(Please be nice when reviewing. This is my first ER fan fic. This is kind of a Carby, but not really. Standard disclaimers apply. Enjoy.)

Fade in

It was another slow day in ER. Since there were only a few patients, I was at the admit desk, filling out charts while Susan and Abby were chatting in the lounge. Suddenly Chunny walked up to me. I knew there were incoming traumas.

"Dr. Cater, two incoming hit and run victims."

"What happened?"

"Two little girls were playing in the street, when a drunk ran them over. Cops caught him ten miles away from the scene."


"Three minutes."

"Okay, get Abby and Susan and meet me outside."

I grabbed a gown and gloves, and waited outside. In the distance I could hear the ambulance getting closer.

"Hey Carter," Susan said coming up behind me, with Abby and Chunny close behind.


When the ambulance pulled up, and the doors opened, the two medics pulled the gurney out, while Abby lifted the other out.

"What do we have?"

"Two hit and run victims. She's okay, just a few cuts and bruises," the medic said pointing to the girl in Abby's arms. "This one has a deep head lac, and a broken leg. There were damn lucky the driver wasn't going that fast."

"Okay Trauma one. Susan you got this?"


Abby took the other girl into exam 1. I checked on Susan's patient one more time, before going with Abby, who was trying to console the girl.

"Hi I'm Dr. Cater, what's your name?"

"Tess," the girl answered shyly. "I want my mommy and daddy."

I looked up at Abby who was shaking her head. "The girls were playing at a friend's house; they're trying to locate the parents now."

"Okay Tess, the police are trying to find you mom and dad, but right now I want to check you over and make sure you're okay."

"What about my sister?"

"Another doctor is checking her over sweetie," Abby answered, holing her hand.

"Are you and you sister twins?" I asked trying to distract her.


"What's your sister's name?"

"Kate. We're eight"

I dropped the pair of scissors he was holding, and looked up at Abby, who was giving me a questioning glance.

"What's you last name sweetie?"


I took of my gloves, "I'll be right back Tess. I am just going to go check on your sister."

Abby followed me out in the hall taking off her gloves as well.

"I can't believe it."

"Believe what?" Abby asked.

"Do you remember Carol Hathaway? The ER nurse who had twins?"

"Kind of."

"Those are her girls."

"How do you know?"

"When she left, she was going back to Doug."

"The girl's father?"



"I'm going to tell Susan. Why don't you go back in there and start suturing those cuts."


I went into Trauma 1, where Susan was talking to Kate.

"Susan, can I talk to you outside for a minute?"


Once we were outside, I didn't know how to begin telling her what I found out.

"What is it?"

"Do you know who that is?"


"That's Carol Hathaway's and Doug Ross's daughter."

Susan looked at me like I had grown a second head, and I laughed.

"Carol Hathaway's and Doug Ross's daughter," she repeated slower.


"No way."

"How is she?"

"I sutured her head, and we are waiting for the x-rays on her leg, but I'm pretty sure it's broken. I can't believe it."

"Neither can I. The medics said the police were trying to locate the parents."

"Doug and Carol."

"Yeah," I said. I went back to exam 1 and finished suturing Tess's head, when Dr. Weaver walked in.

"Carter! Why are you spending your all your time on one patient? Did you finish that paper work?"

"Carrie, I believe you know Tess."

Carrie looked over Tess carefully, but I knew she would have no idea. I shot Abby an amused glace. Carrie walked over and introduced herself to Tess.

"I don't know her Carter."

"Yes you do. About eight years ago, you delivered her in this hospital."

"Carter I have no time for games, I've delivered a dozen kids in the ER."

"Carol Hathaway?"

"Do you mean-" but she couldn't finish. Wait till I tell Susan about this. Carrie Weaver is speechless."

"Where are Doug and Carol?"

"The police are trying to locate them."

"Call me when they get here," she said leaving.

"Uh, Dr. Weaver, what about that paper work?" I asked smugly.

"Patients first," she said, and smiled at Tess.

Once Carrie left, Tess tugged on my sleeve.

"Is she a witch, like the wicked witch of the west?"

Abby and I busted out laughing.

"Some days she can be."

"Carter!" Abby said and smacked my arm.

"What?" I asked innocently.

The news spread quickly around the ER, and while the nurses were staying with the girls, Susan, Abby and I waited by the admit desk for Doug and Carol.