Chapter 4: Snake Eater
For the rest of the summer, Prince Sable enjoyed the days with the kid Smashers, learning the ropes from them. Actually becoming good friends with them.
One day he was called down to Dr. Mario's office. He looked at the Doctor in shock. Without any of the other kid Smashers around he was a bit nervous. "Hello Prince Sable." Dr. Mario said. "There's no need to be nervous. I just called you here at the request of Master Hand. He wanted me to find a solution to something involving you."
"And that is?" Prince Sable asked afraid.
"Your transformations." Dr. Mario replied.
Prince Sable just looked shocked. "How did you know?"
"I'm the Smashers' doctor." Dr. Mario replied. "I know everything and anything about their physical abilities. But, relax, as a doctor, everything about my patients is confidential. I will not tell anyone else. If you want people to know you can tell them."
Prince Sable just nodded.
"Anyways, can you please tell me about your transformations." Dr. Mario said. "Please explain them to me in the greatest detail. My understanding is that they are not of your own will." Prince Sable just nodded. "Our goal is to essentially just have your transformations be at will."
Prince Sable nodded once again. "Okay," he said. He began to explain everything in detail.
Dr. Mario just began to take notes. After several minutes of explanations, Dr. Mario just said. "Okay, I think I can do something, I might be able to make a pill to transform you back into a human from your forms." He said. "I think we can do the same thing for at least one of your other transformations. But for the frog transformation that requires external stimulation of water... That might be a bit more difficult. Oh well, I'll think of something. You can go now."
Prince Sable just nodded and ran off to rejoin the kid Smashers. Once every few days he was called back to Dr. Mario's to test out what Dr. Mario had made. Even a temporary capsule that allowed him to swim in water normally for half an hour before he was transformed back into a frog.
For the most part, the rest of the summer days were spent the same, playing with the kid Smashers. Getting to know his new friends. Things were looking great. However, there was one day an announcement that shook them to their core.
"It's never easy doing this." Master Hand had begun, "Nana, Popo, and Lucas. Unfortunately, at the current time you will not be needed during the current season."
When the news was delivered to the rest of the kid Smashers they were just equally surprised. "I guess this means I have to go back to the Nowhere Islands…" Lucas said.
"Well, not yet…" Ness said. "We still have the rest of summer that we can still stay together, right?!"
The three of them just nodded. "Yeah." Popo said. "And we can take a position like the Assist Trophies and help with stuff behind the scenes."
The atmosphere around the kid smashers was suddenly much different. And they had gone their separate ways much earlier than usual that day.
Prince Sable just found himself eating dinner and then making his way up to his bed. He just collapsed, and fell asleep.
Ness was right at his door at the crack of dawn. He knocked and Sable just looked up at the door. "It's open." He foolishly said. Ness just walked in.
"Sable." Ness said full of energy.
Prince Sable just cringed. He didn't like where this was going all ready.
"Can't I sleep?"
"Sleeping is for when we have to go to school." Ness said. "It's the summer! We've got to do plenty of stuff each day!"
Prince Sable just sighed. "I don't want to." He said.
"No come on, trust me!" Ness said. "I've got a big plan for the next few days!"
"Such as?" Sable said, trying to bury his face in the pillow.
"We're going to go camping! Sleeping outside in a tent, and roasting hotdogs and marshmallows..."
Sable just glanced up at Ness. He had never done that before.
"Did I catch your interest?" Ness said.
Sable just threw his pillow at his friend. "Sleep now." Sable muttered, just laying his head down on the mattress. "I'll find you later..."
"All right, just remember to bring your sword!"
Ness just nodded and left the room. Sable just drifted back to sleep.
A few hours later Sable had woken up, and now he was ready to tackle the day. He quickly got dressed, grabbed his sword, and rushed down stairs where there was some breakfast waiting for him. He quickly inhaled it and then got ready to rush out to the normal meeting place for the kid Smashers.
However he was suddenly stopped.
"Hey, Sable, we've got a new Assist here today." Isaac said.
Sable just froze. "Oh?" He said, his interest peaked. He was kind of excited, hoping that it would be another kid like himself.
He ran into the living room to see a man with white hair, and wearing a red cape. Currently the Nintendog was barking at him. He just glared at the Nintendog and hissed, causing the Nintendog to run away. Sable wasn't liking this guy. He seemed way too creepy.
He just brushed his hair back. "Is this everyone?" He asked. "I'm a busy demon."
"Well, everyone who's here right now." Isaac said.
"Well, I'm Demon Lord Ghirahim." He said, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "That's all I care about for introductions. If I deem you important, I'll get your name then. Now, I want to see your swords."
Sable just tried to leave the room, however a knife quickly flew past his head and right into the door frame. He froze and looked at it, and then slowly turned back to look at the demon who wasn't even looking at him.
"All of you, I want to see your swords." Ghirahim said.
A rather buff yet at the same time, small adult human went up to Ghirahim. Sable knew him as Magnus, apparently from the world he came from he was the strongest human alive. "Look, I don't know why I'm listening to you, if you want to see my sword, then here!" he swung his giant sword, however Ghirahim effortlessly stopped the blade with his bare hands.
"How ugly and unrefined." He said. "I guess it suits someone like you. Get out, you're an eyesore."
"Gladly." And with that Magnus just left.
Takamaru wasn't looking too amused at Ghirahim. He just drew his sword. "A boring katana." Ghirahim said. "Okay, you can leave too."
Isaac just drew his sword. Ghirahim suddenly smiled, and rushed over to it. He looked over it. "The Sol Blade!" He said. "This is much more interesting. It's filling my heart with rainbows!" The sol blade was a long sword, that seemed to be glowing with a rather warm light, it was almost like the sun. "Can I hold it?"
Isaac however looked around. "The Sol Blade has hidden powers, if they activate in here, it will destroy the place."
"I'm almost offended." Ghirahim said. "I'm a sword demon! Almost no sword is out of my capabilities."
Isaac hesitated, but he handed Ghirahim the Sol Blade. As soon as Ghirahim touched it, the sword stopped glowing. It just became a normal looking sword, dull, and cold. "What did you do?" Isaac asked.
"Oh, I just controlled it a bit," Ghirahim replied. "Don't worry, it's perfectly fine. You can't wield it to it's full potential. If you were to swing it, there would be, I'd say a 35 percent chance that you could activate it's power. But for me, I could activate it whenever I pleased." He handed back the sword to Isaac who sheathed it. "You can go now too."
"I'll stay." Isaac said. "I just want to make sure you don't do anything to Sable, or anyone else."
"You don't trust me?" Ghirahim said. "Master Hand told me that I couldn't kill anyone while I was here. Although, I guess I could beat someone to an inch of their life."
This only made Sable even more nervous around Ghirahim.
"Now then, boy! Your sword!"
Sable just drew his golden sword and walked towards Ghirahim. Ghirahim however didn't touch the sword, he just looked it over. "I'm surprised you have something like this. A sword that I won't be able to touch, so there is a second one."
"What?" Sable said confused.
"This is the Snake Killer." Ghirahim said. "It's sealing powers are incredible. I can see it was used to seal a volcano, and stop it from erupting."
Prince Sable just nodded nervously.
"Why does a young boy have this?" Ghirahim asked.
Sable just looked nervously at him. "It was to slay Lord Delarin. He was a snake..."
"A snake demon." Ghirahim said. "Hmm… You can go too."
Sable just nodded and sheathed his sword. He rushed out of the room and made his way through the Assist Mansion to a spot where the other kid Smashers were waiting.
"Okay!" Ness said. "That's everyone! Now, I've got permission from Master Hand, there was just one condition that he had."
"And that is?" Nana wondered.
"Well, we have to have an adult supervisor." Ness replied. "That was Master Hand's only condition. I just haven't asked any of the adult Smashers."
The Kid Smashers all just looked around a bit worried.
"I was hoping that maybe we could all go at once." Ness said. "We all separate, and ask the different Smashers."
And so they were split up into groups of two. Ness and Sable were together and Ness quickly dragged Sable around the mansion. They first stopped to ask Saki.
"Sorry." Saki said. "But, I'm spending time with my wife and kid this weekend."
The other Smashers that they asked seemed to be busy. No matter who they asked, they were busy and had all ready made plans. They were beginning to give up hope, when they approached the final person on their list of people, Snake.
They found him in his room packing up, much like Lucas, Nana and Popo, he had been told that his services were currently no longer needed in the Smashers. "Snake!" Ness said.
Snake just glanced over to the kids who walked in. "And what is it?" Snake replied. He just looked at the two of them. Prince Sable was actually rather nervous, there was something about the air around him.
"Snake, we were wondering could you perhaps watch over us this weekend?" Ness said. "Um, the kid Smashers wanted to go camping and well, Master Hand allowed us as long as we got an adult Smasher to watch over us."
Snake just returned to packing his various belongings. "Sorry, but I've got a job to return to next week, I want everything in my room packed, so I can leave on Monday." Snake replied. Ness just looked rather devastated. "Unless you are going to help me pack up, I can't."
Ness suddenly had a gleam in his eyes. "Give me a few minutes to ask the other kid Smashers!" Ness replied. He just dragged Sable and they quickly got to their meeting spot. Everyone was looking rather defeated. "Everyone, I found someone who will supervise!" Ness said. Almost right away light came back into their eyes. "However, right now, he has one condition. We just have to help him pack up everything."
They all agreed to help.
"Here looks good." Snake said, dropping a giant bag. The kid Smashers just began to run around in the open field rather excited, and they began to try and set up the multiple tents.
Ashley had just waved her wand and her's and Nana's tent was put up in a flash. Ness, was trying to put up the boy's tent using his psychic abilities, but was actually having a bit of difficulty. But after several minutes, and some assistance, they got it up. Snake on the other hand had a separate tent that he had quickly set up.
"All right!" Snake said. "Now then, let's begin with some dinner."
And then there came the sudden realization that in their rush to actually get Snake packed up, and then get all their clothes and stuff packed up, they had forgotten to actually grab food to eat. The kid Smashers that been with Snake before began to nervously laugh.
"We forgot the food, didn't we?" Snake just sighed.
"Yeah..." Ness said.
Snake just pulled out a knife. "Well then, I guess we have to go find some other food to eat. Worst case, a frog or a snake."
"A snake?" Prince Sable said.
"Oh, the little prince hasn't ever eaten a snake before?" Snake said. "I've had to do it during survival training..."
Most of the other kid Smashers were wincing in disgust. Snake just decided to continue. "Well it's not my fault you forgot the food. I guess we could also eat bugs too..."
Prince Sable just reached into his bag. In it was a pack of about 10 joy fruits. He just cringed for a few seconds. "I do have 10 Joy fruits." He said. "But..."
Nana grabbed the bag right from Prince Sable's hands and quickly took out a fruit. She bit into it and then just began to spit it out, and then threw what was left onto the ground. "What is this?!" She said. "It's disgusting."
"The Joy Fruits aren't exactly all that good tasting..." Prince Sable replied.
"Then why do you have them?" Nana said.
"Well, they act as a bit of a cure for a sickness I have." Prince Sable replied. "You know what they say, a joy fruit a day keeps the doctor away."
"Isn't it apple?" Snake muttered. He took the joy fruit that Nana had thrown on the ground, and wiped it off, and then took a bite out of it. "Ah, that's why." Snake laughed. "This joy fruit, it tastes like some alcohol. Sorry, but as the reasonable adult, I can't let you kids have that. So I guess it's either fishing, or going to find some bugs to eat."
"Can't you just go get some groceries, or something..." Red said, "Or I could go get groceries... I'd just fly on Charizard's back and come back here."
"Fine do that," Snake said. "Since you're all too afraid to actually eat snakes and bugs."
Red just called out his Charizard and then was flying away to go to the nearest grocery store. The rest of the Smashers just began to gather wood to be used for a fire.
"Geeze, eating bugs." Ness complained. "Talk about disgusting..."
"Actually, it's not half bad." Prince Sable said.
Ness just glanced at him, a bit disgusted and confused. "What?"
"Well, when I was a frog I ate some bugs... and they taste rather good..." Prince Sable laughed.
Ness just looked away. "Just excuse me while I go puke."
Prince Sable just laughed. "Come on, you should know that bugs are a delicacy in some countries and worlds."
"And I will continue to be disgusted by it." Ness said.
Prince Sable just let out a weak laugh. "It's not that bad, really! You've got to try it at least once."
"No." Ness replied.
The two of them came back with some firewood. Snake quickly began the fire, and soon Red was there with a bunch of groceries. Imediatly they began to pull out the hot dogs and marshmallows, and began to cook them over the fire. A few times Prince Sable's marshmallow caught on fire, and he had to get a new one.
Once they finished eating, Snake told them to go to bed. They rushed to the tents, and just began to laugh. "Like that's going to happen." Popo snickered.
"Yeah." Ness added on. "Now we get to tell ghost stories!"
"Ghost stories?!" Prince Sable said a bit afraid.
"Oh yeah." Red laughed. "This will be fun!"
Prince Sable just looked around a bit concerned. They all got into their sleeping bags and just formed a circle, with their heads in the center of the massive tent.
"Okay." Red laughed. "Why don't I start off. This is a story that happened in Lavender Town. I walked into town and was talking to a girl. And she asked me the question, do you believe in ghosts. I responded no. However she just asked me 'then what is that white hand on your shoulder?' I looked at my shoulder, there was nothing there, and then when I turned back to her, she had vanished into thin air."
They swapped ghost stories throughout the night. Eventually falling asleep.
The next morning they were woken up by Snake outside of the tent. "Wake up." He said, every few minutes he would say something else to make sure that they were awake. After a while, they were all awake and weren't going back to sleep anytime soon.
They quickly had breakfast, and then made their way down to a lake to run around and chase each other on the beach. After a while of playing, they got up and went back to the campsite, where Snake was around a fire.
"So, what's for lunch?" Ness asked.
"Snake." Snake replied, holding out a snake that was now on a stick and had just come from the fire.
Prince Sable just stared at the snake on the stick, in horror. He just fell back and fainted. The rest of the kid Smashers were also rather disgusted.
"It was a joke." Snake said. "Honestly, it's not that bad…"
When Prince Sable had woken back up, he was in the tent. He looked around, the only on there was Ness.
"You're up!" Ness said.
"Yeah..." Prince Sable muttered.
"Why did you faint?" Ness asked.
"Um… well…" Prince Sable began. "I just was afraid.."
"Of what?" Ness wondered. "That snake? Weren't you the one who was telling us that the snakes were more afraid of us than we were of them?"
Sable just nodded. "Well, it's not the snake per say… Just that Snake was going to eat it…"
"And after you spent a lot of time trying to convince me that bugs tasted good." Ness said.
"This is different." Prince Sable said. He looked around nervously, and just pulled out a tablet.
"What's that?" Ness asked.
"Master Hand had Dr. Mario make these tablets." Prince Sable replied. "They allow me to freely control my transformations. Now please don't be surprised and scream…"
Prince Sable swallowed the tablet, and he suddenly transformed into a snake. Ness just looked at Prince Sable rather surprised. A few seconds later he transformed back into a human.
"You can transform into a snake!?"
"Whenever I eat an egg…" Prince Sable replied. "Just when I saw that snake dead... I just sort of saw myself there, if that makes any sense."
A devilish smile just seemed to cross Ness' face. "That's awesome!" He said, actually not shouting it. "Listen, can you help me get back at Toon Link? He pulled a prank on me, and I thought that maybe you could transform into a snake and just wait in one of his piles of clothes."
Sable just nervously laughed. "I'm not sure, I probably shouldn't abuse my power like this..."
"Trust me it will be fine." Ness said. "Come on, let's do it right now. Just transform into the snake, and I'll get Toon in here... Nothing bad will happen, it's just going to be a harmless little prank."
Reluctantly, Sable eventually agreed. He took a pill and transformed into his snake form. Ness exited the tent to go get Toon Link.
Several minutes passed. And then he heard the two approaching.
"He wanted to see you." Ness said.
They entered into the tent. "Oh, and where is he?" Toon Link asked, looking at the empty tent.
"Maybe he just went out for a leak, he'll be back in a few minutes." Ness said. "In the mean time, why don't you clean up your clothes, I mean it's only been a day, and somehow you've got everything scattered across half the tent."
Toon Link just sighed. "Fine..." He muttered walking over to his bag. He grabbed it, and then inside saw the Prince of Sable transformed into a snake. "AHHHHHH!" Toon Link screamed afraid.
Out of nowhere, Toon Link pulled out a gigantic metal hammer. "Get out of my bag and clothes!" He shouted swinging the hammer down, legitimately trying to kill it. Thankfully the Prince of Sable was able to swiftly slither away, out of the tent.
After he had got a considerable distance, he transformed back into a human and just rushed back to the tent. Toon Link was there, gasping for air, and Ness was trying to do his best to comfort him.
"Ah, see there's Sable now." Ness laughed.
Sable just walked right up towards to Ness, and kicked him in the crotch, causing Ness to fall down in pain. "Nothing bad will happen? It's just going to be a harmless little prank!?" Sable snapped. "Toon Link seriously tried to kill me!"
Toon Link looked rather surprised at Prince Sable, and then at Ness. "You want to explain something Ness?" Toon Link said cracking his knuckles.
The rest of the camping trip was actually peaceful. After Toon Link had interrogated Ness, it was only a matter of time before Prince Sable's snake transformation got out to the other Smashers. They didn't seem to mind it too much.
"Just please never do that again." Toon Link said, actually apologizing to Prince Sable. "Never go along with Ness' ideas."
"Noted." Prince Sable sighed. "That probably cut off several years off of my life."
They packed up their stuff, and made it back to the mansion.
When Monday came around there was a bit of orientation for the Assist trophies. Master Hand explained that during every match, there was a small handful of predetermined assist trophies that would be called upon if they got an item. They would get a notice in the morning if they were required to be on standby during any matches. If they were, they were to go to a certain room where they would be watching the fight and then would be randomly selected if a Smasher picked up the item. And that work would begin immediately.
The first time Prince Sable was selected, it was so exhilarating. He only had a small time, but he managed to do multiple attacks, and stun Pikachu, along with building up some damage that allowed Pit to win.
"Good work out there!" Pit said, lightly slapping Sable's back, "I was worried for a few minutes there."
"Thanks..." Prince Sable replied.
Whenever he was called, and his opponent was Villager, Toon Link, or Ness, he felt a bit bad having to attack them. But they reassured him that it was fine. It was just a match, and what happened in there wouldn't affect their friendship. He had his job to do.
Even if the crowd didn't know who he was, even if they didn't cheer when he appeared, he was still happy when he got recognition from the Smashers about his work, and that was enough for him.
I'm ending this story here. I don't know what else to do. If I was going to continue it, the only joke/idea I had was that they had to go to school, and for science class had to dissect a frog. But that feels like way too much more of the same as what happened in this chapter with Snake eating the snake. Guess I'm going to finish my Robin, Robin, Lucina newcomer story next...
Actually, I don't know if Lord Delarin was a snake demon... I remember him being a Snake, that transformed into a bigger snake... But that's my explanation and I'm sticking to it.
As a frog, when Prince Sable eats bugs/enemies he actually recovers health.
The infamous white hand from Lavender Town. I did the Pokemon Origins variation on it…
In the game, the eggs that Prince Sable eats to transform are Hotspring Eggs. Ossen Tamago.