Left; Vacant.

Disclaimer; Paramount owns all things Star Trek.


This is set as an alternative ending to Year of Hell Part 2. I enjoyed this two part episode very much. Not much changed but it is different. But I could not bring myself to believe that either Chakotay or Tuvok would leave her alone if they had a choice. Do You?

Not because of any romantic interest but they were in command. But because they were her friends. The hug she gives Tuvok brings a lump to the throat and the look on Chakotay's face when she refused the watch. Obvious I think.

This story popped into my head. The title came to me when she stands and touches the watch Chakotay gave her and looks at the empty chair. What can you do? Well this is what I've done. Hope you like it.

Left; Vacant.

THE nightmare had raged for a long time, she wanted to scream about the injustice and futility of it all. A Year of Hell. What did it all matter in minutes it could all be over?

Looking around she was alone. Her eyes resting on the second command chair, left empty like her. Touching the watch on her hip again trying to find what? Comfort;

Too late.

She shivered again, strange how since he'd been gone she'd felt a chill on her left side. Rubbing her arm she continued to concentrate on the matter at hand.

She moved to the take the seat usually occupied by Tom "Tuvok, everything's going as planned Tom sent me the co- ordinates of the temporal core before he left I'm sending them to you now"

"What the hell" a transporter beam

"Captain" taking in what was left of the bridge and his friend. He moved toward her. Scars on her arms face but the scars you could not see? The Doctor had been right.

Her eyes; He had to close his own for a split second, the pain he saw was almost too much. He should have been here.

"Stopped dusting then I see" he smiled as he wiped debris from his chair as he passed.

She watched him not moving a muscle for fear he would disappear.

"Chakotay" her voice so raw. He smiled again, and moved closer

"You called?"

****I'm hallucinating she recalled the Doctors words "Captain you are totally exhausted physically and emotionally you need rest"****

"Kathryn" he indicated towards the watch "you kept it" his voice almost betraying the emotion he felt at seeing her again.

Slowly, she reached out her hand. As if she expected him not to be real. But he was. She touched his chest feeling his warmth.

It was the most she could allow herself any more and she'd fall into his arms and never let go.

He watched her face. Knowing as she smiled at him he'd made the right choice to return home.

"Captain" he gestured to the command chairs and turned toward his own.

Voyager shuddered and groaned as the ship travelling next to it smashed into them.

Glancing at him sitting again at her side she whispered "welcome home." He winked

Vacant no more.

"All our ship's have been disabled Captain do you have weapons" Tuvok's voice echoed around the bridge.

"Negative Tuvok" Chakotay answered the question his intention to let the Vulcan know she was not alone. "Our torpedo launchers are down"

"Acknowledged Commander"

Their eyes locked reaching out he took her hand. Wincing with her as she fought to sit upright.

"Mr Tuvok, we're setting Voyager on a collision course" she gave the order he expected;

"Janeway to the fleet, take your temporal shields off line"

The sound of the Vulcan's voice crackled back "Captain, we won't be protected"

"Exactly Tuvok, if that ship is destroyed all of history might be restored and this is one year I'd like to forget."

Chakotay nodded, they turned and faced again the future in front of them.

Squeezing his hand as she spoke;

"Times up"

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