Disclaimer: One reader pointed out that it has been ten years since I started this story and they're right. But since the story has never fully left my mind I intend to finish it now. As some of you might have noticed I've updated it several times the last few days and I intend to finish it. =) This is the last chapter, feel free to review. I own nothing. Enjoy!

~Chapter twentyone~

There were heavy clouds, but no rain outside. The dark weather fitted Christine's sense of mind. She had trouble focusing on where she was going, because she stumbled once and almost fell. Erik then took her hand and made sure she found her found solid ground under her feet again.

"Don't be afraid, I got you Christine. Are you okay?"

Christine looked up at Erik gratefully. He smiled down at her.

"Yes. Thank you."

Erik felt so grateful. Here he was with the love of his life, and the sweet angel was so beautiful. And she was telling the world she was his. She wore both his ring and his necklace. They both fit her perfectly. She made him want to change into a better man. God knew he wasn't an angel or saint, but just a man. But he felt that now he had a chance of real happiness. And here they were, out to get some shopping done. The best thing to be out with her must be knowing that she was going home with him tonight. She made his heart sing.

"So where do you want to go first?"

Christine mentioned a store she knew was close to a route Raoul used when he was in Paris.

"Your wish is my command." They walked towards the store and Erik took her hand. Small drops started to fall but no matter. Nothing could change Erik's good mood.

It started to rain and Christine felt torn in half. Was it the last time Erik took her hand? Was she making a mistake? No! She had to leave. This was her only chance, she loved Raoul. What was she thinking? But she knew Erik's face would haunt her for the rest of her life. The question was: Would it only be in her nightmares? She prayed it would fade away quickly. She had to go on with her life.

"I hope you won't get too wet dear I forgot to bring the umbrella."


"I said I hope you won't get too wet. I'll start the fire when we get back."

Raoul, the Persian and Darius got seated in Raoul's private carriage armed with two guns each, rope and lanterns. This time Erik wouldn't get away! This time they would save Christine. They headed for the opera.

Christine kept checking all the carriages that went down the street. It was a rather calm day so there weren't that many of them but each time one went around the corner she hope it would be Raoul's. If he didn't come then what? She would have to make a run for it. But where to? She had nowhere to go. Erik could probably persuade people in public that he was her husband and that she had gone mad or something. She started getting anxious. They were outside the store now and she stopped, pretending to do some window shopping when she suddenly recognized the carriage coming up the street this time. It was Raoul's! Now she would have to act quickly. She had to let go of Erik's hand so she turned to him, threw her arms around him and gave him a quick kiss. A last kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but Erik gasped for air out of shock. Here was her chance. She left him there at the sidewalk and ran across the road, waving and screaming for Raoul.

Raoul heard someone call his name in the street. By God wasn't it his Christine! So she wasn't captive? He yelled for the driver to stop the carriage and saw her come running for him. He opened the door and she ran into his arms. Behind her he saw a tall man run after her, screaming her name. He didn't recognize the man, but when he saw the anger, and the fury from the man's eyes when he recognized Raoul's face, he knew it could be no one other than Erik. His yellow eyes burned with hatred when he saw him.

"Raoul take me away from here! We need to go! Hurry!"

It's a good thing tears don't show in the pouring rain. Christine was crying her eyes out when she saw Erik behind her. She saw his rage but also his despair and it broke her heart, but she knew she had to leave him. Raoul jumped into the carriage behind her and yelled a command to his driver and the carriage turned. Christine had barely noticed the Persian and another man being in the carriage already with ropes and lanterns at their sides. She leaned out the carriage window.

The figure of Erik became smaller and smaller on the street behind them. She saw him fall to his knees with his arm stretched out for her, and she heard him screaming her name one last heart wrentching time before Raoul dragged her inside the carriage again.

"We have to leave Paris!" Raoul exclaimed. All Christine could do was nod. She looked down on the golden ring Erik had given her, she gave it a small kiss and took it off.

No more! Erik couldn't stand it anymore. He had no idea how long it had been since the carriage went out of his sight but he was soaking wet in the rain but it didn't bother him. Christine had left him. She had left! Suddenly a horse came close to Erik and he knew he couldn't stay on the road. He tried to get up but every move caused Erik pain, and he had no idea how he made it back to the opera.

Christine. His wife. The soul of his soul, bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. She had left him! She had run straight into the arms of that young boy again when she got the chance. How could he have been such a fool? To think that she would actually love him? He should have kept her tied up. He should have known better than to think that they could have a flat on Rue de Rivoli. What a joke that was! No more! Why did he keep looking for something he couldn't get? He had actually believed he stood a chance. He now felt as shattered as one of his old mirrors. It made no sense, was God mocking him? How was he supposed to live without her? Tears of fire burned behind his eyelids, but he refused to let them fall. Maybe she would change her mind. Yes, she would come back to him. She would! Maybe they could make it alright again, she just needed to return to him. Was she ever his? Oh God, every heartbeat hurt. He would wait for her by the lake. Yes he would wait until she returned. Maybe the Siren would call him on with a song if she didn't. But no, he would wait. Of course she would come, wouldn't she? He was shaking and his heart was aching. But he would wait for her, he would just close his eyes for a while, yes close his eyes so the tears didn't start to fall… She would come… She would…

And that's how his life ended. Waiting for Christine's return by the lake. All alone.