Quick Note: I had already uploaded this chapter on DeviantART, but I had completely forgotten that this story was also up on . But here it is! Sorry to make you guys wait.

Egyptian Love - chapter 9

Shadow's POV

I walked around trying to find my way to the throne room. I wanted to find the pharaoh and tell him that i might've found a way to cure his son. After quite a long search i finally found the throne room and walked inside it. This time, unlike last time i searched for this room, the pharaoh was sitting on the spot i expected him to be. He seemed to be discussing something with his advisors. I stood at the door and waited for him to finish.

It took a while, but he finally finished his discussion with his advisors and turned to me. "hey, is there anything you need?" Sonic asked and approached me. "i think i know how to cure your son." I said. "you do?" He asked and i nodded. "you're amazing!" He yelled and took my cheeks into his hands to give me a quick kiss, despite me saying that the one night stand we had yesterday was better forgotten, and took off into out of the room. I followed him. All the while ignoring the bewildered looks from the guards and slaves.

I found my way back to the bedroom by following the pharaoh and went to the infant. "so how do you get this cure?" Pharaoh Sonic asked. "we keep his fever down and help him develope a strong immune system. if he has a strong immune system then he can fight the disease of himself and he won't likely get it again." I explained and searched for a blanket. I found one and spread it out onto the floor. "okay, so how do we do that?" Sonic asked. "by feeding him the proper and healthy diet. by giving him enough excercise through playing. by taking care of our hygiene. and by making sure that he'll get frequent naps." I said listing everything that needed to happen while gathering toys and dropping them on the blanket. "that is all?" He asked. "yes, other then those four things, we have to keep his fever down." I said and took Shade into my arms.

I sat down on the bed and checked for his fever. Fortunatly, his forehead felt pretty cool. "good, no fever." I said and held him on my lap and looked at him. He looked back at me with a cute smile and reached for me. "i can't hold you. you need to play now in order to get better." I said and gently sat him down on the blanket. Being only 3 to 4 months old, he had not enough strenght to stay up. So he easily fell backwards, but i had prepared for that and so he felt backward onto the pillow i had placed behind him. When he had landed on the pillow he looked up to the ceiling. Bewildered about what had just happened. I heard the infant's father chuckle and watched as he reached for his son and helped him sit back up. Shade looked up to him giggling and went to look in front of him at the various toys laying in front of him. He reached for something, but he couldn't get to it. So he was forced to take drastic meassures. He went to his hands and knees and shakingly crawled towards it and sat back on his bottom and grabbed the toy he wanted and started shaking with it, making it produce alot of sound. The baby giggled as reaction to the sound he was able to make.

He was pretty rough with the poor toy. And so didn't take long before he fell backwards again. After he hit the blanket, he looked around as he didn't know how he could possibly fall again. But he didn't seem to care for long. He almost immediatly started to roughly shake with the toy again. The pharaoh chuckled as he watched his son play. I was watching him. For aslong as i've been here he had always been happy and carefree, but there was something diffirent about it now. It seemed more genuine. I smiled. There was something about him, his expression, his attitude, that seemed so diffirent. Maybe it was because he looked proud and touched. I don't relaly know. But there was something effecting me.

Hours passed. The small prince finally fell asleep after exhausting himself with his toys. He had been playing for a long time. It took him hours to get rid of all that energy. I didn't even know that a baby had this much energy. I knew alot of things about babies that i had learned during my education on highschool and college. But never did i know that babies had so much excessive energy that they needed to get rid of.

The pharaoh was standing at his son's crib. He was watching as the smaller hedgehog was curled up around his pillow. One of his hands reached down and his touched Shade's forehead. He smiled as it didn't feel like he had a fever. That was good. This was the first time that he had gone to sleep without a fever plaguing him. I laid down and rested my head on the pillow. The prince wasn't the only one who was exhausted. The heat of the day had gotten to me aswell. I was sweaty and tired. I closed my eyes and granted them some well deserved rest, but i tried to make sure that i didn't fall asleep. I couldn't fall asleep here in the pharaoh's bed. Especially not after that night of which i shall never speak about again.

"thank you." Someone said. I opened my eyes and saw that the only other person in this room was Sonic. He wasn't looking at me, but i knew that he must've been talking to me. I said back up again and looked at him. He must've noticed that he had caught my attention because he opened his mouth to continue his speech. "today was amazing. i have never seen my son play like this before. he's getting better and it's all thanks to you." Sonic said and turned to me. "don't thank me. i just did what anybody would've done and besides-" I said, but a certain someone had to cut me off when i was about to end my sentence. "don't say that." The pharaoh chuckled. "anybody here in my kingdom would've tried to help me, but only you succeeded." Sonic said and sat down next to me. "so thank you. thank you so very much. i will forever be in your dept." He said and pulled me into a hug.

I was taken back by the sudden gesture, but i hesitantly returned it anyway. Partially because i was concerned that we would have a repeat of a few days ago. "i'm sure that anybody could've helped you." I said. "without your knowledge? they would've failed." He said and kept me tight to his chest. "i don't know if you could've possibly helped my mate, but i'm so gratefull that you could help my son." He said and finally pulled away. "you have no idea what he means to me." The pharaoh said. "if he didn't make it then i wouldn' tknow what i'd do. i'll be forever in your debt." The pharaoh said. He took my hands into his own. I looked at them. For once i didn't really mind him to hold them.