AN: before you read this, I suggest you to read the author note at the bottom.
Disclaimer: Teen Titans belong to DC Comics
It Was A Night (1)
"No father," shouted the heiress, her eyes blazing with extruding fury. "I'm not marrying him, nor shall I'll be married to him, father!"
Trevor grabbed his daughter's arms and gripped them hard. She winced.
"Rachel," he said, face-to-face with his own daughter. "You're going to marry him, regardless if you like him or not."
"No fa—" she wanted to protest again, however her father's death glare gave her sweet intentions that it wasn't worth all to do. Her wanting out of this marriage was not going to do anything, if all, her father had control of this marriage regardless whether she liked it or not. Nor her or Mitchell had a say of anything. Maybe Mitch had some say, she thought hard, looking up at her father who still had a strong grip on both her slim limbs staring down at her angrily. But I don't, and I won't follow through to this.
Therefore, right at that moment she decided to do something that no one ever had tried to do to Trevor the terrible. Her lips pursed, she spit right on her father's face. The saliva enriched his beet red face and with that he gave his daughter a look that rivaled a block of ice. She was pretty sure something was going to break. That being the thick pregnant pause, or the slight given notation her father wouldn't let her be without doing something 10X harder back at her. Her father, she knew, was extremely compulsive. However she didn't show one glimpse of begotten fear.
Bringing his thick hand up, it connected hard with his daughter's ghostly pale cheek. It stung terribly and tears were welling up beneath her azure eyes. "I hate you!" She shouted, then she exited the room quickly before her father could say anything, and left the house she knew she would never be welcomed back into again.
"Friend Raven, here is your glorious luggage!" Crooned Kory. She had auburn hair, green bottled eyes, and tan orange skin. The foreign girl was really sad her only friend in the city was leaving for quite some time, she knew she was going to miss Rachel dearly. Her eyes gave away her emotions and although Rachel was a training psychologist her sixth sense was telling her that her best friend would miss her terribly and that she needed to get away for awhile.
When she had ran away she called Kory on a pay phone and told her the sudden events, and with that knowledge the Tamaran native offered the best help she could muster. With that being the suitcase filled with two dresses; one day and one formal. A pair of pajamas, two pair of undergarments, and three It's Donna! magazines.
"Thank you Kory," said Rachel giving her friend a warm hug. "I'll be back soon. However, if anyone ask's for me you are to reply no."
The Tamaranian nodded gleefully. "I'm to do that Raven, and may I say I feel very the down you are leaving." Her jade eye's gave away that saddened look again.
Rachel frowned a bit before giving her friend one last hug and in advance taking her steps towards the busy train station, her heart pumped with pride. Leaving her father's Hell was something she always wanted to fulfill. And here I am. We're her last thoughts before continuing her way.
While a heiress was running away from home a heir was told, on the other hand, to leave home and to never comeback. He was olive toned, his hair was blonde equivalent to a ripe lemon, and his clothes otherwise screamed hippy although he didn't make it the intention to dress so.
"This dude's talking smack to his own dad!" A middle aged man shouted amusingly. Everyone was crowded around the blonde on the pay phone considering his back was facing the crowd.
—"I should really get some tips from this guy. 'Cause I'll probably need the courage to tell my dad I dropped out of college." A stranger in the crowd whispered to one of their friends.
"Gar you're already a disappointment and here you are disrespecting me, your own father?"
—"Ooh, if I told my father that, my ass would be on a very thin line."
"Honestly already Gar you're telling me this as an act of immaturity. I'm hanging u—"
The line then went dead. Gar glancing nervously at the crowd around him, he knew he needed to end this phone call with Steve at least seeming he had gotten the final word.
Putting the phone back on the hook he turned around and saw that people in the crowd were giving him astonishing looks. He smiled in triumph and heard the applause as he went the opposite way. Right now he was deciding to take a train to Jump City, he heard the city was known for its many landscapes and drama theaters. And after hearing that, Jump City was his destination.
Thus glancing at his watch he sat down beside a quaint looking girl around his age. She seemed to be waiting for her train as well. Her hair was jet black with a blue streak running through it, her eyes were dark blue but if you glanced deep inside them they would suddenly have a purple hue to them, and her skin was extremely pale as if the sun never beamed on her. She was wearing a pair of black jeans, purple flats, and a dark blue shirt with a raven cardigan.
"So where ya' headin'?" He inquired the lady. Taking her eyes away from the book she was reading, she stared at him sharply. "None of your business."
"Hey," Gar said a bit defensively putting both his hands up in the air. "I was just wondering." He gave her a cheshire grin and she shook her head irritably at him. "Leave me alone." She then returned to reading her book.
He tried many things to get the girl's attention but all she was doing was successfully ignoring him, he frowned hence the fact ladies always seemed to go for his comedic charm and here this one was ignoring him. He didn't like it one bit, if all he wanted her attention more. However after his last failed attempt of getting her to look his way he decided to take out his phone to check his daily mail. He was pretty sure Rita sent him something like always. For instance on why Steve always acted the way he did towards him and such, or maybe another one of her general loving letters (he admittedly loved getting) reason being she always did remind him he was still part of the family no matter what.
But when he checked his email nothing new came up except his occasional DC news celeb feed. For some reason he knew he followed the website but he just couldn't put his finger on why. Mmh, he thought. Maybe I accidentally clicked on it when I was installing a new app or something.
Clicking on DC news, the front of the page read: HEIRESS OF DIRECTOR TREVOR RYAN IS RUMORED TO HAVE RUNAWAY. He clicked on the article. It shown a girl leaving a ritzy looking mansion. Her face, pale, had a big red mark on the side of it as if she were just slapped. He couldn't help but frown at the conclusion that maybe that could've been the cause but shaking his head in denial he knew Trevor the most famous director of all time wouldn't really do that to his own daughter. Would he? The guy's too cool, Gar thought absentmindedly.
Trevor Ryan, he knew, was known for his realistic raw action films that were spellbinding and the amateur actors he usually casted in his films. Nonetheless the actors were occasionally great and acted beyond their years and he wanted to be one of those actors. Turning his attention away from his phone for a moment he stared at the girl once again who continued to ignore him. Her face he saw seemed oddly familiar, as if he just seen it someplace else awhile ago. Therefore he glanced at the screen of his phone once again.
Pale skin, blue streak in hair...
"You're Trevor Ryan's daughter!" After the words had left his mouth, the girl covered his mouth instantly with her hand. "Are you crazy?" She whispered-yelled, glancing cautiously around to see if anyone heard him. "You're lucky no one heard your galant lie. You're just like the paparazzi. Noisy, no empathy, rude..."
"Now, now," said Gar, slowly removing her hand from his mouth. "Who said I was gonna tell?"
"You're like eve—"
"Wait," he said, removing a strand of her black hair away from the side of her face. The red mark was their, contrasting with her ghostlike flesh, he grimaced. "Did Trevor slap you?"
"Trevor, why should I know who Trevor is? Bringing up names I'm not aware of, and you're just a stranger. Now, leave me alone."
"Come on, don't act like you weren't scared when I said: 'YOU'RE TREVOR RYAN'S DAU—"
The girl then slapped him, interrupting him in the process. Gar looked her as if she needed to be put in a mental institution.
"Wh—wha—what was that for?"
"You needed to be quiet."
Gar got up from the chair he was sitting in and glared down at her. It didn't appeal to him whatsoever that this girl slapped him. He had been in an abusive relationship with a girl—he wouldn't like to recall—and here this stranger he didn't quite know was reminding him the years of torment he had suffered in that relationship.
"You know what," he said to the girl whom went back to ignoring him. Her eyes once again glued to the page of her book. "I'm gonna call DC News and tell them where Trevor Ryan's daughter is."
"You don't even know my name."
"Ha, but I can search on my phone. That is what the Internet is for, right?"
He then turned around and left the girl gobsmacked.
Gar decided he needed to make this phone call privately. If he was gonna tell a celebrity gossip site where the daughter of a famous director was, this needed to be done privately. Thereupon he sat near two vending machines that were "out of order", and made the call. However the office didn't pick up which didn't stop him. He tried two more times with still no answer but then decided on leaving a message.
"I have an idea where Rachel, Trevor Ryan's daughter, might be."
And that was all. He knew with just those words they would call him back in no time. Smiling in triumph, he went back to where the girl now he knew as Rachel still remained. She wasn't reading her book anymore but still seemed rather intimidating and desolated.
"Hey," he greeted. She stared up at him with a critical eye but stayed content. "Hi."
"The train will be here in ten minutes, right?"
"What do you think?"
Grabbing his duffel bag, he glanced at the purple suitcase she had beside her and the purse that was on her lap that she was currently rummaging through trying to find her misplaced ticket.
"Need help looking for something?"
"Yeah you do, what is it? Your ticket?"
"Well, I'll just say this, if you can't find your ticket I have an extra one."
"No need for that," she clamored. "I'm not gonna get help from an unworthy stranger. What's your name? Wait, don't answer that. Once again why would I wanna know a scumbag's name?"
"Hey, hey," said Gar playfully. "My bad for being a scumbag earlier but let me introduce myself. Gar as in Garfield Logan. And you?"
Maybe he didn't tell DC News, she thought.
"Rachel Roth."
"Fine Rachel Roth, where ya' headin'?"
"Jump City."
"I seen you more as the Gotham City type; eerie, reclusive, and content."
"I'm not going to a place with mental unstable rats out on the loose. Arkham is just a step away from that city and me going there is a waste of time. Now be quiet, please."
"Hey you haven't found that ticket yet. So here, I'll give you this one."
He then grabbed her pale hand and wrapped her fingers around the ticket.
"No, like I said. I'm not gonna get help from a scumbag."
"Hey, you're acting like you're checking into rehab or something, and I'm your shrink. It's not like that. Now take the ticket."
"Fine, but if I have to. I will hurt you."
He nodded.
"Train for Jump City has arrived. Grab your luggage and your kids and make your way towards the train at this moment." The intercom announced.
"Ha," said Gar with a chuckle, standing up. "You're my kid 'kid.'"
"Shut up."
AN: Well I know Gar seems to be a bit of a jerk but please give this story some time to linger and you'll eventually see he's not mean. And it may be a bit OOC for him but later in the fic that will change. Anyway, this is AU. But still Teen Titan characters. Also, this is based off the film It Happened One Night.
P.S. When the story is done I'll be sure to edit every chapter.
Rachel Roth—Raven
Gar Logan—Beast Boy
Rita—Elasti Girl
Trevor Ryan/ Trevor the terrible—Trigon the terrible (Raven's dad)
DC News—a parody of celebrity news websites.
It's Donna—magazine franchise based off of the superhero wonder girl.