Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans.

A/N: I've based this chapter on the ending to the 1960s movie "The Graduate." The film starring Dustin Hoffman. If you haven't seen the film. It's hilarious. But I only took influence off the ending, nothing else. Which is the wedding scene. By the way a crucifix is a cross. Enjoy!

It Was A Night (18)

The truck was on its last leg.

No, let me reword that. It was out of gas.

He had stopped at a gas station, his hair frazzled and everything. The wedding being the one thing on his mind. He was going to get his girl. With him stopping at a gas station he hadn't even bothered to put gas in the truck. He needed to know the directions to the wedding. East off Harvard... The cashier was perplexed at his wigged out appearance; sweat pools forming at the chest of his orange wife beater. The truck had no air conditioner whatsoever. Oh, Lordy!

"Do you know where this address is located?" Gar questioned frantically, for a moment there the cashier didn't know what else to say other than. "It's down the road, take two lefts, and you'll be there!"

Gar didn't even have time to say thank you. His mind was focused so much on Rachel getting married to that... That... Varmint.

"Wait, will you need gas!" Was the last thing he heard the cashier shout to him, as he got into the Chevy and sped down the street. The wedding was located somewhere in the outskirts of Dakota City about 15 to 30 minutes away from Jump City. He had only been there twice and once to visit a friend named Virgil Hawkins who he had went to JCU with.

"Another left," he mumbled to himself. He had been surprised that he still had the keys to the truck, he was afraid he might've lost them. But he hadn't. Stopping at Rita and Steve's on the way here in a taxi to get the truck, had been nerve wracking but he came through. No one was home. Thank God! So after he'd jumped into the truck, he began making his way to Dakota City. He guessed for the wedding to start maybe around 11 or 12. Some typical wedding time.

And finally, here he was near the church. For it looked to be a mega church, it was huge! Never in his life had he ever went to a church this huge! He had went maybe three or four times in his life, but those churches were small. This one was humongous, colossal, two mansions in one, a mountain! He ran utterly fast towards the entrance. Rachel... Rachel. Luckily the director hadn't had any of his bodyguards outside. So he easily entered the vacant lobby.

Finding some stairs, he quickly trudged up the steps to find himself looking out a glass window looking out above the sanctuary of the church. Rows of pews filled with wedding goers, he looked onward to where Rachel stood with... Him. Gar wanted so bad to punch the guy in the face, but how could he when he was all the way up here, behind a window, being unnoticed?

He felt to do one thing though, and it was this. He began to pound rapidly on the glass, yelling his lover's name. "Rachel!"

Her heart was beating fast. And it wasn't because she was standing near a man she loved.

Quite the opposite.

Never in her life did she hate feeling like such a loser.

Her father was in the first row of pews staring devilishly at the couple as if the wedding benefited him much more than it did to her. Which was no lie, that it did. As the preacher read the vows, Rachel without emotion did as was told. Never in her life did she feel so held down.

"I do," she replied. Her heart sank as those two words left her mouth, confirming her definite agreement. Her life was officially ruined. 'I'm really getting married to Mit—'


Who said that? Looking up she realized that Gar was standing behind the huge glass window that looked down from here. He was pounding at the window as if to get her wanted attention. Hope bloomed in her bosom.

The hope then morphing into a sort of hushed pride and amour. "Gar!" She found herself shouting back, the loudest her voice had ever been. After that declaration, commotion broke through the whole almonry.

"That's that hippy guy you ranaway with!" verified Mitch loathingly, who in a sort of possessiveness grabbed her arm. "Oh no, you're staying with me!"

Rachel was at a stand still. While Mitch was holding her down, she glanced at him once more. His face usually pale was scarlet and candid, and his eyes usually a irritant bright blue were blazing with such fury she was sure to stay.

Thus looking at her father, he erupted. Blasting such blasphemes that shouldn't be said in church. You already knew where he'd end up. His plan was falling apart, but in total knowingness, Rachel did say I do! He smiled. It was too late! She already sealed the deal.

Rachel didn't need to gulp to get the vigor back inside her heart and soul. She let go of Mitch's grasp and descended quickly towards the doors that went to the lobby, running down the aisle with the bouquet and her dress hitched up, balls of white satin in her hands. She looked for Gar but someone stopped her from going any further.

Thinking it'd be Mitch again, Rachel attempted to let go again but this person's hold was much more stronger. "Rachel you've already said I do. It's too late!" Trevor Ryan laughed such a wicked laugh to the point where she saw through his weakness. Money and power. She could get away. Without money her father was weak. And this wedding proved just that. She could do away with money if she wanted to.

"I'll take that chance," she said strangely with emotion, but soon as the words left her mouth, she was met with two hard slaps on her cheeks—from her father—that surely would've left her unconscious. But she had already survived one.

From the very beginning, If her father hadn't slapped her, she wouldn't have ever runaway meaning she would have never met Gar. However she knew these two slaps would be her last. She was getting away from his lethal clutch. Now or never!

She ran again to the doors of the lobby and catching Gar's arm, had she ever felt so much power and strength, he warded off her father and Mitch with a big crucifix (cross) that he spontaneously grabbed from a nearby table, threatening to hit the opposers with the colossal object. Both exiting through the church's front doors, Gar slipped the crucifix through the door handles. They'd have a hard time catching them. 'That will ward them off for some time,' thought Gar anxiously.

Grabbing Rachel's hand, the couple then ran as fast as they could down the long cemented walkway towards what looked to be stairs leading down to an underground transit. A subway. As soon as Gar paid their leeway in, just as the subway's doors were about to close, they both got in just in time. For no one had successfully caught up to them.

Ergo the couple found somewhere to sit in the back and with the adrenaline running through their veins, their lips met and after awhile of kissing they stopped. They were both whooped from the long run, hence the fact they were breathing so hard, the strangers on the subway gave them weird looks as if the couple had grown two heads altogether. Maybe they were all perplexed at the fact Rachel was in a wedding dress, and that Gar was sweating so profusely through his wife beater. A runaway bride and a hippy? What happened there? Were the thoughts the passengers were thinking. But Rachel and Gar knowing they were now together and were going into what seemed to be the unknown together. Some quick thoughts escalated in their mind that soon brought them to a fear.

What was going to happen next?

Rita knocked on detective Grayson's office door a third time. Still no answer. With that she opened the unlocked door. He wasn't in his office, the detective at least wasn't. As well as Gar who she figured would be visiting Richard just because of the Trevor Ryan case. But was she wrong. The office was messy, and trying to walk around the piles of papers and opened folders on the ground, she then found herself sitting down on the nice leather sofa pushed against a wall. She was going to wait until Richard and hopefully Gar, returned from whatever they were doing. The blond had called her this morning and told her he was going over to Richard's office and might come by the house. He didn't mention much else. His voice she had detected from her motherly intuition, had sounded slightly sad.

With the TV on, Rita went to grab the remote on the coffee table so she could turn it on. The TV was turned to DC news! And she hated that show. All they ever did was gossip about celebrities lives including making false reports on her and Steve's marriage. Although she had left Hollywood didn't mean she wasn't still targeted on her personal life. It also didn't help that her son was enamored with the famous director Trevor Ryan Roth's daughter either. She trusted Rachel but the question here was did she trust Trevor Ryan? Of course not! That was why she was here, to help Richard with the case. To get Trevor Ryan thrown in jail for eternity. So he couldn't hurt anybody else.

Thus Rita began fumbling with the remote, she barely watched TV at home so this piece of technology in her hands was mind boggling to her. About to switch the channel she was startled at what appeared on the screen. Still on DC News, it was centered on a wedding ceremony. A famous couple was getting married. A groom with platinum blond hair and a bride with black hair. The dress on the bride looked oddly familiar. 'Maybe it's Selina Kyle marrying husband number 15,' she cogitated mentally. But it wasn't, the rolling titles below the screen read... Her face paled. 'Poor Gar!'

Nonetheless what surprised her next was that happened next. Rachel turned and looked up, screaming Gar's name. "Oh my," Rita covered her mouth with her hand. The camera turned upward, Gar was standing behind the upper sanctuary of the church, behind a window yelling Rachel's name. He was pounding on the glass so he could get her attention.

Commotion then erupted as the camera switched back to Rachel who looked to be running towards the doors that lead to the church's lobby. Rita felt her breath hitch, she saw the two slaps Trevor Ryan Roth gave to her. 'that son of bit—'

"Mrs. Dayton what are you doing he—" interrupted Richard who was startled to find the former actress in his office. Rita held up her finger and shushed him, her eyes still glued to the TV. Richard curious at what the former actress could be enthralled with on the screen, his eyes widened—although you couldn't tell with the ray bans he was currently wearing.

The camera stopped at Gar locking the church doors with the crucifix and him and Rachel hand to hand escaping down towards the long walk. The groom (Mitch) and Trevor Ryan were blasting curses and were busy trying to get the door open, and realizing they were being filmed, the director covered the lens of the camera with his palm. At that point it turned to commercial.

Rita shocked, didn't know what to say. She was proud that Gar and Rachel were able to escape, scared because her son was possibly on another one of Trevor Ryan's hit lists, and angry that the director slapped his own daughter. Richard reading her thoughts said something that came clear to her mind. "We've got enough evidence to where Trevor Ryan will be locked up for a long considerable amount of time."

And that was all.

"So your telling me that the string bean crashed the wedding?" Victor asked skeptically. He had just picked up Karen from her job, she worked at a candle store that made and sold homemade candles. She was the head manager and loved her job. Usually when Victor didn't have anymore cars to fix at the shop, he'd quit early for the day and go pick up Karen.

Richard was the person he was currently on the phone with. "Yes," his friend said, "he looked liked a beast protecting its mate. The way he threatened them all with that big crucifix he was holding in his hands." Richard had rewind the wedding ceremony from the beginning. And at this moment he had troops being sent to arrest the once big and bad Trevor Ryan.

That was it, the mechanic started laughing hysterically which with one hand on the wheel, he made the car swerve. Karen gripping the seat looked alarmingly at her husband, "Sparky watch the road!"

"Alright alright, Karen." His eyes focused more on the road, Richard continued telling him what went down. Victor smiled and nodded as he listened. He was really proud of his best friend. He finally grew a back bone and fought for the one he loved.


A/N: I hope the ending wasn't too typical. All I can say is, I tried making this ending a great one. Please be happy about it! I might post an epilogue up soon, to clean up any of the missing points, misunderstandings, or plot holes. I really enjoyed writing this story as much as I enjoyed reading the reviews and replying to them. Which I liked doing. Please Review/comment and tell me what you thought.

Pretty please?

Raven Artemis Courtney: Gar did object LOL! Maybe in an absurd way. But thanks for reviewing!

Barracade: Aquarius's ignite! You should search up the song "Age of Aquarius" if you haven't heard of it. By the "5th Dimension." It's a catchy tune. I hope my ending to this story was satisfiable to you, since you were so excited for the ending. Thanks for reviewing!

S1L3NTSH1NG4M1: I'm glad you enjoy this story. I'm finished wa-lah! Hope you liked it. Thanks for reviewing!

Anyway I hope you guys liked my story. Even after all the delays and everything I'm glad my story came through. Thank you guys so much for reviews/follows/favs. Thank you again!