The Walking Dead: Star Wars Edition Season 2
A/N: Wow...I mean, I don't know what to say. It's been, what? 11 months? Wow! Almost a year! I kinda stopped writing this series for a while because I lost my work on the second episode and I just stopped out of frustration. But I was also stuck on what I wanted to do with this story. Like whether or not I want to follow the main story after season 4. But It's back now and I'm glad to be writing it again.
I do not own The Walking Dead or Star Wars: The Clone Wars. They both belong to their respective owners.
Episode 2- Bloodletting
Rick was running as fast as he could towards the farmhouse with Carl in his arms. Otis, the guy who accidentally shot Carl, was right behind him along with Anakin, Shane, and Obi-Wan. Shane was rushing and yelling at Otis. "Move! You move, s**thead! Get us there!" Shane yelled, pushing him along.
"How far?! How far?!" Rick screamed.
"Another half mile that way. Talk to Hershel. He'll help your boy." Otis said while out of breath. Rick continued running as fast as he could. Obi-Wan was right next him.
"Get up! Move!" Anakin was yelling at Otis.
"We'll get there Rick don't worry." Obi-Wan said while running next to him. "Here, let me take him. I can get him there quicker." Obi-Wan assured Rick.
"Please, Obi-Wan. Be careful with my boy." Rick said, handing him over.
"I will, Rick." Obi-Wan said. He held Carl tightly and used the force to speed towards the house.
Hershel's daughter, Maggie, saw them running towards the house from the porch and called for him. Hershel, Otis's wife, Patricia, Hershel's other daughter, Beth, and her boyfriend all came out of the house. They were looking at Obi-Wan all weird because of the way he's dressed. "Was he bit?" Hershel asked.
"He was shot by your man." Obi-Wan said as he ran up.
"Otis?!" Patricia said.
"He said find Hershel. Is that you?" Obi-Wan asked. Hershel nodded as he came to look at Carl.
Rick finally ran up behind Obi-Wan. "Please help me. Help my boy." Rick said frantically.
"Get him inside." Hershel said, as they all started going in.
Hershel started getting to work quickly. "Patricia, I need my full kit. Maggie, painkillers, coagulates. Grab everything. Clean towels, sheets, alcohol. In here." Hershel said as he led Rick and Obi-Wan into a bedroom. Rick laided Carl down on the bed. "Pillowcase." He ordered Rick.
"Is he alive?" Rick asked.
"Pillowcase, quick." Hershel said more demanding. Rick got one of the pillowcases.
"Is-is he alive?" He asked again.
"Fold it. Make a pad. Put pressure on the wound." Hershel told Rick. Maggie, Beth, and Patricia were doing the same thing.
"He is alive, Rick. I can sense him. Don't worry." Obi-Wan assured.
"Your right. I've got a heart beat. It's faint. Maggie, I.V." Hershel said after listening with his stethoscope.
"Here, I got it." Patricia said to Rick and took over applying pressure.
"We need some space, guys." Maggie said to Rick and Obi-Wan.
"What's your names?" Hershel asked.
"Rick. I'm-I'm Rick." He said still distraught.
"Rick, we're gonna do everything we can, okay? What about you?" He asked Obi-Wan.
"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'm not from this planet." Obi-Wan said. Hershel and the girls looked at him like he was crazy. "I know this comes as a shock to you."
"Well during these days, I guess that's not impossible. You're gonna need to give us some room." Hershel said.
"Of course." Obi-Wan said. "Come on, Rick. I know, it's hard but we got to give Hershel some space." Obi-Wan said. They both left the room. They saw Shane, Anakin, and Otis finally coming up to the farm outside and went to meet them on the porch.
Rick came out still distraught and with blood on his hands and shirt. "He's alive? He's still alive?" Otis asked, worryingly. He felt bad for accidentally shooting Carl. Rick didn't answer. He just wiped his forehead and got blood on his face.
" got blood on you. It's okay." Shane said soothingly, as he wiped the blood away with a cloth.
"Rick, is he okay? Is Carl okay?" Anakin asked. Rick didn't say anything. He just led them into the house.
They all went back to the room where Carl was. "You know his blood type?" Hershel asked.
Rick finally spoke. "A-positive. Same as mine." Rick said.
"That's fortunate. Don't wander far. I'm gonna need you. What happened?" Hershel asked Otis.
"I...was tracking a buck. Bullet went through it. Went right through." Otis said remorsefully.
"The deer slowed the bullet down, which certainly saved his life. But it did not go through clean. It broke up into pieces. If I can get the bullet fragments out...and I'm counting six." Hershel said.
Otis went over to Patricia. "I never saw him, not unit he was on the ground." He cried to her as he hugged her.
Rick was thinking to himself and then realized something. "Lori doesn't know…" Rick said. "My wife doesn't know. My wife doesn't know." Rick cried. Shane hugged him.
The Forest
The rest of the group was still searching for Sophia. Lori was worried that they're not back yet after she heard a gunshot a while ago. "You still worrying about it?" Andrea asked.
"It was a gunshot." Lori said.
"We all heard it." Daryl said.
"Why one? Why just one gunshot?" Lori asked.
"Maybe they took down a walker." Daryl suggested.
"Don't patronize me. You know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down one walker. Or Shane. They'd do it quietly." Lori said.
"She's right. Something's going on." Rex said.
"Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?"Carol asked.
"There's nothing we can do about it anyway. Can't run around these woods chasing echoes." Daryl said.
"So what do we do?" Lori asked.
"Same as we've been doing. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway." Cody said.
"I could sense if they were in trouble. I'm sure they'll meet up us back at the R.V." Ahsoka said. The group started walking again but Carol stood there.
"I'm sorry for what you're going through. I know how you feel." Andrea said to Carol.
"I suppose you do. Thank you." Carol said. "The thought of her out here by herself...It's the not knowing that's killing me. I just keep hoping and praying she doesn't wind up like Amy." Carol said. Andrea gave her a look and Carol realized what she said. "Oh god. That's the worst thing I ever said." Carol said apologetically.
"We're all hoping and praying with you, for what it's worth." Andrea said.
"I'll tell you what it's worth-not a d**n thing. It's a waste of time all this hoping and praying. 'Cause we're gonna locate that little girl, she's gonna be just fine. Am I the only one zen around here? Good lord." Daryl said, walking away while the group stared at him. They all continued their search.
The Farm
Rick and Shane were sitting on a bed in a room next to the one Carl was in. Anakin and Obi-Wan were sitting in chairs across from them. "Why'd I let him come with us? I should have sent him with Lori." Rick said.
"Now if you start that, you'll never get that monkey off your back." Shane said.
"Don't beat yourself up over it, Rick. It wasn't your fault." Obi-Wan assured Rick.
"If anyone, it was my fault. I should've sensed Otis nearby and sensed something was about to happen" Anakin said.
"Now don't go blaming yourself either, Anakin." Shane said.
"Little girl goes missing, we look for her. Simple. You said call it, head back." Rick said.
"Doesn't matter what I said." Shane said.
"Carl got shot because I wouldn't cut bait. It should be me in there." Rick said.
Anakin chuckled. "You've been there, Rick. Right? Remember when we first found you? You pulled through. So will he." Anakin said.
"Is that why I got out of that hospital? Found my family for it to end here like this? This some kind of sick joke?" Rick asked.
"You stop it. Just stop." Shane said.
"A little girl goes missing...You look for her. It's plain and simple." Rick said.
Maggie came into the room. "Rick." She said, motioning for him. "He needs blood." She said as she led him into the room. Carl was crying and groaning loudly because of the pain.
"You, hold him down." Hershel told Shane. He went over and held Carl down. Hershel was using some tool to dig through the gunshot wound. Carl was crying and screaming really loudly and Shane was holding him down.
"Stop! You're killing him!" Rick screamed.
"Rick, do you want him to live?" Hershel asked while still working. Rick was still stood worried.
"Here, let me help." Obi-Wan said. He went over to Carl and placed his and on his chest. He used his force heal ability to ease the pain.
"He needs blood." Patricia said to Rick.
"Rick, do it now." Shane said while holding Carl down. Rick extended his arm and Patricia stuck the needle in and drew blood. Suddenly, Carl stopped screaming and slowly closed his eyes. Shane looked at Hershel.
" he...:" Rick said worryingly.
"He just passed out. I can sense him. Don't worry." Obi-Wan said.
Hershel finally got out a bullet fragment. "One down. Two to go." Hershel said.
A little later, while Carl was still passed out, Rick was hooked up to a machine to give Carl blood. "His pressure's stable." Hershel said.
"Lori needs to be here. She doesn't even know what's going on. I've got to go find her. Bring her back." Rick said.
"You can't do that." Hershel said.
"She's his mother. She needs to know what's happened. Her son's lying here shot." Rick said.
"And he's going to need more blood. He can't go more than 50 feet from this bed." Hershel said to Shane and Anakin. They nodded.
Rick, Shane, and Anakin went into the living room with Obi-Wan, Maggie, and Otis. "How is he?" Obi-Wan asked.
"He's stable for now." Anakin said. Otis and Maggie looked relieved.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan, for making that easier on him. Your special abilities are a big help to this group." Rick said.
"I'm just doing what I always have. Helping people that need it. Your welcome, Rick." Obi-Wan said.
Rick sat down in a chair. "Lori has to be here guys, she has to know." Rick said.
"I get that, Rick. I know." Shane said.
"We're gonna handle it. But you've got to handle your end." Anakin said.
"My end?" Rick asked confusingly.
"You being here." Anakin said.
"Anakin's right. Your end is being here for your son. Even if he didn't need your blood to survive, there is no way we'd let you walk out that door. Man, I'd break your legs if you tried. I mean, you know that, right?" Shane said.
"Me or Obi-Wan could do that easily. You're not walking out of this house, Rick. Not on our watch." Anakin said.
"If something happened to him and you weren't here...if- if he slipped away while you were gone, you would never forgive yourself for that. And neither would Lori, mann." Shane said.
"I learned in the Jedi order that you can't let guilt get in the way. It'll cloud your mind. You won't be able to think straight. That's why we train not to feel certain ways that'll stop us from doing our job. By the way your world is now, it's very dangerous to have a clouded mind, Rick." Obi-Wan said.
"You're right, guys. All of you. Thanks." Rick said.
"When was I ever wrong?" Anakin joked.
"Plenty." Obi-Wan said. They all laughed.
"You know, when you were in that hospital, the one you were never supposed to leave, man, you should have seen Lori. The strength of that can't imagine it. See that's what you've got to have now. I mean, Carl- he needs that from you. So you wire yourself tight, my friend." Shane got closer to Rick. "You've got the hard part. Just leave the rest to me, to us, okay?" Shane asked.
"All right."
"All right."
Hershel came into the room. "He's out of danger for the moment. But I need to remove those remaining fragments." Hershel said.
"How? You saw how he was." Rick said.
"I know, and that was the shallowest one. I need to go deeper to get the others." Hershel said.
"Oh man." Shane said.
"There's more." Hershel said.
"Tell me." Rick said.
"His belly's distended, his pressure is dropping, which means there's internal bleeding. A fragment must have nicked one of the blood vessels." He said. Rick and the others exchanged looks. "I have to open him up, find the bleeder and stitch it. And he can't move while I'm in there- I mean, at all. If he reacts the same as before, I'll sever an artery and he'll be dead in minutes. To even try this, I have to put him under. But if I do, he won't be able to breathe on his own. Same bad results." Hershel explained.
"What'll it take?" Rick asked.
"You need a respirator." Otis jumped in. "What else?" He asked Hershel.
"The tube that goes with it, extra surgical supplies, drapes, sutures." Hershel said.
"If you had all that, you could save him?" Anakin asked.
"If I had all that, I could try." Hershel said.
"Nearest hospital went up in flames a month ago. Unless...the high school." Otis said.
"High School?" Anakin said.
"That's what I was thinking. They set up a FEMA shelter there. They would have everything we need." Hershel said.
"The place was overrun last time I saw it. You couldn't get near it. Maybe it's better now." Otis said.
"We said, leave the rest to us. We should go." Anakin said.
"Is it too late to take that back?" Shane chuckled.
"Come on, Shane, you'll have me. We'll be fine." Anakin reassured.
"Doc, why don't you do me a list and draw me a map?" Shane asked Hershel.
"You won't need a map. I'll take you there. Ain't but five miles." Otis said.
"Otis, no." Patricia said.
"Honey, we don't have time for guesswork and I'm responsible. I ain't gonna sit here while these fellas takes this on alone. I'll be alright." Otis assured Patricia.
"Are you sure about this?" Shane asked.
"Do you even know what any of the stuff he's talking about looks like?" Otis asked.
"Come to think, no." Shane answered.
"I've been a volunteer E.M.T. I do. We can talk about this till next Sunday or we could just go do it real quick." Otis said.
"We'll take right quick. Carl needs this stuff now." Anakin said.
"I should thank you." Rick said to Otis.
"Wait till that boy of yours is up and around, then we'll talk. I'll gather some things." Otis said walking away.
"Where is she, your wife?" Maggie asked.
The Forest
The rest of the group was still on the search for Sophia. "We'll lose the light before too long. I think we should call it." Daryl suggested.
"Let's head back." Cody agreed.
"We'll pick it up again tomorrow?" Carol asked.
"Yeah, we'll find her tomorrow. We won't be finding anything when it gets dark so for now let's head back." Cody said. The group turned back and started walking back towards the direction of the highway.
The Farm
Anakin, Shane, and Otis were loading up there to go to the high school. "Just get what you need and get out of there." Rick said.
"Keep them safe Anakin." Obi-Wan said.
"Of course." Anakin said.
"You stay strong guys, all right?" Rick said to Shane and Anakin. Rick handed his colt python to Otis.
"That's a fine weapon, Rick. I'll bring it back in good shape." Otis said. Shane, Anakin, and Otis got in the truck. Shane looked down in the seat and saw that Otis only had a rifle. "Only one I got." He said.
Shane sighed. "Man, this is turning into one strange day." He said.
"You got that right. Let's go." Anakin said. Rick, Obi-Wan, Hershel, and Patricia watched them drive off.
"Let's check on your boy." Hershel said. They all went back inside.
The Forest
While the group was walking, they heard a horse getting closer to them. They turned around and saw Maggie approaching them on a horse. Rex and Cody aimed their blasters at her and Ahsoka ignited her lightsaber blade. "Who are you?!" She asked.
"Lori Grimes? Where's Lori?" Maggie asked.
"I'm Lori." Lori said.
"Rick sent me. You've got to come now." Maggie said.
"What?" Lori said confusingly.
"There's been an accident. Carl's been shot." She explained. Lori and the group was shocked. "He's still alive but you've got to come now." She added. Lori was reluctant. "Rick needs you. Just come." Lori got on the horse.
"Whoa whoa whoa. We don't know this girl. You can't get on that horse." Daryl said angrily.
"He's right. How do we know you aren't lying?" Cody said.
"Rick said you had others on the highway, that big traffic snarl?" Maggie asked.
"Yeah." Glenn answered.
"Backtrack to Fairburn Road. Two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mailbox. Name's Greene." She said and road off as fast as she could on the horse with Lori.
The rest of the group were left looking at each other.
"Should we go?" Glenn asked.
"Yes, we should. Let's go." Ahsoka said. The group started walking back towards the direction of the highway.
When they got there, they told Dale what happened. "Shot? What do you mean shot?" Dale asked.
"We don't know, Dale. We weren't there. All we know is that a girl came out of nowhere on a creature and took Lori." Rex said.
"A horse?" Dale asked confusingly.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't know the names of your creatures." He answered.
"And you just let her?" Dale asked.
"Rick sent her. She knew Lori's name and Carl's." Ahsoka said. "We need to get to the farm. She told us where it is." Ahsoka said. Carol gave her a look.
The Farm
Rick came out to the porch with Hershel. Obi-Wan was just looking out at all the land. "This place is beautiful." Obi-Wan said.
"It sure is." Rick agreed.
"Been in my family for 160 years." Hershel said.
"I can't believe how serene it is. How untouched. You're lucky." Obi-Wan said.
"We weren't completely unscathed. We lost friends, neighbors. The epidemic took my wife, my stepson." Hershel said.
"I'm sorry." Obi-Wan said.
"My daughters were spared. I'm grateful to God for that. These people here, all we've got left is each other. Just hoping we can ride it out in peace till there's a cure." Hershel said.
"We were at the C.D.C. It's gone now. There is no cure." Rick said.
"I don't believe it. When AIDs came along, everyone panicked. One boy in town came down with it and some parents pulled their children out of school so they didn't have to sit in the same room." Hershel said.
"This is a whole other thing." Rick said.
"On a planet called Geonosis, this same type of thing happened to some Geonosians there. But nothing like I've seen here on this planet. This is completely different." Obi-Wan said.
"That's what they always say- 'This one's different.' " Hershel said.
"Well, this one is." Rick assured.
"Mankind's been fighting plagues from the start. We get our behinds kicked for a while then we bounce back. It's nature correcting herself, restoring some balance." Hershel said.
"I wish I could believe that." Rick said. The 3 of them spotted Lori and Maggie riding in on the horse. Rick went down to hug Lori. They went inside to see Carl.
Later, Rick, Lori, Obi-Wan, and Hershel got together to talk. "Okay, so I understand, when Shane and Anakin gets back with this other man-" Lori was saying.
"Otis." Hershel said.
"Otis. The idiot who shot my son." Lori said.
"Lori, it was an accident." Obi-Wan said.
"I'll take that under advisement later. For now he's the idiot who shot our son." She said.
"Lori, they're doing everything they can to make it right." Rick assured.
"Okay, as soon as they get back you can perform this surgery?" Lori asked.
"I'll certainly do my best." Hershel said.
"Okay, you've done this procedure procedure before?" She asked.
"Well, yes, in a sense." He answered.
"In a sense?" She said.
"Honey, we don't have the luxury of shopping for a surgeon." Rick reminded her.
"No, I understand that. But I mean you're a doctor, right?" Lori asked.
"Yes, ma'am. Of course. A vet." Hershel answered.
"A veteran? A combat medic?" Obi-Wan asked.
"A veterinarian." Hershel corrected.
Lori was surprised. "A- And you've done this surgery on what? Cows? Pigs?" Lori asked stunned.
Rick was stunned as well. "I- I have- I have to sit." Rick nearly fainted and half fell into the chair but Lori caught him.
"Come on, Rick. You need rest." Obi-Wan said helping him up.
"Completely in over your head, aren't you?" Lori asked.
"Ma'am, aren't we all?" Hershel asked.
"Whatever procedures Carl would have to go through, Lori, I can help. I already helped ease his pain." Obi-Wan said.
"I'm grateful for that, Obi-Wan." Lori replied.
The High School
Anakin, Shane, and Otis were sneaking up a hill towards the building. Anakin halted them behind a police car. "Okay, let's take a look. See what we're dealing with." Anakin said. They looked over the car and saw a bunch of walkers. "Oh, that's nothing. We can handle that." Anakin said.
"We? Maybe you can with your force powers and that lightsaber but we can't. " Shane said.
"I can't take them out now. I'll alert every other walker in the area." Anakin said.
"You see that big mobile medical trailer across the way?" Otis asked. Shane took a peek at it.
"That's where we got to get to?" Shane asked wearingly.
"Yeah." Otis sighed.
The Highway
The group was planning on leaving the highway and going to the farm but Carol is worried about Sophia. "I won't do it. We can't just leave." Carol said.
"Carol, the group is separated. We're scattered and weak." Ahsoka said.
"What if she comes back and we're not here? It could happen." She asked.
"If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful." Andrea said.
"Okay. I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave her some supplies. I'll stay here tonight, stay with the R.V." Daryl said.
"If the R.V. is staying, I am too." Dale said.
"Me and Cody will stay, too. We need to protect this place. The R.V. most importantly." Rex said.
"Thank you. All of you." Carol said.
"Just doing our job." Rex said.
"I'm in." Andrea added.
"Well, if you're all staying then I'm-" Glenn was stopped.
"No, Glenn. You're going. Take Carol's cherokee." Dale said.
"Me? Why is it always me?" Glenn asked.
"You have to find this farm, reconnect with our people but most importantly, you have to get T-Dog there. This is not an option." Dale said.
Glenn sighed. "I'll go with you, Glenn." Ahsoka said.
"That cut has gone from bad to worse. He has a very serious blood infection. Get him to that farm and see if they have any antibiotics. Because if not, T-Dog will no doubt die." Cody said.
Daryl went to Merle's motorcycle and got Merle's bag of drugs. "Why'd you wait till now to say anything? I got my brother's stash." Daryl said, looking through the bag. "Crystal, x. Don't need that. Got some kicka** painkillers." He tossed Glenn the painkillers. "Oxycycline. Not the generic stuff neither. It's first class. Merle got the clap on occasion." He said, tossing it to Dale and walking away. The group just exchanged looks.
The High School
"We need a plan to get around them." Shane said.
"Alright, I'll use the light from my lightsaber blade to draw them away. While they're distracted, you guys run for the trailer, okay?" Anakin said.
"Alright, let's do this." Anakin said. He leaped into the air.
"Whoa." Otis said astonished.
He landed on the other side away from the trailer and ignited his blade. The walkers saw Anakin and the light and started to move towards him. "That's right. Come to the light." Anakin said. He kept luring them away while Shane and Otis made their way to the trailer. When they finally got there, Anakin jumped into the air and landed next to them at the entrance. The 3 of them went in.
The Farm
Hershel was checking Carl's blood pressure. "Pressure's dropping again. We can't wait much longer." Hershel said.
"Take some more. Whatever he needs. Then I'm gonna go." Rick said desperately.
"Go? Go where?" Lori asked.
"He said five miles They should be long back by now. Something's gone wrong." Rick said.
"Are you insane? You're not going after them." Lori said.
"Rick, you're in no condition." Obi-Wan said.
"If they got into trouble-"
"Obi-Wan's right, Rick. You're in no condition to do anything about it. You've given too much blood. You're barely on your feet. You wouldn't make it across the yard." Hershel said.
"If something happened, I have to go." Rick said.
"No, your place is here. If Shane said he'll be back, he'll be back. He's like you that way." Lori said.
"I have faith in Anakin, Rick. He can keep them as safe as ever." Obi-Wan said.
"I can't just sit here." Rick said.
"That's exactly what you do! If you need to pray or cry or tell God he's cruel, you go right ahead, but you're not leaving, Rick. Carl needs you here. And I can't do this by myself. Not this one. I can't." Lori said.
The High School
Anakin, Shane, and Otis were looking for all the things they need for Carl. Anakin found the respirators Carl needed. "Is this it?" Anakin asked.
"Yeah. We need three." Otis said. Anakin put three respirators in the bag. Otis found the tubes that go with them and something else. "Here. Endotracheal intubator, baby, for my new respirator." He said.
"Endo-what?" Anakin asked.
"Attaboy. Come on." Shane said. They went to the door and Shane opened it.
All the walkers that Anakin drew away has wandered back to where they were before. Anakin ignited his lightsaber blade. "Godd**n it." Shane said. They started running and the walkers chased after them.
"Come on, guys, stay in front of me!" Anakin said. He was cutting down walkers as they ran. They ran up some steps. Walkers started coming from in front of them and Shane was grabbed by a walker. Anakin cut the walker's arms off and force pushed it away.
"This way!" Shane said. They ran down another alley and came across an entrance to the school. "In here." The walkers were closing in and Shane frantically tried to open the door. "S**t, it's locked."
"Step aside." Anakin said. The two stepped back and Anakin blasted the doors open with a force push. The glass shattered everywhere. They hurried into the building and closed the security gate before the walkers got in and locked it.
They watched all the walkers pile up against the fence. "D**n it." Shane said as the lock got looser.
I hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know what you guys think by leaving a REVIEW! Until next time.