I'm coming back! The depression sadly last longer than I liked, and it severely interfered with my life. I barely paid attention to anything I did, and I felt like I was on auto-pilot most of the time, not caring about anything that was important to me or my future. I barely did any school work, I stopped writing completely, and I seriously started questing what the hell I was doing with my life. I stopped doing homework, because I didn't think anything I was doing was good enough, and that I was literally wasting my time chasing a damn fairy tail. However, I had a reality check when I went home for winter break, see I had received a letter from my college, saying that because my grades were so bad, that I would not be able to attend the school after break. My parents were understandably furious with both me and the school, cause this was the first they'd heard about something like this. I was shocked, no actually I was devastated. I had been wanting to go to this school for three years now, get a degree in comic art, and get on my to becoming successful. But there I went and fucked up everything. I hated myself, for letting this opportunity slip past me, and I just felt even emptier than before. I had lost nearly all my motivation to write, draw, eat, sleep, hell even playing a video game lost it's fun for me! Until, I was told that there was a chance for me to make a case for myself and be put on Academic Probation, basically meaning my performance in class would be under a microscope, and I would only be given a semester to prove that I deserve to go to this school. So I made my case, and nervously repeated it on a conference call, and thankfully, I got let back in. That emptiness was soon replace by a desire to not fail, and prove my worth not only as a student, but as an artist and a son, because I wanted to prove to my parents that I can do this, and that they weren't wasting money on me. Now when I got back, I started working my ass off, and sucking up to teachers, because hey it pays to be on their good side, and they're pretty awesome people. My midterms just passed and I've got a solid B in Drawing 2 (which is actually an accomplishment in art school) a C in Art History 2, a B in Media, and a either high C or low B in Reading and Writing 2. I've been mostly devoted to my studies, and the occasional making of a YouTube video, which is almost more time consuming than writing a story. I had been more focus on improving that I almost forgot about my own stories. And despite all these good things happening I still felt that I wasn't doing enough, and I almost considered shutting down my account. However, something caught my eye when I came home to check email recently. In my inbox, I saw that i had gotten five new notifications from this site. User J3NNA5AUR left a simple review and words of sympathy for me on my Kingdom Hearts Fanfic Price of an Oathkeeper, and I nearly cried. I had forgotten that as I kept doing this, that you guys have become more than just strangers who read my stuff, some of you have become people who generally care. And that means so much to me. For that reason alone. I actually feel the desire to write on this site again. J3NNA5AUR thank you so much. Also the following stories you can expect work to be done on.
The Omega Saga: The Recruit.
A Call to Arms
Mass Effect Dark Shadows
The Price of an OathKeeper
MegaMan Starforce Omega Warrior
And the rewriting of my DMC Devil May Cry Fic
Heaven and Hell Winged Dante Edition
Thank you all for your support for the past two years, you have all been a reason for me to smile and keep going on, and for that I don't ever want to disappoint you guys. Thank you all so much.