Author's Note: Why hello there you wonderful readers you. This is my first attempt at a Draco/Ginny fic and I'm so excited about it. I have been having ideas for a fic about Draco & Ginny since I started reading fics about the two, and now I'm proud to say that I have hatched a story plot. I am also a Draco/Hermione shipper so please check out my first Draco/Hemione fic, A Different You, A Different Me and it's sequel, Life Goes On. It's currently posted here. So I'll be simultaneously working on both Life Goes On and this Draco/Ginny fic.
**IMPORTANT NOTICE: this is an updated/edited version of this chapter. I finally managed to edit it and correct all my mistakes! (",)**
Disclaimer: In as much as I want to take credit for this wonderful Harry Potter series, I can't. I can only take credit for the plot and maybe some other characters that will be popping in and out of here as the story progress...
Summary: Draco Malfoy turned a new leaf during this 7th year at Hogwarts. Now he works for the Ministry doing something for the good alongside his school days nemesis, Harry Potter. Enter Ginny Weasley, youngest sibling of Harry's best friend, as their new secretary. Hidden Attraction surfaces and jealousy ensues.
Setting: 5 years after Hogwarts
I. A Small Problem
Draco Malfoy poked his platinum blond head outside his office and looked for his partner at the Department of Magical Games and Sports. He found the man he was looking for just walking in to their joint offices' mini reception area holding a cup of what Draco believed to be Harry Potter's favourite cafe mocha complete with mountainous whipping cream and loads of chocolate sprinkles for topping.
"Potter, got a minute?" he called out.
Twenty-two year old Harry Potter stopped from going into his office and turned to his partner, "Okay. What is it?"
"Mind if we step in to my office? I don't want to discuss anything out here." Draco scowled. If there was one thing he hated the most it was to discuss private matters in public--although their small reception area wasn't public enough, still, people could just walk in and hear snippets of what they were discussing.
"Why can't we discuss it out here instead?" Harry frowned.
"Because it's a matter of grave importance. Now get your scrawny arse in here." Draco opened his door wider and waited for Harry to enter.
Harry knew better than to argue with Draco this early in the morning and on a Monday nevertheless. He wanted to have a peaceful working week with Draco. He was starting to get tired of always butting heads with the stubborn blond. And since Harry knew Draco wasn't going to relent, he figured it was up to him to keep a harmonious atmosphere in the office between them.
"Alright, care to enlighten me as to what this matter is of grave importance, hm?" he questioned, walking towards one of the two armchairs placed before Draco's desk.
Draco closed the door after Harry and walked towards his desk. He stood behind it and looked at his partner who made himself comfortable on a chair.
"Daisy quit," he announced unperturbedly.
Harry chocked on the cafe mocha he was drinking at the unexpected news.
"What?" he stared dumbfounded at his partner, "What did you do this time, Malfoy?"
Draco merely smirked and sat down on his winged-back swivel chair. "She knew the score, Potter. Right from the very start. After all, you did warn her, didn't you?" he taunted, reminding his goody-two-shoes partner of the countless times Harry warned Daisy Eversole about Draco's reputation of being a ladies' man.
Harry swore.
Draco's eyebrow rose. He had never heard Harry utter a cuss word before. This was something new to him. And usually he wouldn't receive this kind of reaction from Harry whenever he told him that their latest secretary decided to up and leave after he told her he wasn't the commitment-type of guy.
"Dammit, Malfoy. Daisy's our twentieth secretary that quit because of you and your lecherous self!" he accused, "Why can't you just keep your hands off our secretaries for a change, huh?"
"Hey, can I help it if they all find me so damn attractive and wants to jump me every damn time?" Draco said smugly.
Harry got up his seat angrily and glared down at the lounging Draco, "I will look for another secretary to replace Daisy as soon as possible. We can't be running the show just by ourselves, especially with the Quidditch World Cup nearing," he walked to the door and paused before opening it. He looked over his partner and sent him a warning glare, "I'm going to look for a replacement but this time, Malfoy, I'm warning you--HANDS OFF!"
Ginny Weasley sat in her small apartment kitchen looking very glum. She just received her latest monthly bill and she wasn't too happy about it. She had her utilities to pay, groceries to buy, miscellaneous stuff to purchase, and most importantly, she had rent to pay! And to top off all her problems, she had just been handed the pink slip at work.
"Damn, damn, damn and double damn!" she kept on muttering as she angrily pushed herself away from her kitchen table and looked inside her small fridge for something to eat. She would be facing eviction soon if she doesn't get a steady job that wouldn't get her fired for doing nothing but being herself!
At twenty-one years of age, Ginny Weasley had grown to become a full-fledged woman that filled in all the right places. Her hair was still red (something she couldn't do much about) and her skin pale, but along with being red-haired and pale-skinned she also went through some major growth spurt during her final year at Hogwarts. Now she was towering over five foot ten inches tall--almost as tall as her brothers who were all over six feet tall--with a slender built and legs that just went on forever, or so she was told when she went to vacation in the south of France with Hermione and her Muggle relatives for the summer. She received quite a few appreciative stares and glances from male beach-goers and vacationers while she was up and about with Hermione enjoying what southern France had to offer. It was an awesome vacation and she so desperately wanted to go on one again, but she didn't have time nor money to waste. She needed to find a job and pronto!
Bending down to inspect her nearly empty fridge, she heard a loud popping sound followed by a surprised gasp that could only belong to none other than her best friend, Muggle-born Hermione Granger, the love of her brother Ron's life--but he was too chicken to tell her his feelings for fear of ruining their wonderful friendship. Ginny thinks Ron's just too chicken to be turned down by Hermione hence why he was content to sulking when Hermione was getting all the attention from other guys.
"Hello Herm," Ginny greeted without tearing her gaze from the contents of her fridge.
Hermione Granger straightened herself and pulled herself up from the floor where she landed after she miscalculated her target and apparated on top of Ginny's sofa.
"Hey Gin. What's new?" she was still dusting off her robe as she made her way to the kitchen table and plopped herself down on one of the two plastic chairs.
"Received the pink slip this morning. I was sent home at lunch time," she answered sadly, pulling out some jam and butter from the fridge and set it on the table, shoving her bills away to make room for her food. "What's new with you?"
"I got promoted at work. I'm working alongside Percy now. And I'll be working relatively close to Harry as well since he and Percy do quite a lot of dealings with one another," she smiled, her eyes twinkling at the mention of Ginny's third oldest brother's name.
Ginny raised an eyebrow. She knew what that look meant. Someone was fancying Percy Weasley. She stifled a grin and turned her back to grab some bread. "So, do you think you can help me land a job at the Ministry?" she asked casually, walking back to the table with a loaf of bread and bread knife.
"Why'd they give you the slip, Gin?" Hermione frowned.
"It's a long story."
"Well it's the weekend tomorrow and I don't have to work today. So spill," Hermione insisted, grabbing herself a slice of bread and snatched the bread knife from Ginny's hand.
Left with no choice, Ginny explained the whole sordid story behind her receiving the pink slip from her employer of four months. By the time Ginny was concluding her story Hermione had completely lost her appetite and her face looked as red as Ginny's hair.
"That low life bastard!" Hermione fumed. "He wanted you to sleep with him in exchange of good pay and whatnot?! Damn!" she pounded hard on the table, sending everything on top jumping.
"Well I didn't sleep with him. I thought he was just kidding, but after four months and he was still insistent, I finally had it and told him off," Ginny added. "But of course he fired me after I took a stand."
"Well at least you took a stand and didn't let him boss you around!"
"But now I'm almost flat-broke with no job to help me pull in some income." Ginny sighed.
"Don't worry. You're a good secretary, Gin, you'll soon find a job worthy of you and your capabilities," Hermione told her worried friend reassuringly.
to be continued...
A/N: well, here it is, my first Draco/Ginny fic. What do you think so far? I may or may not continue depending on the amount of reviews I get. Thanks & enjoy!
A/N2: alrighty, this is an updated version of this chapter. (",)