he matured and when Terra betrayed them, Raven and Beast boy became close friends because they understood each other's pain. Beast boy smiled at all the times he and Raven hanged out with each other.
Raven and Beast boy did everything together it was just there thing and all the other Titans were jealous. Not just Starfire, Robin, and Cyborg every Titan around the world was mad that they couldn't get close to Raven like the way Beast boy did. Especially Aqualad he had a big crush on Raven and everyone knew but Raven never wanted to talk to him or hang out with him.
Every time he would ask her out she was simply say "No" and walk away but that didn't stop him. He would never give up and it always made Raven mad. Beast boy then let a memory come to his head when Aqualad asked Raven the fifteenth time to go on a date with him
Flash Back
"Why won't he get it that I don't want to date him, he is so annoying he will never leave me alone he is so stupid and dumb" Beast boy smiled as he watched Raven pace around the room. Beast boy stayed seated on Ravens bed and watched her as she got madder and madder by the second. "Raven he is never going to give up you knows. Just go on one date with him and then say you didn't like it and he will leave you alone"
Raven glared at Beast boy she stared at his muscular figure and his green eyes she didn't understand why he couldn't see that she loved him. It killed her to the core that she couldn't tell him how she felt.
"Gar I'm not going to do that he will just ask for another chance and he will never leave me alone I should just hire someone to kill him so he can leave me alone" Raven heard Beast boy laugh. She then felt a hand on her shoulder that was heavy but also safe. It turned her around but she glanced down at her feet but she saw a green hand grab her chin and make her look up.
"You know I can tell him to leave you alone for you if you don't want to, and if that doesn't work I can take him out for you" Raven smiled and laughed while she stared into the dark green eyes but they seemed to sparkle to her.
Raven was going to say something until he cut her off "But I don't work for free if I take him out I have to have one kiss on the cheek that's my price" Raven blushed at this but she still had a smile on her face and she continued laughing.
Beast boy smiled at her "You know it should be illegal to hide a smile and laugh like that" Raven glanced at the matured green teen and smiled "That would be nice if you could talk to him for me" Beast boy nodded his head and started walking to the door. He stopped when he heard his name being called.
"Gar" Beast boy stopped and looked over his shoulder "Ya Rae" Raven shook her head "Never mind thanks for helping me with Aqualad" Beast boy nodded "No problem Rae" Beast boy left the room to the common room where all the Titans around the world were at since they were having a party for valentine's day.
Raven stared at the door she sighed and fell back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. "Good going Raven he is gone" She sighed and closed her eyes. "Another year by yourself"
End of Flash Back
Beast boy stepped out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror he flexed his muscles and liked how they stood out. He looked at his six pack and smiled "I'm so hot" He walked out of the bathroom and walked over to his dresser. He looked up at the calendar and his smile quickly faded away. He just stared at the calendar he then heard his door open and close but he didn't care who it was he couldn't believe what day it was today, how did he forgot.
He then felt a hand on his shoulder it was small and he could remember that hand from anywhere. He turned around slowly and saw Raven staring at him. He watched her hand reach to his face and wipe away the tears he had. He didn't even know he was crying, "R-r-raven how could I forget h-h-how did I f-f-forg-g-get" Raven just hugged him Beast boy realized that he was only in a towel.
He blushed but he kept crying "Its ok Beast boy you just forgot its ok don't worry" Beast boy looked at the calendar and something was written on it. It said "Terra" Beast boy started crying harder he hugged Raven back. He slowly fell to the floor and he put his face in his hands. Raven put her arm on his shoulder and sat next to him keeping him company.
Raven heard the door open and heard multiple footsteps she looked up to see three Titans standing and staring at the scene. "Friend Beast boy what is of the matter" Raven pointed toward the calendar and all the Titans looked at it and all sighed. Raven then heard footsteps coming she looked up and of course it had to be him.
"Hey guys thought we could visit whats up" Raven looked at Aqualad and gave him a death glare "Who's we?" Then speedy, Bumble Bee, and Mas e Menos appeared behind him. Raven couldn't believe what was happening. Aqualad is only here to ask her out again he always brought the team so he didn't have to be alone and when he comes over he asks Raven none stop and wont leave her alone.
He is just like Beast boy when he was younger but he's even worse. Beast boy looked up which caught Ravens attention. "Can you guys please leave my room" Raven glared at everyone after he finished talking.
Everyone saw this and started leaving. Aqualad was shoved out by Starfire before the door closed he looked at the scene Raven was hugging Beast boy and in the pit of his stomach he felt a bit mad and jealous.
Aqualad looked at Robin very serious "Don't you think she shouldn't be in there alone. He is only in a towel" Robin scoffed and so did Cyborg "Yo Aqua your girl is fine besides you know how they are. They are close friends don't need to feel jealous for just a close friendship"
Aqualad just glared at the door it was only 5 minutes until Raven and Beast boy came out. Beast boy was wearing a gray skinny jeans and a green V neck. He had a leather jacket on he was holding Ravens hand which made Aqualad mad. Beast boy let go of Ravens hand and started to walk away but Raven called out to him.
"Gar" Beast boy stopped and looked at Raven "Ya Rae" Raven bit her bottom lip and walked toward him she got on her tippy toes and whispered something into his ear. Beast boy looked at Raven when she got back onto her feet and nodded his head.
Raven then made a portal and went through it. The portal disappeared and after 5 minutes a portal appeared and Raven stepped in. She had black skinny jeans she had a purple tank top on she had a hoodie with her she put on her hoodie and zipped it up. Raven looked at Beast boy she saw that he was crying and his eyes were closed.
Raven put her hand on his cheek and wiped away the tears and made him open his eyes. "You ready to go Gar?" Beast boy nodded. Aqualad ran up to the two and stared at them. "Where are you guys going?" Raven glared at Aqualad but Beast boy sighed "Raven you know what I'm going to go by myself, I will see you later"
Raven just watched as Beast boy disappeared around the corner. Raven glared at Aqualad her eyes turned red and two more eyes appeared. She shoved him into the wall and got close to his face. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Aqualad was going to say something but Raven cut him off "I DON'T LIKE YOU, LEAVE ME ALONE, I HATE YOU, I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU! I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE AND I PRETTY SURE YOU ALREADY KNOW I LIKE AND YOU MADE HIM RUN AWAY FROM ME!" Before Aqualad could say anything Raven was engulfed by dark magic and she disappeared.
Cyborg, Star, Robin, Mas e Menos, Bumble, and speedy were staring at him. Cyborg then broke the silence "Aqualad will you ever leave her alone man she turned you down like a million times and it is kind of obvious that she likes Beast boy. She is probably in her room so don't go near there if you don't want to die" All the Titans turned and made their way toward the common room leaving Aqualad to his thoughts.