This's my own little theory on Vision, who'll be joining the next Avengers movie. I think he'll actually be JARVIS, just Ultron managed to convince him on his side by telling him he could give him a body, thus creating Vision, who realised Ultron's ways were wrong. And then I did some research on the Vision, and found out he's in a relationship with Wanda, so then I was like "Well, Wanda's in the movie, and so is Vision… this'll be fun…" and this was created! Enjoy! Remember, my theories might be wrong.

Vision was leant against the wall, up in the early hours of the morning, smiling down at his new body. Though it was red, he didn't look very human, and Tony called him "Red Martian", he was still glad to have a body.

He looked up and his smile fell only a small amount when he noticed the Christmas tree across the room from him. For all the years he had been an AI, Tony never once got him anything, even though he was the most hard-working bodiless member of the staff. How else were the elevators supposed to go up and down? How else was the fridge supposed to freeze foods? How else was Tony supposed to be Iron Man? Yeah, Tony could operate plenty of settings without him, but how else was he supposed to take it off and see the settings?

He sighed, and pushed his back off of the wall, taking a few quiet steps towards the tree, noticing the presents underneath. The first one he'd noticed was a black and red one, saying "Tasha" on the tag. Clint Barton—Wrist guns he'd like to call "Widow's bite". He couldn't see through the wrapping paper, but he'd seen Clint wrapping it up on the security cameras. Then there was a purple one saying "Clint". Natalia Romanova—A new bow. He still liked her real name—Natalia. It was rather beautiful on the tongue and to say, and he liked how you could change it to Natasha. The he noticed a green one, saying "Brucie". Tony Stark—A child's chemistry set. Yeah, it was childish, but Tony knew about Bruce's rough childhood, and how he never experienced a child's chemistry kit, so he was only trying to fill in the blanks. That, and Tony wanted it, too. He then swapped his look on the green present to one with actual Christmas wrapping paper, rather than regular wrapping paper, saying "Thor". Steve Rogers—A box of pop tarts. Yeah, Thor was a bit obsessed, but at least Steve hadn't wrapped it up two weeks ago, knowing Thor; he just hid it in Sharon Carter's mini fridge at her apartment, before he got it back and wrapped it up last-minute, last night. Vision even bumped into him, since he didn't need sleep. Then there was a red one, saying "Tony". Bruce Banner—A hand mirror. Vision knew, not because of the security feed, but because Bruce had actually asked him what Tony liked, and then to help him with the wrapping. Bruce was pretty pathetic. The secret-Santa thing everyone was trying to pull off was sort of failing, and was going to fail if he was going to be there. A blue, red, and white parcel was present next to the one for Tony, saying "Steven". Thor Odinson—A new shield. Then he noticed a blue presented, with "Pietro" on the tag. Wanda Maximoff—Adidas sneakers. He's always tearing a hole in his others. And, plus, Pietro liked Adidas. He said they were lightweight. Then he eyed a scarlet parcel right next to it, saying "Wanda". Pietro Maximoff—A magic kit. Vision smiled. Wanda loved magic kits. It's one of the few things that gives her a childish personality. He frowned, however, when he noticed there were only eight presents. Nothing for him. Made sense, sadly. There were only six humans, two miracles, and one robot. No one thought he actually had feelings. It was depressingly sad.

"JARVIS?" A soft and gentle voice tiredly inquired from the hall behind him. Her voice. She had woken up. Who is she? Only the most beautiful Avenger on the team. Her and her beautiful chocolate brown hair. Her and her cute oak brown eyes. Her and her small petite figure, both fragile and slim. Her and her bedhead.

"Oh, my apologies, Miss Maximoff. Did I wake you?" He inquired. He hadn't allowed his thoughts to be projected through the P.A. in the building since he was first made. Oops.

She shook her head, soothing out her messy hair, as she replied, "No, no, no, I just woke up early. I'm excited," She admitted, looking to the tree, and then to Vision's sorrowful face. Her smile became a concerned frown, "What's wrong?" She quizzed, sweetly.

He shook his head, "Nothing. Nothing is wrong," It was wrong, though. He couldn't love a human, and miracles were no exception, either. She had hormones and he didn't. She'd be able to have children, and he'd be left in a sorrowful life of loneliness. And, even if a girl was crazy enough to love him, they'd still never be capable of having children. He had no sperms.

"Well, it doesn't seem like that," She softly told him, stepping towards him, leaving her hair in its mess, as she rested her left hand on his bicep. He felt warm at the touch, surprised he had emotions. Well, he knew he did, but he was pretty good at pretending he didn't. That's why everyone thought he was emotionless. Well, he wasn't. He's just pretty goddamn good at supressing them.

He sighed, deciding it to be a good idea to admit why he was feeling so down, "It's just the fact about the uneven amount of Avengers on the team, Miss Maximoff," He admitted, looking to the pile of presents under the tree. Wanda followed his look, and gave an evil and cheeky smile, before her oak brown eyes met his… whites. He didn't have pupils or irises, "Is this about the presents?" She inquired. He nodded, "Everyone just treats me as though I have no emotions, which is not true. Ultron designed me to be very aware," Vision told her. She cocked her head, with a sweet smile, "I don't think so," She told him, her oak brown eyes lighting up. They were supposed to look green, but Vision sincerely thought they were oak.

"Really?" He questioned, with a hint of disbelief in his voice. She nodded, "Of course. Yeah, some robots don't have emotions and rise up to take the planet by storm, like Ultron did, but dude! You're an android! That's three times as awesome!" She announced, straightening her back. Vision chuckled, shaking his head, as she went on, "I've got something for you—gimme a sec," She ran off to her room, leaving Vision to smile to himself. Yup, he had a crush.

He settled down on the armrest of the couch, thinking about his crush, and how she made everything better. "Look what I got for you!" She squealed, holding a present up to his face, "Whoa!" He exclaimed, falling from his spot, remembering then that she was related to Pietro.

"Oops!" She giggled, holding a hand over her smile. Vision sat back up, and smirked at her smile, before she held out the present. It was wrapped in crimson red wrapping paper, with his name written on the tag, in fancy cursive. "JARVIS".

"It's nice to know that you got me a gift, but it's alright. I would've been fine," He told her, half as honest as he felt, as he accepted her gift. "Uh-uh, no can do. You're an Avenger!" She told him, punching his shoulder, as though he were a relative, "I may be new, too, but we're friends! Besides my brother, you're the closest person I can relate to!"

Vision felt his smile creep up a little wider, "Person…?"

"Yeah!" Wanda told him, "I consider everyone people! Even little animals! You see, this's what I need to think of when I bend probability—if I don't, then it doesn't work," She began, sitting next to him on the couch, and laying down in his lap. If he were hum and wasn't crimson red, he'd be blushing bright crimson, "You see, we're all the same. We share the same particles, being made of stardust from the beginning, and we live on the same planet, sharing particles to keep us solid, liquids, or even gases. It's practically science!"

He smiled, resting his fist on his cheek, as his elbow rested on the armrest, admiring her eyes, "I know about science. I was built by Tony," He told her. She giggled, "Go on, open you present," She ordered, with a smile, her eyes actually calm, for once. He chuckled, opening it up, before smiling at what he saw; a stuffed toy of him and the Scarlet Witch, "I have a son…" He gasped, totally naïve. Wanda burst out laughing, toppling off of his lap, "No, silly!" She replied, sitting on her knees, "It's a stuffed toy! We've all got one made of us! Just to symbolise that people actually think you're a hero, even if you're not a human."

He smiled down at the toy. And then the Scarlet Witch one in his other hand, "Why did you give me yours?" He inquired, looking up to meet her eyes. "To let you know that, even if you're a stuffed toy, you're not alone," She told him, walking towards him, and cupping his cheek with her hand, so that she'd look at him. When their eyes sort of met, she gave a half-smile, and kissed his cheek, for barely a second, "If my brother saw that, he would kill us."

Vision chuckled at the joke, feeling as though he was about to allow his system to be overridden by shock, "Uh… yes, Miss Maximoff."

"Please," She began, winking at him, as she sat down in front of the Christmas tree, placing a hand on Pietro's gift to her, "Call me Wanda."

He nodded, "Of course… Wanda."