Part one: Sickness

I hope my sibling likes me….

He was excited, sitting with his father holding a stuffed toy snail meant to be a gift for his new sibling when they met. Chet Nash looked around the hospital hallway humming a bit.

I wonder what they'll be like...If they'll take after Dad or mom….

Grant his father looked at his son and squeezed his shoulder. "Excited kiddo?"

"Ahuh!" He nodded quickly. The boy smiled hugging his dad. "Is it gonna be a little brother? Or sister?"

Grant chuckled ruffling his son's hair. "We'll have to see. Your mom and I wanted to be surprised."

"That explains all the orange stuff in the baby's room." Chet blinked. Grant laughed.

"Maaaaybe." He grinned.

Things were quiet until a bunch of doctors and nurses appeared heading into the room where Melissa, Chet's mother was. Grant gasped a bit jumping up. "What the…?"

Chet whimpered. "Dad…? Is mom okay?"

A nurse went over to the father murmuring something as his eyes got wide as he hurried in after her.

Chet was left there scared hoping everything would be alright for his mom and his little sibling.

Hours seemed to go by before a small stretcher was wheeled out and down the hall.

"GO WITH THEM!" Melissa screamed as her husband hurried after.

"Chet stay there!"

Chet gulped and instead headed into his mother's room.


Melissa looked up at her son tears running down her face. "Chet…."

"What's wrong?" He went over to her fear in his eyes. "Where's the baby?"

"H-he's sick right now…. He needs the doctors to help him…You have a little brother…"

I have a baby brother…. Chet thought hugging the toy meant for his sibling a little tighter but didn't feel excited anymore. He was worried and scared. All the chaos seemed to indicate he was more than just "sick."


He crawled up onto the bed beside her cuddling into her side. "I love you.."

"I love you too…" She brought her arms around her son tilting his head up so she could see his eyes. "Your brother will be fine… I… I promise he will be…"

"Nash's are tough...Right?"

"That's right...We're fighters…"

Time seemed to move so slowly, Chet wound up falling asleep in his mother's arms, curled up to her.


He mumbled something and tried to hide his face.

"C'mon…." Grant lifted him up patting his back. "Wake up buddy…"

The boy yawned opening his eyes. "Dad…?"

Grant ruffled his hair a bit. "C'mon...Let's go meet your brother…"

Chet woke up more as his eyes went wide. "He's okay?!"

"Well...Starting to…" He explained as he carried his son to where the youngest of their family was.

Chet looked around wondering where he was. There was a few other babies in incubators resting. He gulped wondering if this was how it would have to be for his brother. Stuck in a box all day. "Where is he?"

"Shh…" Grant set him down in front of one. "Look up."

Chet did so and froze.

He could see his little brother, hooked up to monitors and an oxygen mask that seemed too big for him, but he was awake and looking at him with blue eyes that matched his father's and the fiery red hair as well, in small tufts. "He's so small… Is it okay for him to have this?" He asked holding up the toy.

Grant smiled patting his head. "You're a good kid...I'll ask the nurses but I don't see why not...They might wanna clean it off though before letting him have it."

"Okay…" Chet looked at the name plate and tilted his head. Theodore Nash….That's a mouthful…

"Watch Theo while I go talk to the nurse okay?"


"His nickname." Grant said before heading off.

Chet was alone now with his brother, he nudged a stool over and got onto it to see his sibling better. "Hi Theo…"

The baby coughed a bit in response reaching a tiny hand out touching the glass that kept them separate giving a whimper.

Chet felt tears in his own eyes. "Shh...It's okay…" He looked around and set down the toy seeing a container of hand sanitizer on the wall. He used a couple of squirts before looking at the incubator noticing a door. Chet looked around quickly before opening it reaching in. "It's okay...I'm here…"

Theo grasped his index finger tightly giving a surprised look. "Bah…?"

"Yeah...That's my finger little guy...I'm Chet...I'm your big brother…"


He smiled softly. "Yeah….You're gonna feel better soon...Promise." He whispered. Theo coughed giving a whine letting go of his brothers finger. Chet took another glance, he could see his dad talking to the nurse unaware of what he was doing.

Mom always strokes my hair when I don't feel good… He didn't want to hurt him though, he seemed so frail. Still...He needs someone…

He moved his hand to his brother's head just letting him rest against it. "Shhh….I'm here...You're okay...It's okay…"

Theo blinked slowly before closing his eyes. "Bah…" He drifted off to sleep in seconds.

"Hey Chet the nurse said-" Grant froze seeing the door open and Chet being where he was. "What are you doing…?"

"I washed my hands don't worry. He was scared…" Chet looked over his shoulder. "He fell asleep on my hand…"

Grant smiled gently and went over to his children. "He's cute isn't he? ...And for the record I'm not mad."

"I know." He smiled up at him. "...Can he have his toy?"

"Yeah..Here, let's get him comfy.." Grant used the hand sanitizer as well before carefully moving Theo's head away from Chet's hand so he could move it back. Theo didn't wake up at all fast asleep. "Goodness he's small…" Grant murmured trying hide the worry.

Chet grabbed the toy and held it up. "Can I give it to him?"

"Of course...Just be careful not to wake him up…"

Chet nodded before carefully putting it in next to him, the toy snail orange and blue in color with a fancy looking shell. "Here… He'll keep you safe...His name's Turbo…"

Theo cooed in his sleep and grabbed onto the toy unconsciously but smiled after doing so.

Chet smiled before leaning back as Grant carefully shut the door. "Let's, let him sleep…"

"One second…" He looked up giving the puppy dog eyes.


"I just wanna say bye…"

"Alright go for it."

Chet looked to his sibling and smiled. "Night Theo… Get a lot of rest...And get better soon… I love you so much already… I wanna play with you soon…"

Grant scooped up his eldest holding him close. "Sleep well kiddo…" He carried Chet out sighing a bit.

"He's a hybrid… His mechanid parts are mostly deformed… His lungs are mostly being affected. We'll do our best to help him get stronger… And get a specialist assigned to his case."

He couldn't believe it. They thought they had dodged a bullet when Chet was born to a car mechanid father and a huminid mother.

But he supposed Theo was riding a bullet with his name on it, he didn't avoid it.

He's not going to get worse though. Not as long as we can help it…

As time went on Theo got stronger, he was still weak at times but strong enough that he could be at home. There was a lot of care that Melissa and Grant had to provide for him however. Ensure he took his medication, no rough playing. Many doctors appointments, tests, treatments.

As he grew Theo was strangely energetic for a child born so ill. He was always up for games and trying to run around like the racers he saw on TV.

Chet worried about him of course and tried to keep him from overdoing it.

'Theo! Slow down! You'll keep coughing!"

"No!" Theo protested one afternoon as he ran ahead of his brother breaking off coughing some. "I'm a racer and racers don't get sick!"

Chet groaned in frustration as he chased after him. He was ten now and giving his brother a run for his money.

He's going to put himself in the hospital again…

Currently Theo was having one of his good days, despite the coughing, he was happy. Chet had taken him to a movie to cheer him up and they were walking home. Their parents were out getting groceries and whatever else was needed but hoped to be back soon. That was fine with the brothers, Chet was responsible especially with his little brother.

"Theo please, or I'll stop watching racing with you."

Theo froze before darting back to his brother tackle hugging him. Chet laughed as he fell back, hugging his brother close. "Sorry!" Theo pouted.

"It's okay." Chet gave him a nuzzle. "I was kidding...But you need to be more careful...Or they'll take you back to the doctor."

Theo hmph'd a little. "I don't wanna go to the doctor again."

"Then behave." Chet chuckled a bit ruffling his hair. "You need to get better."

"I know…" He pouted before shivering a bit as the wind picked up. "I'm cold…"

Chet frowned a bit, it wasn't that cold out. He picked up his brother and held him close as he carried him back home.

He keeps doing this to himself… I need to try harder to keep him from running around and hurting himself by accident…

Once inside, he got Theo straight to bed, making sure he was comfortable. "Stay put and try to get some rest in…"

"Okay…" He coughed some before turning over curling up.

Can't shake the feeling something's not right here… Chet thought as he closed the door to his sibling's room before leaning against it in thought. What time were mom and dad supposed to be back at…?

The doorbell rang, he hurried to answer it confused when a police officer was on their doorstep.

"Are you Chet Nash?"


"I'm...Afraid I have some bad news…"

Theo woke up from his nap feeling better, but it was quiet. Way too quiet. Usually Chet was doing something, and he could hear bits and pieces of it. Or if their parents were home he could smell dinner cooking.

But it was just a stale silence.

He went downstairs looking around. "Brother?"

Something's wrong… He doesn't take naps… Theo made his way to the livingroom looking in.

Chet was sitting on the couch leaning forward his face in his hands. He heard a sniffle escape him every now and then. "Chet…?"

The elder boy jumped a bit sitting up looking at him frowning. "Theo...C'mere...I… I have to talk to you."

Oh boy… If he's upset cause I accidentally erased that CHoPs tape I'm doomed… Theo got onto the couch next to his brother. "What's wrong?"

Chet sighed running a hand through his hair wondering how he was going to break the news to his brother.

Our parents…. He thought before sighing. "Theo…" He started. "Mom and dad… T-they were in a bad accident…"

"W-what!? Where are they? W-we gotta see 'em!" Theo moved to head to the door but Chet grabbed his arm keeping him from running out. "Leggo!"

"Theo! It's…" Chet's voice cracked. "They're…"

Theo looked at him tears welling up in his eyes. "They're what?! They're okay? They're..They're coming back...Right?"

Chet pulled his brother into his arms hugging him close before a sob got out. "They're gone… They passed away…"

"NO!" Theo yelled trying to push away from his brother tears running down his face. "You're lying!"

"THEO! I would NEVER lie to you!" Chet held onto him tightly. "They died… I'm so sorry...But they're gone…"

Theo stopped struggling breaking down sobbing as he curled up to his brother. "No….No!"

Chet held him close, rocking him tears running down his face. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry Theo…" He sobbed.

The smaller boy sniffled hiding his face in his brother's shirt. "S'not fair… IT'S NOT FAIR!"

"I know...I know…"

Chet kept rocking him and trying to comfort him until Theo was calmed down enough that he was just resting now looking at nothing in particular, just staring ahead in thought.

"What's gonna happen to us…? A-are they gonna send us to an orphanage…?"

The oldest shook his head quickly. "No! I'm not gonna let that happen…. I'm gonna...I'm gonna find a way. We're gonna be fine… We're Nash's...And Nash's are…?"


"That's right…" Chet wiped away any remaining tears. "I'm gonna take care of you… I promise…"

Theo cuddled close closing his eyes. "I know you will… I'll take care of you too…"

He chuckled a bit. "We'll have each other's backs. We're gonna be okay…"

I'll get emancipated… I'll get legal custody of him, and no one will take him away from me.


If anything ever happened to him… I'd never forgive myself.

It took time to get things to a semi-normal. Chet had to go through some hoops to be deemed legally an adult and to ensure he had full custody of his brother. It helped that in his parents will they stated Chet and Theo were the next of kin and should anything happen Chet would be the one with custody. Still it took time for all of this to be put into motion.

Gradually they began to heal from the death's. Theo kept close to his brother, for once slowing down not wanting to go too far. Secretly he was worried his brother would just disappear.

However… That didn't last long.

When Theo was around thirteen he had gotten into a new hobby… Much to Chet's dismay.

Rollerskating, and not just that… But stunts to go with it.

It wasn't an unusual sight to see Theo trying to construct a ramp and Chet telling him multiple times to cut it out.


"I'm building something awesome!"

"Put down the paint can!"


"I'm counting to three! ONE!"

Theo ignored him, grabbing a blank of wood and setting it down testing the weight. "Should be good…" He murmured.

"TWO!" Chet really hoped it would work this time. HIs brother was a good kid but listening to him was not his strong point anymore.

"Hold your horses I'm not testing it right now!"

"Take it down!"


Chet groaned in frustration, he wondered how his brother went from a clingy ten year old to a rebellious teenager. "You have ten seconds!"

The phone rang getting his attention… Just before he heard an excited yell and looked out the window.

Theo was testing it out and nailed a landing on his skates. Ignoring the need for a helmet or anything to guard his limbs. "PUT ON YOUR HELMET!"

Theo rolled his eyes. "If I hit my head I hit it on the plastic supposed to guard it. It's not a big difference!"

Not a big difference he says! Not a big difference!? "Put it on or I take the skates away!"

Theo groaned before heading to find it. "You're no fun anymore!"

"I'm thinking I don't want my younger brother to have a concussion!"

I don't want my brother to have a concussion he says! I was fine!

They both sighed.

Chet shook his head. "Don't do anything crazy!" He headed back in to take care of something.

Theo rolled his eyes and waited until he was gone before chucking his helmet halfway across the yard. "Hmph."

He just doesn't get it. I'm a racer… Racers don't need stuff like that. The King doesn't...Lightning McQueen never did. He thought before going back to practicing.

Skating was something that came to him naturally, he loved the way the wind felt as it hit his face. The sound they made as they hit the concrete and the speed...The speed was worth it.

Sure they're pretty old fashioned, tie onto the shoe skates but I'm saving up money… I'm gonna get an awesome pair that snaps onto my shoes like the big racers…

He skidded to stop to catch his breath laughing a little.

"You stop like a dump truck."


Theo looked up to see a group of people in front of him. The one who spoke a man with dark skin and dark clothes was looking at him with a smirk. "What? Didn't hear me?"

"What did you say?" He asked raising an eyebrow hoping he heard it wrong. "About my stops?"

"I said...You stop like a dump truck."

The boy glared. "Oh yeah? Says who?"

"Says me...I'm Whiplash…" He said gesturing to the people behind him. "This here… Is my crew."

"I'm Skidmark!" A young man with wild brown hair and blue eyes said skating forward skidding to a stop leaving a mark on the ground. "Aww yeah!"

"The name's Burn!" A woman with red hair and wearing a flame styled outfit said performing a spin digging her skates into the ground as sparks came up.

Another young man with dark skin and wearing a hoodie with earbuds attached stepped up. "I'm Smoove Move, I set the tone around here you dig? I'm going so fast the world's going in slow motion baby!" He moon walked passed Skidmark and Burn.

"Whooooaaaa!" They said dramatically.

Theo chuckled a bit. These guys are...Cool.

The last one, a man with glasses and white clothing wearing a cloak stepped forward getting close. "Here one second gone the next they call me...THE WHITE SHADOW!" He yelled dramatically.

"But shadows aren't inherently fast…" Theo pointed out.

White Shadow looked side to side before backing up into a shadow. "White Shadow…"

"I can still see you."

"Anyways… You got potential kid… But you need to work on your stops… Your turns...And just about everything besides your jumps." Whiplash said looking him over. "Also...Need a better outfit."

Theo rubbed the back of his neck. "You've been watching me practice?" That includes all the self narration...Oh that is embarrassing….

"Mm-hm…'Turbo'." Whiplash said giving a nod and a smirk.

Theo felt his face go red. "Ehehe….Racing name."

"Hey no shame, we all got 'em. Including our team name." Whiplash said.

"Fast Action Racing Team!" Skidmark yelled.

"Cool!" Theo grinned. "Wait…" He blinked. "F...A..R-"

"GOOO FART!" White Shadow yelled.

Everyone else fell into silence and looked a little embarrassed.

Theo cleared his throat. "Well...That's an interesting acronym…"

Whiplash cringed. "It's a work in progress." He said quickly shooting White Shadow a dirty look. "Anyways… We're lookin' for racers to join our crew… And we could show ya a few things."

"Are you… Offering to mentor me!?"

Whiplash smirked. "Does a machine bear hunt in the woods?"

Theo cheered skating quickly around the crew. "This is awesome! My name is Theo...But please…" He grinned. "Call me Turbo."

"Welcome to the-"

"If you say welcome to the FART team Shadow so help me goddess above…"

Theo hummed in thought. "We're gonna need a better name."

"Oh?" Whiplash raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah!" He smirked back.

"Fast Action Stunt Team."

And so…

FAST was born.