Kira's POV….

I was rotting in this prison and I had no way out.

I sighed and a large screen ahead turned on. I closed my eyes due to being accustomed to the pure darkness for the past who knows long.

I opened my eyes and infront of me there was a person who looked mangled and malnurished as they hung by their wrists. Their eyes were sunken in, long, greasy, and long unkempt hair framed their boney face.

I knew I was looking at myself but I couldn't manage looking at my body for long. I couldn't think straight as my body was weak and cold. I knew I had to get out. I was surprised there wasn't anyone from the base here due to me being gone for so long. I could hear laughter in the distance. It didn't happen often, but when it did the noise boiled my skin with anger.

I struggled as I couldn't even shift form in the chains. I figured that they were inhibiting my abilites. I was constantly in these types of situations but this seemed very diffrent.

Then the screen changed and there were people who I saw at the school but didn't really interact with. Two diffrent statured blondes, two with raven black hair, a pair of twins, and a brunette. They were sitting together and the majority of them had a different look on their faces.

"Well, it took long to get rid of her." The blonde with violet eyes said as he took a sip out of a teacup.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. My eyes somehow managed to get watery and my lip started to quiver.

"These are the friends that got rid of you behind their back. If you must know. They didn't want you. You went to help them but they were watching you all along."

I looked in the darkness to see two emerald green eyes. I squinted to get a better look but then the voices on the screen continued.

"By all means, she was a liabiliity only to gain future assets to the club. She was nothing more than a beast under sheeps clothing. Filthy honestly." Kyoya spoke as I regognized all of their features.

In my mind I could only hope that Haruhi would defend me but her face was hidden under her hair.

"Even the ones who you thought were your family ended up dissapointing you in the end." The sinister voice spoke again and the ringing in my ears continued.

"Guys please, she was more than a burden upon our shoulders. It was easy using her, poor soul. She really thought she made friends, worst of all, with the help of Kyoya-senpai's help we managed to kill off that annoying art teacher. How beautiful that sight was." Haruhi snickerd and I screamed.

"Now you see! You were never loved! You were never part of them. You were sent to protect them, but they were the ones who were the reason so much disfortune happened to you. You think these kids were vulnurable the whole time? You are but a meer cub to them trying to protect a pride of lions." The voice then spoke close to my ear.

I could feel my eyes gloss over as I hung my head and my strength diminished. My will to live was over. I knew I shouldn't have made friends while on my mission. Nothing was on the line but my life and my life only.

I had gone through so much, but even if I was under their watch the entire time, I managed to experience the feeling of family for once. I fell under a daze and there was noise but I didn't bother tuning in. The smell though, was familiar but I chose not to reminice on the memory.

My face was lifted up gently after some time and I recognized those eyes.

"James?" I whispered with little breath.

"James? What are you doing?" I said weakly but he smiled and I couldn't belive what was going on. I could have been dead for all I cared.

"I came to rescue you." He said as he broke the chains.

'No no no, It can't be. You were dead! I saw them kill you!' I thought but my body was far from weak.

'You should know Kira that a soilder never quits. I just faked my death my dear. Please forgive me, but I managed to find you with the help of some friends of yours." I blinked and saw the Hoast club with tears in their eyes.

My body then started to feel stronger as I looked at Honey who was healing me.

I smiled weakly then turned my attention to James.

"James...I don't belive you because I have the ability to see what the body cannot. You…" I stuttered.

"I used a concoxtion to make me appear dead Kira. I've been alive this whole time. I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I know it caused you a lot of pain, but the mission could not have been jepordized."

He lightly touched my cheek and I saw in his eyes the warmth that I always knew.

"You idiot. I'm sorry I doubted you." I said as I weakly grabbed on to his shoulders.

"Meanwhile you were dying on us we manged to defeat the enemy." He motioned towards Mori who was in his dragon form.

"The dragon flame kills off impurites it would have been the same if you were to kill off Sutekh. HIs brother is dead as well. You are free to live your life Kira." He smiled and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I remember Orion telling me that….My family! Where are they!"

"In Japan they're waiting for you." He said seriously and I could only sigh of releif but had doubts in the back of my mind.




Kira POV..

There were two tall figures standing in the distance. The Ouran Fair was finishing and I could see Tamaki and Haruhi dancing together as fireworks filled the night sky.

I was dressed in black slacks, and a button up white shirt. My hair in a ponytail nice and I smelled nice for the first time in a while.

In the distance I saw the hosts dancing and I saw Will and my brothers dancing. I took a seat and it was strange since no one really recognized me and I figured that Sutekh did someting about it.

Then when the fireworks died down I looked at Tamaki announcing two people who donated a large fortune to the school.

They appeared in the middle of the dance floor and I brought my hand to my chest and clenched my shirt.

"I present the Sukuna Kura Family." Tamaki spoke in a loud voice.

My brothers were infront of our parents and it was clear that they silenced the entire room with just their presenses'.

"Masun Daheem Kura Sukuna is our father" Orion said with a turn of his hand.

"Akemi Hideth Kura Sukuna is our mother." Hachi said proudly for all to hear.

I could then hear bells in the distance as the tall woman with flowing white hair spoke.

"Orion and Hachi are our children, and one more child that we present to you tonight."

I was hidden pretty well in the back and I doubt they knew I was here.

"I beleive it's you're time to get noticed." An alertness hit the back of my head and I looked at the same person who I held dear in my heart.

"Rin. You're alive." I said taking two steps back from him and I could see the regret in his eyes.

"Kira...I'm sure you knew, but I was under a curse while I was under Sutekh. Fortunately for your family, they were able to break the curse. I...I was taken by him and…." I cut him off before he could say anything stupid and I hugged him.

"I'm just glad you're safe and sound Rin. I missed you dearly." I looked into his red eyes and they were diffrent than before. It was really him and he blushed as he gently pushed me away.

"You're all soft now. What's happened to you? Weren't you a steel boned icy agent who showed no signs of emotion what so ever?" He smirked and I scrunched my nose at him.

"Was, but they changed me. They made me the person I am today and I owe them my lives for that. I was away for who knows how long and Sutekh tried to brainwash me to think the Host Club set me up. Those aren't capable of doing something like that; they care about each other too much to let someone in their group and just let them go. I did think they did for a moment, but that was from being deprived of food and sleep.

Then suddenly a light shone on me and Rin smirked and held out his hand in the direction towards my family.

"Our last and beloved child Kira." Both my parents smiled and I walked towards them and looked at them in the eyes. I was hessitant at first but when I looked at my mother and it was the same woman who appeared to me in my dreams.