Hey guys! Sorry that this story hasn't been updated in ages, I have been busy with other things and in my mind this story had more than one chapter :/

Anyway hope you guys enjoy!

Lilian Prov:

I was walking through the streets of Venice with my 2 brothers and younger sister: Elizabeth- four, Thomas- 15 and Charles- 18. Mum and dad had always liked the idea of a big family as they themselves were only children and hated it. There would soon be another addition to our family in a couple of months. Dad was so excited he'd tell strangers on the street that he was going to be a father again.

We passed what looked like an art workshop. Thomas and Charles were off, supposedly getting food from the market, however I knew they were looking for hiding places so they could retreat after they had pulled a prank on someone.

'Lil look.' Elizabeth said running over to what looked like some sort of transportation device with only two wheels.

Just as she was about to touch it a hand roughly pushed her out of the way (I know that Leo isn't really like this but I wanted to create some friction between Leo and Lilian at the start :))

'What do you thing you're doing?" said the man staring angrily at Elizabeth

I pulled Elizabeth so she was standing behind me.

'Is there a problem here, sir?' I said with disgust in my voice.

I'll admit the man was good looking, however the way he acted made me want to slap him round the face.

'Is there a problem? You almost broke my bicycle! Who sent you here to steal it?' He stood above me whilst surveying my face looking for any form of proof that we were thieves.

'She was only looking at it. We weren't going to steal it! Is this how you treat everyone who admires your work, I'd be surprised if you have no clients at all' I stood with a triumph look in my eyes and face.

The man looked at me with a shocked look on his face.

'You're accent where are you from!' It was more a statement than a question.

'Why should I tell you?' I was shocked at how quickly this man's brain changed course.

He smiled, this time a genuine smile, as if he had finally figured it out.

'Ah a London accent.' He bowed swiftly before us.

Elizabeth came out behind me to courtesy.

'You must forgive me young lady'

Elizabeth smiled before nodding.

Leo bent down so that he was Elizabeths height.

'Now, tell me what is the name of your companion?.'

'This is my sister Lilian.'

'Ah two beautiful names for two beautiful ladies.' Elizabeth giggled.

I could tell he'd already one her round. However it'll take a lot more then flattery to win me round.

'My name is Leonardo Da Vinci, but you can call me Leo.'

'You can call me Lizzy.'

'Hello Lizzy, what are you doing outside my workshop?'

'Just leaving, come along Lizzy, Charles and Tom must be wondering where we are' I grabbed Lizzys hand and pulled her away.

'Wait.' Leo shouted.

He kneeled down and whispered something in Lizzy's ear, then stood up at me smiling.

'Deal' Lizzy said and ran off when she saw Tom.

'Deal to what?' I questioned but Leo had already walked off whistling to himself.

Remember to review/comment on what you guys thought. Am thinking of making it that Lilian and Lisa know each other somehow. :)

Anyway thank you for reading :)