"Lucy!" She groggily opened her eyes. Her head hurt, no scratch that, she hurt.

"My n-name... It's L-Lucy?" She mumbled under her breath, still loud enough for the man by the side of her bed to hear.

" Luce... Wha..." He was stunned she was so different now after sleeping for 2 years. It was his fault he had failed to protect her. She had taken the full force of a bomb rather than hurt an innocent citizen. If he had been there he could have, WOULD HAVE, protected her.

"W-who are you... I don't underst-tand"

"LUCE! Sorry Luce don't say that, come on! I'm Natsu!


"LUUUUUCE! THIS ISNT FUNNY! STOP!" The girl on the bed froze at the sound of his raised voice. The lacrima on the bed side table of the infirmary started to beep out her ever increasing heart rate.

"Heart rate increasing at dangerous rate." A cold unfeeling voice echoed from the magic stone.

"Shit! Luce calm down" he said but still the beeps came on faster and faster almost no time between then anymore. She lay back down unable to hold herself upright any longer. All of a sudden the beeps stopped. And the silence was worse than the noise. Tears rolled down the cheeks of the pink-haired man beside the bed.

"No heart beat detected. No heart beat detected." The lacrima chirped from right beside HER keys.

"How could it be so calm" he though clutching his hands to his tear stained cheeks. " Lucy was gone. The world should be burning!" And yet all there was was silence.