"This isn't the ocean, Weed."

The smells that hit Yui are, indeed, not salt and sand and sun. It's more like chlorine and still water.

"I didn't promise to take you to the beach, Takeru," Yui tells him, although there's an apologetic look scrunching up her face.

He glares at her for a minute, lips peeled back in what could have been a snarl if he didn't huff in response. He threads his fingers behind his head, closing his eyes for a second.

"Whatever. I just assumed that when you said we were going swimming, you meant a real body of water."

She rubs the back of her neck awkwardly, glancing between him and the pool at her school where she's dragged him along today. Okay, so maybe she did sort of mislead him a little bit, and she does feel really bad about that. On the other hand, though, he's pretty good at avoiding social situations and if he's going to join the swim team, well. He's got to get used to a pool. And people.

And regular bathing suits.

Her faces flames up at the thought of the first time they went to the beach together, him dragging her down there without a care, and that thing he was wearing…

His hand waves in front of her face. "Earth to Weed. I'm trying to talk to you."

"My name is Yui, and we both know that," she snaps gently.

He grins instead of looking irritable, as he usually does whenever she snaps at him. Now it seems more like her irritation makes his a little bit better. "What are we doing here?"

"Well," she says softly, pointing to the pool. "You said that you wanted to join the swim team, and I thought we should practice. They don't swim at the beach you know."

She's still thinking of the way his backside looked in his former bathing suit.

"Why are you flushed like that? Do you have a fever?"

Takeru narrows his eyes at her, before his hand comes up. Its cool against her own skin, as he presses the back of it to her forehead. She really hopes that it's impossible to blush any harder.

"Seems okay," he finally manages to say, dropping his hand. She's pretty sure she didn't imagine it lingering there a second longer than it should have been.

"It's, um, it's nothing." Yui shrugs her bag off her shoulders in lieu of letting his suspicious look get to her. She holds it out to him. "Go get changed."

"I don't want to swim in this. It smells polluted." He doesn't move. He doesn't take the bag.

She can feel a cold sweat crawl down her neck as a few of the other students using the pool stop to look at them. He's loud, and it's embarrassing, but mostly she feels bad that she even brought him here because this isn't what he wants at all.

Her lips twitch, a frown taking over her face as her brow furrows.

She's just about to tell him they'll go to the beach when he snatches the bag from her hands.

"You look terrible when you're sad," he mutters before stomping off to the men's changing room. "I'm not putting this on for you, I just don't want to see you cry."

Yui's rooted to the spot for a second, uncertain if she should take that as a compliment or not.