Chapter One:
"It... it isn't that bad, Merida..." Rapunzel said trying to be reassuring through the computer screen. Merida looked at her friend in disbelief as she stood in front of her computer wearing a horrid floral-print dress.
"Not that bad?! Are ye even lookin' at it?!" Merida said flapping the skirt of the dress as the frilly underskirt hung pathetically beneath it.
"I'm lookin' at it." Hiccup said sniggering from her bed.
Merida spun around menacingly, "Shush it you!"
She turned back to the computer screen and looked at Rapunzel sympathetic expression.
"What am I gonna do? I can't go to school lookin' like this!" The Scottish teen said exasperatedly, "I have a reputation to up hold!"
Hiccup cleared his thought as he tried to keep a straight face as he said somberly, "Have you tried explaining this to your mother and having her listen to you."
By the end of his sentence he had a fat grin on his face, even Rapunzel let out a little giggle.
"Aye, and have you tried telling your dad, Stoic, you're gay?" Merida said as she pulled the dress over her head leaving her standing in her skivvies.
"I'm not gay!" Hiccup hissed as his cheeks pinked.
"Oh, yeah and for the many o' years I've known ya, ye never had one girlfriend! Not even a crush! Yer gay Hiccup! Admit it!" Merida said as she hoisted up her torn jeans and pulled on a black ribbed tank top that had a bear with chainsaw arms on it.
Hiccup stood up angrily, "I'm NOT gay! ... and I do like someone..."
The last half of his statement was a lot quieter as he sunk back on to the bed. Neither Rapunzel nor Merida seemed to hear his mumble and they went back to Merida's dilemma.
"When are ya going to get over here, Punzie?" Merida said sitting on the bed next to Hiccup with her laptop.
Rapunzel sighed, "I'm sorry guys! My mom isn't letting me leave the house today."
Merida huffed, "That witch of a mum you got would lock you in a tower if she got the chance!"
"Hey!" Rapunzel said then began to tug at a long strand of hair as she added, "I know she's strict but my mom's not a witch..."
Merida scowled then turned back to Hiccup, "So, Haddock... Who is this lass you say ye like?"
Hiccup looked up at his friends horrified. The two girls were staring at him waiting for an answer.
"Ah... you heard me?" He said scratching the back of his head as he got up from the bed and began to walk around the floor, "Ah... well..."
"And don't give us that 'You don't know her' bologna!" Merida added.
"Who is it, Hiccup?" Rapunzel pressed leaning closer to her computer.
"I like Astrid Hofferson..." Hiccup said quietly.
Merida leaned forward holding her hand to her ear, "Did ye say something, Hickey?"
"I said the girl I like is Astrid! Astrid Hofferson! ... And don't call me Hickey. It's bad enough I have a humiliating name like Hiccup, you don't have to make it worse..."
Merida and Rapunzel didn't say anything. They just looked at Hiccup surprised.
"You like Astrid?" Rapunzel repeated.
Hiccup sighed as he leaned against one of Merida's bedposts, "She's one of the most beautiful girls I've seen. She's such a bad ass and she knows it! I mean..." He sighed again.
"Then it's settled then!" Merida said standing up and pointed at Hiccup, "Hiccup Haddock the Third! By the end of this school year, you and Astrid Hofferson will be together! I swear it on me bow!"
Hiccup and Rapunzel looked at their red-haired friend surprised.
"She's part of the Lacrosse team right?" Merida said.
"Yeah..." Hiccup said slightly nervous.
"I'm join the team and get her to notice you! You should join the boy's team too!"
Hiccup stiffened.
"What? No, no... Ha ha! Merida very funny!" Hiccup said shaking his finger at her, "You got me going!"
"I'm dead serious." Merida said putting her hands on her hips.
His jaw dropped, "What?! I can't play Lacrosse! I'd get creamed! Pulverized! There wouldn't be any of me left for Astrid to notice! Do you realize whose on the boy's team?"
Merida waved her hands at him, "Ah, come on, Coach Hook'd probably just make you the water-boy or somethin'."
"Ah, gee, thanks that'll get Astrid to like me for sure..." Hiccup grumbled.
Suddenly, there was a knocking on Merida's bedroom door.
"Merida, it's time for you to say goodbye to your friend. What is your dress doing on the floor!?" Merida's mom, Elinor, said quickly picking up the abomination off the ground, "A lady does not leave her clothes lying about."
"Bye Merida, see you at school tomorrow." Hiccup said quickly before ducking out of the room.
"Bye," Merida grumbled as her mom began fussing about... everything.