It was a hot, nasty, sweaty summer night,

Mike walked into the old, falling apart Pizza parlor. A larger man seemed to be waiting for him. He had a large protruding gut, shaggy black hair, deep- almost….soulless looking black eyes— UGH—.

"You must be, Mike…. Right?" The man asked and coughed.

"Yes sir." He said in monotone, glancing around, at everything.

"Well it's great to meet ya! I'll have to show ya around tomorrow, kiddo. You were a bit late—" The man cleared his throat.

Mike nodded and rubbed his neck "I'm sorry about that, I-" "-Don't worry about it." The man interrupted. "Your office is down, there. You use the monitors to make sure nothing…..funny is going on. There is a recording for you to listen to. Ha-Have a good night." He finished and hustled out.

Mike raised an eyebrow and strolled through the pizza parlor. It stunk. REALLY bad. He stood at the stage in front of the "band".

"Ew." He scratched his lower back, and walked to the small room, he was supposed to chill in.

He sat down, and flicked on the hunkin' computer and looked at all of the rooms. Nothing seemed off.

" "

He'd played the recording, practically shitting bricks. Nothing had moved, but he was still freaking out.

"WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME, THIS SHIT—- I CAN'T EVEN." His breathes were short and quick.

Suddenly… Bonnie- The bunny was gone.

Mike's jaw went slack. He went quiet, and followed where the rabbit was seeming to go. The dining hall….. the corridor…the closet…..then suddenly…. outside his door.

Mike screamed loudly and made the door slam shut. He hugged himself and looked side to side.
By now it was

Bonnie and Chica had both come. He just repeatedly slammed the goddamn door in their faces.

"What kind of sick fuck owns a haunted pizzeria for fuckin' kids." Mike snorted. He was calming down, but still freaked.

He switched to Pirates Cove, and noticed everything the same, except the sign. It was backwards.

"What the fuck." He said in monotone and folded his arms. It was soon enough,

Light shined through some of the few windows.

The robots all returned back to their spots.

struck and Mike walked to pirates cove, to check out the weird sign. He fixed it, and peaked his head in quickly. The raggedy old, broken bot inside just stared blankly. "….Wonder what the fuck happened to you, big guy." He grumbled, and walked out the back door,

He went back to his apartment, and jumped on the couch, and flipped through the Channels on his TV.

He fell asleep, a tired, deep, groggy sleep.

When he awoke, he SERIOUSLY pondered if he should ACTUALLY go back to that dumb ass place,

then when he told himself he needed that shitty $120, he fixed himself up, and walked back, through the already dark streets, to the creepy place.

The owner waited, seeming happy that he had returned. "GREAT TA SEE YA MIKE!" He boomed.

Mike nodded. "Ya' know this place is fuckin' possessed. " He starred at the jolly man.

"…Heh… yeahhhhhhh." He fiddled with his hands. "They are harmless though! …" He began.

Mike scratched his head, and made a 'mmmm' sound.

The man patted his shoulder. "Have any questions—- call me." He nodded ,….. mostly to himself, and walked to the door-

He stopped right before he grabbed the handle, and looked over his shoulder.


"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Don't fuck the fox." He said in a quiet, gruff tone before leaving.

Mike blinked…. a lot, and just walked to the office.